In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Sunday, September 30, 2007

The President's Star Charity

Just finished watching The President's Star Charity..
Its indeed the better way of raising funds for the needies.. as compared to those risk taking threatening stunts..
The entire show done in a musical way is indeed entertaining yet a great reminder to all of us, how fortunate/blessed we are when we see so much people are suffering around us.
What is more suffering than the hopelessness in the body and the abandon by families..
Looking at all these people sharing their sufferings in life..what is mine?
Mine seems nothing at all..
I am blessed with good body, health, family, friends, jobs, shelters and many many more. Not forgetting the most important of all is..I have the Lord Jesus as my Saviour. Having God is having basically everything as He is the creator and the provider for all of us.
Life is more than what we just see..
As we looked around us..we discover that life is a challenge for everyone..
The brave,courageous and faithful ones stay on the road..The weak, helpless and hopeless ones chose to end their life, not knowing that they might be heading for eternal sufferings..
How sad life is ..when we lost our hope..When we have no one to turn to.
Hope is around us..waiting for us to seek and embrace it..
But not everyone sees that..
God our Heavenly Father is waiting for us to look up, out of our misery towards Him to embrace us with hopes and joy and providence..but many times we only looked down onto the ground and dwell in our problems..which seems way too Big for us to handle.
Look upon Jesus for Strength and wisdom..
From heavenly point of view (when u look from where God is..doesn't ur problems seems smaller as compared to where u r looking at it now..)?
What do we learn as we watch charity shows?
Everything is a lesson for us to learn..
Be it that it comes upon u or not..
Life is about sharing of experience and lessons to learn..
Bear an open mind and an open heart..
Look UP not DOWN..
& u will find ur solution to Life..
Share your blessing and joy to those who needs it more..
And Joy will automatically embrace u..

(Those who know this song..come sing with me..)
Seek ye first the kingdom of God..and His righteousness
and all these things should be added onto u...

Ask and it shall be given onto u..
Seek and ye shall find..
knock and the door will be open unto u...
Allelu ..Hallelunjah...

Gone with Christmas Come with New Year

Just came back from Church..
I wore my favourite red dress which I bought in Melbourn to church today..
Almost everyone was saying..hey dear..u r sooo red today..
Chinese New Year huh..
Hey..why not..
I replied them "Its new year for me every day. Every day is a brand new day, a brand new start for me..Gone with the past and living forever as a brand new day." Brand new day comes with brand new hopes, joy and wonderful surprises along the way. Whatever is past is past..look towards the future and make it a better and happier one each and every day of our life.
All I have to do is to submit to the best of my goodness..which God has for me. Graping hold of something that doesn't belongs to me will never bring me happiness. Like the lesson we learn in church today..
(will share with u in the later part below.)
I thank God for the wonderful strength and joy He supplies.

Today we learn in our sermon/church service message..(God teaches us each time and refreshes us with His words each time we get close to Him and listen.)

Lessons I learn today is:
1) Break thru one self (fear & unwillingness)
2) submit to God's calling/ mission to build each other up..
3) Sincerely accept each other as who we are..
4) Patiently encourage & build each other up..
Nurturing needs lots of patients & love..and takes time..
5) God gives us strength, wisdom and power when we submit to Him to do what seems impossible.
With these few pointers..I firmly believe my life will be renew each and everyday..

This applies not just in church but also in our daily life..the acceptance of who we are..not enforcing our wishes on each other..even things between men and women.
Its alright if who we love doesn't response in the way we want them to..cuz eventually we are made different..and its the building up of each other that's most important. BGR is only a little part of it go naturally..
If it comes it comes..if it goes it goes..what is best for us will eventually be ours..cuz we have Lord as our Father in Heaven.

Christians are diff. We believe in the will of God not fate..
Hmm..what's the different..

Recently I watched the show 881 with my mum..a very good show to my surprise.
It touches many hearts and we weeps as we watched..
Touched by the sadness of men's hopelessness and misery in fate..

Thank God, we Christian are different.
We don't believe in FATE. We believe in the will of God, Our Father in Heaven.
Believing in Fate is like believing that we are like animals waiting hopelessly to be pulled by life/fate to be slaughter anytime..which is really sad..

Believing in God, brings hope and happiness..
Cuz we are the children of God. God says that He as our Father in Heaven who even feed the birds in the air..dressed the flowers in the nature will surely provide us with what is BEST.. cuz He the creator and Our Father loves us soooo soooooooo much and will only gives us what is BEST for us.

Many times in life..we dun get things the way we want it..
we feel sad..
we ask God..why...why can't I have...
Answer is simple..but just that many times we are just way to stubborn to believe that God has a better plan for us..and is giving us only the BEST for us..
He takes away what is not the BEST for us..even tho we thot what we want is the Best.
Eventually no one knows us better than God Himself who created us.
Thus..I am blessed to be a christian..with the Father in Heaven who loves me deeply..
giving me only what is the Best in the Whole Wide World..
so are u..out there who also believe in Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our life is in the hand of Happiness not Fate..sadness and destruction.

Are u my friend blessed too?
Hope u r or will soon be..All is ready..only for u to stretch out ur hands to say Father in Heaven, Lord Jesus Christ I am willing to receive this wonderful gift of Your Love for me.

(sing with me this song if u know)..


Christmas songs

Who says that Christmas songs are only meant for christmas seasons..
Do u know Christmas songs can actually help to release stress?
Each time I felt really stress or down..
Christmas songs are my escape to a place of imagination..where I imagine sitting on my couch, by the a cold winter..watching the snow falling..
its really something i hope to see..but never had any
This is called CHRISTMAS THERAPY..hahaha..
a great way to release stress..
Try might work for u too..if u love Christmas..
I looooooooooooooove Christmas..always my favorite season...
I still missed the time when I went to Brisbane, Auz to visit my buddies and my god children.. it was near christmas back then...we went to shopping mall and saw carolers dressed in their English style clothings with capes and hats..holding lamps singing wonderful to store they went.. The feeling is sooooo great.. soooo unforgetable...
Oh Christmas...
Thank Lord Jesus for this wonderful Gift..Christmas..the day that Our Lord is born to save us from our us the best gift of eternal happiness...with God..

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Vegetable Fried Rice

Prep Time: -
Cook Time: -
Serves: 2
Recipe Provided By:

See more from on Yahoo! Food


1 cup instant brown rice
1 cup vegetable broth
2 eggs, lightly beaten
2 teaspoons canola oil
6 ounces asparagus spears, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces
1 medium red bell pepper, thinly sliced into 1-inch pieces
4 scallions, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger
4 teaspoons reduced-sodium soy sauce
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
Hot pepper sauce, to taste

Nutrition Info
Per Serving

Calories: 366 kcal|Carbohydrates: 47 g|
Dietary Fiber: 7 g|Fat: 14 g|Protein: 14 g|Sugars: 6 g

About: Nutrition Info

Powered by: ESHA Nutrient Database

Cooking Directions
Combine rice and broth in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat. Cover, reduce heat and simmer until the liquid is absorbed, 12 to 14 minutes. Spread the rice out on a large plate and let stand for 5 minutes.
While the rice is cooling, coat a large nonstick wok or skillet with cooking spray and place over medium heat. Pour in eggs and cook, stirring gently, until just set, 30 seconds to 1 minute. Transfer to a small bowl.
Heat canola oil in the pan over medium-high; add asparagus and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Add bell pepper, scallions, garlic and ginger; cook, stirring, until the vegetables are just tender, about 2 minutes. Add the cooked rice, soy sauce and vinegar to the pan; cook until the liquid is absorbed, 30 seconds to 1 minute. Fold in the cooked eggs. Remove from the heat; stir in sesame oil and hot sauce.
Yield: 2 servings

3. Still Hungry?
Nothing could be easier than this light version of fried rice. We've used instant brown rice, but if you have leftover cold rice or can pick some up at a Chinese restaurant on the way home, use that instead and skip Step 1.

