In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Friday, February 29, 2008

Feb Newsletter


As many of our bookstore customers request for the newsletter to be received thru email or over the website,I used a free server to create a temp website for them to retrieve the information they need. In such a way, it will not jam up their mailbox or take up too much of their space.
Finally after much hard work by our publication team, our February newsletter has been published yesterday.

Kindly click the following link for the newsletters and other updates.

Main Page

Thank you for your continuous support.

God Bless,

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Life is like a Radio

Life is like a radio..
Sometimes channels seems to screw up (cross channels), putting one into a confusing state..
Which requires patience and time to allow fine tuning..

-My channel seems..clearer now..
How about you my friend???

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A wonderful day off..

Today is my off day.

Had chaotic dream...and woke up at 12 noon...
Talked (pray) to God about my dream..and thank Him that its just a dream..
but didn't feel the peace in me due to the chaotic dream..Then asked God to grant me peace and joy..

Okie, its time to Freshen Up and start doing housework...
Oh boy!!! Whole house is in a mess..

....Off I pack and tidy up the house alittle, clean the dishes, 'sweep' and mopped the floor and wipe furniture..

Hmm...I like this feeling of keeping the house clean, fresh and comfortable.
Haha..started to day dream about being a housewife again..hahaha..wonderful feeling..I must be crazy huh...hahahahaha..

My dog, Lily vomited - caused by indigestion (too greedy I didn't chew the bone..vomited the entire piece of chicken bone out..Ouch!!! She must have felt terrible..with that bone struck in her the entire nite....

Haiz...thus after cleaning up her mess, I cleaned up their territory as well...for my two dogs & a cat..

Sprayed air freshner around the house..

There after I did my laudries......accumulated over these busy and tiring period...
Boil water...

Oooh....its my brunch time @ 2pm..Yippee...

Made myself this nice meal...

Colour isn't nice cuz the Onion Prata is kind of greenish...hahaha..

Onion Prata with Japanese seaweed wrapped chicken with Mandarine orange & Myonnias..
hmm..interesting combination...
No bad..hahah.. :P

Finally its time to write my favourite blog and then go for my shower in case I need to be recall back to office to rush the Newsletter for Feb..cuz the article might be ready for me today...

Have a wonderful day everyone!

Oh boy!!!... God give me a good husband who loves me and rich enough that I dun have to work and can enjoy my housewife life...(In Jesus' name I pray Amen!) hahaha.. :P

p.s. haa...aa....I just love to stay in my cozy room...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Max strikes my head!!!

As I was checking out some English titles during work to order for our store, I went to Max Lucado's website to take a look at all his books.

Max is a great writer..
Even as I went thru each of the intro for his books...I learnt great lessons.

One of which touches me most..bringing realisation or enlightenment to me is the intro of this book called "The Applause of Heaven" by Max Lucado, of cuz.

Here is the intro of this book...

Revisit the Beatitudes and ponder the glories of heaven with one of America's favorite authors...

It is what you always dreamed but never expected. It's having God as your dad, your biggest fan, and your best friend. It is having the King of Kings in your cheering section. It is hearing the applause of heaven. Max Lucado believes that the Beatitudes provide what we need to discover the the joy of God. Much more than a how-to book on happiness. The Applause of Heaven is an encounter with the Source of Joy.

I have always know that God is my DAD-in-Heaven and my BEST FRIEND..but what strikes my mind this time as I was reading this is...


Each time I visited my blog, the 1st thing I would check is the counter I placed in my blog and then is the chatterbox in my blog.

Each time I sees the counter jumps...its like another drop of water that refresh my spirit...I felt so comforted and greatly encouraged, even tho many did not leave me any msg in my chatterbox or comments..but your visits to my blog has already a great encouragement for me to persist on and continue to become a better me, so as to share more of the beauty of this life...and the lessons of life..

Today Max actually strike my head with this intro of his book "The Applause of Heaven"...telling me or in fact reminding me once again " not only have so many 'fans' who cares and supports you...but in fact you know who is your greatest fan...other than Sandra (your buddy) in Auz and Joyce (your best friend)..and many secret ones...????

