In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wish List

Without my Hp I felt so handicap today at work..
I can't remember any of my family member's number..
trying all ways and means to contact my sister's friend to postpone our appointment to another day as I need to rush newsletter layout, design, printing and mailing today.

Every 'newsletter' time of the month is the most stressful time for me..As I have to rush out the layout and design for immediate printing on the spot..with my boss siting beside me or near me 'nagging' for the article to be done 'immediately' and fast..Oh boy!!! Esp when the article is in Chinese..its really time consuming and needs lots of concentration..Thus I cannot be interrupt even for a sec while rushing the newsletter which some of you might have recieved from me or my company.

Finally managed to get the newsletter out, printed and mailed with lots of volunteers from the Bible seminary to help out so as to make sure that its been sent to the post office this afternoon before 5pm.

Its really no joke as we have about 4000 over copies to send out every month to people and churches in Singapore and overseas.

And finally got it up in the website for customers who wants to recieve thru email to retrieve. For those who read Chinese you might wanna check out my link which I place on the right hand bottom of my blog under 'friends blog' just click on Path Seekers.

Oh back to where I was, thanks to Sandra my friend in Australia, I managed to get my brother's contact from her to call him to ask for my sis's number..
Funny huh..get people in Auz to give me my sister or brother's hp number..aiyo.
U can see just how bad I am with numbers...
Sandra knows best.

Finally reached home after work..saw a number of smses from my buddy cindy and my bestfriend Joyce. Yup..haven't seen or talk to them for ages...Sorry gals..

As usual, my bestfriend Joyce always ask me to give her 3 things which I wish to have for either my birthday or christmas. And then she will pick one and buy for me.

I was searching high and low for a wish list application. Managed to find one or two..with a help of a newly made blogger friend..but I dunno how to type in the things i wish for in that application. In fact I typed in but it doesn't goes into that wishlist. I wonder why. After trying many times I gave up. And I am tired.
Wanna sleep now.

Wish? Hee..tell u another day..wanna sleep now.. :P

I wish for more time, I wish for a christian husband, I wish for a boyfriend..I wish to get good grades..I wish to earn more money..hahaha..nothing can be bought or given to me by you all leh..hahaha..

nite. Muck!!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Ah Beng (Sit back & laugh) ;)


Ah Beng bought a new mobile.
He sent a message to everyone from his Phone Book & said,
"My Mobile No. Has changed.
Earlier it was Nokia 3310. Now it is 6610"

Ah Beng : I am a Proud, coz my son is in Medical College .
Friend: Really, what is he studying.
Ah Beng: No, he is not studying, they are Studying him.

Ah Beng : Doctor, in my dreams, I play football every night.
DR: Take this tablet, you will be ok.
Ah Beng : Can I take tomorrow, tonight is final game.

Ah Beng : If I die, will u remarry?
Wife: No! I'll stay with my sister. But if I die will u remarry?
Ah Beng : No, I'll also stay with your sister.

Ah Beng : People consider me as a "GOD"
Wife: How do you know??
Ah Beng : When I went to the Park today, everybody said,
Oh GOD! U have come again.

Ah Beng complained to the police: "Sir, all items are missing,
except the TV in my house."
Police: "How the thief did not take TV?"
Ah Beng : "I was watching TV news..."

Ah Beng comes back 2 his car & find a note saying "Parking Fine"
He Writes a note and sticks it to a pole "Thanks for complement."

How do you recognize Ah Beng in School?
He is the one who erases the notes from the book when the teacher erases
the board.

Once Ah Beng was walking he had a glove on one hand and not on other.
So the man asked him why he did so. He replied that the weather forecast
announced that on one hand it would be cold and on the other hand it would
be hot.

Ah Beng in a bar and his cellular phone rings. He picks it up and
Says "Hello, how did you know I was here?"

Ah Beng : Why are all these people running?
Man - This is a race, the winner will get the cup
Ah Beng - If only the winner will get the cup, why others running?

