In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Monday, October 29, 2007

Exhausted day..

I have been really busy with work and learning web designing...
rushing designs for work...doing OT..

I guess all these busyness really make me exhausted...
its been a long time since i doze off in bus or train...

Dressing really smart and pretty today for work...
yet...dozing off in the train on my way back...
must have spoiled my image..oh dear..

going to sleep by ten today...

nite nite..


Remember just months ago..I was writing about falling in love with the sweet....
smells nice...
Don- Japanese Cheese Ball from PETIT PROVENCE in CENTRAL shopping mall in clark quay (mrt)opp my the basement...

Well..I guess nothing stays the same forever...
Kind of disappointed...
I went a few times recently...
trying to get that nice tasty Don which I used to love..
however...I was really disappointed ..not that I couldn't get ..but rather..the Don is no longer as good as before..
I guess they left the Don too long..thus it has turned hard..

Oh boy..what a disappointment..

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Should Christian be involve in Holloween?

The October 31st holiday that we today know as Halloween has strong roots in paganism and is closely connected with worship of the Enemy of this world, Satan. It is a holiday that generally glorifies the dark things of this world, rather than the light of Jesus Christ, The Truth.

Have you noticed how costumes and masks are getting generally more bloody, gory, and depraved each year? Unfortunately, the gruesome and grotesque and the occult are increasingly glorified in American society, not only on Halloween, but throughout the year in horror movies and in television programs.

Christian does not celebrate it or participate in it. We do not believe that our children are "missing out," and neither do they. Other days are used for costumes and parties. Happily, all of our children have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. We have found that Halloween provides an excellent time to remind our children that, as Christians, we are different, and not of this world (Heb. 11:13-16; 1 Pet. 2:11).

What about church "Harvest Festivals" held on October 31? Although we understand the rational and good intentions behind them, we don't think they are the best approach. An article called " Are 'Harvest Parties' for Christians?" (written by a self-avowed former witch and now active Christian). Harvest parties on October 31 tend to assume that "our children need something to take the place of Halloween, since they won't be participating in the secular and pagan celebrations. It suggests our kids are missing out on something. And indeed they are, if we allow them to spend Halloween in celebration." There are better things to do on Halloween than partying.

Also, we need to teach our children that "the fight isn't against occultists, non-Christians, Christians who feel differently than we about Halloween, or institutions that promote Halloween, but" "against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12, NKJV).

Relevant scripture on the issue of Halloween and Christians:
Bible Study
1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 ("Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.")
James 1:27 ("keep oneself from being polluted by the world")
3 John 1:11 ("do not imitate what is evil")
Romans 12:9 ("abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.")
Deuteronomy 18:9-14 (do not learn to imitate detestable ways, including spiritists, sorcerers and witchcraft)
Ephesians 5:11-12 ("Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness" / "live as children of light")
1 Timothy 4:1 (don't "follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons")
1 Corinthians 10:21
2 Corinthians 6:14-17 ("what fellowship can light have with darkness?")
Philippians 4:8 (think about pure, lovely, noble things)
1 Corinthians 11:1 ("follow the example of Christ")
1 Corinthians 10:31 ("whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God")
James 4:7-8 (submit yourselves to God / resist the devil / purify your hearts)
Ezekiel 44:23 ("…teach my people… to distinguish between the unclean and the clean.")
Proverbs 22:6 ("train a child in the way he should go")
Matthew 18:6 ("if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin…")
Hosea 4:6 ("My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.")
John 3:19-20 (people love darkness instead of light)
Romans 13:12 ("put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.")
Ephesians 6:11-18 ("take your stand against the devil's schemes.")
1 John 5:19
2 Chronicles 7:14

Saturday, October 27, 2007

心情不好 Not on good mood?

Have you ever been in a time feel so low in spirit..Bad mood..“心情不好”?

Just days buddy and I were talking about Bad Mood...

This period of time is the time where I am really low in spirit...where I just wanna be alone...and sort out my thots...

This song here tells just how I feel...心情不好, 不知道该说什么好,又不想说.Sometimes when u are in low mood..u just dun feel like talking about it..meeting up with friends but not knowing what to say and dun feel like saying anything...this is just exactly how I am feel...that's why u guys dun see me often lately...I try avoiding meeting up with people esp the close ones..becuz its normally the close one will ganna from you cuz you guys are too close...thus that's also why I try to be alone..and gain some peace..

I like this song...not only the lyrics depict my feelings it also gives a solution to it...that is, if u are in no good mood or low in spirit or when u are with your friend who is low is spirit...Dun say anything or ask them anything..just pray with her and let God handles her problem..remind her to entrust it all to God..
Best if you can sing this song to her..haha..brings on a smile or laugher and chase the sorrow all away...

Hope you will like this song as much as I do..

Silence is golden..I used to have a close friend who always appreciate silence..and said Silence is golden..
Bible also teaches...that to keep silence esp when you are with a friend of wisdom...

Like Job's three friends...came while God allow satan to test Job's faith..and Job seems to be in great sorrow..and his 3 un-wise friends came and give lots of their assumptions of Job's misery, saying that probably Job has sin against God and keep asking him to confess his sins and repent..which in fact it is not the case...
Job was a righteous man and very faithful to God...even in his test of misery...he holds on to his faith greatly...

Thus its wiser to "keep our mouth shut" at times...cuz silence is golden...
In the mist of silence..its when we get to quiet down ourselves and talk to God and sort out our thots with the help of God.. No one understand you better than God.
Most of the time..we get even upset after sharing with a friend our I often use this illustration... when there is a wound..and you keep touching it...(meaning u keep talking about it...) you will never heal...Be silence..allow the cool wind to blow over it and let it rest and heal by its own...

That's also the reason why sometimes I dun response to some email or sms..not that I didn't care..but I believe that Time will heal...if u dun touch the wound.. responding to you will only mean to allow u the chance to touch the wound again and again...Prayer is the best I can do for u. I guess thats also what he is doing for me right now..whenever I got upset about the past and sms him..he no longer response anymore..

Let's take a break...quiet down and breath..have some fresh air..believe me..sometimes alone with God is the best solution to ur misery and sorrows...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Completed my 1st Web design course

Took a day leave and today off to do both basic and intermediate course on Dream weaver 8, the web design course...Squeezed everything to complete in 12 full that I can start taking in web design which many clients asked me for..

Well..its never too late to invest in web design...
Many thinks that all graphic designer do web design which is not really true..
but clients and many has been asking me if I do..and I had lost so many opportunity...I figure out its time to take this step and no to waste anymore time thus..esp request for the few months course to be squeeze into two days to complete..tho its really taxing but since I got design background and I love design and I.T stuff thus its not to difficult for me to take up this challenge..

Good thing is I have a personal to one...and my trainer Noor is very nice and helpful...

Finally completed my Dream weaver 8 course and just need a few practice and I can get the ball rolling for my web design business...

Haha..I finally graduate from my DW course..
Now looking forward to my Flash 8 course next week...also two full days to finish it..

Flash is much interesting..and since my friend has previous taught me and run thru with me..its shouldnt be much of a problem..

Hey you just a months time or so...after I do up my own web site for my design company SKETCHBOOK..I can start accepting web design job from you guys or your friends..Promise to do..really interesting website for you and unique ones..thats what I always what others dun..something special..



