In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Class gathering at Muchuan

Haven't meet up for nearly a year or so...with my design classmates...
Me, the Organisor for all our gatherings have been really busy..
as usual...if Angel never organise...Classmates will not take any initiative to get together... Thus Nik, my lecturer always say...Angel is our Satellite..

And if Angel cannot turn up..tendency is..the gathering will be cancelled...Not sure if its good or bad...
Looking at the facebook new items which I downloaded..My influence power is very little..which I think should not be...cuz I am always the one that influence people..
esp when coming to gatherings...

Not just for my design class.. as well as my Sec or ITE etc..

My Design classmates calls me Angel cuz my lecturer Nik calls me that.
Angel always likes to whenever they need help...they will sure to look for Angel...hee...

Bill used to call me Angel too. Not knowing that its already my name called by my design classmate. When I ask him why call me Angel, he said he just feels that it fits me. So He calls me Angel. But when he is angry with me..he will call me Angeline like I will call him by his full name or his real name...hahaha..

My classmates are fun people...a group of Fun-loving ones.

Nik, my lecturer whom I used to Admire...gave us a shocking news today...
he can't join us today cuz he is gonna be a DAD. WHAT? Ya...since when this man I admire got married..hahaha..that's what all my classmate ask me..hmm...
He didn't tell me that too...
I haven't being really in contact with him recent years as my heart has been else where..hee..

Anyway I sms him..and he say sorry..he was way too busy...
Then I told him..he is forgiven..hahaha..
Maybe he doesn't know how to break the news to he knows I used to like him.
Well..anyway..he is still someone I in his talents..
He is the designer for Lee Hwa Jewellery Logo and many well-known logos..
We click pretty well..and always think alike thus he always likes my design concept and values my design concepts..and appreciate all my work. He has always being very encouraging even during my previous relationships..and often gives me advise.

Since Michael, our design principal is singing at Muchuan today... I arranged the class gathering there so that he can somehow be involved..but I know he can't remember any of them cuz none of them are close to him like I do. As I always value friends around me. And admire people who are talented.

Michael is very talented.
Used to run our Design school which we studied. Was the one who brought the UK design Diploma into our school. He has good voice..sings very well..and plays good Bass Guitar. He and Weiyang and their drummer Ah Seng are the Best team.
They are all very talented. They have been singing in Muchuan (Ark Lounge) for 13 years. They have great passion in Singing and playing guitars and other musical instruments.

Hey one thing to mention, Weiyang looks very charming today..He actually wore a suit to sing today...but a bit weird...I wrote a note to ask him to unbutton at least two button then will look cool..but I think he shy lah..hahaha..

Oh back to my class gathering.
Today, Jamie, Jean, Rahmad, Ardy, Lenglee and Nik couldn't make it.
But I insist to carry on with it as I will be too busy to organise any class gathering when I start my degree study in March next year.

Alan, Helen, Sheron, Cyrus and Me attended. And oh Helen brought her hubby along will see his pic later.. A nice and friendly guy..

We did a Christmas gift exchange. Gave them a budget of $10.
I bought a nice Passport holder as the gift.
We draw lots to see who picked what. Let's see...
I got a box of Ferrero Rocher..hmm..not bad...

Helen's hubby is a very loud person..Loud as in very expressive..the whole nite..he talks very loud..and really shake as Michael and Weiyang sings...hahaha...quite fun..
just that he talked too loud which somehow interupted their singing...I am sorry Michael. Helen is Pregnant too..due coming Feb.
See..I told you...I am surrounded by babies...recently..not sure why...
Nik's wife going to give birth soon.
Gilbert's wife gave birth last sat.
My brother's wife gave birth 30 nov.
May's is much earlier..

Muchuan no longer sells food..just drinks..they have closed their kitchen.
The Business isn't good..
They have to move or maybe even close coming the owner of Safra Town Club has other plans for this place which they are using presently..
so sad...
Good things sometimes just doesn't last...or stays forever..
The only thing left is memories...

Alan seems to lose weight..

Cyrus as usual...always say I not lady-like commented something about why I cut my hair so short... should keep long so more lady-like...something like that..cuz its too noisy can't hear properly..hahaha..I am used to it liao.
Still remember during one of my gatherings ..we went for buffet then he nagged at me for using my hands to eat Otah.. I tell him..its Otah..of cuz use hands...
he say no...U can use fork and knife...

Cyrus is always very clean and neat..
Too clean and neat for me...
Even his sketches is so clean and neat..
which somehow makes me feel like I am a man and he is the woman..

I remember I always tell him whenever he wants to see my sketches...
Sketches supposed to be sketches...not neat neat ones...
and I will tell him..
I can show you but you cannot comments on my sketches so untidy...
if not he will say "ai-yo" he always says that..." that..."

As he is a classmates used to wanna pair us together which I told them NO WAY..he is too neat for me...I feel inferior..hahaha..'s gathering is great!

Thanks you guys for making the effort to attend.
Angel truly appreciate it!

God bless and have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.