In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Christmas Christmas!!!

"Merry Christmas Everyone!!!"

As usual, Timmy the Cat...can't wait to jump into any plastic or paper bag he sees on the floor...
as I was packing my luggage for my China Trip tonite..
He saw this huge white paper bag...
as usual...couldn't resist...jumped into it to have a feel in it...

Today is Christmas 25 Dec 2007.
Christmas is celebrated on 25 Dec every year..
but some part of this world or even in Singapore people do not celebrate Christmas on 25 you know why?

As its too long to explain, you maybe wanna do a search on Roman Emperor Constantine and 25 Dec.
He is the first Roman Emperor who was converted to Christian and he was the one who chose 25 Dec to be the day to celebrate the Birth of Christ since No one knows the exact day which Christ is born as its not written in the Bible the exact date..

Thus there is no right and wrong as to when you celebrate Christmas.
Importantly is to know what is the Meaning of Christmas as you party and celebrate Christmas buying, doing gift exchange and so on..

Do you know what is Christmas all about?
Christmas is the day to celebrate and remember that 2000 years ago, Our Savior Jesus Christ is born on this earth..thru virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit NOT by man & woman's union.

God Himself became flesh and dwell among as to save us from our sins (lies, greed, lust, anger, murder, stealing...etc,)
Our Lord Jesus is born on Christmas in the manger (so as to represent that this good news is for everyone not just the royal families..even the lowly people or poor people can accept Jesus as their personal savior, having their sins cleanse by the precious blood of Jesus on the cross.

Thus the first and the Best Gift of Christmas out of the greatest love of all is Jesus himself. Thus like the angels who sings and share the good news to the shepherds back there...we Christians are to share the true meaning of Christmas and the Greatest News of this precious salvation and the love of God to everyone..thru Christmas Celebrations and Carolling...

Last nite is Christmas Eve, which we called 平安夜. As usual we went from houses to houses to sing Christmas Carols and our pastors will share a short sermons on the true meaning of Christmas and the Great Joy of Christmas.

For our church, we only goes to houses which invites us..Diff church has diff practice.

We started of at 6.30pm and ended at the last house at about 11plus..
This year we ended early..I guess most of us are tired after days of celebrations..
last thurs we had a combine Christmas Celebration of all 5 chapels in Singapore in our Mother Church-Zion Presbyterian..about a thousand of more members turned up.
We sung on that nite..

On Sunday, we had our service at 10am.
There is baptism, Children Choir's (which I train) singing (they did pretty well..praise the Lord, Amen! My god daughter Kah Ying did a solo part..its really a relief cuz she was so nervous during the rehearsal no voice came out when she sing..but actual performance..she did pretty well..Phew!!!)

Then followed by my church choir (which I am also involve singing) sing..

After our Church Service, we went to Singapore Expo Chinese Restaurant 福满楼 to have our Christmas 8 course Lunch..Yummy...
We booked 100 over its our combine lunch with our Mother Church and all our 5 Singapore Chapels...

Baby Declan and Me...

My Favourite Shark Fins with lots of vinegar..yummy...yum..yum..hee..

After a day's break..back to work yesterday.. I had to rush the 250 copies of Church Directory which I designed for Eden Church and had to have them printed stapled folded and yesterday..Phew..hard work...then after I had to rush out the inventory list for my kind church bro from Zion Church (Kai Wei- Thank U dear) to help me to do stock take when I am off to China..
Supposed to knock off at 2pm and go back rest and get ready for Caroling at 6pm..thank God I already predicted..brought my caroling dress with me..
I worked till 5pm..then rush to meet up for Caroling.. can see just how busy my Christmas is..
I was very happy....very very happy...
I am enjoying all these...

Yesterday one of the house we went is my Aunt's house (Aunt Eline).
All my relatives, my grandma and even my dad, little brother and elder brother went.
I told Pastor that my relatives speaks Hokkien & English so I requested to have them Speak in Both Hokkien and English.
My relatives were very impressed.....esp when the sermon is in Hokkien..
they love our carols...we sung well last nite..
there is about 40people in our caroling team..

My Aunties keep smiling at me when listening to us singing carols..and even did a 'GOOD' hand signal to me while watching us sing and listen to my pastor speaks..
we were greatly encouraged..

