In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What makes a job seems easy???

Question: What makes a job seems easy?

Answer (Angeline): Nothing makes a job seems easy. Cuz Job is known as a job becuz its not easy. No job is easy, that's why you are being paid to work. And that's why we call it job and not party or whatsoever. And because jobs are never easy, that's why there are such thing call Monday Blue.

As I was on my way back from work, I was feeling very frustrated again..cuz my sup was telling me infront of my new co-worker that my job is easy, when I was grumbling about its the stressful time for the newsletter again. I told her ya, its easy for you not for me cuz its very stressful for me, I am the one doing all the rush job and type setting and coming out of the newsletter every month. And she said, its easy. Everything has been typed for you, you dun have to type the article wah.And you have been doing it for a year, what's so difficult.
Hearing this I am very angry!!! I told her type setting is not easy okie...cuz each article is different! Phew..really blew my top off man!!!

Why do people always consider other's job as easy and theirs as difficult? No job is easy as I mentioned above, be it yours or others. Its very unfair to judge and make such a statements.

This week a new co-worker joined sup, not sure if she is trying to prove that she is the sup or what went way overboard which gets me angry everyday.
Just few days ago, she even took away my office dustbin and place it in the kitchen and told me if I want to throw something go over there to throw. Its only meant for throwing paper and not food or whatever. She say must save plastic bag. Don't need to change new plastic bag everyday! I was very angry but well..I remain silence and see how far she wants to go. Then in the late afternoon she brought back the dustbin and told me will put here but only can throw paper no food..
Oh what's the problem with her...we have our lunch and tea break in office esp when we dun have one hour lunch break..what does she want from me..
Oh Lord...many times I pray..God, let her know just how wrong she is and how bad she treated me...

I asked myself and asked God on my way back..
God, where is the problem? Why do people always think that I am idling or my job is easy? In what way do they have a stand to say such unfair words to me?
Where does the problem lies? What makes them have the right to say that to me and to others? God give me justice! If the problem lies in me, let me see and let me correct it! I might be abit slow in doing things becuz I always analyse before I do to make sure I do a proper job and not any-old-how..
Could it be that I am not doing what I am at my best for which makes people think I am not worth my pay? Frankly speaking, I am only holding a humble pay.
That's why I wanna upgrade myself and go for my degree to make the best out of what God has given me. I know I worth much much more than this!

I never grumble or tell anyone at their face that their job is easy or put others down. This is mean...and who are we to judge?

With all these unfair feeling bottle up in my heart..I went home..

Well..God is wise..and humorous..
First thing I saw when I step in the house is dog shits everywhere..for once I was very angry and scolded my dogs..and then shut the balcony glass my dinner..

My dad was very angry..took the newspaper and taught one of the dog a lesson..and then he started his non-stop grumbling and scoldings...first from the dogs..then to everyone in the house..Calmly I told dad that I will clean up the mess after my dinner. Dad told me I should just eat outside and shouldn't buy home to eat...hmm..another unkind treatment..sigh...

Dad started to grumble and complains about having to do housework-(which he volunteered to do so since he became grandpa)..and having to clean up the mess by my dogs and cats and said that my sis and me always pretend and come back late and leave all the cleaning and walking of the dogs to him..well..which is not true..
But...well...I understand how he feels...Its really not easy to clean up all those mess each time and walking the dogs and feed the dogs and cats..cuz I do that often.

Strangely, all my upsets were gone at that moment, be it from work or the animals..
I prayed to God for words of wisdom..
And God filled me with patient..
Then calmly I ask dad "Dad, what happen? May I know what makes you so angry? Why are you so upset?"
After hearing this..Dad kept silence...cuz he knew he shouldn't be that angry.

After my dinner..I analyse how I am gonna clean up this shitty mess..and do it step by step first by getting everything ready before I clean up so that while cleaning up..I will not mess up any place or the house and I will do everything right at the same time.Dad watched me how I patiently clean up the mess and talk to my dog which created the mess..I told my dog which actually I meant it for my dad to listen..
I told my dog..Its okie..I understand, cuz now she is an old dog so she can no longer control her bladder esp she being tied up at one area..
Everyone will come to this stage eventually when we are many elderly..they cannot control their bladder and often make a mess..not that they want too..

With such can one be angry with another???

After cleaning up in order..and mopping the floor and spraying air freshner..I brought the dogs down for a walk..
Came back..I washed the bowls of my cat and dogs..and feed them their dinner and drinks..

Finally...had my shower and sit in my bed and writing my favourite blog to share this long essays with you.

Hope I dun bore you guys with long essays..
Anyway, my readers are used to my long essays..isn't it? If not I am not Angeline.

:) Smile and be Patient..cuz that's the best way to make one feels happy right?
When others are not treating you good, the least you can do for yourself is.... to give yourself a Pat and say "Well-Done Angeline!" :) and make yourself happy.

Have a good nite rest and a great day ahead!!!

Each nite ends with calming stars in the sky and Each day begins with the sunny sunshine! =) Cheers my friend!

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.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.