In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How many god-children I have?

You must be wondering how many god children Angeline has???

Let's put it proper...

I have...let's see..
(From the youngest to eldest in order)

4th, Eugene in Melbourne Australia...

3rd, god-daughter kah yin (Chew and Melissa my buddies' youngest daughter.)

2nd, god-son Kin Whye (Chew and Melissa's 2nd son)

1st, god-son and the eldest of all.. Kin Zhong..

You probably think, why would Angeline want so many god children (gan er-zi, gan nv er)..reason is simple..becuz...I love children...and children loves me...
I always want to have my own children but since I didn't managed to find my prince charming to start my own family...I can but enjoy the wonderful joy of having god children...feels great esp when there is this special bond between me and them..
feels so warm and sweet whenever I heard them call me gan ma..which means god mother..

Thank you God.. and thank you buddies for allowing me to be their god mother...
tho this god mother isn't very rich and capable enough to buy them or supply them with lots but my true heart..I guess they know that too.. :)

Hopefully one day I will be rich enough to get them more stuff than now and brings them around shopping and eating and have enough time to spend with all of them.......
This day will come I believe...I will pray hard and work hard for this day to come..


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.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.