Flipping thru my previous private blog which only my close friends can access..looking for my childhood pics..thinking that I wanna share with u guys here..
couldnt find any.. :(

As I run thru the entire entries for my previous blog...lots of nice memories flash back...esp about how I know him .. and those nice things I wrote about him..those nice times we spent together...

Suddenly it seems like he is a total diff person and a stranger to me..

I might be meeting him for a split sec tomorrow to collect somethings from him..tho he most likely will be in the cab and pass me the thing..but still I kinda feel weird...not knowing how to face him..with what kind of feelings I should have facing him once in a different heart different mind set. Things changed so drastically.. over these period of time which I hardly know how to deal with it..

I am like a junior jugglers...practicing hard to juggle all these stuff at the same time...trying to strike a balance...feeling...excited...worried...strange...alien....upset...happy...juggling with all kinds of the same time...

Tomorrow is the 2nd and the last session of my Dream Weaver 8 (web designing course).
Praise the Lord..pray that all will go well..and I can start designing my own blog first...and can't wait to start my Flash 8 course next week..another web site design course..more interesting and complicated one...and after next week...I can be called the web designer too..really happy...

nite nite..

I believe (English Lyrics)

I believe...even now when you're not here.
I can't say this could be the real goodbye.
I're not far away from here.
Only somehow it may seem like million miles.
All our memories, I'll keep inside my heart.
Though it hurts and makes me cry the tears in every single night.

I promise not to cry again...
...and so won't you.
I'll turn my back and leave, making it easy for us both.
Whenever time find us the way, I'm sure you'll know the reason why...'ll be right there for me.
Places in my heart are saved the best for only you.

I may leave us pain and fear.
But promise won't let that make you cry.
I believe...if my eyes are filled with tears
...and then someday you'll come back and wipe it dry.
Walking down the road and watching stars above.
I see nothing but your lovely face, and tears are hard to hide.

I promise not to cry again...
and so won't you.
I'll turn my back and leave, making it easy for us both.
Whenever time find us the way, I'm sure you'll know the reason why...'ll be right there for me.
Places in my heart are saved the best for only you.

I still remember back the day we met.
You'd made my world a paradise
But now it's only dark blue day...ever since you went away.
I'll keep that moment in my heart.

You are the only reason why...
...I keep waiting.
To miss you night and day and all my life will need no more.
Love is the only reason why.
When finally time has come for us...
...and you just lose your way,
I'll be standing there...
...with open arms to hold you tight.

I'll save my heart for only you.

I believe (Korean lyrics)

I believe geu daen gyut e ups ji man
I dae ro i byul eun a ni gess jyo
I believe na e ge o neun gil eun
Jo geum mul ri dol a ol ppoon i gess jyo

Mo doo ji na gan geu gi ug sog e su
Nae ga na reul a peu ge ha myu noon mool eul man deul jyo

Na man keum ool ji anh gi reul
Geu dae manh eun noon mool ups i nal
Pyun ha ge ddu na joo gi reul
Un jen ga da shi dol a ol
Geu dae ra neun gul al gi e
Nan mid go iss gi e
Gi da ril gge yo nan geu dae yu ya man ha jyo

I believe nae ga a pa hal gga bwa
Geu dae neun ool ji do mos haess gess jyo
I believe heu reu neun nae noon mool i
Geu ddaen da shi nae ge dol ryu joo gess jyo

Ja ggoo mum choo neun nae noon gil sog e su
Geu dae mo seup deul i ddu ol ra noon mool eul man deul jyo
Na man keum ool ji anh gi reul
Geu dae manh eun noon mool ups i nal
Pyun ha ge ddu na joo gi reul
Un jen ga da shi dol a ol
Geu dae ra neun gul al gi e
Nan mid go iss gi e
Gi da ril gge yo nan geu dae yu ya man ha jyo

Na geu dael al gi jun i se sang do
I ruh ge noon boo syus neun ji
Geu ha neul a rae su
I jen noon mool ro nam gyu jyuss ji man
I ja ril nan ji kil gge yo
Geu dae ran i yu man eu ro
Na e ge neun gi da rim jo cha
Choong boon i haeng bog ha gess jyo
Sa rang han i yu man eu ro
Ddo ha roo ga ji na ga go
O neun gil ij u do
Gi da ril gge yo
Nan geu dae yu ya man ha jyo


In life, there are many struggles.

Many times I find myself struggling very hard...

at times I feel I have succeed,

the next moment, I find myself struggling again.

I remember I heard a phrase saying "Struggle means u r alive. Dead person no longer struggle anymore." (If I remember correctly, I heard it from a korean show.)

Its very true. Struggle means we are alive.

Do u realise that its the struggle that makes u stronger? Just like struggling in a pool of water to keep yourself from drowning. Muscles are built up from all our struggles.

I remember a pastor ever mentioned in his sermon a story "breaking thru chrysalis." A butterfly has to break thru the chrysalis and struggle its way out before it can fly...this process is very important to the butterfly.

At first, the butterfly's wings are small, wet and crumpled. Rapidly though, they expand as the butterfly actively pumps blood through the veins in each wing. Within an hour or so, its wings are fully developed and the butterfly is ready to fly.

If one lack of patient to see the butterfly's struggle out of the chrysalis and use a cutter to cut the hole bigger so that the butterfly can climb out of it will realise that the butterfly will be lack of strength to fly due to the lack of struggle and soon the butterfly died.

Thus struggle in life is important.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Why should life be so complicated/hard to understand and cope with?

Why cant we stay simple and pure...???

Its so sad to see so much things happening around me..not knowing why it happens..tho I know that God is in control..and everything will be fine eventually cuz everything happens for a good purpose and for our interest..

But God, I am struggling to adapt to this world..I seem lost and slow to adapt..I am all but confused...

There are lots of questions awaiting for answers to be revealed..

Oh...I missed those childhood times....and wish if I can go back to then..

Sometimes being ignorance is a good thing..

There is a chinese saying "傻人有傻福".

What a laugh...(God my Father in Heaven is so humorous) A fortune teller just came into my office at this moment while I was writing this blog..asking if i want to know my past present and future..I told him NOPE. Hahaha..contradicting right? Here I was saying how I wish I can understand this complicated comes an "answer"..but I turn it down..

Why? Cuz the past is past, past present and future is in Lord's hand.. No one can actually tells you anything..except God Himself.. To me, all these fortune tellers are FAKE.. They are people who goes around cheating people's money esp the hopeless one or the greedy ones..

Hopeless ones are ones who without God to rely on..not knowing who to rely on and what to is miserable...

Greedy ones are ones who wants lots and lots of money and material things..the greed covers their eyes thus they can't see if these fortune tellers are fake..all they think of is $$$...

I told this fortune teller..."Sorry I am christian..we dun believe in fortune telling"...and then he said..."Sister you are very lucky"..I smiled at him saying "yes I am, because I have Jesus."

If fortune teller can tells one's future..he can definitely tells his own..and make a better life for improve his fortune isn't it. u want an answer to all these questions in life...someone popped in wanting to tell you about all these answer..but do you really want to know all these answers if they were laid on the table for you?

Even if he can tells of your past, present and future..what good will it be to you?

