In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Monday, September 3, 2007

People says...

People says...our mood depends on the weather many times... true is that?

Today is kind of a rainy day...but I was feeling great the entire day! Instead of thinking oh Boy what a looks like its gonna rain today anytime and i am gonna be feeling so cold..and I better hide indoor..blah blah blah..which most of the time I do say that..and quoting what my mum always say about me...that I am made of paper..cannot get wet...I mean..wet under the rain okie..and I will get sick..Oh boy oh boy...

I guess I finally had a great having to be waken up by the "OOOHH AAhh..." sound again...if u read my blog constantly..u will know what I mean..won't explain...Its for me to know for u to find out..
Having a good sleep indeed made me feel great! I wake up this morning feeling fresh..tho as usual..I drag my feet off the bed..and kneel infront of my wardrobe with my eyes half open..trying to peep thru the mountains..what to wear for today..and as cat Timmy..will stand by the door and wait..
If I take too long to get out of my room..He will start his meowing outside the door saying "its time to wake up and go to work u lazy girl..."

Funny thing about my cat is..many times he is like human/ mankind..
sometimes he forget that he is a cat..
and start behaving like a human..
let's see...
He will ask u for food and make sure U MUST GIVE IT TO HIM...very demanding tone..and also when it comes to his drinks too....He will be very very persistent till he gets it...
He is very picky about drinks and food...only want fresh water from the even if there is water in his bowl..he will still ask u to get him the water from the tap...His gesture is so clear that no one will ever miss what he wants...
and after u pour the clear water from the tap into his bowl..he will not drink immediately..he will first smell..then look at u...and ask "is this water really for drinking? Can it be drunk?" Only after u say "yes, its drink it." Then he will start drinking it...
Next came to food...He likes only good expensive expensive fish...and good delicious cat food...hmm..u might ask..what will happen if what u give is not what he wants...Haha..
Timmy the cat will tell u
Look at u that look..."Is this really for me?"
Next...he will go and wrapped the food up with the newspaper which we either place the fish there or his bowl of food on the newspaper so that he wont dirty the floor...and sit beside it to protest....
Joyce do u remember I showed u once a pic on how that bowl of food which Timmy didnt like ended up?
Ya...its cover by the newspaper and upside down..cuz he flipped the newspaper so hard to cover it till the entire bowl went upside down..
That's my house Timmy...

oh! and I just day timmy decided to be like human again...instead of licking up the water from his bowl..he actually uses his paw and scooped up the water to drink...can u imagine that..
Timmy started doing that one day when he realise his face is too big to fit into his bowl to drink his water...cuz instead of puting water into a bowl for him..i pour the water into a plastic cup and not that can't drink it..his tongue isnt that long..he doesn't have long beak like birds..haha..and his face is way too big to fit into that cup..thus..he decided that the only way to drink his water is to scoop it up like we human's do...
So be careful what u do..u might end up seeing ur pets doing that same thing one day...hee DON'T PLAY PLAY!!! hahahaha

Timmy enjoys sleeping in my room...everyday he will give his morning call outside my door to make sure I wake up and go to wash up so that he can sneak in to sleep in my working area near the curtain..and I had to chase him out of my room before I goes to work...tho yesterday..he fight back..and keep playing catching with me round my room..shouting DUN WANT...I WANT TO SLEEP IN UR ROOOOOOOMMMMM.......
Oh boy...

This is already better..u know..there's a period of time when he goes to an extend that if I dun wake up by 7am..he will start to scratch my door...from outside to make sure i wake up open the door and let him come in to sleep...
why chose my room...cuz I have my aircon on..that's why..he

Wow..thats so much about Timmy...i have more stories or endless stories about him..will continue next time...

Oh..what I meant to say is..NOPe weather doesnt affects our mood..its how we feel determine the day....
That's why even tho today is a raining day but I feel GREAT...G....R....E...A....T!

Hope u too had a wonderful day too..
drop me a note..and make this place a cozy and wonderful place for sharing too huh...

p.s yup that's Timmy Darling sleeping on my bed...I mean he used to..loong ago...but since he start going out of the house and roll himself on the corridor floor..he is forbidden from my bed..or anybody's bed at home..that's his punishment...
Can u see him sleep...putting his hands together like we do when we sleep..or at least like me...sleeping with my hands tuck under my head or face..

Oh here is another incident..when did we start to realise he behave more than human than cat..when he first came into our family..each time we comes home..even till now..he will stand with two legs and peep out of the gate to see who is back..and when we enter the house and clap our hands like asking a baby to "carry carry"..he will actually jump with two a child wanting u to carry..
but now he no longer does that kind of jumping..he is more like BOR CHAP..NOW..having a "Not to bother attitude.."...Oh what a cat...

Can u see his "Don't disturb me, I am sound asleep" expression on his face in this pic...Oh Boy...

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.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.