That is GOD! God is your greatest fan! He cares and reads up all about you and what you write and share in your blog ...He is interested in your life..and all about you....

Each day, God is happy to see what I write about what I learnt from Him thru His creation and His plans for me..

God feels sad when I am sad...
God feels happy when I am happy..
and God gives me a pat on my shoulder when I did Him Proud..
God stretch out His Hands to lift me up each time I fall..tho He knows I fell very often..telling me..that "well..Angeline will be up again soon..and eventually She will learn the lesson that I am teaching her.."
I am glad that God is my Cheer-Leader to cheer me many of you!

Thank You God...and thanks to you all here ...too...

:) I am indeed a blessed woman!!!

Comforted & Encouraged once again!

p.s. I must get this book "The Applause of Heaven" by Max Lucado

In fact..all his books are good...I highly recommend..will try to bring them into my store..tho not every title they have in Singapore...

Check out all his books here
Esp their intro..and tell me which interest you..will reserve a copy for you if I managed to get them into my store..

nite :*
Oh...Great..tomorrow is my Off-day again!!! Yippee...

Have a bright & wonderful day ahead everyone!!! Cheers :)

Monday, February 25, 2008


Today is the first time I find my singlehood enjoyable...

Strangely after work, I went to Tampines Mall thinking of getting my dinner from the food court at the highest level..however, as I reached the highest level..I suddenly changed my mind..and walked straight to the other end of that level and got myself a ticket to this show called CJ7 (Chang Jiang Qi Hao) the latest comedy from Stephen Chow.

My sister told me that she watched CJ7 during CNY, it was nice and recommended me to watch. Since then, I have been really curious about this show tho the poster and the ads didn't really capture my attention or interest..

The show starts at 7.35pm at GV Tampines which is 5 mins after I bought the ticket..thus I grab a Nacho combo and went in straight for my BEST SEAT in the cinema..the center row and the center seat..Great!

It feels good to watch a movie alone..not having to worry if the next person enjoys it or not..

This show isn't as fantastic as what I thought it might be...however, I must admit.its loud..funny ( usual...Steven Chow's style..) and a point I actually cried..
REALLY (tear roll down from the side of my eyes) the part whereby Steven who is the dad in the show fell from a high level in the construction site when he work..and died. The boy (his son in the show) cry so bitterly (regreting about what he told his dad not to care about him anymore if he achieve to score 60 marks for his exam which he actually did, just to get out of his dad's hand)

...This makes me cry..I felt his regrets...esp when I compare his effort to score well so as to get out of his dad's care or control when on the other hand..he can no longer experience his dad's care and control now that his dad is dead.

Like the lesson learn by the son in the story..many times..we hope XXX who care so much about us should stop bothering us or stop 'controlling' us and mind their own business...till when we start to lose XXX..then we realized how important XXX is to us..and how we wish we did not say such mean words like "I dun want you to care or bother about me, I want back my space!" and wish that time can just reverse and take everything as a dream.

Lesson Learn: Treasure people who truly cares about you and appreciate them while you can!

CJ7 is a fantasy tale featuring state of the art visual effects. A poor laborer father (Chow) and his young son's lives are turned upside down when a fascinating and strange new pet enters their world. Amid the resulting comic mayhem, they ultimately learn a poignant lesson about the true nature of family and the things money can't buy.

Cast: Stephen Chow, Kitty Zhang Yuqi
Director: Stephen Chow
Genre:Sci-Fi/ Comedy
Language: Mandarin
Running Time:88 minutes

In the show, do you know which cast I like Best? For those who knows me well will know...hahaha..yes the little alien pet...its so lovely, cute, adorable...
I am attracted by its cute expression esp the HUGE furry head and the Big round eyes..and that wide smile...its soooo cute...

Well..overall..this show is not bad lah..
thot storyline..kind of short..
I give it 3.5/5 claps..lah..

