In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Friday, November 30, 2007

Arrival of my new love

This morning about 10plus my new love has arrival.
My family and I were so excited..
I couldn't sleep last nite and kept praying...

Finally here comes my new love..
But I had to work today..
Kept looking at the clock to see when can I knock off..

I was pretty upset today after my boss told me that he suggest to change the operating hours shorter and take away me and my co-worker's off day..meaning we will have to work 6 days next year.
I was very upset cuz that's the agreement for my stay last year when he promise that I can work 5 days thats why I stayed am really disappointed in him.
I told him that I will be very stress if I got no off day..esp next year I have to work and study at the same time.
I dun care..if he is not caring or understanding..I will have to seek another job soon..when I get one I will leave as I once mentioned.

Finally its time to knock off..I rushed to K.K Hospital to meet my new lover..
you must be wondering why K.K? is my new love...

Isn't she sweet? See how sound asleep is little princess..
Such a sweetie pie...

Here is the Dad (Congrate Brother finally promoted to DADDY.)

Congrate to Mummy..finally become Ah Ma...

And congrate to me, finally become 姑姑 (mum said I am 大姑, I said sound so 姑姑can already..hee)finally a niece...Thank you God for the smooth operation that Baby and mummy (Kit-my sister in law) is both in great health.

I bet you can't believe ..little princess tho arrived one month earlier is in great health! Very health, strong and pinky..hahaha..Her backbone is so well develope that she is so easy to carry (very stable, not soft) and she even flip herself in her 'bed' just now... wow..

See...she is sleeping so soundly....zzZZZzzZZ...

I said little princess looks like magi in the bible..will wrapped up..hahaha..

Thank You Father in Heaven for the arrival of this little princess and just in time with celebrate this Christmas with us..See..she is all wrapped up and so cozy..ready for Christmas like her aunt (Gu Gu) me..hee

Oh for some curious mummies will sure heavy is little princess?
Little princess weighs 3.1kg.. very light and nice to carry..
But according to Doctor and nurse as well as her daddy & mummy...she is very heavy..
cuz she is a premature baby...

Her daddy who is my eldest brother told my mum to take over the bb after he carried for a while saying his arms cramp..hahaha..cuz he said he dun dare to move the baby so his arms becomes stiff and blood cannot circulate..haha..cuz my brother is huge and bb is sooo small..

Little princess hasn't got her name yet as her daddy & mummy are not Christian so..they are kind of superstitious... wanting her to be named only after she is born.
In any way..she is in good hands..
esp she has 4 Christians - granny,aunts & uncle always praying for her and looking after her. Esp when I am a baby expert..Uh Hmm.. hahaha..

I just love babies and children...seeing troubles and worries are all gone. Thank you Father in losting one I gained 2...precious in my life.

I wanted to get something for both the courageous mum who just gave birth to this little princess and the little princess herself..
Looking thru everything in the Flower shop in K.K, finally decide to get this..
cuz it has everything I want..

Flower & bear for the mum (Kit loves flowers and bears)..some of u might not know Kit is my friend who I introduce to my brother - prefect match..

The rest are for little princess...

Many often neglect mummy and only concentrate on the baby esp when paying them a visit..
To me..I think Mums are great people who bear the baby and suffer so much during pregnancy and then give birth to the Mummy is as important as baby...if not more than Baby. Only with Mummy can baby survive and of cuz daddy is as important..and that makes a happy family..

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Shower of Blessing

Started off today (my off day) asking Dan for Lunch.
Dan said he had meetings whole day if eat together can only be like 20mins..tho he kind of missed me too..hahaha

I said its fine..take a break and meet me and relax..
Dan is from Australia..Joyce's ex-housemate..
Dan did reply I thot ok probably he can't..
Just then Cindy called me to meet her for lunch as she is locked outside office got no keys to enter thus she said while waiting can meet me for lunch since we work a station away..not knowing I am off..
And so we arranged to meet up at abt 1.30pm at dhoby ghaut since I am going to MDIS for registration.
Just I was ready to step out of my house..Dan called said can meet me for lunch and ask me to ask Cindy & Joyce along..knowing its too last min Joyce won't be able to make it.
Anyway I just expected Miss Q can't make it..

