In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Just visited Cheryl's blog and found something really impressive there.
This you guys have to see...(I am sure Cheryl my dear won't mind of me sharing here with you too..)

This clip makes my jaw DROPPED and my eyes WIDE OPEN!!!!
Just take a look and tell me about it...

Are you ready?
(turn off my music player by the side first thank U!)

Interesting huh??? And very impressive right? hee..
Makes me feel like joining in the fun as well..hahaha..
This is 2007 Gustavo Dudamel “MAMBO”

Little Note on Cap..

Logging into my blog...thinking..hmm...what to share about today...
Just came back from Chinese New Year shopping at Bugis Village...WOW..the clothings and stuffs there esp for teenagers are really cheap and nice..
Bought 2 T-shirts and a nice shirt and a pair of Brown jeans..all latest design..for my young brother Dingfeng,Alex to wear for his Chinese New Year.

I was looking for a cap for him as well cuz he has got his hair shaved like any other army boy..but didn't managed to find any nice ones..
As I was thinking where can I get nice cap for guys something in the past popped up in my mind..something really funny..

Last year I bought caps as birthday present for Billy..
bought one white rough leather cap for myself and a similar red one for Billy..

I am a collector for caps..I collect & wears nice unique caps..
Each time people around me saw me in my cap will surely ask me a question..
WOW..your cap looks nice..where did you get it?
My face shape gave me the advantage of wearing caps and looking good in it.

Oh dun be mistaken..its not this cap I bought for him..this is one of my prettiest cap which I bought in Genting..but..sad to say..I left it in a cab..and it bid farewell to me..sob sob sob...

Okie back to where I was just now.
After buying the red cap for him....there seems to be another voice inside me telling me..hey...why not get another one for case this cap doesn't fit or he doesn't like it. And so..I bought another sports cap for him.

I gave them to him on his birthday..and wanted him to show me how he look after wearing them.

Then he came out from his room..showing me a funny facial expression...with the red cap siting on top of his head..hahaha.. (So cute) cuz the red cap was too small for him..Its really a pity. It does look good on him just that its not adjustable and thus..couldn't fit him.

At the end..he gave that red cap to me..which I now ended up having both red and white one..hee...Its a blessing in disguise hahaha..cuz I was having a tough time deciding which I wanna give to him as I like both.. ;P

Thank God, at least the sporty cap fits him and I am really happy seeing him wearing it.

This teaches me a lesson...

Always get an adjustable cap to play save..
;) just a little sharing of what suddenly tickles me..and a little reminder for you guys any case that you wanna get a cap for someone..chose an adjustable one..okie...

nite nite..

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Why does the heart feels cold?

Why does the heart feels cold?
Many times there are many things you thot you know..
which at the end ..only to realise there are many things you dunno.

Human hearts are so difficult to read..
I used to think I can read people's heart...
but now I realised...I can no longer read people's heart esp the one I love very much.
What is real what is false?
There doesn't seems to have an answer to this doubt in my heart.
Which is the true him? I thot I knew him but only realised he might not be that easy after all.

Humans are so complex. Hard to understand..
Why can't each of us open our hearts like I do?
Why are there so many unknows?
I no longer trust any man anymore.
Getting tired and exhausted ...
The heart which once feel that warm became chill and cold...

What's the use of saying sorry or drawing a line after things happen? It doesn't help anymore. I hate this kind of feeling now which I am getting...Why suddenly something priceless loses it value overnight, like stocks in the market.
This is human hearts. Easy to change.
Like mine..
At times I feel really good...
At times I feel lousy..

At times I feel the warm passion..
And now I feel nothing but coldness..
Could it be that Valentines is on its way again?
I say I am not bothered..
But I guess I am..
Cuz I wish to have someone special this year but on the other hand..I dun wish to get hurt anymore.
Decided to take off that day...
Buy new korean shows to watch at home..
in such ways..I will never get hurt or feel uncomfortable with lovers/couples moving around with flowers in their hands..or seeing them holding hands..


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New look for my eyes..

Joyce and I are crazy about Mascara..
And I always envy those people with beautiful eyelashes..
Esp those with long lashes and curvy lashes..
Billy has long and beautiful eye lashes.
Many Indian has beautiful eye lashes too..

I tried all ways to get my eye lashes curve up many times but didn't work.
Joyce told me that I have nice long eye did my beautician friends..
but my lashes are light coloured thus its not very obvious that they are long..
and they are doesn't curve up too..

Yesterday I went for my facial appointment..after missing my appointments for two months..and my face is getting into chaos..
Finally my face can start breathing again...
And guess what...


I got my eyelashes permed during my facial too..with additional $40..I think its pretty cheap cuz those stuff which I bought to get my eye lashes curve wasted all my money..and doesn't work and very troublesome..

According to my beautician May, she said this can last about a month or two..all depends on individual..
well at least I can look pretty thru-out Chinese New Year..hee..

The only regret now is tho my eye-lashes now naturally curves up but it looks shorter..hahaha..
Okie dun grumble lah..
Hee..actually I like it..
My eyes looks BIGGER now and I look fresher now.

I guess I started to get vain and want to become prettier after those failure..
Just wanna look beautiful to feel good about myself.
That's a way of loving myself right?

Honey Honey - Weiyang

Finally here is the video of one of my favourite singer..
Wei Yang...
After many hours of uploading...
now..presenting to you Wei Yang and one of his hits...HONEY HONEY.