Teacher: "I killed a person" convert this sentence into future tense
Ah Beng : The future tense is "u will go to jail"

Ah Beng told his servant: "Go and water the plants!"
Servant: "It's already raining."
Ah Beng : "So what? Take an umbrella and go."

New Blog

Will put up my new blog on my birthday itself to symbolize a new start for a new year for me since birthday is the day to give thanks for another year of blessing has ended and a celebration for the beginning of another year's blessings..


New Blog

I am in the mist of creating a 2nd page of my blog..trying to make it more interesting..
Will keep u guys up..Or who knows will just transfer the blog to this same address and change the entire layout..
time to sleep after so much of exploring..

Sunday, April 27, 2008

My week off

This is a week off for me..tho I did some amendment and finished doing up the English website and two more to go..

I took a week off from my self-study to give myself a break and to relax abit as you can probably read from my blog.
My little brother introduce me to VeohTv, it basically acts like a free tv where you can watch and download all kinds of series from all over the world.
The funny thing is..if at the same time there are more people downloading..the speed of downloading is faster.

In fact I have download 2 korean and 1 japanese movie. They are really interesting..
Right now downloading another new korean drama series..first 2 chapter.

Just finished watching an interesting and fun Japanese movie about nurse. Its call "Leave it to the Nurses" you can check out more at and for more korean movie search if you are korean movie/series fans like can visit..

Now time to grab some study and practice a little of my statistic..if now..will wake up at 6.30am to study tomorrow.


My Different Image

Just recently after I changed my banner to the present one (a pic I took during a make-over by NbN)..
I got lots of compliments.
Many says I look nice in this pic..which I agree..hee..

A classmate says..I looked so different...
I told her..ya..I changed many images since few months back..after I decided to cut away my long hair and quit from relationship..knowing most guys love woman with long hair..
Wanting to take a break from all those hurts I have..
too exhausted to get myself involve in such things again..
dun wanna get hurt again..

Seriously speaking..
ask me if I am okie already...
Nope..actually No.
Not sure why this time, I am in fact taking too long to recover.
Even my Ex who I almost got married..didn't take me that long to get over him.
Till Now I still can't figure out..why I still cannot totally put down the past.
I was really hurt but..still..why isn't my heart totally dead..
some nerves or DNA of mine must have cross-circuited..somewhere..

He has moved on and I need to move on too...
Maybe becuz there are too many ????? which he has yet to give me proper answers thus..the heart wants to know the reason for all these.....its like something that chokes half way down ur throat..feels really uncomfortable.

I guess in this world..there are many things we can't get an answer for...and will be a mystery even till the end of our life.

But at least..right now one thing has improved...which is...I am starting to look forward to a new spring..
And I decided to keep back my long hair..
My hairstyle often symbolise my feelings and thots..
so..keeping back my long hair will symbolise my new life towards a new Spring.

This world needs love to make it more green...

Thinking about it..
I told myself...even my buddy who has faced unhappy marriage has found her new Spring..why can't I be like be strong..and move on too?
Compare to what she faced...mine is absolutely nothing..
I admire her courage tho I was worried for her..when she founded her Spring..
But as long as she is happy now..I will be happy for her.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


I have not joined my Youth Fellowship guys for a loooooooong time...

Today, I specially allocate my time for them..if not they might say why their BIG SISTER (A-Jie) never join them...
They called me A-jie.. (A for Angeline, Jie is in Chinese means Sister. Meaning their BIG SISTER OR THEIR DA JIE DA..hahaha...sound like some kind of secret society hahaha..or ganster..)

Anyway, I missed our favourite chef RF (Rongfa)'s cooking. RF is a great cook. Often cooks for us to eat. And guess what...He really CAN COOK VERY WELL..lor..hee..

