In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Friday, March 14, 2008

How to know your value & love yourself

Do you love yourself?
What do you think about yourself?

The first thing I heard on the radio this morning was discussion on the topic, who & what did someone did to you in the past which has caused you hurt which you will never forget? What are the things in the past which affects you?

Next, as I was preparing for my topic to share this Sunday in the Children Worship as a speaker, the topic given is "Each of us are different and unique. God loves us not base on our looks."

When I reached my office, I started to search for relevant pics to backup my sharing.

Thereafter, the set of CD I ordered to be sold in our store arrived on my desk. Its seminars on Family Life Series 幸福家庭生活系列 by Taiwanese couple.
They are fantastic speakers.
I picked up one of it with the topic "How to love and accept yourself".

It seems that today's lesson for me is to learn to realise my own value and loving myself.

Let me summarize:

In life, as the day we are born, we have been judge by people and told by people who we are. People around us keep telling us how good we are, how bad we are. Among this, hurtful remarks seems to shape us into what we think we are. Esp for me. Since young, I have very low self-esteem. I think very lowly and lousy about myself. Always lack of self-confidence thinking everyone else is always better than me.
I am greatly affected by comments of others esp when they criticize my work or so on.
I seem to believe fully in their a point I started to doubt about the good positive things people say about me, thinking its probably out of their kindness and love or encouragment they are saying this.

Joyce & Billy told me many times trying to make me see the point that I am not useless as what others think or say I am, asking me to have confidence in myself.But this didn't really work much becuz as I mentioned I thot its out of their love for me that they didn't wanna hurt me that they are saying nice and encouraging words to me.

But this period of time, I guess God really wants me to realise and learn this important lesson of self-value.
Only by knowing how valuable you are, can you start to love yourself and have confidence in yourself.

Today, I finally come to realise and learnt this important lesson, esp after listening to that CD which seems to put everything together for me.

Let me share a story with you from this CD, which leaves a deep impression in me and touches me tho I have heard it before years back in church.

One day,somewhere in Europe, a little boy told his dad that he wants to visit his dad's workplace as he always admire how his dad operate the DROP-BRIDGE. A DROP-BRIDGE is a bridge which joins the two lands together and one end can be lifted up so that ships can pass by.
This day, the dad brought the boy to his workplace to see how he operates the Drop-bridge.
After all the excitement and playing, the boy was very tired and sleepy and fell asleep by the Engine of the Drop-Bridge. As he was only a little boy, his small body accidently fell into one of the gear in the engine and got trapped there.

When he realised that he was stuck in the gear and couldn't pull himself out of the gear of the engine, he shouted out to his dad which is in the control room a distance away. The dad heard his precious son's calling and wanted to run to him to pull him out of it. Just then the sound from the whistle of the train came, signaling him to drop the bridge so that the train can pass thru...

The dad hestitate a little thinking, if he runs to save his son, the whole train of passengers will all die (if the bridge is not lowered down), but if he lowered the bridge down, his son will be crashed to death.
At the end, he made the painful decision to save that train of people and lost his precious son.

Without realising how much sacrifice this man has made in order to save these passengers life, the passengers in the train waved out to him as they usually do saying thank you for lowering the bridge...

Like this dad in the story, Our Father In Heaven, sacrifice His one and only Precious son Jesus Christ to save us from our sins. But many of us did not realised that, like the passengers in the train. God's precious Son died on the cross so that you and me need not die in our sins.

If to put myself on one side of the weighing machine...what can I put on the other side to balance it....
Answer is Jesus.

Realising this, taught me an important lesson which God, Joyce & Billy wanted to teach me. i.e. To God, I am as precious as His One & Only Son. He loves me so much that Jesus died for me.

I am NOT nobody. I am priceless and valueable. Most precious, as my life has been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ Himself.
God loves me, and sees me, not base on my look, my talents or what I do.
God loves me cuz I am an unique. I am His master-piece.
Each of us, you and me are His master-piece, what we called the Designer piece.
God is the World's BEST DESIGNER. And we are created by HIM.

So, we should be PROUD of who we are.
Our value is not determine by people but by the CREATOR/WORLD & UNIVERSAL CLASS DESIGNER-GOD.

Thus, dun ever let anyone tells you how much you worth or how good or bad you are.
Believing in yourself is Believing in God!
To Love yourself is to know your true value first.

Now I know I am worth that much to God, I should start lifting my head up and start loving myself and have confidence in myself.
Becuz doubting myself is to doubt about God's workmanship!

Remember, everyone is the unique & most precious creation by GOD.
Know your true value & start to live confidently & love yourself, even if the world doesn't love you.
Your value doesn't depend on the world, Remember!

Let's remember this important lesson today!

Thank you Father In Heaven for loving me & for creating me!
I am who I am, the unique creation by YOU Lord!
Thank you! Amen!

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.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.