In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Sunday, December 2, 2007

A nite at K.K Hospital

Recently I am very busy with work, rushing the 2008 little christian diary hopefully to be published by 10 Dec in time to give out free to all our clients and churchmates.

Finally finished the final mocked up, passed the hard and soft copy to boss yesterday after some amendments. I asked Boss to check and he start grumbling..say why didn't I check I said I checked but normally the person who did it will over his/her own mistake as he/she already had the mind set that its correct when doing.

Very exhausted after finished a 60pages of diary design and layout...I tell you its no joke tough job..dun play play..Phew! Every 0.5mm will make a different esp to a graphic designer and printer.

Hopefully I can give each of you a copy as a advertisement for my church christian bookstore and improve our business..and make our life better.
After work..went to Samuel & Kevin, got a pair of jeans..tho was only $49 ended up $59.. plus two t-shirts which all comes to about $80plus for my little brother so that he can wear them to church today and for other days since he only had a pair of jeans. Wanted him to live a more comfortable life without much worries.
Finally reached home..din bring my hp to work, saw a few missed call and of them is from my elder brother.
Poor him...staying in the hospital with his wife to take care of her and baby and can't sleep well..Worst thing is..his exam is on this coming time to rest and prepare...
I guess his body cannot stand any longer esp the uncomfortable 'sofa-bed' in the ward..and sleepless nite help out while his little princess cry or when his wife needs to breast-feed..
He sms me ask me to go over to take over him so that he can go home to rest..
Of cuz I agreed even tho I am very very tired and exhausted..
I took a shower to freshen up and took a cab down..reached at 10.30pm

In time to practice what to do when baby needs to be breast-feed..
The nite started...

I was doing some catching up with Kit my sister-in-law (my friend..)
Then I shared about what I was once taught about children and baby..

However, little princess wasn't much feeling comfortable cuz we dunno how to wrap her tightly...she is premature..a month earlier..but very healthy..
As little princess was not feeling secure - not tightly wrapped enough..she was crying and crying till I hugged her to sleep..
finally put her down..
and soon she wakes up crying again..

We try wrapping her again..but she was kicking and stretching..and we were soft hearted afraid to be too rough..thus even tho we tried all ways and means to wrap her it didn't work..

After struggling at 12 midnite after breast feeding, we both decided we need to send little princess to nursery to let the expert handle her so that we can take 3 hours nap till the next feeding time..
and so we did..

Finally we slept about 12.40am..and then the door was opened at 3.15am..time to Breast feed baby again.. I carry baby in my arm till the mum is ready..
Baby was pretty good then..but start crying again..once I put down down..
then this time we finally got it rite..wrapping I mean..
its so amazing after wrapping the correct way..she stop crying if someone pushed the STOP button..
but in order to sleep well till another 3 hours later I pushed her back to nursery..
she slept well and was not even bother by those crying babies in the nursery.

We finally slept..we had dreams..haha..
we were so exhausted overslept and the baby was not pushed to us..
we later asked the baby to be pushed to us about 8.20am..cuz its over 5hours..
we asked the nurse how come never pushed baby to us..she dunno how to answer.. was too tired and sleepy...didn't wanna wake up. We had to wake her up to feed her. I had to wash up and leave for church about 9am..
Went to the Kopi Tiam to eat the Red chinese wine noodles (HONG ZAO MEE SUAN) which normally pregnant woman will eat..haha..I was aiming for it since days..
Since on monday baby and Kit is going home, I won't have chance to eat that anymore..and no other foodcourt will sells this..I better eat it today..

Sorry was too hungry, forgot to take the pic before I eat..but at least I took it when I left at least you can see how it looks..

How's the taste? Hmm..not bad lah..tho its not the Best..
I remember the Best I eaten was during a trip with my Pastors years ago in Malaysia.
My Senior Pastor knows Malaysia very well cuz we have 5 churches in Malaysia..and he always knows where has the best food and treat us to yummy food..

Then went to church in a cab.
Today's Children Choir Chaotic..Children was too active...But I still love them..
funny thing is...I din scold them..
I was still trying to talk and explain very nicely to the little 3 years olds..
I guess that training last nite helped me..
cuz the baby's crying is louder..hahaha..

However, I will learn and will manage little princess soon...HA..HA...HA...HA..

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.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.