The dinner supposed to be 7pm..but our dear chef..overslept.
I reached May's place at 7pm..
helped the chef to 'undress' the prawns..hahaha..then cutted the prawns into 3 portions. I did this with May.
After that..went over to help Grace and our preacher Linglee to wrap everyone's favourite 'swee jiao' 水饺.

As the time passed..we were all starving..but no choice..chef is still busy at the kitchen...'King..king..kiang..kiang...'

Staring at the clock..

and the dished on the table...
stomach grumbling....'HUNGRY HUNGRY...' DUN CARE..took a piece here and there and stuff into my mouth...hee...

Finally...the last dish Curry chicken is ready...
As usual..I made the announcement for all to eat..hee..can't wait anymore..
And preacher linglee lead us into our grace (pray and give thanks for the food and May's family..and prayed for Moses' family for his grandma's wake.)

Time to eat...

CHARGE!!!! The samba prawn..curry chicken...the dumplings...the fish...and the stew beef...yummy yummy yummy...everyone is so hungry...can't wait to put all the food into our mouth...

very soon...all the plates were empty..hee...
"Blurp" "Sorry..Excuse me...hee.."

Jason and Cat only arrived when I was about to go home...
Its getting late, slightly after ten..their Da-Jie has to go home to sleep liao..
but actually still need to do blogging before sleeping..
and now...after putting up those pics I took just now in May's house in Facebook
and my blog here..
I can really go to sleep..

Nite nite everyone..

p.s: RF, Nic, Emily, Moses, Grace, Jimmy, Helen, Linglee, May, David, Declan (May & David's handsome boy), Jason, Peixuan were present tonite.
Last but not least..a quick birthday cake cutting for Moses & Jimmy..they actually wanna do mine..and I say..Nope..its not May's still celebrate the April's birthday..hahaha..

p.s guys...the pretty girls are all taken up in these pics..for ur info..hee..(of cuz except me and our young preacher beside me lah.. :P)


Lots of inspiration came to me while I was doing "production job" hahaha..
new business concept for myself as I analyse my strength.

I remember once my buddy asked me about my strength as he wants to analyse for me which is the area I should really go into..
He has often help me with all these....
But since we no longer meet up often...I have learnt to depend on myself.

Will keep this new biz plan as a secret till the time is right for me to venture into this new scope of job. The future seems bright.

:) I am a biz woman by the way...that's also why I chose to study Marketing.

Just came across an impressive graphic website.
I guess I need to put in more effort in this area..
tho I should say..this area is my interest but not really my strength if I were to compare to others.

Might focuz into the my secret weapon which I just mentioned a moment ago in the future and keep my sword well polished.

hee hee hee...

Marriage Proposal

In my life, I come across a number of marriage proposal be it from people I know or even people who I do not really know.
And of cuz I turned them down. Cuz its really impossible esp for me to marry
someone who I barely know or someone who I have no chemistry with.

Today I have been put on 'spot light' again in one of the matching website...
received numbers of emails..and one ask if I am marriage-minded..willing to marry him in Auckland. He is an ex-Singaporean. After I explained that I do look forward to marriage but I just started my 3 years degree course so won't consider at this present time. And he said something which I am kind of taken aback..
he said something like "since you have money to study, you should have money to get marry by 32."

I replied him politely, its not about money. I dun marry for the sake of money.
And studying is not about money. Its about improving oneself.

There are so many different type of people in this world.
Different people holds different prospect.
Some asked me to marry them into another country..
Tell you the truth, I am willing to if that is the man I love.
In fact the two men that I loved most in my life are not Singaporean.
But its in the past.

Ask me, I still prefer non-chinese or Ang Mo..hee..

Friday, April 25, 2008


Yesterday's sociology class touched on Elite and social stratification, different social class and power.