Life is a mystery...full of questions..which answers awaiting for us to explore them as we take each steps ahead..Thru exploring we learn from our mistakes and improve ourselves. If one never never learn how to be more careful and what not to do..and how hurt it will can also not understand other's suffering..

I guess this is life..

Weather changed..

Really not used to the many changes in life recently...
People/friends who I used to be very close to..suddenly becomings like stranger..

Just as I am still scratching my head on this...more of these happens..what has gone wrong recently...
why is friendship which I used to treasure sooo much...and trusted soooo much....suddenly seems so unfamiliar to me right now?

I told my buddy today that if we dun place expectation on others, we will not be disappointed or get hurt or be affected by them...
Once we understand and accept the fact that despite the fact that we are great friends..we are still different and unique individuals...
God create us differently..
Thus if we place what we will do or how we will react on others and expect the same response..tendency is that we will get ourselves upset and hurt...

Just as I shared with mum few days back..
when we do not expect anything from others..and when we get it...its a Bonus to us and we will be really happy..
But if we place our expectation on others that they should do this and that...we will end up getting ourselves endlessly upset. Mum said she has already know that and that's why she is a happy woman now.

I guess this is a pretty hard lesson for all to learn. In our weak human nature..we often make this same mistake...thinking ...this person/friend should do this and that becuz I did this and that for him/her.

I must admit..talking is way easier than action...
I am still learning this lesson too...
At times I fall... esp when I decided to start a new friendship with him leaving the past behind..and he talk to me sooo politely.. making me feel like we are stranger..this feeling isn't good at all...

Men are like weather...we changed just like the a split sec...everything just seems to change.... is what I treasure most and trust most least at this present moment...I am indeed blessed I know...which I am thankful for that.

Good Nite.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dreamweaver 8 class

Today is my first lesson on Dreamweaver 8, one of the web design software which we designers and programmer used to design website..

I took leave today.. woke up about 7plus this morning and went to Jurong East to take my class..Its a 12 hours lesson in total for this course..
I sat infront of the computer from 9.30am till about 5.30pm...

As I insist to finish of the Basic and the Intermediate within two days..they esp arranged a personal trainer for me to teach me alone this entire course..

Phew..there's really lots to learn..Its really fun..
now I finally know how things in the website are done..
what is hyperlink..anchor point..etc..
how to create links whereby we click this button or part of the webpage to go to to click this and turn into that...
I am so excited thruout the class...keep asking the trainer lots of questions and she is very patient..taught me everything she knows..even when its not supposed to be cover by my syllabus..hahaha..

This website is created by me..(my assignment for today),thot its nothing much..and not all is true..just dummy texts..but u can explore on those skills I learn the buttons.. the words which will brings u to another part of the page or another page or another website..or bring the mouse over it will change into another pic..etc...

After this course, I will start doing up my own website for Sketchbook, my own design company.

Left 3 hours on coming thurs to finish this entire course for Dream weaver 8 and will proceed to Flash 8 next week also to complete in another two full days...

Then I can be ready to accept my clients request to design their website for them..since they have always been asking me if I do web design...finally...I decided to invest lots of times and brain cells and $$$$ a bomb taking these courses...

Trainer is very encouraging..she keeping saying..very good...and praise me for being so hardworking and eager to learn...and the efforts I put into this assignments..I told her of course...I paid soo much and its something I really want to learn and do for my business..

But still have to practice more...


Sunday, October 21, 2007

The meaning for the design of my banner in this blog?

I esp design this banner in my blog..the one u see above with me and the violinist behind me..taken in Melbourne city..

Make a guess what it means...

Well..basically..its telling a story of the memories we have..

The colour express the wonderful memories we have at the present..
and the black and white with the "movement" technique effect applied tells about the past..that one day everything no matter good or bad will just be left in the past as matter how great that is..

But..all these memories..are sketches of life....(which we practice) till we reach the last page of our sketchbook..and finally enters into prefection in our eternity..


Ponders in Life..

I left my handphone in my office in a rush yesterday..and went back to pick it up with my mum today after church.

I brought my mum to Marina Square to shop around as she has a day off today..
We went shopping..and there are lots of great offers around tempting us...(more of me..I guess)on our way.

I can't help stopping over one of the store which is selling their nice trendy tops at one for $12 and two for $20...
So..without much hesitation... I picked up two black off shoulders another turtle neck..they are pretty cool and suits my new image pretty well..

Then I brought mum to a little store selling Tim sum on the ground floor of Marina Square just beside the road..
The food didn't taste that great...
well..its mum's treat today...hahaha..

We sat outside the stall, sipping our Chinese tea, chatting & looking around the surrounding environment.....

I shared with mum about life...about the ponders in life..
telling her that Life is so short...we really need to learn like what the sermon said today..about not worrying about tomorrow for tomorrow is in the hands of God..
No one can do a single thing about tomorrow, tho we can plan..but the future is in the hands of God..No one knows if the next moment we will still be around..
so why worried about the future..the past...or even tomorrow..
Let's just enjoy what God gives us at this and experience the best at this moment and live without regret..

Every moment there's the beginning of new life..and the ending of another..
No one knows what will happen the moment.
Only Trust and do your best..enjoy the most..out of ur life now..

Like the bible taught us.. Why do u worry when u can't even by worrying prolong ur life or even adds on ur height..If we can't do such a simple thing which is so simple to God..why not just trust God who dearly love us more than anything in the world (more than birds in the air and more than the lilies in the ponds. God loves even the most lowly birds -crows which no one will keep as pets, what's more about us.) provide us with the best..

Tho I face lots of troubles to deal with in life..but I seriously has never blame God for any of this..cuz I know that everything happens for a reason..and for a GOOD REASON which is out of love for us..and for the best of our life at ease and do ur best..

I am really happy that my mum has grown in her spiritual life and has become a happier person now..even my buddy can tells that...Thank You Father in Heaven..

Spending some time with mum really makes me think and start to appreciate the great thing about family..and that..well in this world..even tho my relationship doesnt works out well for me..but there is much more important and valuable than BGR/Marriage which I used to place lots of attentions too..such as family, friends and improving of oneself..

I have begin to understand and truly am glad that God allows certain things to happen in my life so that I get to learn this wonderful lessons of life..

Have a wonderful week ahead everyone..
Trust that this week and many more, is the best for u...even if its not the way we plan it to be (be it a YES, NO, NOW, LATER OR NEVER-there is always a good reason for that behind)..cuz only God knows what is the Best..And most importantly JESUS LOVES U.

Pastor said..if you christian can even entrust ur soul (eternal) in God's hand..why not now..(your present life)?

:) I am looking forward to spending more family days with my family in the coming year ahead..esp after my younger brother comes home and the arrival of my niece in two months time..Oh boy Oh boy..I am sooo sooo excited...!!! Praise the Lord Almighty!

Cheers, Angeline

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Sandra!!!

Looking at the beautiful cakes..hoping that I could just buy it for you...I decided to take the pic to wish you "Happy Birthday Ah dear...."(my buddy in Melbourne). Not sure which you will like so I took a pic of both..hahaha..

Hope you have a great birthday...May all your wishes comes true..
May Lord gives your endless blessings...and filled you with Joy and contentment in life..

Really missed you..Peter and my godson, Eugene...very much...

