In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Adjustment in New Life

Phew...this week has been really a hectic week for me..
Trying really hard to adjust to this new schedule in my life...
coping with work, my own web design project and struggling with 2 different class in a week every monday and thurs...and as time goes by..saturday classes will come in as well...

I am feeling really exhausted...
Now in the mist of studying what was taught during the 1st lesson and trying to understand all the definations in this really thick textbook for Quantitative Methods in Information Management...
Its not easy for me cuz even tho I am always in touch with retails and marketing..
but many terms they use is really alien to me..
I seem to come from another planet as I attend this class nervously..
Its really unlike my designing..
Even Web design...
At least I am full of confidence when I am attending classes relating to design..

But well..its just a matter of get myself comfortable with what I am studying..and preparing myself for the future.
The future seems bright and interesting for me...
The things taught are really interesting..
I just need abundant time to allow myself to absord what has been taught...

Met my buddy in church today..she was asking me how was my study..saying it must be really tough...
Her hubby is feeling the stress he is also taking a degree course at night like me...

I told her ya...its really exhausting....
But well...I will make it to the end and put in my BEST.
There is no return for this route I am taking...
so...cheer me on buddies..!!!!

Well..that also means..less seeing of me..and less partying for me..
but will try to engage myself in sports to get myself fit enough to fight this challenge...Go! Go! Go!

Okie..time to get back to my study!

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Today an interesting question suddenly popped up in my mind..
i.e. if one day you were to lose all your memory and left only one part of the memory, which state of your life will you chose to retain?

For me, I would chose to lose all my memories and left only present state of my life ..forget about all the hurts and pains..and remember only MY BEST LIFE NOW.
Present state is the Best State ever in my life.
Be it for my Career, my Family, my Opportunity to Study and all those people who truly love me and stay by me..and of cuz most of all...God who has never left me.

How about you?
I know there are many memories esp those which hurts us badly which we wanna forget..and even hope it is fully erased of...
but there are lots of good memories like childhood memories or your first date or whatsoever..
if you were to chose a part of your memory which you can keep..what will that be?

Think about it and leave down your comments here..
You dun have to put who you are...
or you can look for a "CONTACT ME" button on the right hand side and filled it up there...
The best is you can just write in my chatter box...
I really can't figure out..why aren't it been fully utilised? Its simple..
just type in ur msg and your name or nick then click GO..

Its so strange...that my chatterbox doesn't have much response other that my dear buddies..and of cuz not forgetting..those really good people who often leave me their encouraging words..really..thanks alot.

So, come on...get your engine started..okie..I will be really really happy..
Angeline loves responses..

Friday, March 28, 2008


Its Friday today. Supposed to be a party nite..but due to working, studying and designing..I am really exhausted...thus just wanna find a nice place to eat.

I arranged to meet my little brother at Bugis junction to bring him to my friends' Creation Cafe to eat.
Creation cafe is a christian cafe which specialise in italian food- Spaggetti.
Everyone which I brought there just love the food there.
My friend Alex who is the main chef and the boss there cooks great food.
And Best of all its cheap as compare to other restaurant.
Where to get nice and cheap food?
Creation cafe is located at Shaw Tower (Beach Road) Level 1.

We supposed to meet at 7pm..but my little brother actually came about 8plus as he was too exhausted..and dozed off at home..
I bought a nice cap and a pair of earrings while waiting for him.

Its been a long time since I went to Creation Cafe to eat.
I remember the last time I ate there was nearly a year ago, on my birthday last year.

Nic (another Boss of Creation) seems to be in a better shape now. He was very happy to see me..tho he couldn't recognise me at one look till I 'phss' him..and he looked up saying 'hey, its change look so..Hip.." hahaha..
I asked to see his daughter's pic and he showed me in a rush..looks really pretty..

I was starving...cuz waited too long for my little brother..
Finally the food arrived..
I recommended the Chillie Crab spaggetti and fussili for my little brother.
We order the set dinner which comes with garlic bread, soup, Ice-tea, Main course (spaggetti) and Brownie with ice-cream...My brother had Apple crumble with ice-cream.

See..looks yummy right???
The business there is pretty good...

Do pop by someday to Creation Cafe for their set dinner and set lunch..
All these which we had..only cost us $17.90 each much cheaper than eating at other restaurant and no extra charges. Really worth the price.
But remember, as they are Christian Cafe, they rest on Sunday. They are closed on Public Holidays too..I think.
Oh..and they only accept nets or credit card will be this will helps to reduce the price for the food..:)

News on Bill Gates

Video: Bill Gates - Last day at Microsoft - CES 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How to spend your off day wisely..