Just now a classmate msn this website on the definition to me..
So I thot..well..why not I share this knowledge with u here as well...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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This article needs additional citations for verification.
Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (January 2008)

Elitism is the belief or attitude that those individuals who are considered members of the elite — a select group of people with outstanding personal abilities, intellect, wealth, specialized training or experience, or other distinctive attributes — are those whose views on a matter are to be taken the most seriously or carry the most weight; whose views and/or actions are most likely to be constructive to society as a whole; or whose extraordinary skills, abilities or wisdom render them especially fit to govern [1]. Alternatively, the term elitism may be used to describe a situation in which power is concentrated in the hands of the elite.

Opposed to elitism are "anti-elitism," "populism," and the political theory of pluralism. Elite theory is the sociological or political science analysis of elite influence in society - elite theorists regard pluralism as a utopian ideal.

Elitism may also refer to situations in which an elite individual assumes special privileges and responsibilities in the hope that this arrangement will benefit humanity.

At times, elitism is closely related to social class and what sociologists call social stratification. Members of the upper classes are sometimes, though inaccurately, known as the "social elite."

The term elitism is also sometimes misused to denote situations in which a group of people claiming to possess high abilities or simply an in-group or cadre grant themselves extra privileges at the expense of others. This debased form of elitism may be described as discrimination.

Contents [hide]
1 Characteristics of the "elite"
2 Anti-elitism
2.1 Elitism as a pejorative term
2.2 Elitism versus egalitarianism
2.3 Elitism versus pluralism
3 Elitism and education
4 See also
5 References

[edit] Characteristics of the "elite"
Attributes that identify an elite vary; personal achievement may not be essential. Elite usually denotes a person or group who is the best in a class. Elite attributes include:

Rigorous study of, or great accomplishment within, a particular field of study
A long track record of competence in a demanding field
An extensive history of dedication and effort in service to a specific discipline (e.g., medicine or martial arts)
A high degree of accomplishment, training or wisdom within a given field
An elite fighter, for example, is one whose training, resolve, and experience in combat place him at the top of his field. Most nations employ some kind of special forces made up of elite soldiers whose training goes far beyond what is typical for the average soldier.

The academic elite, on the other hand, comprises only those professors whose studies are likely to shape their respective disciplines for years to come.

Some synonyms for elite might be "World class," "Upper-class," and "Aristocratic," indicating that the individual in question is capable of participating effectively at the very highest levels of his or her chosen discipline.

Taken from

Are u Marry?

I get this question quite often nowadays, esp in my new class, new group of friends.

My answer is pretty standard "Nope, I am still Single & Available." (Smile)

Many will give me a strange look after that...why is someone like me still single and available..
Only answer leaves with God, I mean only God knows.

Probably like Chinese-Hokkien's saying "Hoe liao dim duey" (Meaning good ingredients is always sink in the bottom of the pot.) The good ones is always at the end.
My time to be attached or find the good one or the right one has not come.
So, why hurry?
When it happens, it happens..
anyway, I am busy with life now..
no even enough time to spend with my bestfriend Joyce, "Sorry to neglect u darling!" and not enough time to study or do my freelance or spend with my family or my friends esp buddies, churchmates and Not even enough time for myself.

I am basically chasing after time.
But seriously..I do hope to have someone special to spend my coming birthday (9th May) with. Enjoy some romance or a date will be cool...but well..
its still okie..I still have my buddies..and bestfriend..

Decided will go Bala on my birthday nite Friday (like last year). So Bala kakis..get urself ready to party with me on that nite yah..
No need presents..just treat me a drink and my favourite fried chicken in Bala will do..hahaha..Anyway just have fun, a poor students can't afford to give u guys a treat at this moment..sorry..maybe next time when I starts to earn BIG BUCKS..okie..hee


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Poor Busy Sad Singaporean

Sociology of Human Behavior Lecturer said..Singaporean are sad people.

From the way they walk, they look when they are on the way to work..and after work..
How many Singaporean are truly happy?