Even my very charming Cousin (表哥) came too..
He really enjoys....He is a christian too..
He sung along as we sung our happy...He still looks so charming..oops..hee..used to admire him since young..hahaha..Haven't seen him for a loong time..
He is also the cousin of Singapore Movie Director..梁志强 Jack Neo. Hahaha..meaning Jack Neo and me shares the same cousins and Aunty Uncle..

Wow..the nite is wonderful...

After the entire pastor sent me to my elder brother's condo where I spent a nite with my family there, we watched Nativity (story on the birth of Jesus) elder brother who is not a christian but knows the bible and Christian history alittle..asked me some questions on the movie as re: to the bible..and he shared what he knows with my little brother too..

I am really happy...pray that one elder brother and his family will become Christians too..
We were all exhausted..and we slept..
We did our Christmas gift exchanged only this morning.

How is your Christmas?

Tell me about it..

Okie...gotta go.... See you in 2008...
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

Muck Muck Muck!!!

Yeepee...Off to China (JiangSu & Shanghai) with Joyce and her family tonite... Spending our Christmas & New Year there! Its indeed a good start for me...
Thank U Lord Jesus for everything everything everything...

See u guys on 3rd Jan..
"pls do not call me from 25/12-3/1/2008 as I will be in China having the break I need...thank U."

Saturday, December 22, 2007

The True Beauty

I saw something from Bill's blog which deeply moved me thus wanna share it here with you too for those who doesn't read his blog.

The cheorography is great!
There is great lessons behind this clips...
To me..its brings forth the message of the Will & Hope despite the circumstance we are in.
Many times we limit ourselves and others base on what we/others see...
and we neglected the point of if there is a Will, there is a Way.
We gave up even before trying...

May this reminds us to Keep our will, our hope and our passion burning despite of what others might say...

What do you learn from this clips?

Nothing is impossible!
Be yourself! Prove it!
This Clip has energized my day! Hope it does for you too!
Have a wonderful weekends!

Class gathering at Muchuan

Haven't meet up for nearly a year or so...with my design classmates...
Me, the Organisor for all our gatherings have been really busy..
as usual...if Angel never organise...Classmates will not take any initiative to get together... Thus Nik, my lecturer always say...Angel is our Satellite..

And if Angel cannot turn up..tendency is..the gathering will be cancelled...Not sure if its good or bad...
Looking at the facebook new items which I downloaded..My influence power is very little..which I think should not be...cuz I am always the one that influence people..
esp when coming to gatherings...

Not just for my design class.. as well as my Sec or ITE etc..

My Design classmates calls me Angel cuz my lecturer Nik calls me that.
Angel always likes to whenever they need help...they will sure to look for Angel...hee...

Bill used to call me Angel too. Not knowing that its already my name called by my design classmate. When I ask him why call me Angel, he said he just feels that it fits me. So He calls me Angel. But when he is angry with me..he will call me Angeline like I will call him by his full name or his real name...hahaha..

My classmates are fun people...a group of Fun-loving ones.

Nik, my lecturer whom I used to Admire...gave us a shocking news today...
he can't join us today cuz he is gonna be a DAD. WHAT? Ya...since when this man I admire got married..hahaha..that's what all my classmate ask me..hmm...
He didn't tell me that too...
I haven't being really in contact with him recent years as my heart has been else where..hee..

Anyway I sms him..and he say sorry..he was way too busy...
Then I told him..he is forgiven..hahaha..
Maybe he doesn't know how to break the news to he knows I used to like him.
Well..anyway..he is still someone I in his talents..
He is the designer for Lee Hwa Jewellery Logo and many well-known logos..
We click pretty well..and always think alike thus he always likes my design concept and values my design concepts..and appreciate all my work. He has always being very encouraging even during my previous relationships..and often gives me advise.

Since Michael, our design principal is singing at Muchuan today... I arranged the class gathering there so that he can somehow be involved..but I know he can't remember any of them cuz none of them are close to him like I do. As I always value friends around me. And admire people who are talented.