Then Cindy called up said to meet another day, cuz her colleague going back to office. I went to Singtel to meet Dan at somerset myself for lunch.

(This pic is taken during my birthday this year. Yes Dan is charming indeed but sorry gals he is already taken. He has a girlfriend back in Australia. He is just a nice friend of mine. One who will cheer me and joyce up..very cute guy his "Darlie - toothpaste" smile..Its great to finally see him with smile on his face compared to the other time we went for lunch together.

Dan wanted to go Kopi Tiam but too crowded..we ended up eating Craypot Rice & Laksa..
We did some catch up, Dan told me he recently joined the Dragon Boat Australia team and practice Dragon boat..Wow!!! hahaha
He was surprise to see me with my new image..and gave me reminder that I should be the one to cheer him up..and I say ya..the sun is great I am thankful for every bright morning a brand new day of Hope God gave. He say yah thats the way! (smile)

Dan was too busy to shave ask if he looks okie I say okie still not that bad as he is a white guy so his facial hair not that obvious..cheer each other up alittle..then his office called him as they are waiting for him to start the meeting..and he go rushing back to office..poooor Dan..The food is nice but kind of expensive.. $18 for the laksa and Craypot Rice.

As I am still early for my 3pm appointment at MDIS I went to Singtel lobby to sit back and enjoy a cup of chamomile tea which I love for relaxation..

What could be better then to sit back enjoy the peaceful ambiance looking at the park ahead...sipping a cup of tea. I always enjoy such moments esp when alone on my off days..

hmm..looking at my watch .."I still have a little while more I guess.."

Nothing could be better than this...hmm...

Reaching Dhoby Ghaut MRT..thinking I am on time..Ha..
there goes the shower of Blessings..
The sky was dark and it was pouring heavily outside the station..
There is no way for me to get over to the other side..
I went back to the station looking around for shops selling umbrellas.. NOPE..
helplessly I seek the help of the MRT Officer..
She was really kind..and asked around her colleague if they could lent me an umbrella..
Eventually they got me one..(tho with lots of little holes in it..which they din realise..) I was very thankful for their help..and finally managed to reach MDIS..still half wet...cuz the rain was too heavy and it was flooded..

The lady in MDIS went thru the Degree programme with me..and recommended me to apply for the MBA..ya MBA..I got that same expression as most of you ..(dropped my jaw)..
then she said its for those without degree yet with many years of working experience.. (for I have worked for 14years thus i am qualify according to her.) Its a total of 2nd years intensive course.She said if I din get in then she will help me to apply for the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Marketing by University of Bradford.
Of course thinking to finish the entire course faster I was tempted and signed up for the MBA by Southern Cross University..
Which however, my elder brother advised me not to take shorter route as employers won't recognise MBA without a basis degree..They will think i take short cut so its no good..why not just finish your degree with good results and proceed to a better MBA. I agreed..thus will call them up to swoop the course application.

Thereafter, I went to PSB to register for the PSB Advance Diploma in Commerce which is equivalent to UWA (University of Western Australia) which is very well recognised.
I will first finish this advance Diploma then proceed to the Hons and finish the entire course in 3 years (part-time). Of cuz as UWA is well-known their course fees is no joke..its about 34k for 3 years.. (which is 10k more than others.)

God really blessed me..after looking at my paper qualification..they gave me a green light said no problem..its just a matter of me when I wanna start...and apply..they will sent me the letter of approval one week later. I was advise since the course starts next April I might as well wait and see for the MBA if I got it approved. Then decide..dun waste the money to register first..
Funny huh..they are so thoughtful..
And so I took his advise will register later since he said his officer already give green light.

Oh I forgot before I went for PSB for this appointment at 5pm..As I was shivering with cold ..still raining outside..I went to PS to get an umbrella for myself since I promise to return the lady MRT Officer for the umbrella she lent me. Went to Gordano to get an umbrella at $6 cuz rainy day is half price..and got myself a white Bermudas to change into.