Black Forest Mousse Dessert

Prep Time: -
Cook Time: -
Serves: 12
Recipe Provided By:

See more from on Yahoo! Food

1 1/2 cups cold milk
1 pkg. (4 serving size) JELL-O Chocolate Flavor Instant Pudding & Pie Filling
1 (8 ounce) tub COOL WHIP Whipped Topping, thawed, divided
16 OREO Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, divided
1 1/2 cups canned cherry pie filling

Cooking Directions
Pour milk into large bowl. Add dry pudding mix. Beat with wire whisk 2 min. or until well blended. Gently stir in 1 cup of the whipped topping. Coarsely chop 10 of the cookies; stir into pudding mixture.
Spoon half of the pudding mixture into 1-1/2-qt. serving bowl. Spread 1 cup of the remaining whipped topping over pudding mixture. Top with 1 cup of the pie filling, remaining pudding mixture, remaining whipped topping and 1/2 cup pie filling.
Cut remaining 6 cookies in half; place on top of dessert. Serve immediately. Or cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Store leftover dessert in refrigerator.
Yield: 12 servings

3. Still Hungry?
An impressive looking layered dessert, easy enough to prepare any night of the week.

Jazz It Up

Garnish with toasted PLANTERS Sliced Almonds just before serving.


I went with my buddy last nite to CLINIC then to MOS.
Last nite was fun..
first there were these two guy ang mo who joined our said to be from Holland I think called Peter another from England called Felix..One claimed to be producer another Magician..which is all "made-up"..who bothers..My buddy and me just watched them as they create stories to entertain us..
I was telling my buddy..hey..u ask for one "joker" to come entertain us..God is more generous..gave us two..hahaha..
Then my buddy's hubby joined us..
We managed to share about faith a little..then they left..
btw that two "joker" are married..
Then some more friends came and joined us sign us in to MOS.
We have fun and lots of drinks..

I guess I really let go last nite..
today..woke up still having a little hangover..and now working..
A cup of ginger water brought me back to life..hahaha.. I looked at something I designed for him with his pic on it..
I suddenly feel like as if I am looking at a stranger's pic..
as if I do not really know this person..he is but a stranger who passes by my life.
this feeling is if everything is but a dream..
Well..its a good sign to begin with..
Thank God..
This feeling is good.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
God Bless

Friday, September 28, 2007

I love pets and children

Two things which will actually light up my face is..
1) children
2) Animals/pets

Why? Cuz when I am with them..I can feel the simplicity and truthfulnesss in them..
children express their feelings directly without hiding it happy or sad or angry... so does animals..
Sometimes when I looked at my silly looking dog Ally, I said if only i can be like u..or my cat Timmy..if only i can be like u...innocent, simple and cute..not having to worry about anything...dun have to handle some many complicated thing on earth.
I like walking my dogs esp when I am feeling very down..
cuz they seems to feel my sadness and looked and me and after they finished their "business" they would come and sit by me when they see me looking gloomy..No wonder they said Dogs are Men's best friend..

As I was travelling on my way to work..
Thots came to me..
how many on earth or should I say..who on earth can say they are love experts..
can point the way to successful relationship.. one..
Many times, we give advise of what should be done best to the situation..
but we neglect the part doesnt work on everyone..
the formula is different for everyone..
its not always 1 + 1 = 2 in BGR or marriage.
There is no perfect formula to successful marriage and courtship..
My conclusion is ..there is no perfect solution or answer to things between Men and Women. Not even a married couple can tell u for sure what is the perfect solution to perfect marriage..cuz no one knows till the day we depart from this world..if the partner will stay faithful to you forever. This might sound negative..but statistic and observation shows that...

I put in sooo much..that doesnt mean he will love me..thats the most precious lesson I learnt. Bible says, love your neighhour as urself..
But first I must learn to love order to learn how to love others.. I observe..many who love themselve do not bother about others..
they think everyone holds their own responsibility..
I cannot be responsible to how u feel towards my action if my actions hurts you..
which I disagree...
We love ourselves but we also must be kind to others and be thoughtful that we try not to hurt others in anyway..if we really cuz hurt to others we have to apologise for that behaviour or action.

Simple = Happiness..

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Gone with the wind..

First step of loving myself is to create a comfy and cozy environment to stay in.
After few hours of hard work..finally all is done..
Threw away lots of stuff which had past memories in them...
Tho frankly speaking looking at those stuffs..I did hesitate for a while and then tell myself..I must do it..and I did..
Was a little worked up when Mum started to flip the rubbish bag saying can donate those stuff which is in good condition to the charity (which I intend to threw away)...
Partially I was afraid she will see those stuff and start questioning..
and so I told her sternly..DO NOT PICK IT UP THOSE I THREW AWAY..THEY ARE MEANT TO BE THROWN AWAY. I guess she got my message and left the balance untouched.

Certain things even if I used to treasure them no longer has that value/meaning of keeping them anymore..left only some important stuff which I might have to return to him maybe sometime later.
How strange... its like shares..the value just fluctuate that quickly..
Value of the things are not weight by the cost or how much it is..rather its weight by the heart and sincerity in them.

Sweet memories are left in the past as Angeline proceed on with her new life..its not easy..require lots of determination..Tho every now and then..past memories came in..happy memories came in..but recalling his recent words.. I told myself..that's it. No more dwelling in the past..

I discover lots of precious things when I packed my room too..
Nice happy pics I took with my students while I was teaching years back..
Will add in the pics tomorrow after I scan them at work.
Those were the happy times..
Oh how I missed those times..
A friend asked me..why then dun u go back teaching..
I told her..
Things change..
Even if I go back teaching..
Environment, people and many things will no longer be the same..
Its like chemistry..
You need all the right amount of substance to make things happen..
I guess its the same as love too..

Thus the only way to find back the cheerful me.. is to be in love..
Don't u agree..when someone is in love..she/he will smile the sweetest esp during their honeymoon period..
But dun get me wrong...
When I say in love means... To be in love with God and myself..
Eventually..these are the two who will never leave us or forsake us..despite the changes we have in us..

I told God..God I am still thankful and grateful for you sending him into my life..
its never a regret..God often send me lots of angels at different times..
he is one of them..
I guess..angels are there to help us and not to be in love with us...

Thinking this way...I felt relieve and happy...

A dream I had..

I didn't sleep well last nite..
having weird dreams..
Dreaming of a young chap purposely messed up the floor right at the doorsteps of the branded boutique which he work in as a that he could drag sometime of cleaning up/working... he then sneak out to learn fashion design and sewing, creating a similar brand, as good quality shirt as his kind boss is selling..His poor boss saw the mess and saw the mess got worst as people keep stepping on the mess creating a larger area of mess..he started cleaning up himself since he couldnt find his cleaner.