Michael is very talented.
Used to run our Design school which we studied. Was the one who brought the UK design Diploma into our school. He has good voice..sings very well..and plays good Bass Guitar. He and Weiyang and their drummer Ah Seng are the Best team.
They are all very talented. They have been singing in Muchuan (Ark Lounge) for 13 years. They have great passion in Singing and playing guitars and other musical instruments.

Hey one thing to mention, Weiyang looks very charming today..He actually wore a suit to sing today...but a bit weird...I wrote a note to ask him to unbutton at least two button then will look cool..but I think he shy lah..hahaha..

Oh back to my class gathering.
Today, Jamie, Jean, Rahmad, Ardy, Lenglee and Nik couldn't make it.
But I insist to carry on with it as I will be too busy to organise any class gathering when I start my degree study in March next year.

Alan, Helen, Sheron, Cyrus and Me attended. And oh Helen brought her hubby along will see his pic later.. A nice and friendly guy..

We did a Christmas gift exchange. Gave them a budget of $10.
I bought a nice Passport holder as the gift.
We draw lots to see who picked what. Let's see...
I got a box of Ferrero Rocher..hmm..not bad...

Helen's hubby is a very loud person..Loud as in very expressive..the whole nite..he talks very loud..and really shake as Michael and Weiyang sings...hahaha...quite fun..
just that he talked too loud which somehow interupted their singing...I am sorry Michael. Helen is Pregnant too..due coming Feb.
See..I told you...I am surrounded by babies...recently..not sure why...
Nik's wife going to give birth soon.
Gilbert's wife gave birth last sat.
My brother's wife gave birth 30 nov.
May's is much earlier..

Muchuan no longer sells food..just drinks..they have closed their kitchen.
The Business isn't good..
They have to move or maybe even close coming the owner of Safra Town Club has other plans for this place which they are using presently..
so sad...
Good things sometimes just doesn't last...or stays forever..
The only thing left is memories...

Alan seems to lose weight..

Cyrus as usual...always say I not lady-like commented something about why I cut my hair so short... should keep long so more lady-like...something like that..cuz its too noisy can't hear properly..hahaha..I am used to it liao.
Still remember during one of my gatherings ..we went for buffet then he nagged at me for using my hands to eat Otah.. I tell him..its Otah..of cuz use hands...
he say no...U can use fork and knife...

Cyrus is always very clean and neat..
Too clean and neat for me...
Even his sketches is so clean and neat..
which somehow makes me feel like I am a man and he is the woman..

I remember I always tell him whenever he wants to see my sketches...
Sketches supposed to be sketches...not neat neat ones...
and I will tell him..
I can show you but you cannot comments on my sketches so untidy...
if not he will say "ai-yo" he always says that..." that..."

As he is a classmates used to wanna pair us together which I told them NO WAY..he is too neat for me...I feel inferior..hahaha..'s gathering is great!

Thanks you guys for making the effort to attend.
Angel truly appreciate it!

God bless and have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Friday, December 21, 2007

A Happy Day & A Happy Gal

Had a wonderful Day today..

Started off with Lunch with him. As I prayed that this last meeting up for this year will be a happy and good one...indeed it is..really happy...we had a great lunch together.

Nice place nice food...
You can try the Tropical Tamarind Chicken which I ate..Its pretty nice..
and Miso Sea Perch w Daikon...not sure if its nice..but should be...its looks nice and he finished it quickly...hahaha..

The TCC at Lido level 2 is a nice place...
In fact, many TCC now has nice interior design..good ambience... :)

After he left..I stayed for another coffee since its early...
I ordered the Ginseng Coffee...
Not Bad..but a bit disappointed that there isn't much Ginseng taste in it..

Since it was still early...I went to walk around and shop for Christmas present...finally managed to buy some...

After shopping till about 3pm I took the train home to rest as I have a performance at Zion Presbyterian Church (Our Mother Church- something like the HQ of my chapels..We have 10 chapels all together...5 in Singapore 5 in Malaysia).
Today is our combine service..

As I am in the Church Choir..we are presenting an item..a Chinese Christian Christmas Song..Written by Eden BP Church..very nice song..

We are supposed to wear all white...and black covered shoes..
I wore the white dress I bought in Melbourn last year..very nice dress...
and a new pair of nice elegant black shoes (which I managed to buy only last nite..Thank God for reserving that last pair of my size 6 for me...)