(This is a video of Michael and Weiyang Band's last performance in Mu Chuan last friday 25 Jan 2008.)
See how Michael and WeiYang partner together..They are the Best Band partner for each other.

Check it out and see what makes some great singers and musicians..
Hope u like it..

Just sit back and enjoy..
Again..stop my music player by the side for the time being while watching this video.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Personality Quiz

Those personality test/quiz I took really tells what kind of person I am, as mentioned at least 90% right esp those result I place in my blog here.

I somehow analyse after looking at all these result...
I might be a great friend,
a great person,
a good wife and mother..
but might not be a good lover, probably that's why I am still single and available..
probably didn't get the chance to pass that lover stage to be promoted to where I am best at..

Well..I told myself..this year..
at least for these three years...
I will shut down my heart for any that I will not get hurt.

I will wish all the best for people around me..and be happy for those people around me when they find a girlfriend or boyfriend..
Today one of my church brother told me he has a gf now and brought her to our church..and I am happy for him.

I told myself, not only should I be happy for my friends who has found their partner...I must learn to be happy even for that man I was once deeply in love with..if he finds someone new in his life..
since we are not meant to be together..
I can only give him the best wish..
and shut my heart to feel any pain or hurt..

Many times in life..we can try our best..but the result is never in our hands..
even doesn't matter if the result isn't what we hope for or what we think we deserve..cuz most importantly..
we did in whole-heartedly and have give in our best..

Since loving someone and doing something for the person you love doesn't guarantee you will have the return that pays off what you gave in..
Then stop pinning hope in that returns..and enjoy the moment of doing it out of your love for him..and keep it as a sweet memory..cuz doing something for the person you love is the sweetest feeling one can ever have..isn't it..

I somehow feels like I am the 金三顺 in that Korean her 30s..hoping to find her true love..but becuz she is neither pretty nor sexy nor lady-like nor has any great figure..she never seems to find the man that truly love her..till her later stage where this young boss was touched by her true love for him..

I guess my true love will come one day like her as well..
A man who will truly sees, appreciate my inner beauty and accept me and love me whole heartedly.

I am like 金三顺 becuz I have a kind heart like her. No matter what happens..she will give in her best for the man she love..even if he doesn't know how to appreciate her at first or her love doesn't give her the return she deserved..she still does it whole-heartedly..even to a stage of cooking porriage for the man's ex-gf who came to look for him and wanted him back with her..when she was sick..

We cannot enforce our logical thots esp on relationship..cuz we are all different individuals...we think, act and response differently..
In many things there are no definite answers...Relationship to me is like trying to hold water in my matter what the water will sip thru somehow and is very hard to control not to lose any part of it..

With my buddies always tells me I am at the loosing end all the time..esp always sparing a thot for others more than myself..
ended up bearing all the hurts myself..

The man I loved told me that wise its not to empty ourselves giving all to others. We should learn to be 'self-fish'. Which obviously I can't. Always sparing a thot for others. If not its no longer me.

Well...probably I will get to master this better as time goes by..


Sunday, January 27, 2008


Here is the Video taken during Michael, Weiyang and Ah Seng Band's last performance in Mu Chuan on 25 Jan 2008.

Hope U will enjoy this as I do..

It took me more than a day just to upload this video into the website cuz its coming to 300mb..Phew..
Now still uploading Weiyang's song HONEY of the song which he is well-know for..haha..

Not only can a dog skate..Watch this..COOOOL

If u think u can Skate..Watch this..hahaha..

Hope U like the TALKING DOGS.
Here is another interesting one for u..
Call the Skating Dog...
Check out the rest of the videos on animals after this clip finishes..

Talking Dogs

Still taking a long time just to upload my two videos taken to share with Michael and weiyang's singing last friday..their last performance at Muchuan..
The file is way too big..

Anyway..while waiting, here is something to share with u..
cute videos of talking dogs..hope it make u laugh and brighten ur sunday!

Presenting to u now....THE TALKING DOGS..
(Sit back and relax after u click on play..but remember to STOP my music box on my right hand side of this blog.)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Michael & Weiyang's Band last performance at Muchuan

Today seems to be a day of mixed feelings..a day for many 'good-bye'..
First my youngest brother went for his N.S today.. tho will see him soon..

Then was the last performance by my favourite Band Michael, Weiyang and Ah Seng at Muchuan. Just received the news that Muchuan is not closing or winding up their business but they are gonna reduce and run it at a smaller scale..not sure where..but they have to move out after Feb I think. Still looking for a place.

As for Michael and Weiyang and Ah Seng..
They will discuss where they wanna continue their performance..after Chinese New Year.

Its a kind of mixed feelings tonite..
It was full house today..
packed with lots of supporters today..
Even my tenant came and actually gave me and my friends a treat for tonite's Muchuan. Thanks Li Wei.

Bill finally made it to Muchuan today after knowing its gonna be their last performance..
He promised me long ago to go with me but have been really busy and not been able to make it. I am glad today he finally made it.

As usual...Michael and Weiyang likes to they kind of give Bill some special attention which somehow makes Bill feels uneasy, Bill prefers privacy..

They did a few English Numbers for him..
Weiyang seems very nervous today not sure Bill's present or becuz its their so-called last performance.
He never played off-key before and he actually did tonite..hmm...

We sat at the first usual sits..