The cleaner then came back happily showing to his boss his master piece and his boss is impressed that he can create something which has the same class as his own brand and the same kind of good quality materials..despite that he has not taught him any tailor skill or selecting of fabrics..
The boss was even shocked when this young chap told him that he is going sell it really his own store which he is setting up on his own..and the boss felt the threat thinking..I have always been so nice to you even help u to clean up the mess just now..and now u are on ur own and being my competitor somemore..

As this young chap opens up his store..due to his inexperience..customers came..tried the clothings..and as he was busy at the back..customers ran away with the clothes they tried on without paying...he chased after them but couldn't find them. He was very heart broken..
Then one day this pair of girls who has ran off with his clothes came back for 2nd try..this time he recognise them..and asked for their ic before they could try on his clothings..he searched their wallets but find only one ID but the other doesnt have..
Struggling with whether wat to do..he woke up...from his dream..and the young chap seems like me in the dream..

Hmm..why a young chap/guy not a girl? I dunno..maybe sub-consciously I think being a guy its much better or at least they are stronger and courageous to face the changes in life make the change in their life? Probably..its just signify that I have to be courageous and brave like a man to pick up that fight like a warrior or something. And probably guys can let go of attachments and relationship easily than woman..

I dunno..

Something funny..

Just now my gal friend told me..something really sweet but kind of funny...
She said she went to Bala last friday..with her friends..
and a honest looking guy..tho not those charming looking ones..walked to her...and ask her where am i? Which of cuz she doesnt know who he is referring to..till he pointed to that direction which me and her was sitting that day..and then she realised its me..
and he wanted to get my number..from her..but of cuz my girlfriend is a smart lady told him to give his to her on a paper and she will pass to me when she meets me..
Its really funny right..??
or i should say..I am so it an old man..or a young chap..nice or not nice looking..but at least I think this is still the first time..this even happens to me..
Thanks for sharing this with me my does puts on a smile on my face..hahaha..

Why Children Song?

U guys must be thinking..why the blog's new look must go with children song..
As mentioned that its a celebration of the new me.

So what has it gotta do with children u must be thinking..
now, who are the ones thats most of the time learning and always cheerful..cuz they tend to forgive and forget easily..and who are the ones who are more eager to learn?
Yes, children.

There are in fact lots of things we have to learn from children.
As time goes by...we (adult) lost the simplicity, honesty, innocent, purity and cheerfulness etc in us..which we were born with...

In search of happiness, one must humble himself/herself to learn from the little ones around us.I love children becuz they are innocent, pure, simple and do not plot. They are eager to learn and never afraid to fall. They easily forgive and forget..
Children knows how to love themselves..they do what makes them happy without worrying 1st if others will be happy.. This is something I wanna learn too..
Many times I am bounded by rules "cannot do this..cannot do that..this is not holy..this is not what others will think..blah blah blah.." so much so that I lost myself..I became who I only for others..never for myself...Only now did I realised that my cheerfulness has long bid goodbye to me..
I am now on a Quest to search my old buddy cheerfulness back..first by loving myself..

My happiest time as I recall were the times I worked in MYMCA childcare centre..

Conclusion: Lessons are everywhere.. Humble urself like the little ones (like the bible says).

My favourite song in this children song list is song #3 "Everyone is special" listen to the lyrics..

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Brand new Me!



This is a precious lesson which i just learnt and wanna share with u.

Now its the beginning of the new ME!!!! Time for celebration!!!! Cheers!!!!

God sent me an angel just now....and suddenly it enlighten me..

No wonder I made him feel so uncomfortable..
Let me explain where goes wrong..

I never realised that I was attached to him rather than loving him...which I thought I was... Attachment is like not that u love that thing but rather...u wanna have that thing and u want it so bad that u attached ur feelings to it..and once u felt that the thing doesn't belongs to u anymore..U felt the sense of lost..thus couldn't feel the happiness for that person whom u r attached to...when he finds someone else ..its as if someone has snatch it away from u. Thus that's when jealous comes in. That attachment also brings about the "force" which wasn't intended to..and sub-consciously was being carried out even not knowing in what way this "force" was present. Like my constant reply on his blog without knowing its way tooo much..or my repetition of the past is way tooo much.. I become relying on him..revolving too much around him...I wasn't living for myself..its like I am like a something that's fixed to him so that when he move I move..relying way too much on him to feel happy, sad or whatever. Oh..that feeling must be really tough and uncomfortable for him having something that kind of stick to him huh..

I didn't realized that until an outsider (who doesn't really know me told me this). Cuz normally u listen to people who are not too close to u normally wont listen to family members but to ur friends outside or so..Its human nature.

That was my blind spot. And now I realized ..ya..I haven't been a positive person at all..thinking that I was all the time..tho..
Hmm.. Main reason is that I do not know how to love myself...and live for myself.. I am always trying to please and live for others..

He has been telling me this too..but it didn't really get into my brain till just now. I hear but I never understand..thinking that loving oneself is a selfish act.

One must love herself then can others starts to love u..right?
Only when u love urself..u can be really happy and be a happy person..
Happy person attracts people to them...A stressful and sad person turn people away from them.

Wow..U know what...???
From this moment now...I am no more the old me...
Tho I dun really know how to love myself or live for myself..but..I will going to try no gain right..

Suddenly feel so light to release that attachment I fixed onto him or things around me.
From now on I wanna live for myself..and love myself. Everything I will think what Angeline wants first and what will make Angeline happy first..not what will make others happy first.

From the new Angeline

Rongfa's birthday celebration

As promised..I said I would put up the pics and share about the little birthday celebration with Rongfa on Monday nite..
Its his 25th birthday..
Its like a kind of last min re-call..and we met at our usual Hong Kong Cafe at Upper East Coast Road near Siglap..
Jimmy, Grace, Helen, David, May, Rongfa, Moses, Jason and myself went for this little birthday treat for Rongfa..
May and David bought a fruit cake for his birthday..
and they came over to fetch me from my place..
The Restaurant was really crowded..
it took us a loooong time to wait for our food..
I order my favourite hot sour soup but theirs is in Shanghai style..well..taste yummy..
and I ordered a fried pumpkin gluenentant cake and their stocking milk coffee..(famous drink) which is pretty nice too..
As usual we shared the foods...we share our life..together..chatted about everything under the sun... we chatted about May & David's bb which is due in few weeks time..
Its a lots of fun..its been a looong time since our gathering..
we chatted about Jason's coming up wedding and photoshoots as David and May shared their experience.. Jason was making all kinds of funny facial expressions when David was describing what expression the Photographer will get u to do..
And I laugh nearly rolling onto the floor seeing Jason purposely did those expression so funnily...hahahaha...

okie gotta go and get again bye..

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Something to ponder

Hi guys,
as I was on my way to work just now..
I saw someone wearing a t-shirt with this message on his back.
"I can resist everything, except temptations."Immediately I gave a laugh at the ridiculous irony statement.

Now let's talk a little on this topic.
Post ur comments here re: what u think about this statement.
We shall see how each diff individual view this statement.

The discipline Master

Phew!!! What a loong day...
finally back to my comfortable cozy space..ANGEL'S SKETCHBOOK..hee..
Its really good to be back here again after a loong tiring day!