I am very happy...I look really nice in today's lots of compliments..hee..
But the new shoes bit my feet...
Thank God again..someone in my choir got plaster..if not I dunno how to walk up to the stage with the pain on my ankle..

We were very nervous when we got up the stage..cuz our Mother Church Hall is very big..the Stage is sooo Big...
Normally I dun get stage fright..but seems that we are pretty nervous...
had a little hip cups..but still it went fine...
Someone told us its nice.

I am feeling very happy and thankful the entire day today...
So can't wait to share this joy with you..
And most of all...thank u God for saving that last 2nd good piece of white long sleeve 'cardigan' for me to put on during my singing..
Thank U Lord for saving that last pair of size 6 of this beautiful shoes for me..
Thank U Lord for helping me find my beautiful white dress..
Thank U Lord for the nice singing performance today..
Thank U Lord for the nice Lunch with him..
Thank U Lord for making me look beautiful today..

Most of all..Thank U Lord for being my Saviour and King.
If Christmas without Christ..There will never be CHRISTMAS.

Tonite I learnt the meaning of CHRISTMAS.




Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Meaningful lesson of Trust and Faith

My eyes are swollen, heart heavy....Head packed...

Last nite had a conversation with someone (Miss K) really close...We were talking about budgeting and so to start saving up....and thrift on food...and many others.

As she shared her past experience..during her school hard time she has and how God taught her the lesson of trusting in the mist of even having to decide if she is going to use the only money she has on her text book or her one month transportation.

While struggling with that...she heard God's voice asking why didn't she trust God enough to provide her. If she trust God enough she would have used this amount of money first on the transportation to reach her school for the entire month and let God provide her with the text book she needs..

So she prayed telling her that she will do what He says, to trust in Him for His providence...amazingly as she did..God let her found the old textbook of her elder brother's which is a few editions before..and to her its like manna from heaven (bread which drops from the heaven). She praise and thanks God.
And she went to the library each day with that old textbook each day to make comparison before her class, pg by pg she gone thru it and filling in the difference (updating) her version in that book. Tho no one in the Uni need to go to that extend.
My heartache for what she been thru as she never shared this with me before.
Next she need another textbook..which without telling anyone..a friend of her came asking her if she needs that textbook as she has just finished that book the last semester. God is so amazing and wonderful. He provides us when we learn to trust in God. And becuz of all this hardship she went thru..she has now become a tough and faithful person.

She shared with me this so as to encourage me that if she can do it..I can too...
I shared about my sadness and question to God about my work..
Why? I was asking God after I left my work....
Why is it that after all these hardwork I put into the company (bookstore)..My superiors still talk to me in the way hinting me that I have not done enough work...
My sup told me that I should ask my boss about the cd design which I used to do for the previous take back those designs to do..from my boss as my boss is doing it himself... I didn't ask becuz I know my boss well...since he is the boss he do what he likes...

Then she told me...Boss told her that my pay includes the designing of cds....
and say if I dun practice my design my design skill will go rusty...
I felt as unjustice...
I told her...Haven't I been fetching design jobs to do for the company? And then she kept quiet.

The way she says is as if I am not doing enough work...I am idling taking pay for nothing... I felt so sad and so unfair for her to say that. In fact, the part which brings in the most revenue is by me... I made the most sales and did those designs which is many times the profit she earns for the company. What gives her this right to say that? But I did not tell she is my sup and I dun want to ruin the relationship btw us.

People tends to enlarge other's fault than themselves. Like the case of LATE. She told my boss that I was late she can't stand it and managed me.
In the actual fact she is always late too...what gives her the right to say that.
But becuz she said that..I make it a point not to be late again...
Still she was later than me...but wrote in the book that she is punctual.
I guess I will leave that to God.

When people is happily taking their 13rd month working so hard not even a breathing time or a time to take some water..will have to wait and see if anyone offer money to our company stating its for our bonus.. cuz that's the practice of the company. Tho things could have been done otherwise like other company..but since my sup is also the accountants insist this way...I felt so dishearten ..I can only commit to God this matter and learn to trust God for His providence. I guess this is the lesson of faith.
Back to where I left off...
After hearing me sharing about the above...
she (Miss K) ask me why am I trying to please people and try not to make people angry or upset. Its their matter not yours. Why carry on yourself?
We must know..we are not God. Where do God comes in when you try to do everything? Its impossible to please everyone and to satisfy everyone. If you have done your best and that person still feels unhappy about it..tell it to God. Leave the rest to God and pray for that person.

