In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Moments of Happiness

Today, I got to steal that little moments of happiness from my elder brother and his wife and my mum...


As we were having dinner at a chinese restaurant today near my workplace - before my youngest brother goes to serve his N.S this fri...
I got to carry little Princess, my niece for awhile...

I feel like a mum..carrying her in my arm...feeding her milk from her milk bottle of cuz...and then petting her to sleep...
That moment..little flash back of how I baby sit my godson Eugene when I was in Auz Melbourne..Those were such wonderful time..

Carrying my baby niece in my arms make me feel so blessed and filled with joy. At that moment time seems to freeze....I was praying that one day I can have my own children...if my future husband can afford, I wanna have lots and lots of I love children alot..not just to play with them...
for those who has seen me baby-sit and teach...will have to agree I can make a good mum..

Not sure if you know or hear me mentioned..(of cuz my bestfriend and buddies knows)..
My dream is to become a full-time housewife..
Having a good husband who loves me...and of cuz whom I love..
to take good care of my hubby...and my children.
Providing my family a warm and cozy home...

In fact, Billy was the first man who asked me what my dream was and asked me to pursue my dreams instead of laughing at me like many did.
Many were surprised by a trendy and artistic looking girl like me...looking so modern outside can have such a traditional thots...yup..
that's me...

For once,I thot I found him or in fact he found me..
since he was the one to approach me, wanting to know me..(he has long forgotten that he was the 1st to click that button. But woman remember such things very clearly. Every single details..esp for the man we love.) took me a BIG ROUND only to realise that I was wrong...

Sometimes things just ain't the way it seems to be...(certain things cannot be explain or work out with formulas like 1 + 1 = 2)
Frankly speaking I was disappointed and hurt...but.....well...everything is in the hands of God.
I know eventually this man of my life will come...and I believe he will be indeed blessed for having me..the true treasure who has not being discovered and appreciated by those who were given the chance to..One day..these men will regret..For I will make a perfect wife and definitely a perfect mother..hahaha..

Wow..oops...I am sorry...I over-did it huh...too proud sorry...
just that I have confidence in this area..its just a matter of whether or not I am given that chance to..and whether or not I wanna do it..and to whom I am doing it for..

People are gifted in different area...I know this area is where my gifts are..In other things I might not be as good as others..but this area...esp handling babies and children..I AM THAT CONFIDENCE.

The day will day I believe..
if will really be a waste.......
Frankly speaking..after so much failure....
I started to doubt if this day will ever come...
as I always tell Joyce...I will probably not even get to marry and have my very own children..tho in my heart..its my greatest wish to.. choice..this is not in my hand..
I did what I can do ..

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.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.