Bill caught much attention as Michael mischievously announced on the stage that my American friend is here..and everyone seems to turn around at looked at him as he was still searching for me. I had to stand up and walk towards him so that he can find me among the crowd.

I am glad Bill enjoyed their singing tho they sung Chinese Songs mainly..
but as Bill says..Music has no difference in still sound nice...
Bill had to leave early tho..after staying for an hour or so..(longer than I expected. Really thankful.)

I am glad he appreciate their singing and talents..and told me they are fantastic singers and Musicians..yes..I totally agree..tho they are not very prof but they are very entertaining..

This band means alot to me..
They are times of happy or sad..(for years..we grew up together..hahaha..since I got to know them in 1999.)

Each time when I am very stress or upset....just by watching their performance..
all these terrible feelings seems to be washed away by their wonderful singing and performance. They mean so much to me..and I have been their greatest supporters..
even buying their herbal tea each time so that they can sing well thru-out the nite (3 hours performance each time.)They missed my herbal tea if I am not there..hahaha..

I bought 3 sunflower bouquets for each of cuz and presented to them tonite.
They were touched.

As tonite is the last performance..everyone (the audience) refuse to go home..wanted to listen more of their singing...
and so..they went on singing till about 11.30pm..
We had a great and memorable time tonite.

Esp thanks to Bill here for his effort to make it down to watch this performance with me tonite. The person who meant alot to me..doing something which means alot to me..esp when he is such busy fellow (coming to support this band) is greatly appreciated by me.

All these got nothing to do with special feelings its all about doing something meaningful and spending ur time meaningfully.

Thank U God for everything.
Hopefully I can get to listen to this band again soon..
They have been an important part of my life already..esp they are my friends already.

When the boy becomes a man

Today I saw an ad from the Army as my dad, mum and me sent my youngest brother Ding Feng, Alex to be recruited into the army, what we commonly called N.S (National Service) in Singapore. Its compulsory for Singaporean guys to service their National Service when they reach 18.

Army is a training ground for boys to become men.
Its been years since my Eldest Brother went for his N.S.
Back then the Pulau Tekong was still a muddy ground in bad shape..
Today, we took a bus from Pasir Ris Interchange provided by the SAF to the Ferry Terminate to take the ferry to Pulau Tekong where my bro Alex is gonna have his basic Army training.

He doesn't seems to worry at all..keeping telling us..its good..
Govt is paying them S$400 per month to let them stay in a beach resort and helping them to keep fit and tough...Such a positive boy..That's my youngest brother..Ding Feng, Alex.

We had a tour around the camp and listen to their introduction about their training and visited the place where they are going to stay. After Renovation, I must agreed now it does look like resort than a hell...

We even got to eat what they eat in the camp with my brother before we bid goodbye..
The food is pretty tasty I should agree..there is chicken rice with orange juice and an apple. Very healthy.

The Army office told us that they will make sure my brother and the sons of the parents will call their parents tonite at 9.30pm to let them know their first day in camp is fine. And my brother did.

I will get to see my brother on Chinese New Year Eve and he will be back till the sunday of Chinese New Year week..

We spent a total of 5 hours in the Pulau Tekong Camp today and took the Ferry back to Singapore again.

National Service = when boys become men...I totally agree..

Friday, January 25, 2008

Sparing a thot..

True friends are sparing a thot for each other and never take others for granted.

Recently..I didn't managed to get proper sleep after a long tiring day.....
Cuz I have been waken up by phone calls in the middle of the night many 2 of my guy friends...really dun understand why..they must do so..

I woke up feeling really frustrated looking at the number...knowing who is the one who called..but decided not to take the call..cuz my sleep was being disturbed esp after one whole day of working...I am feeling so exhausted...
Phone calls in the middle of the nite are not KIND...they not only will disturb my sleep will also disturb my family and neighbours too...

Thus, I really dun have the kind of patient and energy to entertain calls in the mid of the nite. And I dun appreciate midnite calls.

If u guys are my friend..pls spare a thot for Angeline and let poor Angeline has her good rest and sleep peacefully thruout the nite.

I might be an angel..but I am not really an angel...I am but human..need sleep to recharge so that I can work the next day.

You might say then off your hp..

I leave my hp on for the sake of any emergency of friends or love case any thing happens to them...Its like the emergency dept in the hospital..many times my kindness has been misused. Thus I learned my lesson not to take calls after midnite.

As for those who called me cuz they are feeling down or having insomnia...sorry..I do not have spare energy for that like before.

Life has been really busy and tiring for me... I need plenty of rest so that I can walk further.

So...pls do not call me after 11pm..unless emergency cases like..touch wood...acccident or what..

Remember the story of the shepherd boy and the wolf...
I believe true friends will learn to spare a thot for others..and not just think about themselves..Don't u agree?

Thanks :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Moments of Happiness

Today, I got to steal that little moments of happiness from my elder brother and his wife and my mum...


As we were having dinner at a chinese restaurant today near my workplace - before my youngest brother goes to serve his N.S this fri...
I got to carry little Princess, my niece for awhile...

I feel like a mum..carrying her in my arm...feeding her milk from her milk bottle of cuz...and then petting her to sleep...
That moment..little flash back of how I baby sit my godson Eugene when I was in Auz Melbourne..Those were such wonderful time..

Carrying my baby niece in my arms make me feel so blessed and filled with joy. At that moment time seems to freeze....I was praying that one day I can have my own children...if my future husband can afford, I wanna have lots and lots of I love children alot..not just to play with them...
for those who has seen me baby-sit and teach...will have to agree I can make a good mum..