Its really shower of blessing tho at first I was laughing when I saw the rain and told God..God you must be joking...of all the rains so heavily at 3pm..and flooded some more..making me look really awful for my registeration.. Oh God pls forgive me of my lack of faith..I guess that's your perfect will and your shower of blessing..Thank You God for everything..

And thank you SMRT for your kind staff at Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station :)
Its a really wonderful day for me..
Really happy :)

p.s. I called up MDIS to change the MBA course application to Hons in Sci (Marketing) after discussion with my elder brother. He enlighten me saying that people will not acknowledge your MBA if you dun have a basis Degree, which is pretty true.

Practicing the Presence

by Max Lucado

How do I live in God’s presence? How do I detect his unseen hand on my shoulder and his inaudible voice in my ear? A sheep grows familiar with the voice of the shepherd. How can you and I grow familiar with the voice of God? Here are a few ideas:
Give God your waking thoughts. Before you face the day, face the Father. Before you step out of bed, step into his presence. I have a friend who makes it a habit to roll out of his bed onto his knees and begin his day in prayer. Personally, I don’t get that far. With my head still on the pillow and my eyes still closed, I offer God the first seconds of my day. The prayer is not lengthy and far from formal. Depending on how much sleep I got, it may not even be intelligible. Often it’s nothing more than “Thank you for a night’s rest. I belong to you today.”
Give God your wai ting thoughts. Spend time with him in silence. The mature married couple has learned the treasure of shared silence; they don’t need to fill the air with constant chatter. Just being together is sufficient. Try being silent with God. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10 niv). Awareness of God is a fruit of stillness before God.
Give God your whispering thoughts. Through the centuries Christians have learned the value of brief sentence prayers, prayers that can be whispered anywhere, in any setting.
Imagine considering every moment as a potential time of communion with God. By giving God your whispering thoughts, the common becomes uncommon. Simple phrases such as “Thank you, Father,” “Be sovereign in this hour, O Lord,” “You are my resting place, Jesus” can turn a commute into a pilgrimage. You needn’t leave your office or kneel in your kitchen. Just pray where you are. Let the kitchen become a cathedral or the classroom a chapel. Give God your whispering thoughts.
And last, give God your waning thoughts. At the end of the day, let your mind settle on him. Conclude the day as you began it: talking to God. Thank him for the good parts. Question him about the hard parts. Seek his mercy. Seek his strength. And as you close your eyes, take assurance in the promise: “He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep” (Ps. 121:4 niv). If you fall asleep as you pray, don’t worry. What better place to doze off than in the arms of your Father.

From Just Like Jesus
Copyright (W Publishing Group, 1998, 2001) Max Lucado

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Path Seekers

Other than my own design business SKETCH BOOK..
I help out - work full time in my church's Christian Bookstore at 17 New Bridge Road (level One)
opp Clarke Quay Mrt exit E.

Many are curious how does our store looks like..
This is how it looks

Looks like a nice place rite???
Its indeed very peaceful and nice place..
The aircon is very will feel like winter once you step in..and with those nice music CD I will only love to stay longer..and will feel the tingle of Christmas..(hee..esp if u see me wearing my snow bootie from Australia..a present from Sandra my buddy in Melbourne..)

Customers often like to pop by to flip thru some books, get some gifts, Christian books and cd/vcd/dvds from us..

There is a bus stop outside our doorstep..very convenient..

As Christmas is round the corner..
we have started our Christmas offers from 10%-50% for all items except Nett items or those which has special rate indicated..
Business is pretty good since we started our Christmas promotion...

We are extending our business hours from 3 Dec - 21 Dec..
Mon-Fri: 10am to 7.30pm
Sat: 10am to 5.30pm
** Sun & Public Holiday: CLOSED.

Enquiry: 6336 6789 (easy to remember rite? Hee..)
or email :

Hope to see u there for some christmas shopping..
Ho Ho Ho..

(Funny huh..whenever I talk about Business I get so awake..excited and Happy..)
Thus kind of sad everytime I knock off from work..

For more info Click Here


Fly Girl Fly

I am like this wounded bird..who had its wings wounded and in the mist of recovering..
give me some time, love, patient and most of all prayer to let me be strong again..
its...still..not time yet...
Wings still hurts..
not ready to spread out my wings to soar into the air yet...