Today is once again my off day..
I needed it seriously...
after being busy for past few days...
I need enough sleep..

Didn't really sleep well cuz my sister who has been suffering from insomia for past few days came into my room asking for permission to sleep in my room with me last nite..

I was worrying the whole nite if she can sleep a mum...I woke up a few times in the middle of the nite to check if she managed to get to sleep..
Even lent her my expensive special pillow which I bought from Silk factory which has this 'thing' in it which can help one to sleep well..Not sure if its true but I think i not longer have insomia at least from what I know after using this pillow..
I hope this pillow can help her to sleep well last nite.

She rushed off to work this morning..forgot her wallet and keys..haiz..

so much about her..
now let'see..the theme for today is how to spend your off day wisely..
I set a goal for today to use the cheapest way to have a happy off day...

Started off with a nice cheap lunch at the coffee shop near my place.
Order a plate of $2.00 fried wan ton noodles and a glass of Teh-O. Told myself..its my off rushing my meals..just sit back relax and eat slowly..enjoy my meal and be satisfied..and sure I did.

After Lunch I went to POSB to get my atm card changed cuz its torn..haha used too much..

Got home about 1plus did 3 rounds of laudries..can imagine how many clothes are accumulated.. of cuz not just my clothes..its my family's clothings..

Then got online did a little research on others web site design..and check on the chinese version of the web site I finally got it done up and put up last see if its running okie..Looks simple and good.

After that, I read a little of my study notes of what I was taught on Mon's class on QMIM and a few short articles on my Favourite Books 《Attitudes affect altitude》 《态度决定你的高度》 (施以诺)- A famous doctor cum writer - I highly recommended his books..helped me over my hard times..and built me into a better person. Next is a book 《Joy For A Woman's Soul》《简单的喜乐》.

At 3.30pm took a enjoy my childhood favourite even till now...Chinese Cup Cakes which I bought during my lunch at coffee shop.
Since when I was a little girl, I love to eat things with many colours..and this is one of them..esp when its hot..

Thus I steamed it up and made myself a cup of Chinese tea - Long Jin Cha to go with it. Hmm...yummy....

This is really an easy way to be happy and contented...without spending too much money..hee...

While happily occupying myself with all these...I suddenly noticed..someone has been watching me all these while behind my pillow...

Who is it???

Its Mr Bear...
He looks so funny...when I saw him at this position...and so I quickly took my Hp and took down this pic..hahaha..
After tea..its time for my favourite Korean Series...watched the 青蛙王子拜金女 again..picked out the series which they will be showing tonite and watch in details without skipping much this time..


Its dinner time, Boy Boy (my little brother) came back from his Airforce School..
we went out for dinner at another coffeeshop nearby...
I had Roast chicken with rice and Ice Lemon Tea..
'Boy Boy' has chicken noodles...and Ice Lemon Tea..
I like this kind of Ice tea..taste really good...

Then we went to the Pet shop nearby to get a packet of expensive Dog food and a packet of expensive Cat food...
While I am taking a long time to pick what to buy...cuz very expensive must choose properly..Boy Boy actually attracted the pet shop's dog and cat to play with him..
really can't stand it..
esp the dog..looks so comfortable lying on Boy Boy's I quickly took out my hp again and 'click' goes my camera..


The shop owner was kind enough to give me some she probably heard my grumbling to my little brother that its so expensive..esp when I have two dogs and a cat to feed..aiyo.."Heart pain" lah..

Came back just a while ago..time to write my blog and then continue to work on the other two pages of the English version of the web page..on that same project..
very time consuming...

okie..and so..that's how one can spend a happy, fruitful yet cheap off day. Key to it is..Contentment. Contentment to simplicity = Happiness.

Monday, March 24, 2008

First day of School...

This evening was my first day of School..
was really excited and nervous at the same time..

As I am taking Bachelor of Sci (Hons) in I had my first lesson which is Quantitative Methods In Information Management.

When the lecturer Sebastian Koh started to speak and run thru what he will be covering.. all those alien terms..kind of frightened me off...
what Signma, Means, Standard Deviation..Parameter... head goes ?? ..???...???????..

Got no clue what he is talking about..hahaha..nearly fainted..hahaha..
It got better when he started to go into today's lesson...
started to make some sense finally...
but no time to really digest what he teach immediately...

Then he gave us 20 mins break..and there after the break..
we were 'forced' to go into groups to discuss the topic he wrote on the board after reading the relevant pages..
we were supposed to kind of run thru everything and apply all that he taught before the break immediately and do a presentation to the class.