Last year this time..I was with Joyce in Melbourne spending your birthday with you...
I remember I esp pick that time to fly over so that I can give you a surprise birthday then..tho we didn't do much but..being able to spend your birthday with you I guess is my best gift to you ..and being the super nanny helping you to look after the 3 weeks old Eugene back then (shortly after you gave birth)..its one of the most enjoyable and wonderful memory that one can have too..I am still a great friend after all, right? hee..picking the time when you need me most to be there for you huh..hee.. :P

But dear..I must are really a great host (my heart is filled with gratitude...thanks for allowing us to stay at your place FOC) and a strong mummy and wife..having no one to really look after you when you give birth (tho some kind and sweet churchmate helps you a little here and there)...and going back to work even tho not having enough or proper rest...I know how tired and tough it must have been cuz I was there with you then...sharing part of your burden hoping that you can at least take some rest..but dun worry I was enjoying myself very much then..haha) I really admire you my dear...

Muck..kisses to my courageous warrior...and really happy to see how supportive Peter is...oh boy..makes me wanna cry..missing you guys...oh...

I missed those time with you and Peter and Eugene in Melbourne..

What I enjoy most in that 2 weeks is not shopping..but to experience the local life..with you experience the life in Melbourne...

I love waking up preparing dinner for you guys...going grocery shopping..carrying Eugene,pat him to sleep, feed him milk, change his dipers and hugging him, esp when he behaves like an angel every time I carries him..and people all thot he was my son..hahaha..get to steal abit of that motherly feeling for two weeks..hahaha..and listening to Peter sharing his life experience in Melbourne and Music esp his guitars and those music equipments...Oh boy..those were such a great time..

The wonderful weather back then..having to wear lots of clothings at one point and taking off those layers when the weather suddenly changed..

I love the cold weather. Whenever Joyce and I goes out taking the bus to the city wearing our boots..we were excited by the "smoke" that comes out when we breath...Oh boy..

Tho life weren't easy over there..but you guys make the most out of it...You guys are great! Will always remember you guys in prayer.. The Lord is our provider..Everything happens with a purpose...Just remember Angeline, me will always stand by you!

Handphone Vs Relationship

This morning, I was advising a friend when he asked if he should upgrade his Mobile Plan, as he was kind of attracted by that free Nokia 6300 which originally costs $498.

I told him, since he has not decided if he will still be using this number,its wiser for him not to sign up for the upgrade cuz if he decided to end that line, he will break the contract and end up paying more... $0 might ended up to be $$$....
I reminded him...that in business point of view...all business or promotions are there to earn our(consumers) money...just a matter of time..

Like if, you upgrade your phone..they got you on contract they will earn the $$ slowly from you in this two years...tho you need not pay a single cent for that attractive Hp..
but if you break the contact...they earn more $$$ & either way they still earns your money...just more or less, earlier or later..

Thus my advise to him is..not to be tempted by the promotion...wait till he has finalise his decision if he still wanna use this line..then he can decise whether to take in the line.. By then new promotions will come out or he might just end up buying the phone at the original price..without paying more (as compare to him breaking the contact).

In relationship...sometimes we think certain people are attractive to us...even tho we know we are not ready to commit..but due to the temptation..we gave in, wanting just to enjoy that moment of happiness...which ended up costing more than we expect...creating unnneccessary hurt..
Similarly, upgrading your hp signing on 2 years contact without the readiness to the end if we break the contact we ended up paying more than the original price of the phone.. costing more than we expect.

Just a thot..

btw, this phone Nokia 6300 looks kind of like my Nokia 6120 Classic right..hahaha.

The son of David & May

The son of David and May has arrived last nite (17th October 2007).

Declan is the 1st baby of our Youth all of us were so excited and can't wait to see him..

Preacher Linglee, Helen, Jason, Cat, Rongfa, Ben and me..went to visit May, David and their son after our work today.

I fall in love with Declan from the first look...haha "love at first sight"..
Just kidding la..but Baby Declan is very lovely...even his cry is so sweet...maybe becuz he is still his cry is very soft...

I think Baby looks like David and has the nose of May..

May looks pretty good...and healthy..
The feeling of seeing Baby Declan is so amazing...
a baby that is only a day old..
how amazing...remembering few days ago..I was still touching and feeling May's tummy..and now..I get to touch this new life....right infront of my eyes.. I wish one day I can have my very own child...if ever God allows..(if u guys wish is to be a housewife..a good wife and a good mother...)

Can't wait for my elder brother's princess to arrive on 26th is so amazing...I just love innocent...simple and sweet....If only men can keep all these in them even when time passes by without getting polluted by this world...haiz...

David told me that Declan is an Irish name..meaning Son of Prayer...

May Lord shower Baby Declan with endless blessing as he start his journey of life..

Welcome Declan!!!

Time flies, a year ago..I was helping out at the wedding preparation of May and David.

Today at 7.33pm today 17Oct2007, Wednesday I rec'd sms from David my Youth Fellowship buddy that his wife May..another of my buddy..has admitted into hospital..asking us to pray for the smooth delivery of their first child..

At 11.35pm..God answers all our prayer...Baby Declan weighed 3.2kg has finally arrived..into this beautiful world...with lots of surprises awaiting for him to explore and experience... A new life has arrived and joined me in sketching the book of my life ...All Glory and Thanks giving be given unto the Almighty God, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Children are gifts from God...I always love Children and hope one day I can have my very own..however, the future lies in the hand of the Creator...

Life is amazing...some can't wait to end the same time others can't wait to explore the mystery of this wonderful journey of life...
The beginning of a new life is the beginning of a new journey..

But each turning point of one's life is also a new chapter and a new beginning of one's life too...How you want your life to how you decide you wanna live your life...

Live your life to the richness and the fullest...

Really happy for the arrival of the 1st baby in our Youth Group, Declan son of David Choh & May Yong.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Lost one Gain many...

Just on my way a bus...I was thinking..
I am indeed blessed...
somehow I feel like someone in the bible...who first seems to lose the most precious...but becuz of his faith..God blessed him later on with more than before..

Me...lost someone really precious..but realised that I have lots more precious people around me right church friends...
Like the book I Kissed Dating Goodbye says..
many times..loving that someone special with all our heart and concentration...cuts us off from our interaction with people around us..
and many of the time when we lost this someone whom we thot was special...we discover that we have lost all those people who used to be closed to us too..cuz we neglected them...and never keep in touch with them..

I am still have all of them with me...tho I cannot have the man I loved.

Not only that...I realised that my relationship with family and churchmates and friends and my buddy grew closer too...Plus God gave me two more new friends who are really kind and caring towards me...

I am so touched that all these people still stand by me..and love me as ever...thanks everyone...

Recently...I start interacting with Ben, a friend/churchmate of mine who has being attending our church for quite a long time but its kind of like on and off due to his work...I dun really see him every sunday..unless he dun work on that sunday.
As he has just switched his job...which allows him to attend church more frequently..we started to talk..

Ben is actually such a nice guy...and always sooo kind, polite, friendly and caring..
but kind of not used to his sincere friendly caring,cuz Ben dun just talk but he actions..