Give me some time..
Only Lord can heal me..
I am sorry I need some time off for me to recuperate..
I am still very this bird..

Thanks for your supports, concerns and prayer friends..esp my best friend Joyce..
sorry that angie needs time-off again..
Thanks for understanding..

Thots are felt.
Many thanks :) to all of you who are concern and love reading my blog..I have received lots of your encouragement and appreciation..It has indeed added colours to my sketchbook of life..

Me and My mum!

p.s. Pics are taken by me during my last trip to Genting Awana with my Church for retreat..Its indeed a great place for retreat..if only I can be there rite now..ooh..probably could recover faster among the Clouds..surrounded by hills and greeneries..Every morning this beautiful scenery & fresh cooling air never fails to echo out their greetings to me..

I love Awana!

River Vs Traffic Light

It rained this morning..As I was walking along my favourite path Singapore River, I saw the rain hits onto the river...looked so peaceful..unlike me who is walking along the bridge pulling my long skirt in a chaotic manner..
I stopped for a while admiring the peaceful sight down the river..

Later this evening on my way to Cityhall..I passed that river again..
Looking at the river again..
it seem looks peaceful tho more glamorous, surrounded by the lightings around it and the Bunk boat taking tourists for a ride to enjoy this beautiful scenery...
Can't help but to take out my hp and start snapping...

What do we learn from here?
Peacefulness is not affected by outer circumstances..just like Singapore River..


Across the street approaching the Blinking Man (Traffic Light), another thot strikes my mind..Green Man / Green Blinking Man / Red Man..

Doesn't this depict our life?
There are times to Go...time to Get Ready to Stop...and time to Stop.
Many times in Life...We got ourselves in mess cuz we never follow instruction to Cross our life with Care.
We walk as its time to walk.. Dash across when its time to Get ready to Stop, no more walking if we have not started..and Worst of all..When its a Red Man-time to Stop..We thot still looks fine and safe for me..maybe I could just make my way thru quickly and so we Dashed across, not knowing the danger which awaits us at the other end of the road.

There is a time for everything..
but we human messed it up..
The set of safety rules are look upon as a "Who one seems alrite wah...its so troublesome and waste of follow these rules"
I guess I am one of these "rules breaker" who has ended up hurting myself..

Now what about you?
Next time you saw a blinking Man..what will you do?


Hit by virus!

My pc got virus..all thanks to Cristy..the hacker who left a link in my blog and Bill's blog's chatterbox..
Thus we deleted our chatterbox!
Sorry for the time being will not insert the chatterbox..
u can still leave ur comment in my blog by clicking on the comments box underneath each of my post/article.

Thanks for your support..
And one thing I must say...thank u jason for helping me to restore to the day before the virus and saved my pc..thanks!


Monday, November 26, 2007

Back to my original lover

Finally, I decided to head back to my original Lover which is God, Lord Jesus Christ, after battling with loving or not the man whom I thot could be my life partner which eventually God told me he isn't what God has planned for me.
I was indeed really sad..
pulling myself thru the nite..asking God..why why why..
after putting in so much make this work..but...result: Flunk!

Listening to christian songs and reading the bible..
recalling what my sister ask me.. "Did you hear God's voice when you pray? Or u r just too concentrating to pour out all you want to God and not listening.."

Seriously..I haven't being reading the bible everyday which I should tho I did devotion on and off..not consistent..
I guess I place him more important than God subconciously...
That's probably what God wants me to realise...

Now I repent..
Decided that there is no lover as good as God.
As my morning poem prayer describe..
Worldly love has a price to pay..most of the time it brings uncertainty..and hurts..
But God's love doesn't.
Its a relieve to see the sunshine in the morning..
finally the dark scary nite has passed..
Darkness often gathers lots of emotions and thots esp negative thots and make one feel like the end of the world..

I felt relieve and thankful this morning to see the sun and God's beautiful creation.
Seeing God's love for me..
The sunlight he created chased all the darkness and negative thots away.
Thank You Jesus.