I kind of discussed with my group and analyse with them..write out all the structure and key points ..which they thereafter told me to present saying since I seems to know better and told them all these..which...I told them no no..get someone else..cuz there was one of it which I wasn't very sure how to explain..
at the of the guy went up and we just backed him up to explain by the side..
we didn't really do well..I guess..lack of self-confidence and shy..
Well..things will get better when we know the class better..its our first class after all....

I must make sure I fully understand if I were to do the presentation the next round.

Things got clearer after the we watch each of the groups present and our lecturer concluded everything after that.. guys..can anyone explain to me..what it means by "both random and simple random surveys requires there to be a list of names or perhaps maps to sample from. This list is usually called a frame. Quota sampling does not carry this requirement."

I dun quite understand.
Cuz under Quota Sample it says Interviewers are given quota of number they must contact and interview by sex, social class, age and other variable relevant to the investigation being undertaken.

Then isn't it consider a frame already in Quota Sample?

And since its Random for Random and simple Random survey..why is a frame needed when you only pick randomly? Whereas Quota sample picks from specific group?

I am confused.

Anyone can answer pls advise me.
Thank u.

I know this is not so important and won't really come out for exam..but I just want to understand everything which I am taught.
Since I am a perfectionist..I feel like something is chocking me..causing me indigestion if I dun clear my doubt..I can't sleep well..
So help me pls..
thank u..

nite..very tired..hopefully I can get to sleep even with this thing up in my throat..

p.s. u know something..this lecturer is really something..
just first lesson..he remembered everyone's name already..he memorise it immediately when we write our names down in a piece of paper before our attendence book arrived. Impressive...

YF Coffee Session..

Its been a loooooong time since our Youth Fellowship did some catching up..
thus, Cat sms us to have KOPI session today at Airport Terminal 3. A new and nice place which I have been wanting to go but have not..

Since many in church start sms-ing me asking me how am I recently ..
as they haven't been seeing me and catching up with me for weeks..
not that I din attend church but I guess I kind of rush off after service with my younger bro and mum..
Weeks ago..I am sick so I skipped one sunday service
and last week..I was the speaker for Children Worship...thus they din see me in the Adult Worship Service...

So..I think..I kind of neglected my YF group..its time to 'show face' ..
Kind of missed them..actually..

Tho I wanted to spend time to continue my web designing project..but I guess..I need to go and have some fellowship and catching up with them.
Thus Jason & Cat came to pick me up at my place..and we went to the Airport T.3

On my way..I was telling them...
hmm..seems that only Singaporean has this practice to go Airport..not just to take flight..
we go to Airport for dating 'pak tor',
Its really interesting..
you dun get much of such in other countries...
that's why our Airport is so successful...

We met at TCC in T.3 at about 10plus...
Jimmy, Grace, Jason, Cat, Rongfa, Helen, Linglee, May, David and Myself..went.(10 of us.)

We ordered coffee, soup, drinks, cakes..and as a big happy family.. happy and close brothers and sisters in Christ...we eat and share all our food and drinks..

Tried Mr Sunshine suggested me to give it another chance the last time I met up with him..but..conclusion..I still dun like it...I still love cheese cake..

I love this feeling...its so warm hearted...we are so blessed to have each other.
I thank God for wonderful friends like them.
Can't image that I can be so close to them..and that they became part of my support..
esp when all my close buddies moved to another countries and start having their own families...
Some of them..even used to be my students...
really happy to have them around..
Tho I am the eldest there...
and I never feel left out......always young at heart..hee..
and they will never let me feel left out..and always..respect me and gives me lots of support and encouragement.

Age is never a matter...
its the heart and love that counts..
God bless. :) Cheers.

We ended our coffee session about 12plus..
reached home about 1plus am.
Thank God Father In Heaven for a Happy family not just at home but in Christ too!

Yesterday..joined my elder brother, his wife and my precious princess..for dinner at an indian vegetarian eat as much as you like..and pay as much as you like..meaning..its up to you how much you wanna pay..

thereafter we went to the civilisation museum.
Princess was dress like a santa-rena sweet...
Kit (my sister in law) say this suit is a present from Peter and Sandra, my buddies in Melbourne..its actually Winnie the Pooh..very cute...

Thank u dear... :) hee..
Princess is growing too fast..some of the clothes you bought she cannot fit in already..hahaha.. Di-Di..younger brother got his posting..he is going to the Airforce School Airplane Technician..I think...interesting..
I told him must thank God..God is gracious to him..cuz God knows he loves aeroplane alot....See...God is really good...

You know...I was sharing with someone that this period of time..tho I was badly hurt..but its the happiest moments in my life..
Esp after I learnt about my self-value..and start loving myself..and my life..
I seems to enjoy everything around me..
Everything around me is the Best right now..