Like for instant, I send him sms about something not going well for me..he will start to worry and call me immediately..which actually gave me a shock..cuz none of my friends does kind of feel tho comforted but also awkward..thus can't help laughing when I hear his voice over the phone...but it also somehow make me seen like a weak person lei.. I told him..dun need to worry la..I am fine..just need to find someone to shu do my grumbling..and he is just the victim lor..and he just laugh..hahaha..say its okie..and called me to let me grumble to him...oh funny right...hahaha (but actually very touch la..what a sincere friend.)

well..that least he managed to make me laugh...and forget about my problems... Its really a blessing to know such a nice friend.

Thank you Ben. Thanks for the songs too.

Thank God for such a nice wonderful Brother in Christ.

Isn't it wonderful that God always place angels around it the real angels or the angelic friends/people.

Not forgetting my bestfriend joyce..muck thank you so much for being my best friend...tho you call yourself half devil..but seriously I dun like it..Angel doesnt associate with Devil...I still prefer you to be either Miss Donald or Miss Q.....hahaha..(Uh hmm...NO la...Joyce and I are straight okie.. its just our normal playful way of expression..thats all..we only love and interested in Men..dun worry..



This is a song sent to me by a friend to cheer me up yesterday..
really nice of him..
strangly not sure how this "sad" story could cheer me up..but well..this song sounds nice...and its the heart that did work in a way or another.
Wanna share this song with you too..

Tho not sure if I got it right..but the lyrics seems to be saying about this owner who missed the dog which is so dear to her..and she was talking to the dog which she thinks has gone to heaven..tho in actual fact sad to say...animals and plants are unlike men who has soul, they dun. Thus once they have finished their mission on earth...they are just gone..(since they have no soul like us..their life ends right this life..)

So treasure your pets and be nice to them...

I guess the writer of this song has the same emotional thinking like many of us when we kept pets...we are basically very attached to them..treating them like us humans..and thus thinking they are just the same like us in every way..
hmm but...Nope we are diff.

That's why we humans are special, created by God, made in the image of God..

Hope you enjoy this song.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Life is short...

Today I received the news of two death..

One is my ex co-worker's sister in law...she went out for supper last nite met an accident.

On the same day..another is someone I knew many years back..Geok Choo, she is one of my churchmate's sister. GC has been mentally unstable since the day I knew her..she has been undergoing some treatments..however I guess her condition grew worst. She decided to end her life by jumping off a building..

A mystery to all...
Takes a warrior to survive....
Take courage...Have Faith in God..
Everything happens with a purpose of His perfect will..
Remember...God is Love..God say He will never give us things too much for us to handle..
Just look up..towards Him for strength..
When the world seems to press towards you...making you feeling out of breath..
Look Up..Sees your problems from the view up there and all will seems clearer and smaller...No matter how Big the problem might seems isn't that Big afterall..

Every life is unique and precious.
Problems are there to mould us into a better person.

Only when one takes up the courage to face his/her problems and overcome it..will one becomes better and live a more fruitful/brighter life.

Everyone has only one life...
How your life is...depends on how you wanna live it..

Heavy hearted angel

Corn eating Cat

Always hears and sees that Cats eat fish right?
How about Cats eating corn?
Hahaha... can you imagine that?
Yup..that's my cat Timmy..

Recently we found out that Timmy likes to eat Corn when he doesn't have fish or cat/dog food to eat..
Yup..not only did Timmy eat Dog food..he eats Corn too..

Just now as Timmy was grumbling for eat again...there is no more fishes left nor cat/dog food... I decided to try my luck again...
picked up a cooked corn (which we previously cooked as the corn soup) from the fridge and gives it to Timmy..

Timmy went immediately to the corn wanted to eat it..
but as he sees I was watching him..
he felt strange..and decided to sit and awhile to observe why I am watching him..
until I gave him some assurance that its the corn he likes...
and he went to eat chewing on the corn.. corn eating cat Timmy..

Sunday, October 14, 2007

I Kissed Dating Goodbye5

"My Previous Entry"

My last entry on I Kissed Dating Goodbye"

How to Keep Impatience from Robbing You of the Gift of Singleness

In the Book of Virtues, William J. Bennett tells a story called "THE MAGIC THREAD" (French tale).

One day while wandering in the forest, Peter meets a strange old woman who gives him a most tantalizing opportunity - the chance to skip the dull, mundane moments of life. She hands Peter a silver ball from which a tiny gold thread protrudes. "This is your life thread, do not touch it & time will pass normally, But if you wish time to pass more quickly, you have only to pull the thread a little way and an hour will pass like a sec. But I warn you, once the thread has been pulled out, it cannot be pushed back in again."

This magical thread seems the answer to all of Peter's problems. It is just what he has always wanted. He takes the ball and runs home.

The following day in school Peter has his 1st opportunity to put the silver ball to use. The lesson is dragging, and teacher scolds Peter for not concentrating. Peter fingers the silver ball & gives it a slight tug. Suddenly the teacher dismisses the class, he is free to go home. He is overjoyed! How easy his life will be from now on. Peter begins to pull the thread a little everyday.

Soon he begins to rush through larger portions of life using this magic thread such as his school days, apprenticed in a trade, then his engagement to his sweetheart, his wedding day..when hard times comes, he escapes them with his magic thread. When baby cries at nite, when he faces financial struggles, when he wishes his children to launched in the career of their own, Peter pulls the magic thread to pass by the discomfort of the moment.

But sadly, when he comes to the end of his life, Peter realised the emptiness of such an existence. By allowing impatience & discontentment rule him, Peter has robbed himself of life's richest moments and memories. With only grave to look towards to, he deeply regrets ever having the use of the magic thread.

In introducing this story, Mr. Bennett insightfully comments, " too often, people want what they want (or what they think they want, which is usually "happiness" in one form or another) right now.The irony of their impatience is that only by learning to wait, and by a willingness to accept the bad with the good, do we usually attain those things that are truly worthwhile."

I Kissed Dating Goodbye4

A Slap in the Face

The world may define & defend love in these terms, but the Bible offers a very diff perspective. For the person practicing the self-centered, feelings-governed beyond-my-control love of the world, God's definition can be as startling as an unexpected slap in the face.

God always defines love by pointing to His Son,Jesus Christ.This was the only way our sins could be forgiven. The innocent One took the place of the guilty-offered Himself up to death so that we could have eternal life. God's love for a fallen world is most clearly seen in the death of His son on the Cross.

And all who find forgiveness & life thru Jesus are called to follow His steps- Love others becuz He first loved us. (1John4:19)
Christ's antidote to the poison of self-love is the Cross. "If anyone would come after me must deny himself & take up his cross & follow me."

Christ taught that love is not for the fulfillment of self but for the glory of God & the good of others.
True Love is selfless. It gives; it sacrifices; it dies to its own needs.
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
He backed up His words with actions-laid down His life for all of us.

Christ also showed that true love is not measured or governed by feelings.
He clearly didn't feel like enduring the beating and hanging on the cross and enduring God's wrath for sin. But He SUBMITTED Himself to His Father's will. Jesus's feeling were not the test of His love nor were they His master.

Christ wants us to have this same attitude.

Good feelings are nice but not necessary.


We need to throw out the misconception that love is some strange "force" that tosses us around against our will like leaves in the wind.

We cannot justify doing what we know is wrong by saying that love grabbed hold of us and make us behave irresponsibly.

That's NOT love.
Instead, its what the bible calls as "passionate lust".

We express true love in obedience to God & service to others - not reckless or selfish behavior - we choose these behaviors.