Not sure if you know or hear me mentioned..(of cuz my bestfriend and buddies knows)..
My dream is to become a full-time housewife..
Having a good husband who loves me...and of cuz whom I love..
to take good care of my hubby...and my children.
Providing my family a warm and cozy home...

In fact, Billy was the first man who asked me what my dream was and asked me to pursue my dreams instead of laughing at me like many did.
Many were surprised by a trendy and artistic looking girl like me...looking so modern outside can have such a traditional thots...yup..
that's me...

For once,I thot I found him or in fact he found me..
since he was the one to approach me, wanting to know me..(he has long forgotten that he was the 1st to click that button. But woman remember such things very clearly. Every single details..esp for the man we love.) took me a BIG ROUND only to realise that I was wrong...

Sometimes things just ain't the way it seems to be...(certain things cannot be explain or work out with formulas like 1 + 1 = 2)
Frankly speaking I was disappointed and hurt...but.....well...everything is in the hands of God.
I know eventually this man of my life will come...and I believe he will be indeed blessed for having me..the true treasure who has not being discovered and appreciated by those who were given the chance to..One day..these men will regret..For I will make a perfect wife and definitely a perfect mother..hahaha..

Wow..oops...I am sorry...I over-did it huh...too proud sorry...
just that I have confidence in this area..its just a matter of whether or not I am given that chance to..and whether or not I wanna do it..and to whom I am doing it for..

People are gifted in different area...I know this area is where my gifts are..In other things I might not be as good as others..but this area...esp handling babies and children..I AM THAT CONFIDENCE.

The day will day I believe..
if will really be a waste.......
Frankly speaking..after so much failure....
I started to doubt if this day will ever come...
as I always tell Joyce...I will probably not even get to marry and have my very own children..tho in my heart..its my greatest wish to.. choice..this is not in my hand..
I did what I can do ..

Quizs are pretty accurate..

Recently I took up lots of quizs in Facebook..
and the result is pretty close to what I really am...
at least 85%..esp those I pasted here to share with that you can get to understand me better...
esp the one describing me as very accurate I should say..hahaha..
Check out those I pasted on the side of my blog to know me better...hee..

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Suddenly feel touched again...
seeing that my buddies and people start leaving me msg in my chatterbox again..
u never know how much it means to me..
cuz this blog is not meant for myself only..
as mentioned its a space for u and me..even if u have never seen me or just happened to pop by somehow..but this blog is meant for u and me to sketch our lives together.

We share, learn and love as we sketch our way thru life...perfecting our final pic of life. How your final master piece will look dun just depend on u but also everyone who is around you. Thru people and things in our lives, we observe and learn.

Even tho many times in life we might tripped and fall..and might again fall over the same area time after time..and eventually we will get to our destination same day with the love and encouragement of people around us and the perservance we have. And most of all, with God watching over us.

Love you guys forever and forever.
One thing Angel (me) never learnt is to hate. or rather I should say..its something I chose not to learn.

At times, I might be angry at someone..but it doesn't last..
cuz I feel that Hate makes one feel miserable..
it not only hurt others but above all..
it hurt ourselves..

No one who lives is Hate can be happy.
Thus to be happy is to learn to forgive..and forget about HATE.
Tho u can't forget what has happen..but the least u can do to make urself happy is to forget about HATE..or how to hate.

(Strange illustration by Angeline huh..haha..well..I always like to have my own illustration so as to bring across the msg clearly to others. Hope this helps.)

The music that refresh my soul

Noticed that I have change the music in this blog?

This morning as I enter my store feeling exhausted after working for more than 12 hours a day for past two days and so many things at home to handle...
it suddenly came across my mind to play this CD from my cd shelf called " PianoChill".
Its basically a christian Music CD with piano as the main instrument..

As the CD start rolling...
Music fills the entire store...
suddenly my tired soul was refreshed...
I feel fresh again..
all tireness seems to vanish right into the mist of the music..

Thus I wanted to share with you this wonderful music which has refresh my soul.
I wanted to download most of the songs for you into my blog but was unable to..
thus this is one of it to share with you..
Hope it will refresh your soul as the droplets of peace and joy falling right down from heaven....

Have you catch the droplets of peace & joy which has been showered to you as well? Hope u do.. hee..cheers =)

Good things are always meant to share...esp with u guys whom I love, that's angel's philosophy of life..and the teaching of the Bible as well I believe..

May this blog be one which will shower u will not just lessons/sketches of life but also peace, joy and blessings..

God bless

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Understanding women...

Many sent me this msg and I think its pretty true..thus I wanna share with u here..
Listen up esp guys....


When a GIRL is quiet ... millions of things are running in her mind. When a GIRL is not arguing ... she is thinking deeply. When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions ... she is wondering how long you will be around. When a GIRL answers " I'm fine " after a few seconds ... she is not at all fine.

When a GIRL stares at you ... she is wondering why you are lying. When a GIRL lays on your chest ... she is wishing for you to be hers forever. When a GIRL wants to see you everyday... she wants to be pampered. When a GIRL says " I love you " ... she means it. When a GIRL says " I miss you " ... no one in this world can miss you more than that.

Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person .... Find a guy ... who calls you beautiful instead of hot. who calls you back when you hang up on him. who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who ... kisses your forehead. Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats. Who holds your hand in front of his friends. Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Who turns to his friends and says, " That's her!! "

old pics..