Now I wanna share a cute little story with u..
Last two dogs were having dogs fight..over usual...
I have two dogs, Ally (skinny white dog) & Lily (black dog).
Ally is most of the time the greedy one..who always swallow her food without chewing so that she can eat Lily's share too..
Just as the fight was on..I got kind of disturbed by their arugments..and decised..okie..its time for me to go out to discipline them..
Ha...guess what...???
My house discipline master is already there..a step faster than me..
Who? My dad? Nope. My mum? Nope. My sis? Nah.. Haha...U r right!!!
Since Timmy is there already..doing his routine discipline..
I decided to keep quiet and watch him do the discipline..
TIMMY..without a 2nd word...
walked over to Ally..
Sited infront of Ally sternly...
Raised his right paw...
and there goes his /// onto Ally's head...
tho Ally was still in the fighting mood....
However, that did least it stopped the dog fight..hahaha..
Wow..Cool Timmy huh..hee..
Well...Cool Timmy suddenly realised (after his mission was done)..that I was squanting behind him watching...
Immediately he transformed back to the little gentle timmy cat..and came walking gently to me..telling me sweetly that the dogs just fight...
hahahaha....that's my cat Timmy...

Well..most of the time, Timmy will hit Ally first even if its Lily's fault cuz Ally always bullies Lily who is more senior and gentle..
However, Ally acts like a baby whenever she is with me..funny huh..
Lily is just the opp. hahaha..But still I love them all...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Welcome to walk thru my sketchbook!

Hi..did u realised something?
Each time you enters my sketchbook, I actually puts on a pair of slippers for you so that you will feel more homely..and welcome...
creative huh? hee..
That's a way of saying my welcome to you!
Great personal service huh? hee..But sorry..can only afford cheap "japanese slippers" this time..will upgrade for u when I have more $$$ hahaha..

If some of you are still having ???? hmm...whats she talking abt????
Check out ur cursor as it enters into my auto becomes a pair of slippers isn't it?
Have fun!
And welcome!

Lessons from pamelos

Just last nite..I was joking and laughing with I struggling with the Pamelo Art. I have seen how Pamelos are displayed in many places..looking like huge flowers by themselves..
I always thot it was easy to create that look.
Thinking it was easy as it looks, my mum, Cat's mum and Rongfa..struggled so hard and "failed" in the mission of my ideal Pamelo flower..
At the end..RF came up with an idea to doll up into a Pamelo garden..
RF is more of a food expert..So I trusted him..
he dashed out to buy some flowers so that me and him can deco the Pamelos..
As I was struggle with the pamelos in my hands..I was laughing telling God..
hey God..U are very humorous, are u training me to be a chef or what..
first I started cooking in my office..and now..peeling and creating food art which only chef does...(hahaha)...
I realised that many times..whenever we see people do something..we thot its easy..and never really appreciate taking it for granted...till we get our hands on..


Share with you the 1st Pamelo garden which Rongfa and me did..(tough work)..must at least learn to appreciate it okie..even if it didn't really look fantastic..and I am pretty satisfy with it.


The power of a smile

Recently i discovered the power of a smile :)
I will try to keep this short..
Try smiling to the bus driver whenever u board the bus..
Try smiling whenever u are in a store..
Try smiling to even a stranger if u see he/she looks dull...
Try smiling when even u are angry with something u think is ridiculous..
U will be surprise what is the result u will get.
Smile brings sunshine to dark places..
It warms up the heart of many..
A smile is will spread to people around..its a positive reaction which will go round and round..
There is a saying "Best medicine to sadness is to SMILE." - let the sunshine in & the darkness will soon be gone!
p.s. not this kind of smile in my pic ..u will frighten people away..hee..
i was just being playful in the pic above..tickling my friend.

MoonCake Festival Rally

Just came back from our church Mooncake festival Rally..
Its a wonderful nite..
The turn-up was good even tho those people I invited didn't turn up..but I guess God knows I will be way too busy to keep anyone accompany.
There are choir presentations, testimony and sermons as well as singalong session tonite.
I didn't get a chance to even warm up my chair in the service hall tonite..
cuz the moment i reached church..
they were all saying...
Oh great, Angeline is here...Our help is here..
Now Angeline will handle the deco for us..we really dunno what to do..
well..infact they already did a great job putting up the lanterns..pretty nice.
And so..I just happily accepted my task..arranged/display the mooncakes and front table to make it look prof..and welcoming..
I have my mum, Cat's mum and Rongfa..eventually to help me to peel the Pamelo and together we did up our Pamelo garden u see in the pic.
And then..After displaying I run upstair help up with ushering..
then ran downstair to continue working on improvement of the deco...
and then help to arrange the tables and food which has arrived..for everyone after the service..
I was so busy..but happy all the way till the service end..which I din get to see at all..and put on my glove and start being a happy waitress serving everyone food as they queue up for their food in nice orderly manner..U know its really fun!!!
Wow..its exhausted...but I am really happy..
finally its my turn to eat..
I grab some time with my mum eating together and play/talk a little while with my god daughter and busy taking these pics..
Its a wonderful nite..
Too bad u guys missed it...everyone, be it small children or old..were having a great time! We are just like a happy family!
Happy Lantern & Mooncake Festival everyone!
p.s. I always love to do the design and deco for my church and admire my own master piece..hee..and very happy each time they appreciate it and say its nice. :)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Welcome to our mooncake festival!!

Today my church is celebrating MoonCake Festival..we are having a 7pm in our church..there will be singing and choir presentations..and eating of the traditional mooncakes and fellowships..
Welcome you guys to join us in the celebration!
You must be thinking how come church is celebrating MOONCAKE/LANTERN FESTIVAL.
Well..basically we are chinese church. We want people to know christian can be traditional chinese too..we still keep some pure Chinese culture which is not related to superstitious etc.
2 years ago the Mooncake festival Rally was great too!
We only celebrate on alternate years..
So do hope u can join us tonite.
Add: No. 11 Geylang Lor 25A/ 25 (front and back door entrance also can.)
Level 2. Just drop at Aljunied MRT and cross over the street to POSB atm and enter from Lane Lor.25 Beside the POSB atm and walk 2-3 mins ..u will see our building XI-AN HOUSE. White 5-storey building on your left.
Don't wait service will be in Mandarine and English when needed.

Can't wait to go deco my church tonite..and help out the preparation after my work.
I just put up lanterns in our bookstore too..very nice..esp we are located near beside singapore river and near chinatown..

p.s. this invitation card is done by me but not design by me (as I usual does the design for Big events)..Church decide to let a teenager to try serving in this area..
So I just help out to improve on her design (cuz she is not experience with this area). And I did the simple design for the back of the card which u see where the map is.
Well..still its a good try for this teenager!
Btw ..I am working on the coming christmas event poster and flyers designs..should be quite fun..will put up when done and approved.

cheers :)

Life is a lesson

Just a moment ago reading a friend's blog, I am very glab that finally he learnt something which I have tried so hard to convey to him that message before but failed.

Well..I guess telling one something and making him learn himself is really very different.

As I mentioned..
Many times, one needs to experience himself/herself in order to understand and learnt that lesson.

We human have stubborn (sinful) nature...stiffnecked like mentioned in the Bible.
We often refused to believe/ totally believe/understand and accept what others say till we really experience it ourselves.

I am glab to read in his blog that he finally realised that and learnt that part of lesson.