I made up my mind to start off each day from tomorrow onwards with prayer..and time alone with God. Motivated by my sister who wakes up 5am in the morning to go to Mass in catholic church to spend time quietly with God.
I just found out that St. Andrew Cathedral opens daily at 7am for people to go in to quiet themselve to pray and spend quiet time with God.
Will try out some day.
abit scare cuz never enters that place before..

brand new day!


Stepping out my day of work into the sun light..
Can't help but feel with praise and thanks giving to God for the sunshine this morning. Thots came to me.. and I wrote down this (above) poem prayer in Chinese.
let me translate it into English for you.

With Thanksgiving heart, thanking Father in Heaven for there is always the sunshine in the early morning after each darkness passed, to welcome each brand new day!
God is faithful, His love doesn't brings hurt. He saith, He loves us forever, His love will never change. He will never leave us or forsake us.
Let each day begin with Praise , thanksgiving and joy.
May you have a wonderful day ahead!
Jesus is my strength!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Every one has someone new..

Everone has someone new recently.

I have someone new in my life now too.
Some one very darling and precious to me...
One who I will put my heart into it..
and has always put my heart into..
He is always so loving and caring...
He is such a good boy...He is very sensible..
He puts on smile on my face...
We are very close...
He is finally back after 8 years of separating from me..and my family..
He is but my dearest youngest brother Alex, Dingfeng.

He is my half-brother but me and my family love him very much soo much..
he knows that and that's why he choose to make this tough decision to leave his present home and came back to us after waiting for 8 years..just for the rite time.
I admire his courage to take this step.

Today he told his mum and sister that he is leaving them and moving back with us.
And they gave him hard time..but eventually he came us tho couldn't bring anything with him..but dun worry..he is the most important to us.
Even tho he has not been living with us..but we loved him so much and has always buy things for him and keep at home..hoping that one day he will come us.
But we told him to keep in touch with them so that they won't feel too sad as if they lost him and he said he will provide their needs after he come out to work after he goes into the army next year and finish his study and start working..He is very filial, thoughtful and has a good heart.

I still remember how hurt my family was when 8 years ago..we came home found him missing as his mum secretly took him and his sister away from us when we were not at home..we cried and took us a long period to recover.
I can understand just how sad his mum and his sister must be feeling now.

Family is always the Best!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Alternative plans

Today Bro told me to make alternative plans for my studies as UNISIM has already shortlisted those people who has gone for interview. According to him, there is limited space and too much applicants.

I am kind of sad and disappointed. But I know God has a better plan for me.
I wanna go into Commerce instead as I recently find out that Commerce is more of what I really want as it has more things relating to Marketing and business itself.

Now I am searching for another school which hoping can accept my Graphic Design Diploma into the Degree course..if not..I have no other choice but to start from cert and then diploma then degree...which seriously..I am not willing to...its wasting and taking up too much time.

All I want is to give myself a paper recognition and a proper guide to what I have so far being doing and how to improve and widen the potential of my marketing skill.
God I pray that You will allow me to do so...

Anyone has any idea or good recommendation for good, well recognised any Commerce degree course which I can study without wasting time having to go thru from basic and advance I am no longer a fresh grad from a school with my 14years of working experience...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow (lyrics)

Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
But the fire is so delightful,
And since we've no place to go,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

It doesn't show signs of stopping,
And I brought some corn for popping;
The lights are turned way down low,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

When we finally say good night,
How I'll hate going out in the storm;
But if you really hold me tight,
All the way home I'll be warm.

The fire is slowly dying,
And, my dear, we're still good-bye-ing,
But as long as you love me so.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Stay Out Of It!

November 20, 2007

Do not . . . share in other people’s sins. —1 Timothy 5:2

A Christian man in our community received a promotion that greatly increased his income. His fellow salesmen urged him to upgrade his life through large credit card purchases. Whatever the others did, he did—family skiing vacations, cruises, new furniture, expensive shopping trips.

Then sales dipped, and he fell behind in his payments. The pressure put his marriage under tremendous strain. His buddies suggested that he do what they did: pad his expense accounts and turn in inflated sales reports. He did, but he became consumed with anxiety and guilt.