Woke up early by Dad's knock at my door abt 7am told me his hand hurts..asking me to change his bandage...

Dragged my tired body to clear up his wound again..the wound is still fresh..first layer of skin came off..

There is no more violet lotion at home to stop the bleeding and dry up the wound..
medical store not open yet..
Told Dad to go see Doc but he is too stubborn to and refuse to..
as usual...elderly symptom.. haiz...

Cleaned up his wound..
then went to catch a few mins nap..too tired..

Woke up after few my cardboard search for some look thru some past photos..
its been years since I last flipped thru my albums..
I used to take lots & lots of pics of things around, children and myself..
saw my old pics...
pics of the time when my elder brother got married..
time he is a dad..
I had long straight hair then..
look beautiful..hahaha...
flawless face...back then...

Looking at my reflection in the mirror now...I changed alot over the years...
no longer that beautiful lady in the past...
used to have that simple, contented and innocent look on me...
Now..looking into the mirror what do I see?
A tougher and mature lady...with messy hair all standing up -hee cuz just woke up..
yes...Time flies...people grow, people changed ...
nothing remains forever...

Saw pics taken with my students while teaching...
Saw pic of me and my ex whom I almost married..
Saw pics taken with my 1st and 2nd godson while they were still staying in Brisbane..
They were that tall...and now..they are huge boys already...


Photos are those which capture and preserve the wonderful memories when men's memory fades wonder Joyce always spend so much in developing pics.


Last nite as usual, Lily my black dog had a fight with Ally my white dog. They seems to fight over food pretty often nowadays. I guess Lily is old...She seems to have this Elderly symptom in her forgetting which is her food or perhaps she had that stubborness in her which most old people possess.

I love elderly and children and often have chance to mixed with them and chat with them. Many years back I used to help out at the Metropolitan YMCA as a volunteer in their MANNA STORE. Providing (Monthly) food and living supply to these needy families. Mostly they are elderly whose children have abandon them. They are lonely and helpless.
My role as a Be-Friender is to keep the elders in order and chat and interact with them as they wait for their turns to collect their food and monthly supplies.As my title for the job job is to be their friends..and so I did.. We became friends...they shared their problems and heartaches with well as their love as I share God's love with them.

Even tho there are more than enough supplies and they have Q numbers they will still fight over to enter first and grumble cuz they are afraid that the good ones will all be taken by others.. Many times I had to settle their fights and quarrels..but I find them adorable esp when they fight like children..and I will laugh at them as I settle them down.

Back to where I was just dogs had usual..Timmy the Cat went in to hit them up to settle their dispute..however got himself injured and bleeding this time...Dad saw his bleeding out of sympathy went to take the antiseptic spray to spray on my cat which however threatened Timmy the cat and gave Dad one of his powerful paws.. and there giving Dad a deep cut...

Now I not only had to clear up Cat's bleeding but also Dad's..Boy oh Boy!!!

Helped Dad to clear up his wound with what I can find and clear up all those bleeding and gave my dogs some lecture..

Then gave Timmy some medicine on his bleeding paw too..
Lord pls help to heal them...

oh Boy after working for more than 12 hours yesterday.. back home had to settle all these...I am dead tired....I have 4 more days of OTs to go as there are 5 days of esp seminars in my church. Very interesting topics..relation Chinese culture/belief and novice to Bible teaching...last nite's "Journey to the West 西游記" is very interesting..relating our sins to the characters in the Journey to the West.


Monday, January 21, 2008

See the cute face of Eugene

Video clips of Eugene saying Elmo

** STOP my music player on the right so that it will not disturb ur view of the video.

This is another Video taken by David of Eugene (1 year plus) saying Elmo..

Sound so cute rite...???
hee...did you hear him say Ball Ball too when he saw the ball pic?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Eugene and his puppet Elmo

** STOP my music player on the right so that it will not disturb ur view of the video.

Thanks to David who passed me this video clips which he took during his visit to Sandra, Peter and Eugene, my 1 year old godson in Melbourne.

This was taken when they were dinning in Nando restaurant. According to them, Eugene was running around with the puppet Elmo which I bought for him. He was so cute that this lady who was dinning over there went to play with him after she had finished her dinner.

Isn't this sweet...
so heart-warming...huh...charming little Eugene..Way to go boy..hahaha =)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Wonderful weather, wonderful day

Ahhh.....(What a wonderful day, a wonderful morning and a wonderful weather.)
Thank U God, today's weather is great!
Such weather is great for outing in the garden, excursion with children to the Zoo, Bird Park and so on...
Oh Boy missed those time...

Don't feel like working or stay indoor in office today...wasting such a wonderful weather...
Well...but back to reality...
Angeline still needs to work...

hey you guys who are not working today...
go out there and breath those wonderful fresh air for me and enjoy the most out of this wonderful weather...
dun stick ur butt to that chair or bed..Get up and move urself out of that place you are NOW, shut down ur pc or laptop or tv...
Go out there and enjoy my dear ones...

Okie...gotta go back to work again...
Can't wait to knock off and hit myself to that wonderful weather out there...
keep that wonderful weather there okie...dun change so that I can enjoy it after 5.30pm today...