I Kissed Dating Goodbye3


We, Christians model God's love to the world.
Understanding this role profoundly affects our approach to relationships, esp our dating relationships.
When dating we represent God's love, not only to the other person in the relationship, but also to the people watching us.

As Christians, we need to remember that God's perfect love is not only for our benefit. We model God's love whether or not we realise that people is watching us. What they see affects God's reputation for loving His creation. If we claim to follow Christ then wear the world's twisted style of love, we drag the name & character of our Lord in the dirt.

For this reason, we must ask ourselves, "Am I modeling the love of Christ? Do my motivations & actions in this relationship reflect the perfect love of God has shown to me? How would you answer those questions right now?

I Love Me
We can better model God's perfect love when we avoid the negative habits of dating.
We need to recognise and reject the world's pattern of love.
Understand the worlds' deceptions flow from the belief that love is primary for the fulfillment and comfort of self. The world poisons love by focusing first and foremost on meeting one's own needs.

Next we're told (by the world) that love is primarily a feeling.
By inflating the importance of feelings, we neglect the importance of putting love into actions. When we evaluate the quality of our love for someone else simply by our own emotional fulfillment, we are being selfish.

Out of Control
3rd fallacy about love deals with personal responsibility. The world tells us that Love is beyond our control. When we think likewise, we excuse ourselves from having to behave responsibly. We behave rashly, ended up hurting others in the process.

I Kissed Dating Goodbye2

I have been reading this book by Joshua Harris..It has been a great help to me over this period of time and giving me great insight which I wanted very much to share with you too.

I asked for your patient as we journey down together and learn the precious lesson from this book. After all, which is easier? To read or to type out these long extracts so as to share the precious lessons for the benefit of all.

The First Kiss (Love: One word. Two Definitions)

Leslie and Eric:

Eric rarely took his eyes off Leslie holding each other's hand even when one is siting in the front seat of the car another at the back. When asked "You two can't keep your hands off each other. Was it difficult keeping the physical side of your relationship pure while you were engaged?"

Eric taking Leslie's hand smiled at her and replied "Of course the desire for that we present-It always will be. But no, it wasn't a struggle. Leslie & I decided very early in our relationship that we are going to refrain from physical contact until we were married. Our 1st kiss was at the altar. The most we did was hold hands. We know this kind of standard isn't for every couple. We didn't make that decision to be legalistic. It came from the heart. It was a way to show our love, to protect each other before we were married. The first kiss was the most incredible, beautiful thing in the world."

Jeff & Gloria (opposite)
They justified a night in a hotel room enjoying each other's bodies before marriage as their love.

For Jeff & Gloria, love was impatient & demanded compromise.

For Eric & Leslie, Love fueled integrity & gave them patience needed to wait.
One word-Two definitions.

In Love with Love
God wants to give us a higher, grander view. He wants to deepen our understanding. Romance can thrill us to our core, but its only a small part of true love. We've been playing in the sandbox; God wants to take us to the beach.

Aphrodite or Christ?

Paul (in the bible) wrote to Corinthians on love to Christian living in Corinth. Writing to Corinthians about God's love was the equivalent of writing a letter on family value to Hollywood today. Corinthians was synonymous with immorality.
To "play the Corinthian" meant to give oneself to sexual pleasure.
"Corinthian girl" was another word for a prostitute.

Aphrodite= Greek goddess of love, employed 1000 prostitute. They offered their version of "love"-sensual pleasure.
How could people see the truth & beauty of real love in the mist of the seductiveness of its counterfeit?

Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. (1 Corinthians 13:4)

Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. (1 Corintians 13:5)

Christians today endure the very same struggle.
More than ever, Sex becomes the commodity. Sensuality & exaggerated sexuality shouts at us on every corner.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (1Corintians 13:6-8)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya everyone!

Guess what I like best about this day? Malay neighbours will cook fantastic Malay food and cookies and bring it over to us on each of this day..early in the morning to share their joy with us..

Funny thing is...I always have malays as my neighbours and so..I am always blessed with nice delicious food..

This year, my neighour sent over all these cookies for us to eat..yummy yum yum..
they made delicious cookies..

Same thing..we will do like-wise during Chinese New Year too..
Its great to have nice neighbours isn't it..

Heart Attack!!!

Recently..its just seems that I am having numerous heart attack/shock from people around...
Just recovered from my recent setback in my "happy moments".. sister gave me another heart attack..
when Mum and her asked me to sit down to have a meeting..
The serious look in their face...somehow prepared me for what is to come...

Soon the silence broke..
Kae (Chin), my sis told me a shocking news..which she has been keeping it from us for nearly a year... For first I thot is she going to tell us that she is getting marry tomorrow when she has always been enjoying her single life..
however, what comes forth is something as shocking too..

She said, "Sis, I have something to tell you..I dun wanna hide it from you guys anymore..Actually I have been attending a Catholic Church for nearly a year..In order to know what is their actual belief and what is claimed by others (misconception)..I decided I wanna be converted to Catholic from a Christian."

I kept silence from a moment..thinking its ridiculous for a Christian to be converted to Catholic after knowing what the bible says and what has the Catholic practice been about and some contradicting to our Christian belief..
However, I know her mind is set..
She told me..she realised that as a Catholic she will have a closer walk with God as she can attend Mass everyday..not only once a week..

After hearing what she has to say..I told her "Chin (her name in short)..even when you decided to be a Charismatic when I am a strong devoted Traditional Christian..what have I said to you? Nothing much right..Even tho I did not agree with some of your belief practice..Reason is: Its a personal relationship between you and God. Do what you think is good for you. Cuz I won't fully understand your heart for God. Its between you and God. What I can do is tell you what I think isn't right. Ultimately, its you who made the decision,your responsibility to God. Just know what you are doing and do not go against the Bible and God."

She replied that her main aim is to get closer to God. She said they (Catholic) do not practice what we claim as not correct anymore..its all in the past and history due to some political reason as well..

Since I made my stand..I respect whatever decision she made...ultimately its her life. Just pray for God's guidance for her on the proper path.

Life is about making decisions and bearing the responsibility of the decision we it good or bad..
Many times, one needs to experience himself/herself to know what is good and bad for her..After all...that's life..A never ending lessons to be learn..

Many of a time..we tried to interfere or control someone else's life by our mindset or perspective of life...We forgotten the fact that each is only responsible for their own life..and we need to know our limits and never to set over the line..Learn to respect others if you want others to respect you.
I had very bad experience with people trying to run my life in a way they seems fit...forgetting that its my life you are talking about...not your life...
RESPECT RESPECT RESPECT..that's all I can say..
Once you give your advise and make your stand clear..the decision belongs to the decision maker.

Two Voices

Have you ever had times when you have two voices ringing in your head and you are confused not knowing which to listen to?

Its often depict in the cartoon or movie having an angel of you talking to you and another satan/devil of you talking to you..

I remember seeing a recent movie which the angel and the devil was trying to convince the person to listen to the end they actually pick up a fight..hahaha..

I messaged a friend asking him...
which voice should I listen to?
He told me to listen to the voice which feels right..
then I reply him..both seems right at diff perspective..
Then he kept silence..I guess you know if we view things at diff angle, things looks diff and things will seems right in both the angles..