Not bad..
The little actor and actress (kids) in the show acts well too..every expressive..
Steven Chow did quite a good fatherly job..too.. :)

check out this website

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Long lost friend

Went to Balaclava on fri.
Its been a while since I last visited Balaclava after my China trip with Joyce, and Cindy ask us to go Balaclava during our gathering at Joyce's place during CNY. So.. I sent a mass sms to all my kakis to ask them to go Bala..cuz I need a break too..
Too much happenings lately..

Cindy however did not turn up due to work as usual..

Met Adelene, an old classmate of mine in Secondary School...didn't change much..
Its been 16 years since we last met each other..
WOW..can you believe??? 16 years????
Time flies...
Never know I will have chance to even use this term..16 years ago..hahaha...
I guess I have to admit I am getting old..hahaha..

Surprisingly..Adelene is still single...a career woman now..(like me..suffering from BRG sickness..haiz..)

I always thot she should have got married and have children long ago..cuz she is beautiful, talented, good family background etc..She is never lack of suitors...
She came with a guy who I thot was her hubby...

Well..that's why I say..relationship/Marriage doesn't = good looks,talents, great inner beauty or whatsoever.
If its yours its yours..

I got Joyce and my kakis worried about me cuz I got myself tipsy that nite (which I dun usually do.)..I am very sorry..I am not sure what got into me..Seriously I din even drink much lor...Perhaps I didn't balance myself well emotionally having to deal with work and relationship stress..Too many upsets in my mind/chest which I really wanna get it off..tooo many ????? which troubled me...wanting to know the reason why..probably becuz of my Taurus character..(read up on the right side of my blog on taurus behavior.)

But dun worry..I told myself ANGELINE NO MORE NEXT TIME..I WON'T ALLOW SUCH TO HAPPEN ANYMORE.Tho actually nothing much happen lah..just MIA (when moving btw the 2 tables without telling them..) so they were worried..SORRY!!!!!!! HAHA..but (tell you secretly..Ssh..) i do feel good to finally have people worrying for me..cuz most of the time is the other way round.. :P

Back to where I was just now..I am glab that I met Adelene and we exchanged numbers..will catch up probably this coming week or so.

Again my buddies esp JOYCE...THOUSAND OF APOLOGISES FOR MIA without telling you.(hugz..hugz..)

Lesson learnt: (1) Not worth getting myself tipsy or hangover over such....and its not fun at all..haiz..
(2) True friend cares and worries for you.
(3) True friend will hug and cry with you.

Oh boy..I do need some hugs right now...haiz...!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What makes a job seems easy???

Question: What makes a job seems easy?

Answer (Angeline): Nothing makes a job seems easy. Cuz Job is known as a job becuz its not easy. No job is easy, that's why you are being paid to work. And that's why we call it job and not party or whatsoever. And because jobs are never easy, that's why there are such thing call Monday Blue.

As I was on my way back from work, I was feeling very frustrated again..cuz my sup was telling me infront of my new co-worker that my job is easy, when I was grumbling about its the stressful time for the newsletter again. I told her ya, its easy for you not for me cuz its very stressful for me, I am the one doing all the rush job and type setting and coming out of the newsletter every month. And she said, its easy. Everything has been typed for you, you dun have to type the article wah.And you have been doing it for a year, what's so difficult.
Hearing this I am very angry!!! I told her type setting is not easy okie...cuz each article is different! Phew..really blew my top off man!!!

Why do people always consider other's job as easy and theirs as difficult? No job is easy as I mentioned above, be it yours or others. Its very unfair to judge and make such a statements.

This week a new co-worker joined sup, not sure if she is trying to prove that she is the sup or what went way overboard which gets me angry everyday.
Just few days ago, she even took away my office dustbin and place it in the kitchen and told me if I want to throw something go over there to throw. Its only meant for throwing paper and not food or whatever. She say must save plastic bag. Don't need to change new plastic bag everyday! I was very angry but well..I remain silence and see how far she wants to go. Then in the late afternoon she brought back the dustbin and told me will put here but only can throw paper no food..
Oh what's the problem with her...we have our lunch and tea break in office esp when we dun have one hour lunch break..what does she want from me..
Oh Lord...many times I pray..God, let her know just how wrong she is and how bad she treated me...