Each morning we wake up..we start to worry about $$...bills....
we work for the sake of $$...
how many actually love their jobs and look forward to working????
We worked long hours..just to earn enough $$ to pay for our daily expense...esp when everything seems to increase in their price nowadays..
standard of living is very high now in S'pore...
even the price of rice increase...noodles increase...busfare, taxifare, train fare..everything increase...but one thing never increase...
U know what is it?

Its our pay...
We worked long hours..yet not well paid..
Everyone is working for the sake of paying off their bills...and to live a decent life.

How many of u can actually get to go home at 5pm on the dot and sit in the living room..reading newspaper..enjoying time with family..having proper dinner at home?

Nowadays everyone is either working O.T or taking up additional jobs..part time or freelance..just to live a slightly more comfortable that we dun have to thrift on the food we eat or live an even more miserable life.

Everyone is busy earning $$ and going after paper qualification like that we can live a more comfortable it for now or future..
Time doesn't seems to be enough for us even to take a decent break or sit back and relax and enjoy the fruits of our hardwork.

I took these pics just now after my class..just to show you what kind of life Singaporean are living right now.

On every thursday still see..crowds(not much smile on their face as it anytime of the day...) in the train stations..
people who just finished work...people who just finished attending courses..and whatever classes it might be...
How many are there left resting at home at this late hours?
So..if you think Singapore is much a better place...hmm...think about it again..
To me..everywhere is the same. Its all within u.

Some outside Singapore is better..while others say..Singapore is still better...
Each has his/her own saying...
The key to all these is contentment.
Don't compare yourself to others..
There are always people who seems more "lucky" than us..getting jobs with higher which seems easier..but in true one actually much the others have put in to gain what they gain right now.

No doubt there are people who seems more blessed...but what can u do about it?

Well..just know what you want for yourself..
Set a goal for yourself...know what you want to achieve and work out how you can achieve it. Go for even harder...but important thing is BE HAPPY WITH UR DECISION..EVEN IF ITS ALOT OF HARDWORK.

I am Happy as compare to the ME in the past. Cuz I know what I want and how I wanna achieve it...
I am happily working hard tho struggling to get myself on the track..
And I am contented with whatever I have now...
just that I know I can be better and do better...
To maximise what God has inbuilt in me...
That's what I want for myself.

Its not about what others want for me.
Not what this world wants for me.
Not comparing myself to others.
Cuz everyone is made differently.
Each of us are uniquely created.

My point is...Be contented with what u have..and be happy. Go for what you want to achieve with a joyful heart no matter how hard it might seems to be. Just FOCUS at ur goal.

Cheers :)

With love,

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Precious lesson from a pure heart...

Today is my off day..
After working on my web designing..
went to fetch my god daughter from her place after her school..

My god daughter is in K2 this year.
She is a very sweet, loving and kind hearted girl.

Today I learnt important lessons from her with truly and deeply touches my heart.

We went to Tampines Mall today..decided to watch a movie with her..
since there is no more we picked Super Hero...

We bought two 7pm tickets and went to MacDonalds for dinner before the show.
We shared Mac Wings, Nuggets, fries and Coke..and took a number of pics at Mac.
Both of us loves to take pics..and she loves to explore my hp to take pics as well.

Finally its time for the show..and we went in..
As the show started...
about 1/4 thru the show..Tears started to roll down her she asked polietly.."Ganma (which means God mother), can we not watch this show? Is it alright if we go out now? I don't feel like watching this show." I was shocked to see her crying when everyone is laughing at the show...
But I know something in this show must has made her feel uncomfortable...
and I told her "sure, dear. We will go out now. But you must explain to me later what happen okie?"
And so..I took her out of the cinema..gave her a piece of tissue to clean off her tear..brought her to the washroom to freshen up.

In order to ease her help her get over whatever bad feelings she has from that movie..I brought her shopping and look at some toys...
Of all those expensive toys..this girl..did not ask me to get any for her..
rather she only made a request..
"Gan Ma, can you get this pink float for me for my birthday, cuz mine is spoilt?"
I said "sure, darling." and gave her a smile. I then ask her to touch the texture of the float and hold the float to see if she likes the texture and if this float is oversize for her. She said its okie.