But this morning with a clearer mind..
I got my answer..
If I draw closer to God..the voice of the holy spirit will be louder and if I follow the voice of the holy spirit which God input in us after we accept Jesus christ as our Saviour..I can easily identify which is "what seems right."
Holy Spirit is one of the Trinity, whose work is to help us to pray and understand the word of God, remind us when something is against God's nature...keep us away from sin. I remember a pastor once said..if you start to ignore the voice of the holy spirit..this voice will get softer and won't hear it anymore..Many times we give in to sinful nature and the world's pleasure that we ignore/put down the reminder of the Holy Spirit in us.
Thus in conclusion..
Seek what God wants us to do.."What seems right/What will Jesus do if He is us.."
Draw closer to God and we will be able to see clearly and tells the diff...

Like the bible says in proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom & discipline."

The words of God builds one up whereas the words from the evil ones brings destruction.

So next time, if we ever have two voices ringing inside us..not knowing which to listen to...
Listen to the one who builds one up and not the one which will cause destruction.
For God is Love..God is Justice...just use these two as our basis guideline to doing what is right and good for us.

Conclusion: Read the Bible, pray everyday..listen to the sermons/words of God..Draw closer to God..and you will gain wisdom and understanding...and when you understand God better...(like interacting with your best friend..naturally you know what your bestfriend will do, likes or dun likes..) you will make the right decision..Cuz God never makes mistake or any wrong decision.

Have a blessed and wonderful Holiday "Hari Raya" and weekends ahead!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Bill's EZHealth Interview

Check out Bill's interview by EZHealth Magazine here

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My Prayer

Father in heaven, help me Lord.
Give me strength to overcome the struggle in me..
Help me to follow your footsteps..
Strengthen me Oh Lord..
Renew my faith and walk with You each and everyday.
Heal my wound and sadness..
Make me happy again..
Make me strong again...

Monday, October 8, 2007

White wine

Today, my bookstore tenant brought me and my senior to the wine store near my workplace to buy good wines.. He told me he usually buy it from there..
Most of the wine comes from Vic Melbourne..and the price is pretty reasonable..
Lots of great wine at pretty affortable price..
the place is really cold...for the storage of the wine..
and the owner was very nice..introduce the diff type of wine to us..
and did a breath explaination..
to my surprise..the owner told me that my favourite wine, Jacobs creek actually is considered not so high class wine..cuz they are made in huge quantity, mass production.
So the owner asking me what kind of wine I like, I told him I like white wine and kind of sweet he recommend me this wine from Melbourne called OUTBACK..2006 Traminer Riesling which cost only S$19.90..much cheaper than the Jacob's creek which i bought at $20 over dollars..just last week..
OUTBACK- from OUTBACK AUSTRALIA this Traminer Riesling is a refreshing fruity white wine with lovely spicy fruit on the nose and a well balanced palate that finishes slightly sweet. This early drinking wine is made specifically for the Australian climate and should be served chilled to compliment a range of foods from seafood to pasta. Westend Estate is a family wine company, established in 1945 in the Australia outback.

He told me it taste much smoother and nice..those who he recommended comes back for cartons of them and fell in love with it..

I just open up the bottle and tried..
hmm..well...taste not bad..pretty sweet..I think Joyce will love it...for me a little sweet and bitter will be good...
Maybe my buddy in Melbourne you might wanna check out this wine over there and try..
its white wine..
I prefer white wine than red wine..
The owner even put the wine bottle in a very nice presentable carrier for me..its really good for house-warming present..
with that price..if I buy in coldstorage..u will only get awful cheap looking plastic call me if u need to buy wine for house warming..
I can recommend u there..
its are Riverwalk..they closed at 7pm..for ur info.


Braised Pig Trotters

What type of food is your favourite?
People are surprised with what I love to eat based on my size and figure..
Braised Pig Trotter, Pig skin, chicken skin, roast duck skin, fish skin..etc are my favourite...

I just had Braised Pig Trotters from Tampines Link Foodcourt for dinner.
They serve pretty good Braised Pig Trotters..
Soft yet chewing..
cost about $3.50 with rice and soup..its worth the $$ you are paying for..
You should try...

Happy Birthday Jason & Nicolas

Tomorrow, eh..rather I should say today is Jason's actual in its passed midnite already..haha

We went to budgeted Airport Hanis, which is another branch of Hans but they are halal..
to celebrate Jason's the same time we celebrate Nic's birthday too since its the same month.. Hmm..these young men..only at their 20s..Jason is only 26 years old today.. RongFa just celebrated his 25th birthday..
Ben was really kind..came to fetch me from my friend's place in Tampines near the JC to go to the Budgeted Airport..if not I won't reach in time too..I guess..and no bus goes there too..

I went to my friend's place to learn Flash from her..a few hours of quick run thru of that programme..she lent me her thick book on Flash to read thru too..telling me its not worth of pay nearly $750 just to learn Flash and Dream weaver to do website design..while..I am still considering as I wanna start doing my web design business asap.. Taking course can run thru the entire thing in proper procedure..
But I am thankful for her teaching me...

Finally get to write my blog today..its like not eating my meal for a day..without seeing my blog and writing it..

Guess what I just discover..
can u believe it..My hp bill for last month..was actually S$500++ just becuz I surf my blog and his blog thru my hp..but thank God they deducted S$400+ as promotion for surfing internet thru hp.. but no way..I am gonna pay that extra for surfing more internet surf using this hp ..will be a good girl.. least...its healthier for me too..

Anyway..I had a great day today.. friend whom I went to her house today..has 6 cats..
but she kept those cats cuz those are cats which have been has one of its eyes been dug out..another cat one eye has been pushed in.. and the others..not too sure.. so poor cats huh.. she is really kind to the cats. May God bless her for her kindness..and love for the animals..
But my nose couldnt take it..I almost finished using her entire box of tissue in her house..cuz the tap in my nose suddenly went out of control..and i became Rudolfo (if i spell it correctly..) guess must be something in her air..or fur of her cats...

okie hope ur weekends were great too..

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Weird nite..

Just came back few hours ago..
was rushing 1,400pcs of prayer card printing and cutting one by one for STEMI..which needs it by tomorrow..thus working O.T till 9pm..just now..tho supposed to knock off at 5.30pm since its sat..

My new co-worker weijun left about 7pm..his hands hurt badly after long hours of cutting..thus I told him to go off first while i try to finish as much as possible so that my senior need not come back to rush off cutting so much..dun think she can manage it by herself alone tomorrow..will be very tired for thoughtful..I thot just help her finished off all if possible..however strange things happened..

About 9pm..i was I thot there are some lemon chicken pieces in the fridge why not heat it up and I place in a plastic container..supposed to be microwave safe..I think..then I put into the microwave to heat up for about 8mins or cook the chicken..however..suddenly i smell burn smell..I rushed to the back half way thru my cutting..i was shocked..saw lots of smoke fusing up from the microwave oven..I quickly open and see what happen..nearly got poison to death..the plastic actually got burnt and melt..oh goodness..I quickly clean up the place and try airing the place and spraying air freshener to get rid of the poisonous smell..din really work..wanna to open the back door but too dangerous as its already very dark outside..9pm..and very dangerous cuz i was choice can only open the front let the air least there is a bus stop infront of our doorstep so still quite safe..