I have got to enjoy the closeness of my family...
esp Dad who never cooks..started cooking nowadays and forced us to eat it even if we have already eaten outside..hahaha..
I have got the love of family..
the love of friends..
Web designing project....
my job seems going okie for me too...
and starting my Degree in Marketing Tomorrow too.. from MDIS (University of Braford-UK)..Every mon and thur.
I really love my life now..
Its really MY BEST LIFE NOW...
And of cuz not forgeting..drawing close to God..

My heart is filled with gratitude and happiness...
sometimes..when you think you lost some actually gained more instead...
Thank U Lord!

Nite everyone..
Yippeee..tomorrow is my first day of school.. my youths say..jokingly...
oh you are sooo excited to be back in school..
have u got your pencil box..your school bag..and your white socks..
and I played along..saying YA....hahahaha....

Thank u guys for all your supports make me who I am right now..too...
You have been part of my joy and happiness too...

5th Anniversary Celebration

Today is Resurrection day or what we commonly known as Easter Day, an important day for all man kind. A joyous day. A day of Hope. Without this day, we will live without Hope & meaning..
Today is the day which we remember that Jesus Christ our Lord who dead for us on the cross resurrected on the 3rd day...victory over death..that we may live...proving that He is God.
If Jesus has not risen as He promised..He is not God and we will have no hope for Heaven..
Many in the history tried all ways to proved that Jesus' resurrection is not real..but FAILED. is also our church's 5th Anniversary. Tho I have been in this church for since 1991 which is about 17 years or so..5 years ago, we decided to split our chapel into two and moved out of Hougang into Geylang area and set up this new chapel...
We started in this new place near Aljunied MRT with about 50 over people...5 years down the road..Today we have a congregation of 120 over people..

Today pastor say..we have been relying on our Mother Church Zion Church in building this place for us so that we can its time to take up a new challenge ourselves..and build another chapel by our own strength..and of cuz with the blessing of God our Provider..

Thus, our chapel has booked a new place somewhere between, Hougang and Yio Chu Kang area.
And we have to start praying about it..and contribute our share in building up this place by our own.
To our Mother Church, its a small project which they can easily handle..but it will be a challenge for us..

As God has been our provider, we are sure, there will be no problem in achieving that.


As usual, we went to 千禧楼 for our celebration lunch..a chinese restaurant with delicious food..

We were having wonderful fellowship there today...
Church booked a bus to fetch us there..its very near to our church infact..
just one MRT Station away..

I love the sharkfin..yummy..

Back at the restaurant..
The student fellowship teens..(guys) actually did some lame thing with the poor chicken head from one of the dish....

Let's see what they this poor dead chicken..which cannot even rest in peace..

First the poor chicken head becomes a cocktail deco... became what they called the 鱼尾鸡 Mer-Chicken..instead of 鱼尾狮 Merlion..
Its so lame..but really funny..
this poor chicken head..suddenly becomes the focus of attention over the lunch event..hahaha...

Happy Easter everyone!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Mixing bowl...

Saw Mr Bear having a serious look, siting at the corner of my bed...
can't resist but took a pic of him...

Just finished watching the latest korean series "青蛙王子拜金女".

As usual, did a little thinking & review about what I learnt from this show. I love Korean series cuz they are very Rich in contents, filled with precious lessons in life.


Life is like...
a mixing bowl.........

As I love Eating...tho I dun weight that much...
I realised that good and tasty food often comes in a blending of different taste.
It doesn't contain just single taste like sweet alone or bitter alone or salty alone...

Good tasty food often seems to have a mixture of a few taste like saltiness, sweetness, bitterness, sour or spicy etc...

Food with mixture of taste will last and does not cause one to feel sick.

Its just like our life,
sometimes, good things happen..
sometimes...bad things happen....
sometimes..we feel excited...
Sometimes....we feel happy, sad or lost......and etc...

But when one mixed all these into a huge bowl.......
it becomes something we called LIFE.

Thus do not grumble about why life is full of Ups & Downs...sweetness, bitterness, saltness, spicy or sour.
Taking away any part of this and meaningless.

Without losing can one knows what is most precious?
Without can one knows what is Ups...
Without can one knows what is Happiness...
Withour can one knows what is Peace....

Just remember, becuz life with a mixture of all this seasoning....Life becomes richer...and wonderful.

I thank God once again..for each failure I have in my life..cuz it makes me stronger and helps me to be a better me.
Failure do not strike me down but only makes me stronger..don't you agree?
Tho it takes time to climb up again...
But important thing gets up again..and not how long one takes to get up on her feet, dun you agree?
hee :)

Cheers that I am on my Feet again..
haha..I think my feet are getting bigger cuz they becomes more stable after each fall..hahahaha... :P

So..friends..have you get your mixing spoon ready?