Life is a journey of endless lessons for one is perfect only GOD Himself.
Cheers to Life!


Friday, September 21, 2007

People are like Fingers...

People are unique creation from God.
Different as we may be..
Some of us are long, some of us are short, some are round, some are flat...
just like our fingers...
none of them looks exactly like each other..
but they respect each other and learnt to work together and complete wonderful tasks creating marvelous works.
Can u imagine if all your fingers are the same?
No work can be completed.
So..God has His wonderful plan and purpose for everything.
Lesson from fingers: Respect & accept the difference. Make the best out of the difference & co-work together to bring forth the best.
Give thanks that your fingers are all different.
Next time when u are angry with someone or upset about certain thing, thinking why are others so difference from you...look at ur fingers at remember this little sharing...

Little humble sharing by me: Angeline
Cheers :)

Little memories dozen of sweetness

Lights off..
little memories came back to me..
about ten years back when i was teaching in a childcare centre..
those were such wonderful sweet happy times..
I remember there was a pair of twins in my class..
very charming ones..they are mixed..
one elder one (Brandon) is kind of honest down to earth and mature..understanding boy
the younger one (Dustin) is like a little sweetheart...cheeky..yet so darling very sweet boy..(As what i observe over the years of teaching...normally twins often comes in one is more mature down to earth mummy's boy..another cheeky and smart..mummy's sweetheart.)

I remember..that Dustin used to sing to me a sweet song from Michael learns to rock..album..
The song goes like this..."Baby won't u tell me why..there are sadness in your eyes..."
So..whenever I looked sad..this little 5 years old darling will come to me..looking into my eyes with his pair of twinkling eyes..and start singing this song to warms my heart and puts on the smile on my face each time he does that..
He could remember and sang the entire song to me....telling me that his dad taught him how to sing...

{Children in my classes love me as I loved them very much too..
They often wrapped around to hug me and pat me telling me they love me..(cuz they know I love them very much too!} sweet and simple this little pure in heart...
Life becomes so complicated as we grown up...
Little things like that touches my heart and make me missed those moments...even ten years down the road..

I believe this little boy, Dustin should be about 15 years old now..
Thanks Dustin..

From Teacher Angie..

Thursday, September 20, 2007

A day off today!

Today is my off day..
great to have that..
at least a day of break and quietness by myself..
Woke up only about 11plus in the afternoon.
Went to get my face scrub and polished..(facial today)..
Its a wonderful treatment and relaxation facial one can have..
The facial was good and so did the chest, back, shoulder and head massage which comes free with the facial package.
And Joyce(not my bestfriend joyce, its my boss of the facial clinic and May was really nice to me..knowing my financial ability..and for the good of my skin/face..they wanted me to take a few essential facial products..and actually let me pay by 2 instalment which normally no one will get their facial product by paying instalments..
God is so gracious to me..
By the way this clinic I goes to is call Esther Clinic..they are christian..they always play christian hymns & instrument christian she played the cd I recommended her by Amy Sand..her 3rd albumn "Footprint". very nice.

Before I reach her place..on the way, while in a cab (i have not been taking cab for a long time..but since I dun wanna miss the chance to eat my favourite Prawn noodles in the foodcentre near Heartland Mall #01-50 I had to take a cab..
On my way...I saw groups of workers...laying in the field sleeping soundly under the shade from the afternoon sun..
I envy them..I can sort of feel or image how they feel sleeping so soundly there..
after hard work..they catch a nap whenever and wherever they can.
Life is so simple for them..They just work and then rest/sleep.
I wish i could but I am sensitive to insects and I can't just sleep on the field like them..

When finally reached the prawn noodle stall..I greet the aunty and uncle cheerfully and they said they missed me and i told them I missed them too..To my surprise after not visiting them for sooo long they still remember what I eat..
i loved their prawn noodles very much..the dry flat noodles with lots of chillies..the soup is fantastic too, so much so that I will make it a point to eat at least once a week.
This is the only dish which i could finished it really really clean..
Just as I about to finished then i remember to take the pic.
That's how this pic above came about..
hmm...yummy...u must go there to try it..
Hougang street 21 the foodcentre #01-50 but remember dun go on tuesday..cuz they are closed on tues..

Life chart

Remember I told u about Life Chart..
Ups and Downs >>>> U'r still alive >>>> Great News!!!
Straight line = U'r dead..
So...Rejoice, cuz it shows I am still alive..
just that perhaps I might take a little while to climb back up again..

p.s. pardon my anyhow drawing..but at least its easier to pic this way.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


President's Star Charity 2007: A Musical Extravaganza Sunday, 30 Sept 2007, 7:30pm to 10pm

This year, PSC goes musical! Stage director and choregraph by Bill Calhoun my buddy.
Viewers will be treated to a kaleidoscope of colours, songs and emotions with excerpts from well-known local and foreign musicals. It will be a passionate song and dance affair, delivered with utmost enthusiasm, all in the name of charity.

The musicals that will be showcased span different eras and include different genres that will send you tumbling back in time to the wild hair, bell-bottoms and hairspray era. Audiences will enjoy performances from the hip 50s Grease, to the zealous renditions of 60s’ Sweet Charity and Beauty World, even to the infectious disco music from the 70s Saturday Night Fever.

Children will not be left out – Disney Channel’s hit show, High School Musical, will entertain the young ones. Various interests will not be forgotten, with excerpts from Bollywood film Kal Ho Naa Ho, and wayang kulit performance by Puteri Gunung Ledang. Romance will also be in the air, thanks to the very popular Chinese musical, Snow.Wolf.Lake – a performance that is a class of its own.

One of Singapore’s earliest musicals, Fried Rice Paradise, will also be showcased. Renowned local personalities like Mrs Elizabeth Sam and Dato' Dr Jannie Tay will perform a waltz to music from My Fair Lady and The Sound of Music.

The President’s Star Charity 2007 will be shown ‘live’ on MediaCorp TV Channel 5 on Sunday, 30 September 2007 from 7:30pm to 10pm.

Its gonna be lots of fun as compare to threatening stunts.

Don't miss it okie!!!

I love cooking... (claypot mixed vegetables)

Just came back from Bill's Jazz dance class..very exhausted but really fun as usual..
As this is the last 2nd lesson, everyone is asking Bill is he gonna start another one..they just can't wait for the new class to start even when this class haven't end..
That's just how fun Bill's class is..
As I always say..if only you have tried out Bill's dance class..U will feel that every single cent is worth..Do hope u guys who read this will grab hold of the opportunity to at least try out a lesson or a series..
Challenge urself and see how true of all my claim about how wonderful Bill is as a dance instructor..

Okie back to cooking..
hee..i realised i love going to work recently..
know why..
cuz I get to cook lunch for my co-workers everyday and we sit in a row and a family..the feeling is great esp when they likes my food.

I slept only 5 hours last nite..
woke up at 7am to start cooking the claypot vegetable for today's lunch..'s the ingredient..and steps to cooking it..

1) Deep fried the cutted yam...
2) scop up, fried the garlic and fried the pork(loin meat) which u have already season with oyster sauce and light soya sauce and corn flour...
Add in the mixed vegetables...then the fried yam...
3) add in the light soya sauce and sprinkle some salt into it..and not forgetting importantly the HUA TIAO JIU (chinese wine)to make the food taste much much better and smells wonderful...
4) about 3/4 cooked..scop up and put into claypot..and add half a bowl of water with 1/2 the chicken cube dissolve into it..not to much...cuz vegetable will give out water by itself..
5) fried..egg beancurd (cutted )
6) add in the fried egg beancurd
7) under slow fire..let it boil for about 10 mins or so..and you are done...