Suddenly a message came to me that I had to left this place asap..not feeling peace at heart..and so I quickly packed up and go..
Left abit of the cutting for my senior to finish off tomorrow..
I called her to tell her the entire matters in case anything happens..

Strange thing is as I was outside the doorstep of our store..I saw strange writing on the wall where i normally paste the promotion posters for our store directly outside our store..I quickly took a pic of it with my hp..

I know its some kind of magic pencil or whatever but u know this was seen after the burning smoke thing kind of...............hahahaha..(weird feelings i mean..esp so late at nite alone in office..)

I feel really weird...

Then I left and went off feeling kind of dizzy..must be the poisonous gas from the burnt container..Then I went to Macdonald to have my Mac Nuggets since I din get to eat the chicken in office..
Then i discover that the curry sauce container was not properly i ask for another..then I notice its the same..and I told the manager..she gave me another..and show me how to open..I told her..why is this also not properly sealed..she said its for easy opening..but I told her..I am worried it might get contaminated if not properly sealed..She gave me a weirdo look as if I am paranoid or something..then I told her okie I will take it..since its better seal than the other two.

After that I went to buy some stuff from the coldstorage downstair..but strange thing happened POSB nets cannot be accepted..then I tried using my other atm card and it can..suddenly I was worried..dun tell me something happened to the money in my bank too???? Oh boy...I quickly went upstair to the atm to try checking my a/c balance..and draw $ Phew..thank God..everything was okie..

Oh boy! What happen tonite..just within an many things happened..make me all confused...

Strange huh..or maybe ..I became paranoid or what?
anyway..just thot of sharing with u..

Have a wonderful weekend..
Hope you like the new music I put in my blog..
finally get to load my own music which i like
more to come..share with u..the music I love...

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Positive Effect..

Just came back from Muchuan (Ark Lounge) of the popular place where most Singapore singer comes/started and discovered from..

As you know Michael and Weiyang are the best and most senior (experienced) singers in Muchuan and not forgeting Ah Seng..the, shy and humble guy with character..hahaha..

I knew them for more than ten years I think...time flies...
Michael is kind of close friend of mine..he used to be the ex-principal of the design school I studied in..kind of funny when I first enters the school...cuz in school Michael speaks English and wears spec..very serious looking guy..then at the same time..I think..hey this guy looks so familiar...looks like the singer in muchuan..
And funny thing is..cuz of his diff image in school and singing...I secretly observe what he wears in school that day and on the same nite see if he wore the same shirt..after a few times of checking out..finally I CONFIRMED he is the same person as the Mu Chuan.. soo funny rite..

Its only then we got to talk and know each other better..
and at his low point of time..I standed by him as his friend even when lots of doubt araise..but as for long as he doesn't treat me the way what others spread about him...I will remain his faithful friend and give him the benefit of doubt. I believe sincerely thats what friends are for.

Men are not perfect..We have our good and bad times..
Never judge a friend base on his/her bad times and have that mind set that he/she is such a person. Everyone deserve a second chance or more. So do we..

I always enjoy this band (Michael, Weiyang and Ah Seng). Perfect Band..
Michael good singer..and humorous..
Weiyang.. pretty good singer..adventurous and fantastic guitar skills..
I still prefer they play the old guitar..cuz they can do amazing things with normal guitar and play it like a drum and electronic guitar which one after hearing will drop their jaw.. However, now Weiyang is going toward his favourite Beatles style..back to 70S..bought an expensive Beatles style electronic guitar and wants Michael is go along with him that line too..
However still not bad lah..

Met Sheron (my ex-design classmate) and Lihwa my buddy...havent seen them for two months I think..
They were shocked to see my new image..but they love it..the entire nite..they were saying how nice I looked now..I feel great..hahaha..
Weiyang was impressed and said its nice..and one must be daring to make such a great change.. cuz first my hair was really long..then I cut it about shorter than shoulder length and now..even shorter boy cut.. He is really impressed..hahaha..

They told me..hmm..I looked better and getting prettier and prettier..
Its shows that setbacks are good for me..cuz it makes me stronger and prettier..
I told Sheron on my way back..when she told me..amazingly when people have setbacks they will look down and give up in dolling up and soo on..will look worst..
I told her..
"If the person we love dun love us..We must be the one at least to love ourselves.."
Thus that's why this setback for me..has positive effect..
We chose who we wanna be...
how we wanna live..
if we chose to be pathetic..we will be..
but if we want to live better to show that person that without him..Life could still be better.

That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt..
its becuz it hurts so badly..
I want it to heal really quick..
best way is to treat it with love...
not from others..(cannot depend on others..)
Rather the love from God and myself...

Thanks pals..for staying and stand by me during this period of my "down" time..
I am Angeline...
what does that say and means...
It means..One who has who is strong..never be defeated by setbacks..only become stronger after each setbacks...its only how long it takes for me to get up in a boxing ring..surely within the count of 10..(I think..if thats the Max..hahaha).

U know..My sprain neck healed amazingly after I came back from Muchuan..
Cuz I automatically swave by their music..and rhythm.. thus without much notice.. I have loosen the tight muscle around my neck and it healed...
Praised the Lord..
and must also thanks my kind hearted church sister..who helped me to rub some medicated oil on my neck..and massage for me..Thank you sis Shou Zhu..
God Bless..
Sorry for loong essay..

Friday, October 5, 2007


I woke up this morning..
discovered the I had my neck spraint..
Ouch!! Can't turn to my left side..
wanted to wake up to cook and prepare lunch for all my co-workers..
but it choice cant do it today..
give myself an hours break..
called up office to tell them I'm taking an hour off cuz I spraint my neck..
Really makes one upset and kind of frustrated..
but still I am a good gal..
I still did my hair and put on my make up with the new lipstick and eye shadow I bought last nite..
Joyce said..good that I have this hairstyle..
it will make me more hardworking as a doll up myself..
cuz this hairstyle without make-up looks terrible..
and this hairstyle is hard to match with clothing..cuz if wrong match will look more musculine than femaline...
Oh boy oh BOy!!!
God pls heal my neck..
what a start for the day..with a straint neck..
however still going to muchuan to support Michael and Weiyang's performance as usual tonite..That's an enjoyment and what friends are for..

Have a great weekends!!!
Cheers, (ouch! my neck hurts..hahaha)


Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I said I would give u guys a surprise right?
Here is my surprise to you...
I always think & feel that I wanna do something drastic whenever I am feeling really down...
Cutting my hair and changing an entire image helps...
Not sure why..always feels like my past is associated to my hair..
thus..whenever I cut off my hair..I feel relieved as if I have cut away my past unhappiness as well..

Just today I was share with my buddy..telling her..its time for her to let go of her past too...I told her that we have to be clear that the man we used to love...whether do we still love him now? Or we are actually in love with the past and not him in person...
Looking at that man I loved so deeply...I noticed the changed in his recent pics..
he no longer look as happy as before ... those times when things were still good for us.. now..he seems like a different man..
Seriously...what holds on to me is the good old times..that's all..
no longer that man...
Time changes, people change... no one will remain the same forever in their life..
Thus we have to let go the past and move on with life...
accepting new my new image...
Thanks Joyce for taking some of those pics with me and for me..
Its a brand new start for me..
Hope u like my new image too..
for your info..the hair trend is moving towards shorter and shorter hair just like me...

I uploaded some photos to Facebook. You can check them out at:

.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.