Then we spotted some Playdoh..and I asked if she wants any of them. She looked at me..and asked.."Can I?" I said "sure." And as usual..she chosed the pink one..and I gave her the money to ask her to learn to pay at the cashier.

As we walked along..she told me something, "Ganma, people all think I am your daughter right?" I just smile at her.

Then we went into a special room for kids to take some pics...
First thing in the room when I told her that I wanna take some pics for her..she asked "Do you want me to do cat walk pose?" I said "uh?"
Then she posed this

hahaha...(and after taking she came and look at this pic and said.."I din smile right? Cat walk..not supposed to smile." PRO...hee
then we took more pics..

(I was told not to move when she used my hp to take my pic..soo...I can't move lor.)

After taking some pics and so on..I saw her settling down..
I got hold of this time to ask her what actually happened in the cinema.
I told her that she needs to know what makes her that we can avoid it the next time. She told me that she doesn't really like watching movies except for cartoons. But since I asked her, she said anything, she is fine. But actually she only likes cartoon, which is the exact words she said. This girl expressed herself pretty well.

And when asked why she cried esp when everyone is laughing...she couldn't really define her feelings..
Then as I asked her more questions to guide her along..
My conclusion: She actually feels uneasy and sad when watching the people in the movie getting hurt.

Eg. in the movie, she saw this guy who begin to have special power like how spiderman first got..this guy got bitten by a dragonfly, she was asking me about his wound. And when this guy's hand due to the special power got the basin stuck on his hand...he accidently hit someone as he tried to plug out his hand from the basin..

My god daughter felt for the person who got accidently hit by his basin...
And when this super hero tried to save an old grandmother by pushing her aside so that she won't get hit by the truck..

My god daughter felt sad for the super hero who got hit by the truck when saving the grandma and that old grandma who he tried to save..has instead due to his push ended up " into a cement mixing truck..and killed..
My god daughter started to cry.....

I am sincerly touched by her as I observe how she watched this first quarter of the movie..becuz in the begining of the show, she already polietly ask me if its alright for her to sleep if she dun want to watch the show..I said ok..

I am touched by my god daughter's pure heart.
People like us, laughed at all those scences in the movie...when seeing people got hurt in crazy and silly way..
but this child..takes everything as real..and symptise for those people who got hurt.

This set me thinking...
Have we lost this pure and sincere heart...and have we stop feeling and thinking for others...taking everything and every happening in this world for granted?
If only everyone in this world preserve this kind of pure heart....

I told her parents that its alright about leaving the cinema earlier (when they expressed their sorry for the movie incidence..)..cuz this only shows one important thing and one good thing...they have a daughter who is very sentimental.. and feels for others. She is really very sweet and kind-heart. Very pure at heart.

She even told me..when I asked if she still wants reminding popcorns which we bought for the movie.."hmm..actually..I can still eat lah..becuz I dun want to waste your money." and she even feels bad for making me leave earlier, not able to watch the entire show. She asked "Can you take back the tickets? (I think she means..can you change for a new tickets to come watch another time.) I told her its alright. Don't worry about it.

Can you imagine? Just a K2 girl, 5 years old..coming to 6 soon..talking all these.
Tell you, I am deeply moved by this god daughter of mine..and really proud and blessed to have her as my god daughter. "Well Done Kah Yin!!!"

The first thing she did after we reached her place..she took out the playdoh and made for me a birthday cake..knowing my birthday is coming in two weeks time..and she used my hp to take pic of it after her completed it..and of cuz..I taught her some skills to improve on that cake..and she is a fast learner..did it on the spot. :)
And this is the egg she made for me too...