I asked myself and asked God on my way back..
God, where is the problem? Why do people always think that I am idling or my job is easy? In what way do they have a stand to say such unfair words to me?
Where does the problem lies? What makes them have the right to say that to me and to others? God give me justice! If the problem lies in me, let me see and let me correct it! I might be abit slow in doing things becuz I always analyse before I do to make sure I do a proper job and not any-old-how..
Could it be that I am not doing what I am at my best for which makes people think I am not worth my pay? Frankly speaking, I am only holding a humble pay.
That's why I wanna upgrade myself and go for my degree to make the best out of what God has given me. I know I worth much much more than this!

I never grumble or tell anyone at their face that their job is easy or put others down. This is mean...and who are we to judge?

With all these unfair feeling bottle up in my heart..I went home..

Well..God is wise..and humorous..
First thing I saw when I step in the house is dog shits everywhere..for once I was very angry and scolded my dogs..and then shut the balcony glass my dinner..

My dad was very angry..took the newspaper and taught one of the dog a lesson..and then he started his non-stop grumbling and scoldings...first from the dogs..then to everyone in the house..Calmly I told dad that I will clean up the mess after my dinner. Dad told me I should just eat outside and shouldn't buy home to eat...hmm..another unkind treatment..sigh...

Dad started to grumble and complains about having to do housework-(which he volunteered to do so since he became grandpa)..and having to clean up the mess by my dogs and cats and said that my sis and me always pretend and come back late and leave all the cleaning and walking of the dogs to him..well..which is not true..
But...well...I understand how he feels...Its really not easy to clean up all those mess each time and walking the dogs and feed the dogs and cats..cuz I do that often.

Strangely, all my upsets were gone at that moment, be it from work or the animals..
I prayed to God for words of wisdom..
And God filled me with patient..
Then calmly I ask dad "Dad, what happen? May I know what makes you so angry? Why are you so upset?"
After hearing this..Dad kept silence...cuz he knew he shouldn't be that angry.

After my dinner..I analyse how I am gonna clean up this shitty mess..and do it step by step first by getting everything ready before I clean up so that while cleaning up..I will not mess up any place or the house and I will do everything right at the same time.Dad watched me how I patiently clean up the mess and talk to my dog which created the mess..I told my dog which actually I meant it for my dad to listen..
I told my dog..Its okie..I understand, cuz now she is an old dog so she can no longer control her bladder esp she being tied up at one area..
Everyone will come to this stage eventually when we are many elderly..they cannot control their bladder and often make a mess..not that they want too..

With such can one be angry with another???

After cleaning up in order..and mopping the floor and spraying air freshner..I brought the dogs down for a walk..
Came back..I washed the bowls of my cat and dogs..and feed them their dinner and drinks..

Finally...had my shower and sit in my bed and writing my favourite blog to share this long essays with you.

Hope I dun bore you guys with long essays..
Anyway, my readers are used to my long essays..isn't it? If not I am not Angeline.

:) Smile and be Patient..cuz that's the best way to make one feels happy right?
When others are not treating you good, the least you can do for yourself is.... to give yourself a Pat and say "Well-Done Angeline!" :) and make yourself happy.

Have a good nite rest and a great day ahead!!!

Each nite ends with calming stars in the sky and Each day begins with the sunny sunshine! =) Cheers my friend!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

14 hours journey in the dreamland..

Just woke up...
came back from my 14 hours journey in my dreamland...
strange and interesting dream...

Back in the dreamland, (So everything is not real here okie)
I was first watching some interesting and creative video clips by my church preachers..
The video clips were so interesting showing how they actually enjoy contemporarly Christian songs and my teacher and his wife even did a clip with this mouse running around to grip and put on its mouth and nose and so on..kind of funny and interesting..