Easy right..

I cooked sweet corn + potatoes + carrot + pork ribs soup today too..
Just pour hot boiling water into a bowl of ribs let it soak awhile..then pour away the water...
fill the slow cooker with hot boiling water as well..
add..few smashed garlic..and a chicken cube..
throw in cutted carrots, potatoes and sweet corn..and the ribs which is already 1/4 cooked..
put to high..and let it cook for 2 1/2 hours or taste better..
add a little bit of salt and light soya sauce..
And you are done..


Hope you enjoy my little cookery sharing today...
my eyes..1/2 shut already...
sweet dreams..

p.s. the photo of my claypot mixed vegetables..taste yummy...yum yum...
Taste fresh sweetness..

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hurts & Scars

In life, we often gets hurt & scar ourselves for making decision we made.
Each time we fall, we add on the scars in our life..
Many times, we are just too impatient to wait for the wound to heal and thought that maybe if I do this and that it will speed up the healing of the wound..we keep sharing with people about our wound not realising that we are in fact touching the wound again and again...
infecting the wounds with more and more virus..thus..not allowing it to recover..the wound got worsen and creating a deeper scar in our life..instead of the nature ability to heal which is given by God. And we start blaming on God why He didn't heal us from our wound..

Or maybe we are too ashame to face God frankly with our wounds...thinking its so shameful to reveal our wounds to God...hiding behind the curtain or the protection shield which we so-called created..thinking thot God knows but at least He won't get to see it so clearly and I won't feel so ashame to ask Him for help..What did the clip indicates? God has already seen all our is us who need to accept and admit all our wounds and courageous, stop hiding and face God telling Him/showing Him all your hurts and sufferings..for He already has His 1st Aid box with Him waiting to heal u completely. Forgive yourself as God has forgiven you. Face our problems and hurts courageously so that we can be completely heal and carry on with Life.

God never promise us a life without pain and suffering..
A baby falls to learn how to walk..
You first fall before you learn how to cycle...
This is part of growing up and part of life.......
only by experiencing this can we mature and grow to better a better self.
If a child has never fall and hurt matter how u tell him/her how much it will hurt if he/she do this...she will never learnt his/her lesson..
If life is too smooth going...we cannot never managed to stand up again once we fall.. Becuz it will be too great a blow to us.

I am thankful for many trips and falls in my it makes me a stronger person..and i am thankful that the Lord Jesus is always here for me to heal me...
and greatest lesson in life I learnt is to :FORGIVE MYSELF AS GOD HAS ALREADY FORGIVEN ME...only then can I proceed with life and be a better me..
Reproach of oneself will only be like touching your own wound again and again..and the wound will never heal and you will never be able to stand up again..and what's more to go onto a further distance...

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Just today during lunch with my churchmate, we were talking on wedding the wedding pics can look so nice..
you can look slimmer, flawless, big eyes, more busty...blah blah blah after the amendment..
so one of them ask me it is true that photoshop can does all those tricks..
as a graphic designer, photoshop is one of the major ones which we used to do such a must for us to know...this software..
and I reply yes dear...
another about can we add double eye lid to another eyes if one of my eyes doesnt have..I say ya...
How about making the eyes look bigger..ya... u think all those artist or models all look like angels or real person...
nah...its all the camera tricks and photoshop designers...
with these two everyone can become model..or at least look like a model...
but of cuz it takes time to edit too..
Just for fun..I used photoshop to edit of the pic which I dun look good in..
and added effects making it like pics...
That's the pic I just did..
btw ya..I make sure each time I edit all my pics to make it more flawless before printing or post online..hahaha..thats a habit..and a principal..not that I am ugly in real person but just to make myself look prettier..
which gal/woman doesnt wanna look pretty right..

Need my service to create a poster like a magazine cover for yourself or your love ones, you can always leave me a note..charges apply...its my profession..
Friends/churchmate..can negotiate..hahaha..
Only this time I am placing the original for you to see the difference..before and after..hee..(still normally I will make it look more natural.)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Saturday off

Finally a saturday off..
Planned to doing some cleaning and tidying up of my room..however, the rain just makes its sooo cozy to stay in bed and writing my blog till its time to go East Coast for tracting with my churchmate...

Guess..will let myself off till tonite after fellowship or tomorrow after church and after I practice my jazz dance steps at home...hee..

lots of things to do at home..just not enough time to finish them..
thot I still have a couple of days for my annual leave..hardly get to take off esp when we are busy at work..

Just finished rushing out the Newsletter for the month of Sept which supposed to be delivery out by 1st week of Sept of last week of Aug..however due to buzy schedule the article did not reach my hands till early this week..thus I had to rush it out as usual..and also busy with daily routines and clearing out the area to start another new department which will let u guys know in due time..and i have a new co-worker coming in official next week..however he came over this week and start to get familiarise with our work...just pray that we will be able to get along well..its very different even for best friends or good friends when u work together..becuz people has their personal and unique style of work. Respect has to come first when working together and so is communication.

God bless,
Have a wonderful weekends okie:)

p.s. looks like my cat Timmy in the pic rite..hee..but its not...hahaha..maybe his cousin..

The Magic Flute

Thanks to Frank, I got to watch this wonderful opera on the movie screen in vivo city. The Magic Flute is a wonderful Musical Opera with great music composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

The music was so nice and suits the entire musical opera that makes me must really be written specially for it.(cuz I didnt really have much knowledge in this area.)

The casts have fantastic voices which many times even tho in the really makes me feel like standing up and give them applause..Bravos..
Surprising the one which caught most of my attention is the Queen of the Night, she holds the role very well. Tho she might look slim yet her voice shakes the entire place..powerful and prefect pitch..
sorry cuz I am more of the person towards vocal so can only comments on for music-wise its not my scope/strength..

I love the cute Papageno, the bird-catcher..(except that his lying character.) I was capture by his very fun and expressive character and great voice..
As for the Prince..(He didn't bring out the character too well.)Sad to say, I didn't think much of him in the first he doesnt have much facial expression on him in the beginning...its towards the end..and things got better. But His voice is pretty good..
Sarastro has impressed me, his powerful Bass voice and the way he carry himself..he carries the role very well..tho he doesnt need lots of expression but as compared to the prince...he won my vote..hahaha..
Princess Pamina, sweet and appeared "confidence" but not enough to catch much of my attention/focus.
The three ladies-in-waiting: voice blends very well..interesting character, very three spirit kind..
Papagena: interesting character, lively performance..

SARASTRO, High Priest of Isis: Bass
TAMINO, an Egyptian Prince: Tenor
PAPAGENO, a bird-catcher: Baritone
ASTROFIAMMANTE, Queen of the Night:Soprano
PAMINA, her daughter: Soprano
MONOSTATOS, a Moor, chief slave of the temple: Baritone
Three Ladies-in-Waiting to the Queen; Three Youths of the Temple; Priests, Priestesses, Slaves, etc.

To listen to a little part of the singing by papageno and papagena go to the link here

To read more on The Magic Flute Synopsis check out the website here.