Have a wonderful weekends...
muck muck...
haha spreading my 'sick' virus to u... :P

Thursday, January 17, 2008


I always love watching Korean series as many of you probably know. Today after watching a korean series, I came to a conclusion...
Good man only exist in movies....not in reality...
or at least the few good ones (at least the one I used to know) are married.

Thus, I will not pin anymore hope in men esp after all those precious lesson learned.

Why always sick?

I used to get upset whenever people ask me this question "Why are you always sick?"
But today..I wasn't..

As I analyze and explained patiently to another friend who is concern, he got the answer.

Since birth, my blood is too "yellowish"...according to mum, doctor changed the entire blood in my body, which explains the scars on my elbows and ankles..unlike some who are not that serious.

I grew up healthily with that blood in me...till 1992 I was hit by dengue fever (the deadly virus by tiny mosquito) which almost ended my life according to Doctor.. as they info my family that I was at the last stage and be ready for my good-bye to this world. Its thru prayer and petitions to God, that God did a miracle which miraculously pulled me back from the edge of the valley of death..which that's why Psalm 23 relates to me very well... As I walked thru the valley of death..

Its indeed a great life-time experience which changed my life entirely.
I become more devote Christian and start serving in Church since then as I told God to give me a chance to live a better christian life for Him, serve Him and witness for Him. That explains why I keep mentioning about God in my blog even with my friends. I remembered my first boyfriend to be was a non-christian..he told me he loves me but becuz he is not a christian -tho trying hard to be one but couldn't get over his mind..he told me that Christianity is what keeps us away as I only accept Christian as my partner tho he is a great guy till now.. but he also said that its the christianity in me which attracts him to me.. if he takes away the christianity in me, he might no longer be in love with me. Every sentence I say cannot leave God.
Well..anyway..that's just something additional to share with u guys..he is still my good friend and a father of 2 already. Still a great man.

Back to where I was..since dengue fever, tho I survive but it collapse my entire body system. I became weak and gets sick easily. Its got nothing to do with eat or whatever I do. Its in the blood. Many just do not understand and keep throwing such questions to me. I am already thankful that I can live and work like a normal person. And still cheerful and busy with life as u can see. That's why mum is always worry about me getting busy. She has been thru those terrible times with it my changing of blood or be it the dying stage of dengue fever..washing her face with tears each day...looking at me becoming like skeleton each day..not able to eat and drink..only vomit..suffering in needles pains all over my body..

But friends, I didn't blame God for all these. In fact, I am thankful for all those healthy years I have since the change of blood till before I was hit by dengue fever. And even now..I might be a little sick here and there but nothing too serious happening... So next time buddy when anyone ask about "Why is Angeline always sick?" I believe you can explain on my behalf with a heart of mercy and grace.
If not get them to refer to this part of my blog why always sick?

Last but not least re: why always sick? Sick is not a choice. Who enjoy being Sick unless he/she is SICK up there..
I always think when answering a question like this...why is it that people can only feel the pain when their child is sick or they themselve are sick. Am I not my mum's daughter? Am I not a human too which people should at least have a heart of sympathy.
For those who are concern..I believe you will get your rewards...For God sees the heart.

Touched me to tears... sob..sob..sob..

I figure out that men seems to be more emotional when they are not well or sick.
I easily get into tears when I am sick, be it happy or sad or angry..

Still feverish at home resting...
Decided to come online to check out my blog since I couldn't really sleep as there is ongoing lift upgrading work here around my place and my block.. you can just imagine how noisy it could be.

The first thing I got online was to see, Sandra posted all these touching comments on my blog.. esp the one saying "Take care Godma, praying for yr speedy recovery...lots of hugs & kisses from Eugene+papa+mama "
it immediately touched me to tears even right now...
thanks..its really good to have someone caring for you esp when you are sick. Esp those people you love saying such sincere caring words..
Thanks dear..its really a great medicine and I am sure I will get well really soon.

Today, I supposed to meet Billy to go for free foot massage together today.
As usual Billy is busy with meetings meetings meetings...

After some quick rushing chat with him over sms, he told me to cancel the foot massage today as first of all, he din know its one type of sale-pitch (which the True Spa did not tell me too..I just figured out that it should be cuz nothing in this world is for free.)
I told him, to me its alrite, since its free just go.. if we like we sign up, we dun then just say sorry...just need to be assertive that's all.

Billy thinks otherwise. He said if he knows he wouldn't wanna go in the first place. least he is still thankful for my kind thots for him.
okie..Anyway, he told me my health more important as I told him I feel bad to turn them down again.
He said, they survive without me..hahaha.. ask me REST REST REST...
okie buddy..I got u... I will rest rest rest today okie..Oh boy!

There goes the free foot massage..hahaha.. :P

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Can u believe?

Can u believe I am running fever now when putting up all these updates in my blog?
hee...dun worry...I have seen doctor already and took my medication too..
will go to sleep in a whiles time...

nite nite..


How many god-children I have?

You must be wondering how many god children Angeline has???

Let's put it proper...

I have...let's see..
(From the youngest to eldest in order)

4th, Eugene in Melbourne Australia...

3rd, god-daughter kah yin (Chew and Melissa my buddies' youngest daughter.)

2nd, god-son Kin Whye (Chew and Melissa's 2nd son)

1st, god-son and the eldest of all.. Kin Zhong..

You probably think, why would Angeline want so many god children (gan er-zi, gan nv er)..reason is simple..becuz...I love children...and children loves me...
I always want to have my own children but since I didn't managed to find my prince charming to start my own family...I can but enjoy the wonderful joy of having god children...feels great esp when there is this special bond between me and them..
feels so warm and sweet whenever I heard them call me gan ma..which means god mother..