Next thing I found myself squeezing in a car drove by preacher Linglee..its an old car which our church used to have..anyway..Ben was sitting beside her helping her to direct the way or watch out for the traffic. We set off from our previous church in Hougang..

We were supposed to go on a Makan Trip...(No sure is it becuz of my gastric that I am dreaming about food.)
However, we were supposed to go to Malaysia for this Makan (Malay word for Eating) Trip. Strange thing about this is..guess who else were in the car with me...
It was very packed and squeezy tho..
Haha..Joyce and (even weirdest of all) Glenn her brother were with us in this trip and two other church mates who I can't seems to figure out who they were.

The journey started..
the roads were packed with cars..
Pr.LL started driving her car down the road squeezing thru the heavy traffic..
After missing a few turns which we were supposed to make..
we ended up in a strange and amazing place..

Looking out of the car windows..I saw there are status of angels around...and even status of Jesus, each set of status seems to tell an amazing story.
But it was way too rush to figure out what were the stories being told by these figurings..

As we were looking for the correct way to travel to that restaurant which we were supposed to meet the rest of the churchmates there to eat..
Suddenly I saw somethings on the road itself which filled me with amazement....
Pointing out to the rest of the people in the they looked out at the directions of my fingers onto the road which we were travelling on..
We saw there were white arrow signs painted on the road as usual on one lane..
but what amazing was.on the other lane..which we were travelling on..there was a sign of a praying hand painted (in white like the arrows) on if it was telling us Here is the road of prayer..
or Drive safely with prayer...whatever..

This place was so strange yet amazing...leaving such a deep impression even after this 14 hours journey since last nite 8plus till 10plus this morning (total numbers of hours which I actually slept).

After this wonderful and strange journey I have recovered from my gastric pain which almost killed me and made me cry last nite..and even vomit..

I guess God is telling me now that there are many people who were concern about me and even praying for me last nite and that's why I am well again...

Thank you for your wonderful prayers and for joining me in this strange yet wonderful and amazing journey.
Hee.. hope you have enjoyed this trip with me too..
What a wonderful & amazing journey I had.. :)

Yes, its really time to eat something cuz I couldn't eat last nite due to gastric..

"Have a wonderful and amazing day ahead all my dear too!"

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Gastric hurts..sob sob sob..

when one is physically unwell (weak) one becomes emotionally weak too..
like gastric is hurting chest pain...
so much so I want to cry and wanted someone to care for me esp him at this point of time..
Even have thots of sms-ing him to tell him that I am not well now..sob sob sob..
but I stopped myself told myself that part of journey ended..

Sob sob sob.............
I just vomitted cuz gastric not well..
maybe I skipped breakfast today and had coffee with empty stomach..and got upset by some unreasonable treatment/behavour I got from work...

Its been months since my gastric gives me problem..
alright now I have tucked myself in bed..thank God tomorrow is my off day I can rest at home in the morning before I go for my facial in the mid afternoon.

Pls pray for me. I just took my medication.

Thanks and good nite.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Food.. Food.. Food..

Recently I am indulging myself into good food to destress and make myself happy..
Tho I dun eat much..But I will definitely feed myself with good food to make me happy.

Yesterday, I tried the new California Salad in Coffee Bean..its yummy..

Then today I went to get myself a box of freshly baked Dippin Donuts..and see...Mmm Mmm..they are yummy too...

And in the evening I met Valissa at Bugis to try out The Soup Spoon.. The Roasted Pumpkin salad was okay... and the Tokyo Chicken Stew taste Yummy...hmm..hmm..

Treating myself to good food is a way of loving myself...

Never Give up!

Thanks for reading my blog everyone of you.

Each of you are unique and wonderful creation by God.
We are like bits and pieces of individual puzzles...
Each bearing different patterns, different colours and different shapes..
and when we are placed together, we become a beautiful picture called LIFE.

Thanks for making my LIFE complete and wonderful.

With your presence and continuous support by reading up my blog, words of encouragement and kindness, I believe this book of sketches one day will become a wonderful pic of LIFE.