You are not NOT DOING anything for that person. You are doing something more valuable and important for that person.
Which is better? For you to provide that person or for the King to provide?
If we feel that its out of our ability or no longer in our ability to give what makes the person satisfy and comforted ..why not just admit it and pass it to someone more capable..which is the King..God himself.
You have done your part..That's enough. And be comforted..

Yes, she is right..many times I tried to be everyone's angel which obviously I can't. And when I can't I start blaming myself why I can't...I forgot the part that I am human, NOT GOD.

From now on, I will keep reminding myself..its alright..if this is already my best..if people are still not satisfy...I will just pray for them and ask God to help them. Cuz its no longer within my ability. I did my part and my BEST!

Thank You Father in Heaven for this precious sharing...
Thank You Lord.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

An exhausted day!

Normally people have Monday Blue...but I dun..cuz I love my job...
I am a workaholic...
Work makes me happy....
I love everything about my job...the job scope..designing and meeting customers...doing sales..purchase..etc..

Today is a busy day for me..No..I mean to has been a really busy season for me.. Step into Office rush the design and come out with ads for the back of the Newsletter which I recieved the news that I will get the article better get things ready...

Spent the entire after coming up with ad and doing up the ad and did the design for our new namecards..with the new map I drew...

Waited till 6pm still no news about the newletter article...
then about a call from my boss wife said that the newsletter's article which is written by our Senior pastor is ready..and email to me now..
Then she called again if she and my boss can come over rite away and can I finish by joke hour to knock off time..rush out the type setting for the article and the new ad they wanna put in...
I told them I will finish today..
They came down immediately as I start working on it..

Finally got everything done by 8.30pm...I am starving....
We left together and went to Simpang Bedok to have dinner..

Then Nic came to pick me up and went to Valissa's house below her flat to do our fliming for Jason and Cat's Wedding present...
I did a last min rush of speech and came up with slightly funny ideas...
together with the help of Valissa, her hubby and Nic..finally got my part done..
The heavy stone finally fell off my chest....
Hope they like what I came up with ...
We have fun...laughing till I almost lost my voice...
Will see if I can get the clips and put up here after Jason and Cat seen it on their weddding as its supposed to be a surprise.

Finally reached home about midnite...

ok..its nearly 2am..left 5 hours of sleep..and a long working day...


Sunday, December 16, 2007


Uh uh uh uh oh ooh
Why'd you have to go-oh
Away from home
Me love.

Uh uh uh uh oh ooh
Why'd you have to go-oh
Away from home
Me love.

[Verse 1]
See the first time me looking at your eyes
Me be tell you want a guy like me -guy like me
We use to ave gud times on da evening
Me and you chilling on da beach -on the beach

We use to kiss and caress an trust me
Girl it feels so sweet -feels so sweet
Den one day you move
Now I'm feelin kinda blue
Cause we had to see you leave -you leave

I feel like I'm drownin in da ocean
Somebody come and take me away

Uh uh uh uh oh ooh
Why'd you have to go-oh
Away from home
Me love.

Uh uh uh uh oh ooh
Why'd you have to go-oh
Away from home
Me love.

[Verse 2]
Now I'm sittin in a chair wit no one here
And I'm feelin all alone -all alone
Thinkin to myself like
Damn why my baby up and gone -up and gone
It's like I'm missin her and I know she's missin me- missin me
It's been two years an a half in july will make it three. -make it three

I feel like I'm drownin in da ocean
Somebody come and take me away


Uh uh uh uh oh ooh
Why'd you have to go-oh
Away from home
Me love.

Uh uh uh uh oh ooh
Why'd you have to go-oh
Away from home
Me love.

Why you leave me, wuh why you leave me
Baby tell me, beh baby tell me
Why you leave me, wuh why you leave me
Why you leave me

Why you leave me, wuh why you leave me
Baby tell me, beh baby tell me
Why you leave me, wuh why you leave me
Why you leave me

I feel like I'm drownin in da ocean
Somebody come and take me away

Uh uh uh uh oh ooh
Why'd you have to go-oh
Away from home
Me love.