Thank you God.. and thank you buddies for allowing me to be their god mother...
tho this god mother isn't very rich and capable enough to buy them or supply them with lots but my true heart..I guess they know that too.. :)

Hopefully one day I will be rich enough to get them more stuff than now and brings them around shopping and eating and have enough time to spend with all of them.......
This day will come I believe...I will pray hard and work hard for this day to come..


Pics taken by my god daughter Kah Yin

Few sundays god-daughter yin yin (Kah Yin) told me that she knows how to take pic using hp and wanted me to let her used mine to take some pics...
and so...these are some of her great work after some advise..

Other than these, my god daughter shared her secret of how to look good when taking pics.. here are her secrets..hee

She said in order to make sure she look good when taking pics..she always practice smiling and different way of smiling and actions infront of the mirror and smile smile smile and continue smiling so that she will good all the time..hee..

She is such a sweetie and still on the top list among all the children in my church.. She is always crowded/ surrounded by young admirers (those students and youths) and even aunties and uncles... cuz she is not only sweet and pretty but also very thotful and kind..


Gift to my godson Eugene

First of all, thank you David for helping me not only to deliver my gifts to my godson in Melbourne, Auz but also kind enough to take some of these wonderful pics and mms to me immediately. I am soo sooo touched and grateful..
May God bless u for your kindness and oh boy..these mms pic makes me missed them sooo much...

My godson Eugene changed so godma can't even recognise him anymore..
he has slimmed down and look great now..hee..

Since last week before David left for Australia for his work..he was kind enough to ask if I wanna pass anything to Sandra (my godson's mum) and her family..I told him sure..that's great..and so I went to look for some things which Eugene is very keen in right Balls... and Elmo....

Searching up and something which I think Eugene hasn't got yet..since he is so crazy about Elmo...he has got lots of stuff of Elmo really kind of headache...

Let's see what I have got for him finally...

Yup...I got an Elmo puppet for him and 2 Elmo Educational VCDs for him. hee

See...what David mms to me today when he passed the Elmo puppet to Eugene..

See how they tried to play with Eugene using the Elmo puppet..but I guess Eugene is more interested in taking pics..hee..

But Sandra told me that Eugene loves all the gifts I bought for him...
Thanks David again..

There after he mms me this pic..

I guess they went to Coles the supermarket to shop for grocery to cook dinner huh? hee...correct me if I am wrong..

There you see in the pic is Sandra, Peter and their son Eugene.. hee... Sandra & Peter are my buddy...and Eugene my godson..
Oh boy..this pic made me missed you guys tremedously...missing those wonderful time when we did groceries together in Melbourne..Ah...huh....sob sob...

You see..I am one who treasures little memories like might means nothing to others but to means alot... Little things like that are not very visible yet precious...esp when you are with your love ones...such moments become even more dun have to do huge things or accomplish huge things..its the little things like that which counts, like diamonds..tho small yet precious and priceless..

David also sent to a pic of Eugene bathing..but..haha..its censor so cannot display here..haha... :P

Thanks David...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The vegetable which gets me nuts

What things will get u Nuts or Crazy?

Maybe its hard for you to believe..
I go nuts...whenever it comes to this vegetable...

Today I had this dish which brought back some nice memories during my high school days..
During my school days...I am in pretty good terms with all the aunties in the canteen..
thus its always a headache which stall to patronize..

Thus whenever that Yong Tau Foo stall has it on her menu that day...the stall owner will never forget to info me so that I will buy from her that day..hahaha..

For those who are non-Singaporean probably you might not know what Yong Tau Foo is..
Its basically cooking a mixed of vegetables or fishball, sotong balls etc and noodles which you chose over hot water or soup..and then..add in soya bean soup or you can eat it dry with chilli sauce and the special sweet sauce...

Hmmm..taste really yummy... esp if they use the soya bean to cook the will taste really sweet..some doesn't use soya bean and used ikan billies instead.

As I was eating it today...using the same old way which I used to in school putting the cut vegetable in my spoon...add a few drops of chilli and sweet sauce over it and soak with some soup..yummy yum yum.

Know what is the vegetable which makes me go nuts? hee...
Its Ladies finger..

This stall at Funan Centre Food court sells pretty good Yong Tau Foo tho it cost about $5 but the soup me is yummy...(soya bean soup base). So next time if you dunno what to eat at Funan..go the the foodcourt upstair to eat Yong Tau Foo..or their Pepper Express ..its cheaper by a few dollars there compare to other branches...and yummy..

Hope you had a great dinner too..

Food is always the best way to destress and enjoy..oneself..hee..thus I am very particular about food..

Talking about that...
I slimmed down during my 8 days in China..cuz all the food there is either too salty..sweet..oily or tasteless...

Thus I am really grateful that I am back here again..eating so many yummy food..
my sis saw me eat just few days ago..she got a shock..becuz I ate alot and the way I eat..tells her just how unsatisfied I was with the food in China..hahaha..

But...the trip was still wonderful....isn't it Joyce..?
its really quite an experience...
:) Ahh.....

sick sick sick..

Poor..Angie...has been sick since last sat..
nose runs non-stop..
shiver with cold...
body aching..
didn't get well..
missed church..
had to leave from work half way thru working last sat (went home about 1.55pm) cuz too sick..