Let's not give up in search of Happiness which God has placed in our life.
Together our life will be fuller and brighter!

May your life be filled with blessings and happiness from God.

(sob..sob..not sure why tears suddenly filled my eyes and rolled down from my cheeks.. maybe I am touched by the wonderful seasoning of this it bitter, sweet, sour, salty or whatever one might be tasting now.

Without seasoning, food can never taste any better..isn't it my's not grumble or focuz too much on which seasoning you are using right now..I believe..the after taste will surely be that's the perfect will and love of Our Father In Heaven. )


Here are pics taken yesterday..

Sunday, February 17, 2008

New Chapter in life

Ever grab on something, refusing to let go cuz you just love it way too much?

This has been happening to me. But after much struggling, I have to admit its time to move on and start my new chapter in life. Its not healthy to keep seeking for answers which in either way will only be hurtful to know be it a yes or no.

The past journey was a wonderful and memorible journey. Will leave it in the memory lane and continue on to build new memorises for the future.

Tho heartache but I cut off the line which connects him to me like cutting loose a kite to set it free. Like what many said, if its yours its yours it will fly back to you. If its meant to fly away then set it free.

Take care and good bye my past love. Be free and enjoy the sky now my dear.

You are free now my kite.

And I have set myself free too... This is Great isn't it?

Thank you my buddy and thank you God.


Just took an analysis of what type of person I am and here is the result:

Happy and Bubly!

You have a relaxed happy childhood. Everyone around you seems to like you. Your also sweet, kind and gentle!

Hmm..I find it interesting..and I agreed to it except Bubly??? reminds me or last year I went for a match making session and knew this guy, after meeting him once or twice I can't remember and he tried dated me out a few times but got turned down cuz I think we are not suitable for each other..
I din wanna waste his time so I told him that I am sorry I can't accept him cuz my heart is with someone else.

I remember something which he told me which left me a deep impression after I told him why not I look out for other girls for him..
he said, "He only wants bubbly girl like me."
That was first time someone ever use this word on me..
It took me a while to figure out what Bubbly means..

HAPPY: happy and enthusiastic
-a bubbly personality

Then he told me, if I have my heart back one day, do give him a call and he will marry me. :) I am touched! haha..what a nice guy.

Actually I am kind of blessed to know a number of nice guys thru Match Making Agency or Online Matching service which is how I know the man I love..
Tho not every man is nice, good or trustworthy..but there are some good ones out there somewhere..just that one have to be careful when handling such. Esp you must know how to protect yourself.

There are guys who told me I looked beautiful, I got sweet voice and guys who even wants to come to Singapore to marry, which I find it unbelievable and had to harden my heart to turn them down. The man I love told me that I looked beautiful in my pic and then dated me out for coffee for our first meeting after exchanging numbers of daily life pics and personal info..years back.

You must be wondering (like many people and many friends I know), find it ridiculous for me having the need to use such services. They told me that I am be crazy with my looks and my personally and so on..I shouldn't be lacking of men who wants to marry me.

But seriously my friend, let me tell you something..
there are lots of beautiful women out there and capable woman out there who are still single and looking for the right one.
Relationship is not something which can be achieve by what you have or give in just like my present condition. Sometimes you thot you finally found the right the end..only to feel disappointed again.

Thus last nite the guys and me were chatting as regarding to what men are like and so on.. I suddenly feel sad and disappointed. I told dun trust men anymore. I have enough of all these. Men are too complicated to understand. Just when you thot you knew them and can trust the end, you only find out that the only person you can trust is God Himself. Haiz..

So now, tho I wanted very much to fall in love again..but this time with even more awareness,fears and uncertainity..I tell myself..will only wait for the other party to prove himself as someone worthy for me to commit myself to before I will give any part of my heart to him..However, this heart which is now broken needs times and lots of love to heal it before it can go onto another love journey.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines! 情人节快乐!

Today is Valentines Day, I spent my Valentines in the vineyard with "THE MAN OF THE VINEYARD". Hee...Its really a fruitful valentines to me!

