In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Shower of Blessing

Started off today (my off day) asking Dan for Lunch.
Dan said he had meetings whole day if eat together can only be like 20mins..tho he kind of missed me too..hahaha

I said its fine..take a break and meet me and relax..
Dan is from Australia..Joyce's ex-housemate..
Dan did reply I thot ok probably he can't..
Just then Cindy called me to meet her for lunch as she is locked outside office got no keys to enter thus she said while waiting can meet me for lunch since we work a station away..not knowing I am off..
And so we arranged to meet up at abt 1.30pm at dhoby ghaut since I am going to MDIS for registration.
Just I was ready to step out of my house..Dan called said can meet me for lunch and ask me to ask Cindy & Joyce along..knowing its too last min Joyce won't be able to make it.
Anyway I just expected Miss Q can't make it..

Then Cindy called up said to meet another day, cuz her colleague going back to office. I went to Singtel to meet Dan at somerset myself for lunch.

(This pic is taken during my birthday this year. Yes Dan is charming indeed but sorry gals he is already taken. He has a girlfriend back in Australia. He is just a nice friend of mine. One who will cheer me and joyce up..very cute guy his "Darlie - toothpaste" smile..Its great to finally see him with smile on his face compared to the other time we went for lunch together.

Dan wanted to go Kopi Tiam but too crowded..we ended up eating Craypot Rice & Laksa..
We did some catch up, Dan told me he recently joined the Dragon Boat Australia team and practice Dragon boat..Wow!!! hahaha
He was surprise to see me with my new image..and gave me reminder that I should be the one to cheer him up..and I say ya..the sun is great I am thankful for every bright morning a brand new day of Hope God gave. He say yah thats the way! (smile)

Dan was too busy to shave ask if he looks okie I say okie still not that bad as he is a white guy so his facial hair not that obvious..cheer each other up alittle..then his office called him as they are waiting for him to start the meeting..and he go rushing back to office..poooor Dan..The food is nice but kind of expensive.. $18 for the laksa and Craypot Rice.

As I am still early for my 3pm appointment at MDIS I went to Singtel lobby to sit back and enjoy a cup of chamomile tea which I love for relaxation..

What could be better then to sit back enjoy the peaceful ambiance looking at the park ahead...sipping a cup of tea. I always enjoy such moments esp when alone on my off days..

hmm..looking at my watch .."I still have a little while more I guess.."

Nothing could be better than this...hmm...

Reaching Dhoby Ghaut MRT..thinking I am on time..Ha..
there goes the shower of Blessings..
The sky was dark and it was pouring heavily outside the station..
There is no way for me to get over to the other side..
I went back to the station looking around for shops selling umbrellas.. NOPE..
helplessly I seek the help of the MRT Officer..
She was really kind..and asked around her colleague if they could lent me an umbrella..
Eventually they got me one..(tho with lots of little holes in it..which they din realise..) I was very thankful for their help..and finally managed to reach MDIS..still half wet...cuz the rain was too heavy and it was flooded..

The lady in MDIS went thru the Degree programme with me..and recommended me to apply for the MBA..ya MBA..I got that same expression as most of you ..(dropped my jaw)..
then she said its for those without degree yet with many years of working experience.. (for I have worked for 14years thus i am qualify according to her.) Its a total of 2nd years intensive course.She said if I din get in then she will help me to apply for the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Marketing by University of Bradford.
Of course thinking to finish the entire course faster I was tempted and signed up for the MBA by Southern Cross University..
Which however, my elder brother advised me not to take shorter route as employers won't recognise MBA without a basis degree..They will think i take short cut so its no good..why not just finish your degree with good results and proceed to a better MBA. I agreed..thus will call them up to swoop the course application.

Thereafter, I went to PSB to register for the PSB Advance Diploma in Commerce which is equivalent to UWA (University of Western Australia) which is very well recognised.
I will first finish this advance Diploma then proceed to the Hons and finish the entire course in 3 years (part-time). Of cuz as UWA is well-known their course fees is no joke..its about 34k for 3 years.. (which is 10k more than others.)

God really blessed me..after looking at my paper qualification..they gave me a green light said no problem..its just a matter of me when I wanna start...and apply..they will sent me the letter of approval one week later. I was advise since the course starts next April I might as well wait and see for the MBA if I got it approved. Then decide..dun waste the money to register first..
Funny huh..they are so thoughtful..
And so I took his advise will register later since he said his officer already give green light.

Oh I forgot before I went for PSB for this appointment at 5pm..As I was shivering with cold ..still raining outside..I went to PS to get an umbrella for myself since I promise to return the lady MRT Officer for the umbrella she lent me. Went to Gordano to get an umbrella at $6 cuz rainy day is half price..and got myself a white Bermudas to change into.

Its really shower of blessing tho at first I was laughing when I saw the rain and told God..God you must be joking...of all the rains so heavily at 3pm..and flooded some more..making me look really awful for my registeration.. Oh God pls forgive me of my lack of faith..I guess that's your perfect will and your shower of blessing..Thank You God for everything..

And thank you SMRT for your kind staff at Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station :)
Its a really wonderful day for me..
Really happy :)

p.s. I called up MDIS to change the MBA course application to Hons in Sci (Marketing) after discussion with my elder brother. He enlighten me saying that people will not acknowledge your MBA if you dun have a basis Degree, which is pretty true.

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.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.