A wise Christian friend observed the strain he was under and prayed for him. He then counseled him to face the reality of his situation. The anguished believer finally cried out to God in shame and repentance. He confessed his sin, made things right with his company, and talked about it with his wife. Peace eventually returned to his life.

Paul’s instructions to elders in today’s passage apply to all believers in Jesus Christ. When so many cultures in the world are driven by pride and greed, the apostle’s command not to “share in other people’s sins” (v.22) is timely.

When enticed to join others in wrongdoing, stay out of it! —David C. Egner

Sin’s pleasures have such great appeal,
They truly look like bargains rare;
But seldom do we clearly see
The hidden cost that we must bear. —D. De Haan

No one who follows Christ will ever stray from God

Happy Birthday Joyce and Cindy!

Today is my best friend Joyce and Cindy's birthday.

Meet Joyce outside starbuck at Central. But she ended up at Clarke Quay cuz Taxi dunno how to come to Central.
Took this pic of Central. very nice Christmas Deco.

Joyce gave me a treat at Bayang Restaurant at Clarke Quay. The food there is not bad. I like the Ambience. But kind of expensive.

What a feast we have!

After dinner, Cindy finally arrived..The two birthday Girls are here..Its time for party...
So we went to Pump to have some drinks...
Cindy said that the live band is great!
Indeed they are impressive!
Pump has nice ambience too..very Christmas-like.

Before we enter Joyce and I were captivated by the nice deco at the fountain.

Of cuz we couldn't resist taking pic infront of the beautifully decorated fountain space.

We had a nice time catching up at Pump. Cindy shared with us her China Backpack experience..Sound like quite an adventure, I should say.
Then I sms Bill told him its Joyce's birthday, ask if he wanna send his birthday greeting to her too. He is so sweet..took the effort to sms her his greetings while in the mist of his usual always busy.

I bought a party bag for Joyce as her birthday present. This woman loves bags and has wide collection of them. She said my taste got better and better..hahaha..
As for Cindy, I bought her a cute monkey Bob..(something similar to what Bill bought for me before, just that its a little cute monkey.) Cuz Cindy the nite owl always lack of sleep. I want her to have a good sleep watching cute Bob bobs his head.
Hope you guys like the presents I bought.

I love this pic..hahaha..

Thanks Cindy for your treat at Pump and the nice bag you got me from China. :)

One thing I MUST mentioned..
Cindy is very thoughtful...
after Joyce board the cab home..we were still walking and waiting for our cab. Cindy made a great suggestion.. "Whoever who board the cab first gives the other one a ride to a place which is easier to take a cab." And she did.
Not only did the cab driver dropped me at a place to take the cab easily..they actually waiting till I get a cab and board the cab then go off..cuz that place is very dark. I must say..I am very touched.

Thanks Cindy again..hee (ya..after getting to know you better and better...I got really thankfully for knowing you. And understand why is Joyce so close to you hee..)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Newsletter which I did for November

Those who wanna read the monthly newsletter which I did for November can check out Here

This is not really an official website..just did this in a few hours so as to provide some simple info for customer who wanna received our newsletter.


Happy Birthday Joyce and Cindy!

Joyce and Cindy - check out (at the bottom of my blog) the present I created for your birthday.
Hope you like it!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Weak = Strong

A new lesson I learned in today's sermon in church..

There is a thing which is seems soft (gentle)..yet can in fact be the strongest..
Know what is that?

Make a guess....(Scroll down)

What is that? Have you thot of it? (scroll down..)

The answer is...(Scroll down)

Have you got the right answer?

Just think of it..
Love can make a person becomes gentle...(e.g. When the boss of a huge enterprise talks to his sweetheart, he suddenly lost his tough attitude and becomes really gentle and soft).

Love can make you the toughest and strongest person on earth e.g. the mother who seems like a weak common woman will become the toughest and strongest when place in a situation which threatens the life of her child..

Thus what seems weak/gentle might actually be the strongest...weapon which one may possess.

My little brother

Its been months since I met my little brother Dingfeng or Alex you may call him.
He is my dearest little brother tho we are half brother and sister but we are closer than fingers...hahaha..he is the darling of my family.