Are you ready to 'mix-up' your life.... :P
Let's start mixing....... ")

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday.
Do you know what is Good Friday about, other than its a public holiday?

Well, its a day of Hope for Man kind.
Without this day, we all live without Hope.

2000years ago, Jesus Christ the only Son of God came to earth to become man dwell among us, yet he is without sins (which man has), with a mission, that is not to enjoy the life of the king but rather to suffer and die.
To be nailed on the cross so as to pay the ransom for us (all mankind on earth).
Only the sinless's blood can wash away our sins.

Jesus took up all our sins on himself and was nailed on the cross so as to use His precious blood to wash away our sins.

As God, He has every power and ability not to be nailed on the cross but..He chose to die for you and me.

The greatest LOVE of all is AGAPE i.e. Sacrificial Love.
Since all of us have sins, we are separated from God and cannot enter into heaven.

God loves us but hated sins...And since God is Love and Justice at the same time, He cannot bear to let us His precious creation made in His Image to be thrown into eternal suffering (Hell) after we depart from this world..
He prepared mansions for you and me and wants us to be with HIM to enjoy eternal happiness (in Heaven). - mentioned in John 14:3

But no sins can enter into heaven.
Sins need to be punished.
Thus He had to send HIS one and only precious son Jesus Christ to die for you and me that we who believe in HIM and confess our sins, our sins will be cleanse and we will be able to go to heaven. (mentioned in John 3:16)

Becuz of this GREATEST LOVE OF ALL, we are able to realise how precious we are. And we live each day within this LOVE & Happiness & Peace, knowing that one day we will all return to this mansion UP THERE and meet our creator, Our Father and Our Saviour Jesus Christ there.

Thank you Father in Heaven! Thank you Jesus Christ! Thank you Holy Spirit!

This morning, while attending Good Friday Service in our mother Church, Zion Presbyterian Church, I was pondering on the greatest LOVE of all. My heart is filled with gratitude & thanks giving which no words can ever express.

Made a simple prayer - "Thank you Lord for creating me, for giving me life, for saving me from my sins, for forgiving and cleansing me of my sins, for giving me HOPE- as Jesus rose on the 3rd day - proving that He is God and victory of death that death no longer threatens me.
Most of all..thank you Lord for loving me and for making me who I am - for being Me, Angeline.

Thanks for everything!
I love you Lord!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

George Bernard Shaw

Spent entire day working on my web designing project...

Supposed to meet Michael today..first for lunch but he couldn't make we changed to coffee...but as I was working on my web design project, time flies...I had to sms him to postpone it to another day....

I was too engross working on this web design project that I even exceeded the time I was supposed to leave home for my MDIS -University of Bradford's orientation..and had to take a cab down.

The Orientation was held at the Unicampus at Stirling Road.
It was short and sweet..took about one hour plus..
After the briefing..I went to visit the canteen to see what they sell..
As I was walking towards the canteen..
Sometime caught my eyes...
Quotes by some famous people was hang on the wall..with their Huge portraits..
One which got my attention was this..which I wrote it down to share with you here.

This is a quote by George Bernard Shaw..(to know who he is you can do a web-search).
Sorry too tired and had to rush to finish off my web design can't do it for u this round..

Anyway here is the quote

"People are always blaming circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstance. The people who get ahead in this world are the people who get up & look for the circumstance they want, and if they can't find them, make them."-George Bernard Shaw

This reminds me of a friend of mine who used to say this similar thing to me.
Tho I dun totally agree to it..
But I believe in picking up the courage to step out and taking initiative to create what we want to happen...and make a difference rather than wait and see till if it happens or not.

However, I also believe in God's timing and having patient, not to rush it..waiting for the right opportunity to do the right thing.
Right timing = Half success...
Tho even right timing + ur best may not always equals to Success..
But at least you tried...
U live with not regrets....
And U get ur answer, knowing that its probably just ISN'T SUITABLE for you, that's all. And Not that you are Not Good.

Like me...I tried..and have put in my best...tho I DIDN'T SUCCEED...
Every glass slipper fits only the right cinderalla...even tho everyone tries..and no harm trying....

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


As children of God, we bears the fruits of the Holy Spirit which is:
& Self-Control

Let us remind & encourage each other to pursue in the growth and bearing of these fruits of Spirit.


Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author & perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the CROSS, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:2

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Learning is a progression


like to share this conclusion of mine with you..

Learning is a progression. At different stage, one learns and reacts differently even when facing the same questions in life.

