In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Precious lesson from a pure heart...

Today is my off day..
After working on my web designing..
went to fetch my god daughter from her place after her school..

My god daughter is in K2 this year.
She is a very sweet, loving and kind hearted girl.

Today I learnt important lessons from her with truly and deeply touches my heart.

We went to Tampines Mall today..decided to watch a movie with her..
since there is no more we picked Super Hero...

We bought two 7pm tickets and went to MacDonalds for dinner before the show.
We shared Mac Wings, Nuggets, fries and Coke..and took a number of pics at Mac.
Both of us loves to take pics..and she loves to explore my hp to take pics as well.

Finally its time for the show..and we went in..
As the show started...
about 1/4 thru the show..Tears started to roll down her she asked polietly.."Ganma (which means God mother), can we not watch this show? Is it alright if we go out now? I don't feel like watching this show." I was shocked to see her crying when everyone is laughing at the show...
But I know something in this show must has made her feel uncomfortable...
and I told her "sure, dear. We will go out now. But you must explain to me later what happen okie?"
And so..I took her out of the cinema..gave her a piece of tissue to clean off her tear..brought her to the washroom to freshen up.

In order to ease her help her get over whatever bad feelings she has from that movie..I brought her shopping and look at some toys...
Of all those expensive toys..this girl..did not ask me to get any for her..
rather she only made a request..
"Gan Ma, can you get this pink float for me for my birthday, cuz mine is spoilt?"
I said "sure, darling." and gave her a smile. I then ask her to touch the texture of the float and hold the float to see if she likes the texture and if this float is oversize for her. She said its okie.

Then we spotted some Playdoh..and I asked if she wants any of them. She looked at me..and asked.."Can I?" I said "sure." And as usual..she chosed the pink one..and I gave her the money to ask her to learn to pay at the cashier.

As we walked along..she told me something, "Ganma, people all think I am your daughter right?" I just smile at her.

Then we went into a special room for kids to take some pics...
First thing in the room when I told her that I wanna take some pics for her..she asked "Do you want me to do cat walk pose?" I said "uh?"
Then she posed this

hahaha...(and after taking she came and look at this pic and said.."I din smile right? Cat walk..not supposed to smile." PRO...hee
then we took more pics..

(I was told not to move when she used my hp to take my pic..soo...I can't move lor.)

After taking some pics and so on..I saw her settling down..
I got hold of this time to ask her what actually happened in the cinema.
I told her that she needs to know what makes her that we can avoid it the next time. She told me that she doesn't really like watching movies except for cartoons. But since I asked her, she said anything, she is fine. But actually she only likes cartoon, which is the exact words she said. This girl expressed herself pretty well.

And when asked why she cried esp when everyone is laughing...she couldn't really define her feelings..
Then as I asked her more questions to guide her along..
My conclusion: She actually feels uneasy and sad when watching the people in the movie getting hurt.

Eg. in the movie, she saw this guy who begin to have special power like how spiderman first got..this guy got bitten by a dragonfly, she was asking me about his wound. And when this guy's hand due to the special power got the basin stuck on his hand...he accidently hit someone as he tried to plug out his hand from the basin..

My god daughter felt for the person who got accidently hit by his basin...
And when this super hero tried to save an old grandmother by pushing her aside so that she won't get hit by the truck..

My god daughter felt sad for the super hero who got hit by the truck when saving the grandma and that old grandma who he tried to save..has instead due to his push ended up " into a cement mixing truck..and killed..
My god daughter started to cry.....

I am sincerly touched by her as I observe how she watched this first quarter of the movie..becuz in the begining of the show, she already polietly ask me if its alright for her to sleep if she dun want to watch the show..I said ok..

I am touched by my god daughter's pure heart.
People like us, laughed at all those scences in the movie...when seeing people got hurt in crazy and silly way..
but this child..takes everything as real..and symptise for those people who got hurt.

This set me thinking...
Have we lost this pure and sincere heart...and have we stop feeling and thinking for others...taking everything and every happening in this world for granted?
If only everyone in this world preserve this kind of pure heart....

I told her parents that its alright about leaving the cinema earlier (when they expressed their sorry for the movie incidence..)..cuz this only shows one important thing and one good thing...they have a daughter who is very sentimental.. and feels for others. She is really very sweet and kind-heart. Very pure at heart.

She even told me..when I asked if she still wants reminding popcorns which we bought for the movie.."hmm..actually..I can still eat lah..becuz I dun want to waste your money." and she even feels bad for making me leave earlier, not able to watch the entire show. She asked "Can you take back the tickets? (I think she means..can you change for a new tickets to come watch another time.) I told her its alright. Don't worry about it.

Can you imagine? Just a K2 girl, 5 years old..coming to 6 soon..talking all these.
Tell you, I am deeply moved by this god daughter of mine..and really proud and blessed to have her as my god daughter. "Well Done Kah Yin!!!"

The first thing she did after we reached her place..she took out the playdoh and made for me a birthday cake..knowing my birthday is coming in two weeks time..and she used my hp to take pic of it after her completed it..and of cuz..I taught her some skills to improve on that cake..and she is a fast learner..did it on the spot. :)
And this is the egg she made for me too...

What a fruitful day I have.
Oh..and I got her to say grace for me and her to thank God for the food when she reminded me saying "shall we pray before we eat? Can we pray now?"
Oh such a sweet darling...
She always ask me "why you always call me and my gor gor (her two elder brothers) darling?" I told her becuz you guys are my god children..and I love you guys. :)

p.s. This show SuperHeros movie is not suitable for kids..esp the language used..esp when she asked me "what is tiny penis?" I go..."huh..the place where the boy used to pass urine.." Aiyo..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is such a sweetie. Her parents must be veri proud of her :) Luv Sandra

.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.