Uh uh uh uh oh ooh
Why'd you have to go-oh
Away from home
Me love.

Uh uh uh uh oh ooh
Why'd you have to go-oh
Away from home
Me love.

Uh uh uh uh oh ooh
Why'd you have to go-oh
Away from home
Me love.

Why you leave me, wuh why you leave me
Baby tell me beh baby tell me
Why you leave me, wuh why you leave

A nite out with Lh

Haven't met my buddy LiHwa for a long time..I guess two months or more..

I gave her a last min call on Fri evening after my China Trip Briefing...
Didn't wanna go back...called a few people up...
Thank God managed to persuade my buddy Lihwa to meet me for dinner.

While waiting for her to arrive... I sat by my favourite place...
Make a guess...where is this place...

Yes..this is my favourite hangout...esp with Joyce my best friend. But this day..I am alone...enjoying the beautiful nite sceneries... enjoying the lightings, the boats..siting by the riverbank...looking at the attractive reflection of the surrounding lights around Boat Quay area.. Yes. This is my favourite place. CoffeeBean outside Boat Quay by the Singapore River Bank. I enjoy this wonderful relaxing feel...esp if there is fireworks...Its even more beautiful.

I love Singapore River. A place of nice memories.
Each evening strolling by this river, helps to cast the entire day's tireness, wearies and anxiety away...

Far down the end of this river is Bank Of China's Singapore HQ. The place where I had my first permanent job ...working in the Bank (Chinese Loan's Dept..dealing with oversea loans.) The place of good and bad memories. hmm....

Finally..Lihwa reached...
We went into the 大碗粥 for their famous nice and Huge Bowl porriage.

We ordered a bowl of 3 eggs porriage...salted egg, century egg and the normal egg..with mushroom in it... and a bowl of Sheng Yu (fish) porriage with YOU TIAO and Chinese Tea... Hmm..Simple Enjoyment of Life.

Hmm...looks good huh... is...
We spent about $30 there.

Took this chance to take a snap shot of Lihwa... cuz I told her..among my buddies..she and Gilbert's pic is not in my can..
btw CONGRATULATION TO GILBERT MY BUDDY...PROMOTED TO DADDY ALREADY last nite...Congratulation Buddy..Happy for You!

There somehow seems to have lots of babies and weddings surrounding me recently...
Well..that's good...
I am enjoying the feel of family too...esp with the return of my little brother Alex (Dingfeng) and my little niece Princess Adlynn...Oh I love it. Thank You Father in Heaven. Christmas this year is all about family..enjoying the Love of Christ (our Heavenly Father) and the love of family.

After our dinner...we stroll down the river and cross over to Timbre for a drink. Always heard about it but never been too.
Nice place..nice band..

but...I think they were having costume party or what..everyone is dressed in school uniform... But one thing that makes it looks ridiculous is...
those people wearing school uniforms are smoking and misbehaving themselves..
it looks damn awful I tell you. Esp when one guy in school uniform and shorts..taking his belt and pretending to whip a girl in another school uniform and both smoking..
Makes us feel very uncomfortable.
If you are supposed to pretend like a student and dress up like one..
at least acts like one...
very contradicting..
almost...angry till I wanna take a video shot with my hp and post on U-Tube..haiz..

However, despite all these... the Timbre is still not bad...
They have a wide range of wine/alcohol/cocktails/mocktail list...soo much to drink..but after thinking for a long time...we settled for a glass of white wine for me and a lychee martini for Lihwa..Will probably try the shots.. next visit. The thin crust pizza looks pretty good too!

So, that ends my Friday nite.

How did you spend yours?

Friday, December 14, 2007

Reason, Season or Lifetime?

I read something very meaningful in a friend's facebook, which I thot to share with you guys here. Its really enlightens me! Thank U.

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our
need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.


Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because
your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.

They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.


relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Thank you :) for being a part of my life, whether you
were a reason, a season or a lifetime.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thank You for 2007

In about 18 more days..we are gonna bid 2007 goodbye...

This year has been a wonderful year...a year of much changes....a year of Tremendous Ups and Downs in my a Roller Coaster Ride...Exciting...but the heart almost seems to fall off and not able to put together again.