What a fruitful day I have.
Oh..and I got her to say grace for me and her to thank God for the food when she reminded me saying "shall we pray before we eat? Can we pray now?"
Oh such a sweet darling...
She always ask me "why you always call me and my gor gor (her two elder brothers) darling?" I told her becuz you guys are my god children..and I love you guys. :)

p.s. This show SuperHeros movie is not suitable for kids..esp the language used..esp when she asked me "what is tiny penis?" I go..."huh..the place where the boy used to pass urine.." Aiyo..

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Everyone seems Busy..

Not sure if its the first half of the year..
everyone seems rather busy with their life...
even my buddies..hardly leave me any message nowadays..tho they still make it a point at least to drop me one or two sweet messages when I am sick..

I have been really busy with life too..
Hope you guys are doing fine...
Do take care..
and hope to see you guys really soon..
and hey..

My buddy Gilbert sent me a mms of his son (Wen Yu Han - if I remember correctly).

Doesn't he look just like the gilbert junior..hahaha...

My silly LG phone doesn't allow me to see the pic must go onto internet website to retrieve..."Ai-Ya!!!" :(
I felt really really bad that I was not able to visit his son since his wife gave birth..not even now...So sorry Bert!!!
But Gilbert is very good lah..knowing me for ten over years...we are great buddies..
he is very understanding..He called me up and said its alright..
and told me he will call Lihwa to meet up with me on my birthday to celebrate my birthday to have dinner together...hee since this year I have not find anyone new or special yet. U know what I mean...
Hee..its good to have buddies around..

Cheers to Buddies!!!

Classmates of the same interest..

Today I happened to go home together with two of my classmate after our Statistic class..
Today's topic in Statistic is kind of fun..not as stressful as the previous one..
I always thot I am the only one which have problem catching up with what our Lecturer taught....
But after some classmates sharing the same experience as me...Phew!!!
But..well..maybe we should talk to Sir to get him to slow down abit....esp when he goes ta..ta..ta...ta....non-stop..and then...asked "Do you understand? Am I too fast?"
But no one dares to say No..we dun understand..thinking maybe..I am the only one who doesn't and if I ask him to repeat or slow down..might cuz other classmate inconvenient or waste their time..

The train journey back tonite seems rather fast as Gabriel, YaMa & Me keep talking non-stop in the train...
Three of four of us lives in Tampines..but Cat's Dad came to pick her she din join us..

We had a wonderful time chatting..from work to studies...
And guess what..Both Gilbert & Yama are either in I.T programming or has something to do with Web design and Animation...hahaha..

Its really good to find kakis...People who have common interest...
Wow..Thank God..this is really going to make my stay in this school even more enjoyable and fun..

Both of them are really nice chaps..really good and happy to know them..

Alright..its time for my beauty sleep..
din sleep the whole nite..Insomia again...cuz brain was too active before my sleep..
thus it refused to shut down even tho my laptop has already been shut down..
I guess tonite..I can get to have some good rest..
Will continue to work on the remainder of my web design on wed during my off.

Thank God I have a good and understanding client.
And I am really happy that she told me..she love the look of the Chinese website after I amended it.


Nite nite..:* birthday is on its way...can't wait...tho..I have no one special to spend with this year..:)


Monday, April 21, 2008

Jobs for Women

SINGAPORE: Almost 240,000 jobs were created in Singapore last year, but only 40,000 graduates entered the job market. Given that an NTUC survey showed some 100,000 women are looking for jobs, targeting this group may actually help to ease the talent squeeze.

NTUC deputy secretary—general Halimah Yacob said: "If you look at the statistics, a lot of women enter the workforce. A very high level of participation when the women are in their twenties, but then they start dropping off the labour market when they (are) in their late 20s, early 30s. That indicates to me that the potential is really quite big."

Speaking at UBS’ Career Comeback conference on Friday, Minister of State for Finance and Transport Lim Hwee Hua also noted that companies should push forward to diversify their management strength.

"To continue building the leadership pipeline in Singapore and Asia, it is important for organisations and key decision makers to embrace gender diversity and develop a platform to allow women to realise their fullest potential," she said.