Dingfeng is a very sensible, caring and understand young chap now. Having his A levels..going to army really soon. We went to Ikea Tampines and I gave him a huge treat that he eat till he scare..hahaha..stuff him with delicious food..

First thing I saw my brother...I feel as if he is a giant and I am a little girl now..tho I am his elder sister.Haven't seen him for months and now he is a head taller than me..each time we meet he just seems taller and taller..
My 2nd sister (I am the eldest sister at home) always very happy when Dingfeng grows taller..
She says Man must must be taller..and keep wanting him to grow taller..
as for me..I am total opposite..i want to be taller than my little brother cuz I am elder..hahaha..sounds silly hor..
Can't understand how he grow that tall when his mum and my dad are not tall at all..
Negative plus Negative equals to Positive? Hahaha..

I went to Ikea to do Christmas deco shopping for my Office..My tenant is forking out $50 to let him express his creativity ..since he wanna help doll up my office..
Wow..just a few deco costed me $50 and another $42 for the stuff I wanna buy to sell separately in my store after do re-work. Total spend about $100..
Heart pain..
Hopefully will help boost up our business and create the right kind of mood.

I brought my little brother to have dinner with Joyce at Ikea and then straight after I walked him to the bus stop to catch a ride the other end of Singapore.
As a caring elder sister...i insist to see him board up the bus safely before leaving him and joined Joyce back at Ikea.

Joyce say..she has never see that elderly (caring) sister side of me..or more like a mum..hahaha..what to Di-Di is my precious. Very blessed to have a little brother like him. We are always very proud of him.
Will tell you guy more about him the next time.

Time to catch some sleep, its 1am now.
Have a happy week ahead.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

1st Children Choir Practice

Today is the 1st Children Choir church..lead by me..
pianist Wanying.

This time is really a challenge for i am suppose to teach the whole group from Nursery onwards to Pri 6.. can you imagine that..Phew..tough job..

I prepared 3 songs for them to learn.
Let's see.. we have a total of 5 practices of app 20mins each to get them perform the 3 items..

Only managed to run thru one Song. "Away in the Manger" Chinese and English.
The big ones only memories the Chinese part..small one.. NONE..why? Cuz their teacher forgot to send them to my class. They came in just 4 mins before dismissal. How to teach like that? I am very stress. No choice but smile and leave it to God.

Hopefully they will go home practice themselves. Told the bigger ones to buddy the small one to guide them thru as I can't manage a class of 20 over children by myself..from Nursery to pri 6. If you have kids of these age, you definitely will know what a tough time I have just to settle them down and teach esp within 20mins.
It will definitely be matter how much I love children and how much patients I have for children.
Do keep these in prayer for me okie thanks.

Finally left two more songs to run thru and then work on how to improve. Just pray that parents are cooperative too.

God bless and Merry Christmas everyone.

Declan's Baby shower :)

Yesterday was Declan's Baby Shower (one month old).
The celebration was held in Island Resort (formerly known as coasta sand east coast)..The red bricks 7pm.

Haven't been there for donkey years..The place haven't changed much over the years..
The buffet they order from Neo Garden Restaurant was fantastic..yummy..really delicious and cheap somemore.. range about $8.80 on wards..yummy.
Next time anyone wanna order buffet should try them.
check out their website: or call them at 6897757
Hee..I grabbed one of their menu to bring home for future orders..
To me it taste better than many many others out me..
Highly recommended.. I give it a 4/5 THUMBS UP!!!

Declan came to church today..his first visit to the church attending Service hahaha..
He is really a sweet and good boy..little angel..
Didn't hear him cry..
was sleeping all the way..and even smile too..thats fast for a baby...
One thing for sure lots of people snatching to carry him..
I wanted till lunch time with David and May (Declan's parents) and the youth then I take over from Rongfa for a while to carry him...
He is so sweet..just didn't really bother who is carrying him..just keep sleeping so soundly...really envies him. Such a sweet darling.
He is consider light as compared to E.T (Eugene Teo) my godson in Melbourne..hahaha..