God is very humorous.
After sharing my theory with you and others about finding my self value & loving myself, God actually put me thru a test to see if I can apply what I learnt into my life. Knowing that the man I loved is attached is the greatest test He gave me.

I struggled hard trying to find a balance for both my emotion & theory so as to apply in my practical life.
1st reaction was the letter my first letter I wrote to him which is filled with sadness and sense of failure yet wishing him well.

But, I wasn't happy with my 1st reaction & started praying and asking for directions again. Then decided to meet Mr Sunshine Dan last nite,to share his sunshine smile with me, so I will become stronger. You may ask why not your bestfriend.
Reason as mentioned before, your bestfriend knows you too well which will only makes you feel weaker and cries more as she feels the pain you are going thru and cries with you.
At this point of time, I dun want to be emotional, but rationale. To clear my mind and sort out my thots in the SUN.

Before meeting Mr Sunshine, I read thru my blog which I wrote about the new me who has found the secret to happiness which is to love myself, thru knowing how precious I am.

After 'sun-tanning' with Mr SunShine smiling right at my face...and after sorting out my thots....

I have completely let go of him. So dun feel worry for me or anything okie esp my dearest Joyce. :)

God taught me precious lesson & in this precious lesson,
I learnt that:

1) Its all a matter of Choice.

2) I made my choice to love him with all my heart, my mind and everything.
& He made his choice to love someone else and not me.

3) As its all a matter of Choice.I will not lost my value just becuz he chose someone else.

A piece of GOLD will always be a piece of GOLD. I will not become a rock just becuz someone say I am a rock or treat me like a rock. (This is just an illustration).

My point is, he has his choice and I have mine.
Choices to make ourselves happy.
We have good and happy times together. That was choices we made in the past.
Choices to create good memories.
Choices with no regret, knowing we did it becuz it makes us happy and satisfy at that point of time.

Thus, since he made a choice now that he is gonna spend his happy moments with another person, its his right. Everyone has the right to live and make the choice they want. No one has the right to another's life even if they are couples or husband and wife. We are all responsible for ourselves and no one else.

Thus, I am not longer affect by him having a girlfriend or even marry. Becuz its his life. Its his choice. It will not affect me and as I say, will not cuz me to become less valuable.

People make choices in their everyday life. It doesn't mean that those who are not chosen are of lesser value. Cuz we are made differently BUT with the same value-PRICELESS by God.

I am the one to decide and make the choice, what my happiness is to be.
My happiness lays in my hand and in God's hand and no others.

And since I already know my value, no matter what others say or do to me, I am valuable & priceless, most precious that God exchange for my life by giving up His Son Jesus to die on my behalf on the Cross. My life is as precious as Jesus. God loves me as much.

Thus knowing how much I weight in God's heart, what others think will no longer affect me. Shares or stocks may fluctuate but You & Me NEVER.

Men sees the outlook and talents and so on..
but God sees the heart.
Knowing my precious value, my heart is filled with thanksgiving and love.

I love myself and my life.
And since we are all created by God, no one is better than another, even when another seems to get what he/she wants.
We are all the same and precious in the eyes of God.
Thus, becuz I love myself, I love him and his girlfriend too.
I love everyone who is created by God and purchased by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

Remember, I once mention, true happiness is not how much you gain but how BIG is your heart!

Take care,
God loves you & I love you too!

With eternal love in Christ,

p.s. The above portion is abstract from my 2nd letter to him a moment ago.

Friday, March 14, 2008

How knowing the value of life makes a difference?

Do you know how knowing the value of life makes a difference?

As I started pondering deeper into how precious my life is, I started to love my life/myself and have confidence. This confidence came from God. Cuz God is Prefect thus He would not make any one with defects.
(However, as sins enters into this world, we all fall short the glory of God. We left the goodness which God has first created in us.)

Many times, we sins and did things we shouldn't do, which is not intended by God's purpose in our life becuz we have yet to find and understand the true value of our life. Like a knife, it is meant for cutting meat and vegetables so that one can cook delicious food. But, without realising the value of ones life, without loving himself/herself and others, the knife is used to hurt and harm others. This is sin.

After realising how precious and valuable I am to God, I not only love myself but also love others. Tho we might be different. God made you and me different in many ways, but its not with defects. Defects is only thru human eyes. To God you and me are beautiful and precious as ever. After He created us and this world, what did God say?
He say "It is good!"

Its sins which turns our heart ugly.
A heart with SINS is one which is filled with ugliness.

God sees Men NOT as the way which men sees men.
God sees our Heart.
So preserve our heart & fill it with LOVE & thanks-giving to God.

