In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Christmas Christmas!!!

"Merry Christmas Everyone!!!"

As usual, Timmy the Cat...can't wait to jump into any plastic or paper bag he sees on the floor...
as I was packing my luggage for my China Trip tonite..
He saw this huge white paper bag...
as usual...couldn't resist...jumped into it to have a feel in it...

Today is Christmas 25 Dec 2007.
Christmas is celebrated on 25 Dec every year..
but some part of this world or even in Singapore people do not celebrate Christmas on 25 you know why?

As its too long to explain, you maybe wanna do a search on Roman Emperor Constantine and 25 Dec.
He is the first Roman Emperor who was converted to Christian and he was the one who chose 25 Dec to be the day to celebrate the Birth of Christ since No one knows the exact day which Christ is born as its not written in the Bible the exact date..

Thus there is no right and wrong as to when you celebrate Christmas.
Importantly is to know what is the Meaning of Christmas as you party and celebrate Christmas buying, doing gift exchange and so on..

Do you know what is Christmas all about?
Christmas is the day to celebrate and remember that 2000 years ago, Our Savior Jesus Christ is born on this earth..thru virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit NOT by man & woman's union.

God Himself became flesh and dwell among as to save us from our sins (lies, greed, lust, anger, murder, stealing...etc,)
Our Lord Jesus is born on Christmas in the manger (so as to represent that this good news is for everyone not just the royal families..even the lowly people or poor people can accept Jesus as their personal savior, having their sins cleanse by the precious blood of Jesus on the cross.

Thus the first and the Best Gift of Christmas out of the greatest love of all is Jesus himself. Thus like the angels who sings and share the good news to the shepherds back there...we Christians are to share the true meaning of Christmas and the Greatest News of this precious salvation and the love of God to everyone..thru Christmas Celebrations and Carolling...

Last nite is Christmas Eve, which we called 平安夜. As usual we went from houses to houses to sing Christmas Carols and our pastors will share a short sermons on the true meaning of Christmas and the Great Joy of Christmas.

For our church, we only goes to houses which invites us..Diff church has diff practice.

We started of at 6.30pm and ended at the last house at about 11plus..
This year we ended early..I guess most of us are tired after days of celebrations..
last thurs we had a combine Christmas Celebration of all 5 chapels in Singapore in our Mother Church-Zion Presbyterian..about a thousand of more members turned up.
We sung on that nite..

On Sunday, we had our service at 10am.
There is baptism, Children Choir's (which I train) singing (they did pretty well..praise the Lord, Amen! My god daughter Kah Ying did a solo part..its really a relief cuz she was so nervous during the rehearsal no voice came out when she sing..but actual performance..she did pretty well..Phew!!!)

Then followed by my church choir (which I am also involve singing) sing..

After our Church Service, we went to Singapore Expo Chinese Restaurant 福满楼 to have our Christmas 8 course Lunch..Yummy...
We booked 100 over its our combine lunch with our Mother Church and all our 5 Singapore Chapels...

Baby Declan and Me...

My Favourite Shark Fins with lots of vinegar..yummy...yum..yum..hee..

After a day's break..back to work yesterday.. I had to rush the 250 copies of Church Directory which I designed for Eden Church and had to have them printed stapled folded and yesterday..Phew..hard work...then after I had to rush out the inventory list for my kind church bro from Zion Church (Kai Wei- Thank U dear) to help me to do stock take when I am off to China..
Supposed to knock off at 2pm and go back rest and get ready for Caroling at 6pm..thank God I already predicted..brought my caroling dress with me..
I worked till 5pm..then rush to meet up for Caroling.. can see just how busy my Christmas is..
I was very happy....very very happy...
I am enjoying all these...

Yesterday one of the house we went is my Aunt's house (Aunt Eline).
All my relatives, my grandma and even my dad, little brother and elder brother went.
I told Pastor that my relatives speaks Hokkien & English so I requested to have them Speak in Both Hokkien and English.
My relatives were very impressed.....esp when the sermon is in Hokkien..
they love our carols...we sung well last nite..
there is about 40people in our caroling team..

My Aunties keep smiling at me when listening to us singing carols..and even did a 'GOOD' hand signal to me while watching us sing and listen to my pastor speaks..
we were greatly encouraged..

Even my very charming Cousin (表哥) came too..
He really enjoys....He is a christian too..
He sung along as we sung our happy...He still looks so charming..oops..hee..used to admire him since young..hahaha..Haven't seen him for a loong time..
He is also the cousin of Singapore Movie Director..梁志强 Jack Neo. Hahaha..meaning Jack Neo and me shares the same cousins and Aunty Uncle..

Wow..the nite is wonderful...

After the entire pastor sent me to my elder brother's condo where I spent a nite with my family there, we watched Nativity (story on the birth of Jesus) elder brother who is not a christian but knows the bible and Christian history alittle..asked me some questions on the movie as re: to the bible..and he shared what he knows with my little brother too..

I am really happy...pray that one elder brother and his family will become Christians too..
We were all exhausted..and we slept..
We did our Christmas gift exchanged only this morning.

How is your Christmas?

Tell me about it..

Okie...gotta go.... See you in 2008...
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

Muck Muck Muck!!!

Yeepee...Off to China (JiangSu & Shanghai) with Joyce and her family tonite... Spending our Christmas & New Year there! Its indeed a good start for me...
Thank U Lord Jesus for everything everything everything...

See u guys on 3rd Jan..
"pls do not call me from 25/12-3/1/2008 as I will be in China having the break I need...thank U."

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.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.