I told that someone special that I had the best Birthday in my life this year...cuz I had him with me this year. We spent a wonderful day together...and a wonderful evenings with my buddies at Bala at nite. Knowing that I dun always have him with me...I always treasure our time together, creating wonderful moments..
Even a simple coffee or lunch together or buying stuff or furniture together is the sweetest moment for me..

I thot I could keep these as sweet memories with me for my entire life...
Precious memories can only perserve the way they are only when one handles with care and they are like beautiful glass vases...very fragile...meant to place in a safe and secure place for one to look at and remember...recalling the good times..

However, I guess ours were not being handled well enough..tho to him..nothing has changed...sweet memories will always be sweet memories..just that things have change..people moved on...

Each end of the year...I will spend the last hour mins and secs.. in Church with God..recalling the entire year and giving thanks and praying for the new year to come.

This year...I will be with my bestfriend somewhere in China..ending my Roller Coaster Year there..and Picking up a brand new year in a brand new place. Joyce is right..God has given me a great Christmas gift at the rite time.. God knows the Best and gives the Best... God knows I really need a get start afresh...I will empty my thots and start afresh a brand new 2008 focuzing now on my career, study and family..and of cuz..friends... without u guys around...ur support..encouragement...and your reading of my blog...I will not be able to stand up again..after each fall. Tho I am still weak like a baby...learning to walk....
I stand...I walk...I fall....then I stand up again...walk..and fall again..and then stand again...I guess this is a lesson of life for everyone..isn't it..

The fall might be painful..but most important part of to Stand up again..the courage to stand up again after each fall..tho afraid..but just have to go ahead and pick up that courage and stand up again ..isn't it..

For those who are having similar experience of falling and standing and walking with me...Let's motivate each other..and Look Forward...Each day is a brand new page of Sketches.. The Day always starts Bright (with the sun shinning its way thru..isn't it?) 加油! Gambatteh!

Still Giving thanks for this great Year of Happiness & experience...which really taught me lots of things in life...How much pages of sketches have you drew within this year? Next year will be a much better year!

With Christ...there is always Hope...For God is Love.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Everyone!

Like this song says "God will make a way..when there seems to be no way...He works in way..we cannot see...He will make a way for me.." I love this lyrics...In Christ..there is always Hope & Everlasting Love..

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ja Jang Myeon

As you guys know..I love watching Korean Series..and I can spend days watching Korean VCDs.As I was watching Korean shows...there is something which I always wanna try....but couldn't find it anywhere in Singapore...

After months of searching for it...finally...I got to taste it.
Haa..guess where...
ya..God is really good to me...
After a tiring day...I went to Tampines Mall to have my dinner and have no appetite..
then I saw there is this Korean I thot to give it a try.

Yes..its called Ja Jang Myeon.
Well...hows the taste...???
quite different from what I imagine..
I thot it's very sweet but its not..its quite nice..
I like the light sweetness of the black sauce..and the pork fats is really small pieces and very soft.It blends very well with the noodles.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Little Princess Adlynn

Finally Little Princess got her name : Adlynn if I spell it correctly..her chinese name : 黄翊婷. We call her Ting ting (婷婷).

I haven't seen Princess Ting Ting for about a week since she was discharged with her mum (my sis-in-law) a week ago. As I wasn't feeling well...dun wanna spread to our little princess.

Today is our once a week's family day...we went to Brother's house to have dinner since Mum is now staying with him to take care Ting Ting. Ting Ting has grown pretty much..not in term of size

but more like that way she sleeps and look around with her small pairs of eyes...searching around the room..and those expressions she made..

She made so much expressions like these

(So many different expressions..When she sleeps...)

Mum seems happier and young now taking care of her 1st grand daughter...

We were all very bad...esp me..
hee...the naughty Gu Gu (Aunty) keep crowding around baby..disturbing her sleep..taking videos and pics of her...hahaha...
Its such warming...

This is my sister & little brother's 1st pic with their niece Ting Ting..

I didn't managed to convince my 大嫂 Sister-In-Law to take pic with her daughter...
Will try again next time...hee..

And and dad (the grandpa) is not in any of the pics too...haha..

.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.