Dun be mistaken, I meant I spent my entire valentines this year watching my favourite korean series "THE MAN OF THE VINEYARD"-葡萄地里的男人, casted by Yoon Eun-Hye (The wonderful actress of 宫 and 咖啡王子. She looks really beautiful here and the new cast is Oh Man Seok who is the man of the vineyard, not handsome but attractive.

As usual, I love Korean series more than any other series becuz they are rich in contents and lessons of life and most of the casts are fantastic actors and actress.

I learnt a precious lesson on this Valentines from THE MAN OF THE VINEYARD.




(Let me translate what I have written above in English.)

I have learnt a precious lesson on this Valentines from THE MAN OF THE VINEYARD (KOREAN SERIES).

Happiness is when others are enjoying their happiness, we must not let ourselves feel unhappy. Even if someone is presently enjoying the happiness which you have lost, we must make ourselves feel Happy.
True Happiness is to have an Open Heart (BIG HEART).
Only with this BIG HEART, one can accomodate all things and still feels happy.

Thus, I have chosen my happiness for this Valentines i.e to date with my favourite Korean Series and I am really glab I have learnt precious lesson today.

True happiness is not how much you have but rather how BIG is your heart! :)

I am indeed blessed with happiness! Thank you Father In Heaven!


“The man of the vineyard” is a comic story about a girl from a big city who moves to a village to make money for starting her own business and meets there a guy working in a grape field. Dreaming of setting up her own apparel firm, Ji-hyun one day receives an alluring offer from her relative who promises her to leave a big grape field when he dies if she works in the field for a year. At first, Ji-hyun insists she will never in her life work on a farm, but eventually ends up becoming a farmer because of her ever complaining mother. Ji-hyun decides to try her best to achieve her dream of becoming an entrepreneur by inheriting the grape field, but being a farmer turns out a challenging task. To make things worse, the guy she meets in the village, Taek-ki, keeps driving her crazy. However, after many twists and turns Ji-hyun adapts to rustic life and opens up to the warmhearted residents of the village as well as ends up falling in love with Taek-ki.

THE MAN OF THE VINEYARD 葡萄地里的男人 - Wonderful Show ****** MUST WATCH!

You Must Enjoy this Happiness too!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Early start for Valentines

I am having an early start for Valentines since tomorrow is my off day..

Tucking myself in Bed in my cozy room..with fans and aircon on..
enjoying both red wine and beer..

And my date: my Korean VCDs (I just bought few hours ago esp to spend my valetines day with.)

Nothing could be better than watching my favourite korean series and keeping myself happy..tho not having to recieve any present or flowers nor having anyone special this year..but well..I guess I can still be happy doing what I like most..watching korean shows. I believe my true love will find me some day. :)

I better get started with my Korean show now..
Tat tat..


p.s. actually recieved my first valentines day flower (the pic above) from a newly known friend over imeem website..tho its only a pic but its the heart that counts..still feels comforted at least someone bothers to send me..even when i dun really know that person. Its sweet. Appreciate it. :)

Happy Birthday Everyone!!!

Happy Birthday to You,Happy Birthday to You,Happy Birthday to You.....
Happy Birthday to You!!!

(Blow your candles everyone!!!) is 人日 Ren Ri (Human's Birthday).
Chinese believe that today (7th day of the lunar new year) is the birthday of all Human kind...well..just join in the fun!

"Happy Birthday Everyone!!!!"

Looking for a Happy Birthday song but managed to find this very different Happy Birthday song which somehow fits my feeling this day..esp tomorrow is Valentines Day..
(turn off my music on the right side so that you can listen to this.)

This is a song by Liu Ruo Ying "Sheng Ri Kuai le"

Happy Valentines Day to you guys day too!
I took off for tomorrow to have a date my newly bought Korean Show.. 葡萄地里的男人。
Some people try to escape Chinese New Year..Angie here try to escape Valentines day..hiding in my room to watch my favourite korean show and be happy all day instead.

刘若英 - 生日快乐

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You

.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.