A heart that is precious & beautiful is a heart which knows the true value of oneself -purchase by a heavy price (i.e. Blood of Lord Jesus Christ who died for you and me out of HIS LOVE FOR US). And a heart that fills with love, thankfulness, appreciation- A heart which is near to the HEART OF GOD is the most Beautiful Heart.

I weighs as much as the life of Jesus Christ, so do you. That in John 3:16 in the Bible it says "For God so loveth the world (you & me), that He gave His one & Only Son (Jesus Christ to die for you and me on the cross), that whoever believe in Him should not PERISH but have everlasting life."

(Beware!!!! This doesn't means that we are as good as Jesus or better than HIM. Jesus is God.
He is the Creator.
We are created by God.
Its thru HIM that you and me gain back our initial precious value. If Jesus has never died for our sins on the cross, you and me will never know how precious we are. You and me can never enters into eternal happiness to meet God in Heaven one day.)

This is just how valuable I am & you are.
Jesus dun just die for me. He died for you as well.
This is just how precious you are.

Knowing that, I learnt to love not just myself, my life but also you and your life as well. Becuz of Jesus, and love of God, you and me once again become priceless, most precious, as Jesus washed our sins away by HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD on the cross 2,000 years ago.

Loving yourself is loving others.

Have a wonderful & meaningful day ahead.
Love others as yourself.
Now I fully understand what it means by Love your neighbour as yourself. (written in the bible).
Only knowing how to love your life when you know your own value, will you treasure and love others like yourself.

How to know your value & love yourself

Do you love yourself?
What do you think about yourself?

The first thing I heard on the radio this morning was discussion on the topic, who & what did someone did to you in the past which has caused you hurt which you will never forget? What are the things in the past which affects you?

Next, as I was preparing for my topic to share this Sunday in the Children Worship as a speaker, the topic given is "Each of us are different and unique. God loves us not base on our looks."

When I reached my office, I started to search for relevant pics to backup my sharing.

Thereafter, the set of CD I ordered to be sold in our store arrived on my desk. Its seminars on Family Life Series 幸福家庭生活系列 by Taiwanese couple.
They are fantastic speakers.
I picked up one of it with the topic "How to love and accept yourself".

It seems that today's lesson for me is to learn to realise my own value and loving myself.

Let me summarize:

In life, as the day we are born, we have been judge by people and told by people who we are. People around us keep telling us how good we are, how bad we are. Among this, hurtful remarks seems to shape us into what we think we are. Esp for me. Since young, I have very low self-esteem. I think very lowly and lousy about myself. Always lack of self-confidence thinking everyone else is always better than me.
I am greatly affected by comments of others esp when they criticize my work or so on.
I seem to believe fully in their a point I started to doubt about the good positive things people say about me, thinking its probably out of their kindness and love or encouragment they are saying this.

Joyce & Billy told me many times trying to make me see the point that I am not useless as what others think or say I am, asking me to have confidence in myself.But this didn't really work much becuz as I mentioned I thot its out of their love for me that they didn't wanna hurt me that they are saying nice and encouraging words to me.

But this period of time, I guess God really wants me to realise and learn this important lesson of self-value.
Only by knowing how valuable you are, can you start to love yourself and have confidence in yourself.

Today, I finally come to realise and learnt this important lesson, esp after listening to that CD which seems to put everything together for me.

Let me share a story with you from this CD, which leaves a deep impression in me and touches me tho I have heard it before years back in church.

One day,somewhere in Europe, a little boy told his dad that he wants to visit his dad's workplace as he always admire how his dad operate the DROP-BRIDGE. A DROP-BRIDGE is a bridge which joins the two lands together and one end can be lifted up so that ships can pass by.
This day, the dad brought the boy to his workplace to see how he operates the Drop-bridge.
After all the excitement and playing, the boy was very tired and sleepy and fell asleep by the Engine of the Drop-Bridge. As he was only a little boy, his small body accidently fell into one of the gear in the engine and got trapped there.

When he realised that he was stuck in the gear and couldn't pull himself out of the gear of the engine, he shouted out to his dad which is in the control room a distance away. The dad heard his precious son's calling and wanted to run to him to pull him out of it. Just then the sound from the whistle of the train came, signaling him to drop the bridge so that the train can pass thru...

The dad hestitate a little thinking, if he runs to save his son, the whole train of passengers will all die (if the bridge is not lowered down), but if he lowered the bridge down, his son will be crashed to death.
At the end, he made the painful decision to save that train of people and lost his precious son.

Without realising how much sacrifice this man has made in order to save these passengers life, the passengers in the train waved out to him as they usually do saying thank you for lowering the bridge...

