In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Monday, March 24, 2008

YF Coffee Session..

Its been a loooooong time since our Youth Fellowship did some catching up..
thus, Cat sms us to have KOPI session today at Airport Terminal 3. A new and nice place which I have been wanting to go but have not..

Since many in church start sms-ing me asking me how am I recently ..
as they haven't been seeing me and catching up with me for weeks..
not that I din attend church but I guess I kind of rush off after service with my younger bro and mum..
Weeks ago..I am sick so I skipped one sunday service
and last week..I was the speaker for Children Worship...thus they din see me in the Adult Worship Service...

So..I think..I kind of neglected my YF group..its time to 'show face' ..
Kind of missed them..actually..

Tho I wanted to spend time to continue my web designing project..but I guess..I need to go and have some fellowship and catching up with them.
Thus Jason & Cat came to pick me up at my place..and we went to the Airport T.3

On my way..I was telling them...
hmm..seems that only Singaporean has this practice to go Airport..not just to take flight..
we go to Airport for dating 'pak tor',
Its really interesting..
you dun get much of such in other countries...
that's why our Airport is so successful...

We met at TCC in T.3 at about 10plus...
Jimmy, Grace, Jason, Cat, Rongfa, Helen, Linglee, May, David and Myself..went.(10 of us.)

We ordered coffee, soup, drinks, cakes..and as a big happy family.. happy and close brothers and sisters in Christ...we eat and share all our food and drinks..

Tried Mr Sunshine suggested me to give it another chance the last time I met up with him..but..conclusion..I still dun like it...I still love cheese cake..

I love this feeling...its so warm hearted...we are so blessed to have each other.
I thank God for wonderful friends like them.
Can't image that I can be so close to them..and that they became part of my support..
esp when all my close buddies moved to another countries and start having their own families...
Some of them..even used to be my students...
really happy to have them around..
Tho I am the eldest there...
and I never feel left out......always young at heart..hee..
and they will never let me feel left out..and always..respect me and gives me lots of support and encouragement.

Age is never a matter...
its the heart and love that counts..
God bless. :) Cheers.

We ended our coffee session about 12plus..
reached home about 1plus am.
Thank God Father In Heaven for a Happy family not just at home but in Christ too!

Yesterday..joined my elder brother, his wife and my precious princess..for dinner at an indian vegetarian eat as much as you like..and pay as much as you like..meaning..its up to you how much you wanna pay..

thereafter we went to the civilisation museum.
Princess was dress like a santa-rena sweet...
Kit (my sister in law) say this suit is a present from Peter and Sandra, my buddies in Melbourne..its actually Winnie the Pooh..very cute...

Thank u dear... :) hee..
Princess is growing too fast..some of the clothes you bought she cannot fit in already..hahaha.. Di-Di..younger brother got his posting..he is going to the Airforce School Airplane Technician..I think...interesting..
I told him must thank God..God is gracious to him..cuz God knows he loves aeroplane alot....See...God is really good...

You know...I was sharing with someone that this period of time..tho I was badly hurt..but its the happiest moments in my life..
Esp after I learnt about my self-value..and start loving myself..and my life..
I seems to enjoy everything around me..
Everything around me is the Best right now..

I have got to enjoy the closeness of my family...
esp Dad who never cooks..started cooking nowadays and forced us to eat it even if we have already eaten outside..hahaha..
I have got the love of family..
the love of friends..
Web designing project....
my job seems going okie for me too...
and starting my Degree in Marketing Tomorrow too.. from MDIS (University of Braford-UK)..Every mon and thur.
I really love my life now..
Its really MY BEST LIFE NOW...
And of cuz not forgeting..drawing close to God..

My heart is filled with gratitude and happiness...
sometimes..when you think you lost some actually gained more instead...
Thank U Lord!

Nite everyone..
Yippeee..tomorrow is my first day of school.. my youths say..jokingly...
oh you are sooo excited to be back in school..
have u got your pencil box..your school bag..and your white socks..
and I played along..saying YA....hahahaha....

Thank u guys for all your supports make me who I am right now..too...
You have been part of my joy and happiness too...


Anonymous said...

I am sure that I didn't bought the pooh suit for princess...hahaha..Kit made a mistake.... Sandra

angelsketchbook said...

hee..maybe some nice aunty or uncle did..hahaha..
thanks anyway...
Blessed Princess indeed..hahaha

.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.