Overall, I enjoyed the show, tho I was quite confused and didn't like the prince character as he doesnt show forth any urge to rescue the a point tho he claim he love the princess..but I cannot sense that his bravery to save the princess..I sort of think he is like a coward..till the end of the show when he was ask to go into the test of fire and cold..then can I see his determination.
This is kind of fairytale drama...story line..not attractive. But the muscial, vocal and acting wise winnings it all..
So..overall..a great show!


Thursday, September 13, 2007

a wonderful thursday nite

Finally Raymond managed to ask me to meet up with him today in Balaclava.

I went to meet Raymond in have a drink.
I reach there earlier..enjoy myself for a drink and chat with Muhammad the bouncer..
and other bouncers..
Raymond came..chatted for a while..then went off to next table to chat with another 2 beautiful ladies..he wanna introduce to me but i not interested in women only men and Joyce hahaha..

The new band tonite is good..make me shake my booties..tonite..
Jolly came..
he send me home in his BMW very

came home..found my mum made/cook my favourite dish which can never get in elsewhere in this world or singapore at least.

Its a secret reciept from my grandparents..(mum's side)

Many thinks i am a malay or whatever..
cuz i have sharper features compare to others chinese..

One side of my grandparents comes from indonesia..and another side my shock..hahaha..
no wonder I love malays and cantonese..hahaha
and have features more like malays...
I couldnt resist..and quickly grab a container of that unique mixture of flour, sugar and pork oil..yummy food and stuffing it into my mouth..its really heaty tho..(My sister Kae says, I can't wait to eat it huh..before asking mum is it really for me..and for sure the whole family think it should be for me..cuz I am crazy about it..)
but i stop after a few mouth full..cuz its too heaty dun want pimples to pop out..
will continue for next few days.

This food is yummy for its heaty and not too healthy food..properly consider "junk food" but its I dun care..haha..
Mum only cook it once a year..cuz its lots of hardwork...I seen how she cook it once..really hardwork..thats why I never dare to ask her to cook unless I really really miss it soooo sooo much....

My mum's dad is a fisherman in indonesia..its something which they used to make for them to eat which they are out in the sea..make of fats/oil to keep them warm..and sugar to give energy and flour to make them full till their returns..
so guarantee..u guys will never get to eat it anywhere in Singapore or elsewhere..hee

I am so blessed..

People come people go

Life is ...
like a bus ride....
at certain stops..people gets up the bus and sit beside you and travel that journey with you, be it good or bad..
at certain stops you bids goodbye to one another..and someone else comes in and travel with you again...
No matter how much you may enjoys the journey together..
but there are times whereby you have to bid goodbye..
This is just another lesson of life..
Thanks for travelling this journey with me..and sketch your life with me.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

How to forgive?

Share with u something which my bestfriend forward to me..

Hi all,

For you to ponder....

One day a while back, a man, his heart heavy with grief, was walking
in the woods. As he thought about his life this day, he knew many
things were not right. He thought about those who had lied about him
back when he had a job. His thoughts turned to those who had stolen his
things and cheated him. He remembered family that had passed on.
His mind turned to the illness he had that no one could cure. His very soul
was filled with anger, resentment and frustration. Standing there this day, searching for answers he could not find, knowing all else had failed him, he knelt at the base of an old oak tree to seek the one he knew would always be there. And with tears in his eyes, he prayed: 'Lord - You have done wonderful things for me in this life. You have told me to do many things for you, and I happily obeyed. Today, you have told me to forgive. I am sad, Lord, because I cannot. I don't know how. It is not fair Lord. I didn't deserve these wrongs that were done against me and I shouldn't have to forgive. As perfect as your way is
Lord, this one thing I cannot do, for I don't know how to forgive. My anger is so deep Lord, I fear I may not hear you, but I pray that you teach me to do this one thing I cannot do - Teach me To Forgive.' As he knelt there in the quiet shade of that old oak tree, he felt something fall onto his shoulder. He opened his eyes. Out of the corner of one eye, he saw something red on his shirt. He could not turn to see what it was because where the oak tree had been was a large square piece of wood in the ground. He raised his head and saw two feet held to the wood with a large spike through them. He raised his head more, and tears came to his eyes as he saw Jesus hanging on a cross. He saw spikes in His hands, a gash in His side, a torn and battered body, deep thorns sunk into His head. Finally he saw the suffering and pain on His precious face. As their eyes met, the man's tears turned to sobbing, and Jesus began to speak. 'Have you ever told a lie?' He asked? The man answered - 'yes, Lord.' 'Have you ever been given too much change and kept it?' The man answered - ' yes. Lord.' And the man sobbed more and more. 'Have you ever taken something from work that wasn't yours?' Jesus asked? And the man answered - 'yes, Lord.' 'Have you ever sworn, using my Father's name in vain? ' The man, crying now, answered - 'yes, Lord.' As Jesus asked many more times, 'Have you ever'? The man's crying became uncontrollable, for he could only answer - 'yes, Lord.' Then Jesus turned His head from one side to the other, and the man felt something fall on his other shoulder. He looked and saw that it was the blood of Jesus. When he looked back up, his eyes met those of Jesus, and there was a look of love the man had never seen or known before. Jesus said, 'I didn't deserve this either, but I forgive you.'

It may be hard to see how you're going to get through something, but
when you look back in life, you realize how true this statement is.

Read the following first line slowly and let it sink in.

If God brings you to it - He will bring you through it.

When Jesus died on the cross, he was thinking of you! If you are one
of the 7% who will stand up for him, forward this with the Title 7%.
93% of people won't forward this.

God Bless.

I just remember another Joke i looked thru my entire blog..
a joke came to my mind..
and of cuz the lead of the joke is me again...

One day I went to attend an early (Breakfast) Event organised by one of our English Christian suppliers...As it was as early as 8.30am I think...I had to wake up really early...and I was like half awake when my boss and his wife picked me up to go to that event..

As I reached the entrance of the event..guess what happened...
as mentioned its a breakfast event, actually the so-called a breakfast service to thank God for their new premises and also to introduce the new Publishing companies..
back to where I was..
since its a breakfast has lots of nice delicious lookings pastery all over the place starting from the entrance...
It caught my eye of course..
but "Hey, what am i doing?" as I suddenly realised I was staring..STARING at the food for about 5 mins or so...which actually I wasn't...cuz I suddenly doze off..standing...then my soul came back..and wake me up..hahaha..looking as if i was so...craving for the food..till an extend the organisor came to me and say..dun be shy...go help urself with the food..
Oh Boy..its so ma lu...(embarassed)..
I am innocent..just caught dozing off while i looked at the food..which seriously..i wasn't that greedy..
Can u imagine that scene..

Hope u enjoy this joke..

Monday, September 10, 2007


A number of my friends told me that they dunno how to leave a message in my chatterbox..when I told them that it would be really sweet if they can leave me a msg each time they visit to give me a surprise and warm up my sketchbook a little.
Angel me..figure out to write the simple instruction or steps to help you guys to do that it makes u and me happy..and this blog will become more fun.
1) locate my chatterbox which I label it as "Angel's mailbox" on the right hand side of my blog as u scroll down..
2) see my pic above
A) Type in your name or nick whatever u wanna call long as I know who u r..if u like u can put as my secret admirer..hahaha..just kidding..
B) Type in your message (preferbly a sweet and warm hearted one or a funny joke to cheer everyone up..)
C) Click Go

All that's it..You are Done!