Rested on sunday..
didn't get much better...
nose stop running..
but headache ..insomia..feeling sick..aching..
cold...headache..and both ears hurts as if being cut by knife..can't even touch it..
body ache..

took panadol after work..went striaght to bed..asked some friends to pray for me..that God ease my pain..
indeed pain lesser..but still din managed to sleep at all...
tried all ways and means..
had to drag this weak body to work again today...
heavy head..
will probably go see doctor this evening after work...sigh..

Keep me in prayer okie...
most probably is my ear infection plus the cold I am suffering from...
its really killer..I should say..

Wish u guys a healthy body..

sick ..sick...angel...

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Change of images for the past 6 months

Not sure if you realised..
My bestfriend told me that I have changed my image non-stop since 6 months ago..

Take a look at my different images (diff hairstyle) for the past six months..
I seems to change hairstyle like changing clothes..

However, I always believe that our hairstyle can affect our mood, just like the way our hairstyle will affect our appearance.

Thus in order to feel good and start all over again..I will go for a new hairstyle..a new look..

Like-wise for everything in life...I seems to enjoy different things each day.
I never enjoy and will not have the same food for the entire week...
But as for work, family, man I love or my belief etc...I am very strong and faithful..and devoted..


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Help needed

I rec'd this email from Luwei ministry. Just thot could do them some help by putting this up here.



Thank you for reading my email yesterday regarding Luwei's easter project 'Who is Jesus?'. This is Luwei's first big-scale production in English and we are sincerely inviting all english-speaking churches and english-speaking christians to be a part of this production.

If you are thinking of how you can help as individual or as a group (eg. your church's drama/dance/worship(singing) ministry), I have a list of 'vacancies' below which you can look through and then to pray and think through where/how you or your church could fit in to this production.


3 Stage managers (to be attached to our 3 Artistic directors namely, Alice Heng, Chris Goh and myself.)
6 Tour guides/facilitator
40 actors- (male and female of all ages. from 7-70 years old)
40 back stage crew
10 dancers
6 singers
1 dance choreographer
1 costume designer
6 make-up artists plus hairdo
Sponsors to sponsor food and drinks for cast and crew from 5-9 of March.
(As this production is targeting at general public, we would love to give meaningful door gifts to our audience to remind them about our Lord's love and His salvation plan for all.)
Sponsors to sponsor 'door gifts'

Actors must be able to speak english. We are also looking for English speaking Pastors or preachers or theological students to take up the role of a story-teller and/or facilitators. Please recommend or volunteer.

Call me at 9387 3770 or Luwei's office at 6227 0314 or email if you would like to volunteer or just to gather more info.

Please keep praying for us and for this production as we need to . Ultimately, whatever we do, we want to do it unto the Lord.

Have an extraordinary Easter this ye! ar by&nb sp;coming on board! I am very excited to be a part of this evangelistic, interactive, dramatic 'tour'. U can be a part of us too. Act immediately!

Audition date will be announced very soon via email.

Attached the synopsis for your easy reference.

Corinne Chong-Chua

“Who is Jesus?” is a tour on the life of Jesus. It opens with a talk show “The Truth is Out There!” with special guests Mary and Joseph, Jesus’ parents. Then audiences will be brought along three routes by experienced tour guides where they will encounter a “Corridor of Voices.” Here they will eavesdrop on conversations between everyday folk and what they think of Jesus and what they have heard of him.

Certain rooms in Fort Canning Centre will host a special meal “The Celebration Supper,” a multi-media installation, as well as three special ladies who have had an unexpected meeting with Jesus. Listen as they tell you who they think Jesus is. In Jesus' day, the temple was the centre of life where people met. At the Gallery, the temple is now a modern day ge-tai, a centre of life for many Singaporeans.

What is a good story without great story tellers, and more…not only do we tell the stories that Jesus told but these stories have been turned into dances. And as you walk around Fort Canning Centre, you will also hear music and songs about Jesus.

The climatic scenes are staged in and around the commanding Fort Gate, right on top of the majestic Fort Canning. Here we will witness the events that led to the death of Jesus.

With so much to experience, audiences will have an opportunity to explore and ask questions as the studio audience of “The Truth is Out There!”

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

2008 Resolution

Have you made your new year (2008) Resolution?

Was telling a friend yesterday about my new year resolution.
To make it simple is:
To Be Thankful for Each Day.
Live with a Contented Heart.
Be Happy At All Times.
Do My Best & Let God Do The Rest.
--------- To stay a happy and single well in study, work, family and friends...Be a happy angel.

2007 is in the past. I left everything there..and has begun my new journey in 2008.
I told him that he needs to loosen up I have put everything in 2007 down and left it there. I am happily on my new journey now.
Be it rocky path, paddy fields, mountains or hills, rivers or sea...One thing I know..I am a blessed woman by God. God is with me..and will always be here for me.

Thank You Jesus!
God's love is sufficient for me.

Hope you guys have a wonderful year ahead too..
If you are still dwelling in your past...
its time to let go..and move on..
The future is in your hand and God's hand.
Just remember..
Happy or sad..days will go on..
why not chose to be happy, enjoy every moments of life..& fill your sketches with colours...

Here is a phrase which I like recently...

[It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare. It is because we do not dare that they are difficult.]

May the Lord shower you will everlasting blessings all the days of your life. Amen!

Monday, January 7, 2008

.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.