UBS has started tapping into the pool of highly—qualified women who had previously left their jobs to look after their children.

Mona Lau, global head of diversity for UBS, said: "We have found that implementing flexible work arrangement actually helps us to save cost. It cuts down on people calling in sick — when their kids are sick, they usually call in and say they are sick. People give you back threefold when you trust them and allow them a certain degree of flexibility."

Industry players said companies in the Asia Pacific could be missing out on as much as S$47 billion in output by not homing in on female talent. — CNA/ac

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Busy Saturday...

This week has been a busy week for me...
Been sick for two week..
First throat infection & fever..
then came ear infection...

Went to see Doctor Ler 3 times within 2 weeks..till we both gave each other another..
Not again..look..
Doctor Ler said "You have be very 'unlucky' my girl...first throat infection and now ear infection...
and she tried not to give me antibotic for my ear infection as she said I had too much anti-botic for the past week...
So she just gave me some pills to reduce the swolling in the ear.
I had to take panadol to stop the pain..
This pain has caused me endless pain which disturb my sleep..
not being able to sleep well for past few nite..

Couldn't concentrate well in my class..
This week as mentioned I had 3 classes..
Didn't have enough time to do my revision..
went to Unicampus in Stirling road on saturday..
Supposed to reach at 12pm to do revision..but due to the bad nite sleep..
I only managed to reach there about 1pm..and start to do revision..
but on my way..already did about 45mins of revision in the train..
still its not enough to fully understand..

The class starts at 1.30pm...
We were told to work on past year paper..
I struggled..and did..about 2 questions..
but got most of them wrong..
As the 4 groups explained..
I still couldn't get the pic clearly cuz the place I sit has poor lighting..can't see what they write on the screen..
No choice..have to go back revise again..
Class ended 3.30pm...

Took a bus to National Library Hans to continue my revision..
Tried to work on the same pcs of past year paper again..
and tried understanding the question and the approached..
took me an hour to do one question..
working on the correct formula..and drawing the histogram from the table which I worked out..

At 6pm rush to Lion City Hotel Chinese restaurant to have family dinner with my family. elder brother make it a point for us to have family dinner at least fornightly (sat). As Usual, I reached there first.

Girl Girl, our little princess seems to be in a better stage this time..
before this..she was cuzing us she started to cry each time my family, other than Mum, her parents..she would not give your face and starts to cry aloudly..
making us all panic..even me the child experts got frightened off by her...

Yesterday, she seems to improved..and started smiling at looking at us and the surround curiously..without crying...
I even managed to get her sit with me on my lap as I have dinner with my family in the restaurant..
however, little princess didn't give me 'face' when I tried a few attempt to take pic s with her using my new LG Viewty Hp.
Check it out..


After dinner..I actually wanted to rush home to work on the web design which I owed my client for a week..cuz I was having fever for the entire week or two..
But as I reached home...
My Brain-dead...too exhausted with all those studying..of Quantitative Method of Information Management (statistic)..Phew..Tough Man!!!!

Finally after Church I came home and started working on the web design amendments and on the English website..overshot the time I set for myself..
Phew web design is not easy...very time consuming..
no wonder my lecturer told me at least takes 2 to 3 months to do a simple website..
eg alot of testing to see if it works on different server..How it appears in Internet explorer is diff from got to do amendment again and again..Phew..

Now..after writing this blog..
Tho its already 10.25pm..I have to begin and continue to practice on my past year paper on statistic again..for tomorrow's class...

God...Give me more time..and healthy body..
Time is just not enough...

p.s. Sorry can't make it for Cat & Jimmy's birthday celebration at Big Splash tonight..cuz had to rush the website design and my study..
tho I very much wanted to join your guys..sorry..

To Cat & Jimmy,
Wishing you guys..another year of blessings and happiness in the Lord! Happy birthday!


.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.