Hope to see my "Angel's Mailbox" full and active soon...hee..
Hope u enjoy ur stay and visit here with me...
Ur Angel

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ups and Downs

The first thing Susan saw me that day she asked me a question "How is life?"
I paused a very looong while..couldnt answer her..
why? I can't say good..cuz that's a lie..There are Ups and Downs in my life..and very often..
i replied her "today is good." (smile).

As we sat down and talked..she said "hey gal, ur life really has lots of ups and downs and very frequently.." and I replied her "remember once a pastor said this: Life is like a life-line where u see beside a patient..if it goes ups and means u r alive..and if its straight..U R DEAD!" So I told her..its a good thing that I am still having ups and downs in means i am alive.
All these ups and downs in life makes me stronger..I never grumble or blame God becuz I know its for my good..I have lots of lessons to learn.
Life is a never ending process of learning..till the day we met Lord..we still learns.

It reminds me of what Bill used to say to me "Angel, I am asking u a simple question. Are u happy? Why do you find it so difficult to answer? Its either u are or u are not. I am not asking about if what happen or if u do this are u happy..i am asking are u happy now. If u ask me Bill are u happy..I will tell u Sure I am happy."
Many times in life we cannot answer such a simple question when people ask us. Cuz Life is never that simple anymore. I used to answer rite away Yes I am happy..just like Bill..but now..I no longer know I am happy or not..But one thing I know for sure..if u ask me..are u happy about where u are going to after you leave this world..I will tell u Yes I am Happy..but as for life..hmm..
its really a difficult questions in life..
its not that I have many wants that cannot be fulfilled..rather..there are just too many upsets in life..
one can be happy now..but then someone just came in threw something right into ur face...or doubts ur ability without even understanding the entire situation..not showing their happy can one be?
Bill always say "No one is doing anything to u if u dun allow them to do so. To be happy or not depends on how U wanna feel." Bill is very successful and positive person...always there to give me ...sometimes I think..even if the heaven is to fall on him..he will be alright..yup..I wish I could be like him.
Many times he has to be the one to remind me about my faith in God..and how God wonderfully made us..and love us and we are all special and unique..He's spiritual state seems much much better than me and many of those who claim to be much holy. As the bible says "One can tell the tree but the fruit it bears."
If u think I am good..well...i still have a looooong way to go....
Thank God for NEVER forsaking me..and all the love and patients on me.

Points to ponder: Are U happy? How is life?

Friday, September 7, 2007

when u r old

Just now as I went out to dabao (pack) my lunch from the yong dao hu stall nearby..
as I strolled back to my office along the old shophouse, I saw an elderly man..with lots of winkles on his face and body..kind of skinny..sitting and sleeping so soundly and comfortable in a chair along the corridor...

Thots came to to I want to live my life when I am old..
Being like this elderly man..sleeping so soundly in the afternoon along the corridor when the breeze gently really a kind of blessing...
so peaceful and relax...while we have to struggle in our work or busy copping with work and life..
He need not be very rich..
in fact he doesnt look rich at all..
but yet he sleeps so soundly if enjoying the wonderful moments of relaxation...

I wanna be like him...when I am old..
resting and sleeping in a chair or couch peacefully in the afternoon while the breeze gently blow onto my face..enjoying the moment..
need not be rich..
contented with life...with no shortage of food and lodging..
its way enough for me to make me happy...

how about u?
Wanted to take that man's pic just now but still not familiar with my new hp afriad that my autoflash might wake him up from his wonderful afternoon dreams...

Have a blessed day!

Eugene's 1 year old present

As promised to Sandra my godson's mother that I will do up a video of Eugene's growing up from 3weeks old till now-coming 1st birthday as his 1 years old present..Here is the present baby Eugene from your godmother in Singapore. Hope you will like it..
I did in a rush with my hp during my train journey to a lunch appointment..
The video is basically taken about a year ago when i visited Sandra in Melbourne after she just gave birth and i went there to help to babysit bb and have my holidays with them. Oh dear i missed you all so much..Too bad I have to miss Eugene's 1st birthday celebration Tomorrow. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EUGENE.. Love you always, ganma..

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Jokes to share

Just now went out with one of my darling(she)..and I told her a joke which happened to me yesterday..

I told her that when it happens that moment..I sms to my another darling(he) and told him about it..

This happened yesterday morning when i was on my way to work..
As I entered the train..I was resting with my back against the pole in the mrt..
then came in a man...talking on his mobile...
and the train begin to move after he steps in the train..
The man lost his balance..and our lips nearly met..
U know what was my expression...
just imagine this..
me leaning against the pole..
man steps in..
hands on mobile..
another hand i think carrying a briefcase
train moves..
he lost his balance ...falling toward me..
and his face almost collapse into mine..
and me...
too shock to react...
open my eyes really eyes popping out staring at him...
praying God help...
dun let he fall kissing me..
Phew!!! of cuz it didnt ...
haha..thank God he after realising whats happening quickly pull his brake and u-turn..
Oh man..what a shock for the morning to start of the day...
Next thing I do is to pretend nothing happen and slowly move inside to the other side so that nothing of such will happen again..
and he also pretend nothing happen and just walk away...
hmm..sound like what u always see in the movie or tv series huh..
dun try doing this..
its so..low class..
but anyway..that man wasn't too bad looking..
looks like some kind of decent father of three..hee..
okie thats my joke..
if u have good imagination..
u would probably be laughing...
just now Joyce saw my expression and I show her how my expression was at the point of the nearly "kiss" moment...
and she laughed..cuz I showed her how my eyes grew big and almost popping out...and scary look..hahaha...

okie..a nice joke for the nite..
go and sleep..
specially cindy...the nite owl...
lights off..
haha..tomorrow I am off....

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Holding on too much in life?

Its time for the new clip to share with you, esp for my darling Q. May this clip brings you comfort in each and every way remember the last part of this clip "God will never never let go of you."

In life, many times we as christians carry our cross each day..
The moment when we first believe, our faith is strong. We carry our cross each day witnessing how much God has done for us...and how much we love God and wanna place God in first place..
But as times goes by...many times..we greed for this world and what this world provides us..gradually..we lost our priority ...and our burden got heavier and heavier as our cross gets lighter and lighter..
And we start grumbling about life..
why do we have so much misery in life and so much much sadness...
we feel so exhausted...and hopeless...without strength carry on...
Let's look behind..who we have left behind...
still holding tightly to us...and never never will let go
Jesus love us.
He will always be here for us.

To get things rite, place Him first..
No one knows better than God Himself what is the best for you...
He will provide you with the strength and hope for each and everyday in our life.
Hope this clip will be a great reminder for all of us Christian esp the one that has left God far behind and struggling with life...
Come back to God..
And for those who still doesnt know who is Jesus Christ..
Bear an open heart and get to know Him for He has already know you before you were born..and watch the clip and sharing I have in my blog..may God one day open ur eyes that you might see who He ur ears that you may hear His words..and open your mind that you may understand His love for you..and open your heart to recieve this great Present the gift of salvation He(Jesus) has for dying on the cross..He died for you even before you know Him cuz He first know us..and love each of us..His unique and special creation...we are all His precious one.
Rejoice..and stop "tearing"/sobbing...
Again...I must say "JESUS LOVE U" amen!

.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.