In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Chinese New Year Marathon

I did a Chinese New Year Marathon today...

Started off with a 2 hours Train ride to my aunties house at the other end of Singapore. Left home about 4pm with parents and my youngest brother. Reached there at 6pm.Had a quick dinner there enjoying the wonderful soup cooked by my Aunty Jenny then left with my brother in a rush at 6.30pm to start our movie marathon with my sister at TM GV Cinema at 8.25pm.

Decided to take Train to Woodlands to take an express bus and then change to another bus to reach TM for our movie. Managed to reach there just in time.

First movie we watch is Kung Fu Dunk..

Shi-Jie (Jay Chou) is a brilliant martial artist from the Kungfu School. The master of the school adopted him as a baby, when he was found abandoned in the woods. His remarkable kungfu skills stem from his innate intuition and ability to read his opponents moves. One day, he encounters a group of youths playing basketball and shows off how easy it is for him, with his martial arts training, to do a Slam Dunk. Watching him was Chen-Li (Eric Tsang), a shrewd businessman, who decides that he would exploit Shi-Jie to make some money. Under the guise of helping Shi-Jie to find his family, he recruits him to play varsity basketball at the local university.

*** 4/5 Claps I give.
Really enjoyed the show. Tho it was one of the show to my surprise which has the least number of people watching. However, that doesn't affect my rating.
Seriously I am tempted to give an applause straight after the movie ends..cuz putting the side effect aside, I think this show has lots of wonderful elements. Its interesting, funny yet filled with human touch... really touches my heart ..esp the part whereby he thot he founded his parents and the part whereby he remembers how Chen-Li helped him and stand by him, did not sell him for money..These really touches my heart. I must say, I never know Jay Chou could be such a good actor. He holds the character very well and moved my heart. I always thot Jay Chou only knows how to act cool and has no facial expressions like he usually appears to us. I am wrong I must say... WOW!!!

Thereafter, We carried on with another show which is another local directed by Jack Neo, Mediacorp Raintree production called Ah Long Pte Ltd.

Ah Long Pte Ltd is a light-hearted black comedy about the triad world and the money-lending business. The movie takes on a humorous and sarcastic treatment on the underworld. It depicts how a young lady, Li Hua (Fann Wong) tries to restructure her money-lending triad into a professional and 'loving' triad that stands against the use of violence after she takes over from her triad leader (Richard Low) who retired. Her various restructuring plans (which are no doubt very creative) bring about hilarious results.

Li Hua tired of her mother's constant nagging to get married, she finally relented and proposed to Mr Fang (Mark Lee), an effeminate dance instructor cum image stylist. Surprised to many and even herself, Mr Fang accepted the proposal. The unusual union, despite the misfits, soon blossom into love.

*** I give this show 4/5 claps as well for the creativity in this show.
I must say, Well Done Jack Neo! At the point of artistic and creativity's view, you won my vote!!!
This movie is entertaining, funny, creative yet able to bring out the Singaporean style and taste. Jack I must say has capture the little details in life many times and making the most out of it. Its often the details in life which we often missed out and take for granted. However, Jack has capture these and make great use of it and even bringing it to another level of creativity. I guess this is one similar thing between me and him. We both enjoys looking into the simplicity of life and the details of our everyday life which many times have been taken for granted..
The only different is, I bring out in writing and in my design whereas he brings out in his movie.

I always has faith in Director Jack Neo, not becuz he is my distance relative (we share the same aunty, uncle and cousins) but rather, I sees his talents and since my school days, I always pray that one day he will make it and his talents will bring him to a higher level. I am really happy for him. Well Done Jack!

I am impressed by they came out with the positive image(side) of even the Loan Shark. Its require lots of creativity..its part of our graphic designer's job too..when coming to think of a design of a product. We are force and trained to do so. I am even impressed by they even bring out Jackson Pollock in this movie. I used to do research and design a product to bring out Jackson Pollock during my Design History Assignment. Yes, in fact Jackson Pollock is the First Abstract Artist in design History and he specialise in using drip painting for his master. Its not on normal size canvas but on Huge floor size canvas.

Check out my previous post about abstract art on him in my blog.

Anyway, back to where I was, thus it shows they did good research for this show. I must say I am impress by many parts of this show. Mainly the creativity and even the song for this show, its well done! Impressive and catchy. But of cuz there are parts which still need some improvement as well and not very healthy as well when its talking about the positive of Loan Shark. Mark Lee holds the role very well in this movie and so did Fann Wong. Great job Mark Lee! Keep it up!

I should say, the two movies satisfied my movie appetite. Yes, Local production has improved. However, one thing which I am kind of disappointed is, where so much creativity has being involved, they shouldn't ended it with a scene copied from the Korean Gangster show, I am kind of disappointed esp the ending of the movie isn't very good. A great show at least should has a great start, a climax and a good ending...This no good ending..but deserve my claps becuz of the creativity involved.

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.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.