In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Recently I noticed that there is something that's not very nice of me...
I dunno...
it seems like at times, I seems to talk arrogantly or behave kind of proud esp when coming to design...I am filled with confidence esp when explaining when certain design I think isn't a good design...and what should be done to improve it..
I really hope people dun find me proud becuz of that..
I tends to get a little worked up if someone doesnt understand design and start commenting that the design or my design isn't good..
As designers, we must cater the needs of our customers giving them what they want..but first, they themselve must really know what they want..
Design is not just about drawing...
its about the uniqueness of portraiting a message which u wants to bring out to the audience. There are lots of great designers out there in the market. Each have their strong points...some good in technique, some good in drawing, i.e what we called illustrations and some design with concept.
I set up my own design company called "sketchbook".
Many are impressed by my namecard..cuz its simple yet outstanding..
That's my selling point..Uniqueness..
Everyone has a diff perspective in life..
For me..I enjoy looking and observing from angles which people normally take it for granted or do not notice. From there I design a unique concept which you can hardly find anyone using it..special namecards -which is very important as it represents who u or ur company are. And wedding cards...
Why is my company named sketchbook?
Reason: very simple- Sketchbook is where all imagination is put into reality..
as a designer we are trained first sketch our derive our concept and ideas before we decide what we want..
If everything is only in the mind up will never become a final product if u dun start sketching it out..
Does it make sense? another words..Sketchbook is where imagination comes to life. Its essential. Most basic needs to get a design and product out.
Thus with that company's card is printed in Black and white..
One might think its so and will change ur view like those who have rec'd my card..
I chosed a rough texture card and kind of soft like the sketchbook pad..feel..
and have the front printed solid black with white tiny details..and huge SKETCHBOOK in silver hotstamp which catches the attention of whoever that recieve this card..
and at the back of it..i play with simple texts in black and play around with black highlight box with reverse white words..indicating what service/designs i do..

Conclusion: Its normally the simple that catches the eye..
that's Sketchbook.

Welcome if you need any design service from me..I will do my best and we work together to bring out the best and uniqueness of what u need.
my hp: 90037304
p.s. My design company is on freelance basis meaning..I only do it on my off day or after my official working hours give me some time to work out a good design for u...A rush design will never be a good I always say..


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.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.