Eugene a year ago about Declan's age back then..

Can't wait till 5 weeks or so later, I can carry my Elder brother's little Christmas princess..I guess the little princess is still waiting for the Christmas bell to wake her up from her beauty sleep to come out to meet us all and this beautiful world which God has created...

It is indeed a joy to have babies and the next generation. If only..I can have my own..

Friday, November 16, 2007

Men's Glory

I bought a little nice Note Book From Borders just few days ago.
Love at First sight..
It has this Old English Feel in it.

I called it Little Book of Big Thots..

-write down lessons of life
.Wrote how I want my wake and funeral to be
.Wrote things that strucks me..
.Lessons in Life

Share with you one of it which I wrote:


The day when one lies in the coffin, people reading out and remember him/her for all his/her good deeds esp things with eternal like the day he/she recieve his/her report book for his/her lessons in life. The "Graduation Day" I called it.
Results is announced. Rewards recieved in Heaven and on earth at that moment.

However, rewards on earth are but a day or two of remembrance and gone with the wind. only things with eternal value last forever.
Things of eternal value are things which you do in the name of God, glorifying His name, eg sharing the gospel, be a good testimony, bringing people to know God and believe in Him. Things that we do out of the Love of God to others.

Say No To Self-Help

November 15, 2007

Extract from Daily Bread

READ: Jeremiah 17:1-8

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped. —Psalm 28:7

About this cover
Early in my editorial career in religious publishing, I was responsible for a line of books referred to as “self-help.” The label troubled me because it seemed contrary to everything Christian.

The idea of self-help is popular because it supports the notion that we are in control. In the words of the poem “Invictus”: “I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.”

But we’re not! Eventually something happens that reminds us how out-of-control life is, and no self-help book can help us make it right.

Thankfully, Christians are not in the business of self-help. Quite the opposite! To become a Christian requires that we admit our helplessness and acknowledge our total dependence on God. “Without Me, you can do nothing,” said Jesus (John 15:5).

The ancient Israelites were always getting in trouble for trusting human strength rather than God’s (Jer. 17:5). Yet even after their failures, the Lord said, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord” (v.7).

When especially difficult circumstances or strong temptations invade our lives and remind us of our powerlessness, we have an all-powerful God who works on behalf of those who trust Him. —Julie Ackerman Link

No strength of our own, nor goodness we claim;
Our trust is all thrown on Jesus’ name:
In this our strong tower for safety we hide;
The Lord is our power, “The Lord will provide.” —Newton

Whatever does not begin with God will end in failure.

1st Visit to Fashion Bar

Work...Work ..Work...!!!
Busy ...Busy...Busy...

There is lots of tensions in my busy life giving myself lots of pressure and stress..lots of stuff I wanna achieve improving myself..not enough time..
Not satisfy with my progress right now..
Wish that I could be much much better in design and many other aspect over nite.. but it is just impossible..
Thus feeling really upset with myself..with my so-far achievement...

Need a break.. but..I still have so much catching up to life..
still got so much designing stuff to work on..and just wanna do a fantastic job..
Inspiration..Where are u????

Oh God...give me strength and mighty power..Father in Heaven..

Oh Boy..there I go myself lots of stress..
I can hardly breath..

Thank God Joyce came to meet me for dinner after my work..

Then..knowing I seriously need a break and a quiet place to chill out..
she brought me to a wonderful place...


Its a WOW WOW WOW...Impressive...Gothic Place..I am charmed by it..hahaha..

I love the entire concept...just dwell into it..the moment we stepped in..
funny thing is...when we walked it..its totally empty and we have a huge wonderful seat by ourselves..
There are tvs on Fashions all around us..
I love the entire silver and black theme...WOW!!!
The drinks are really cheap too..
One for One before 9pm..
I had two vodka Lime for only S$10. God really is nice to me..letting me take a break and relax and not spending more than $10.

Check out Fashion Bar at Clarke Quay you guys!
I love do Joyce..

I dun like this face is too thin...I have lost weight recently..AHhh...too much tension..can't eat..not really being eating much recently..just a few bit here and there..haiz..

.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.