Like this dad in the story, Our Father In Heaven, sacrifice His one and only Precious son Jesus Christ to save us from our sins. But many of us did not realised that, like the passengers in the train. God's precious Son died on the cross so that you and me need not die in our sins.

If to put myself on one side of the weighing machine...what can I put on the other side to balance it....
Answer is Jesus.

Realising this, taught me an important lesson which God, Joyce & Billy wanted to teach me. i.e. To God, I am as precious as His One & Only Son. He loves me so much that Jesus died for me.

I am NOT nobody. I am priceless and valueable. Most precious, as my life has been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ Himself.
God loves me, and sees me, not base on my look, my talents or what I do.
God loves me cuz I am an unique. I am His master-piece.
Each of us, you and me are His master-piece, what we called the Designer piece.
God is the World's BEST DESIGNER. And we are created by HIM.

So, we should be PROUD of who we are.
Our value is not determine by people but by the CREATOR/WORLD & UNIVERSAL CLASS DESIGNER-GOD.

Thus, dun ever let anyone tells you how much you worth or how good or bad you are.
Believing in yourself is Believing in God!
To Love yourself is to know your true value first.

Now I know I am worth that much to God, I should start lifting my head up and start loving myself and have confidence in myself.
Becuz doubting myself is to doubt about God's workmanship!

Remember, everyone is the unique & most precious creation by GOD.
Know your true value & start to live confidently & love yourself, even if the world doesn't love you.
Your value doesn't depend on the world, Remember!

Let's remember this important lesson today!

Thank you Father In Heaven for loving me & for creating me!
I am who I am, the unique creation by YOU Lord!
Thank you! Amen!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Time flies, its my off day again.

Decided to catch a movie at Century Square Shaw Cinema, my favourite cinema with my youngest brother.

We went thru the newspaper deciding what to watch. And finally we decided to watch a Korean movie.

Genre | Comedy, Romance
Language | Korean
Release Date | Thursday, 28 Feb 2008
Main Cast | Bong Tae-gyu, Jeong Ryeo
Director | Seok-hoon Lee
Running Time | 117 minutes
Gu-chang (Bong Tae-gyu) is 30 years old, still in college, unemployed and leeches of his family. Worst yet, Gu-chang has never had a girlfriend or even kissed a girl before. His friends are aware of his situation and usually has Gu-chang appearing as the butt end of their jokes.

One day, Gu-chang falls asleep on a subway, after a night of drinking. When he wakes up, he sees a girl (Jeong Ryeo-won) that he mistakes for a ghost. The girl isn’t a ghost, but works as an extra in a horror film. She’s on her way home, after becoming ill on the set of the film. Gu-chang doesn’t know this and immediately runs away from her. He drops his cellphone, which the girl picks up.

They eventually do meet again, but in a more typical circumstance and seem to get along well. Even more remarkable for Gu-chang, is that the girl seems to take an interest in him. She introduces herself as “Anni” and thus, Gu-chang and Anni’s budding romantic relationship begins. Unfortunately, when the couple spends an evening drinking, “Anni” suddenly takes a whole new personality called "Hanni", a rough talking brute like person that likes to fight. Gu-chang slowly comes to the realization that Anni suffers from multiple personalities.
this show is interesting...kind of complicated tho..
at a point of time I got lots of ????? and asked my brother...
and he explained to me..hahaha..

In the actual fact.."Anni" & "Hanni" is an imaginative character or personality of YuRi who tried to escape from her misery caused by the death of her bf who died while saving her during their snow mountain climbing..

This show took a different approach as compared to the usual korean show which I loved. The split personality actually gives one an excitement as to what will happen next. I pity the male cast, as he was often beaten up in that show, tho he really has a "qie-bian" look..hahaha..(a face which one sees and feels like beating him up)..hahaha..

But this role fits him really well..and who knows..he will become popular after this show..hahaha...

Overall...2.8 claps out of 5 claps...esp for a korean show. I guess you can describe this show as an appetizer than a meal course.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tree House

Not sure if you ever dream of having your very own tree house in your backyard, but I did.

Since I was little, I always dream of having my very own tree house in our backyard. However, living in Singapore is impossible..
On top of that one needs to have lots of money to do so.

I have long left that dream in the past as time goes by...

Today after watching the travelling series, building of tree house in Japan started me dreaming again.....Ooh.....

Unless I ......
hee...Angeline is more like a girl in many ways than a woman. The age grows but the heart never...

Time to go into my dreamland and start building my treehouse in my dream now...

The priviledge

Just now a young lady walked into our store...
face seems downcast..

I went out of my office to check her out a couple of times..
she has no joy in her...
looks as if she has tons of burdens/worries weighing her down...
as she paid for a christian book and a couple of cards and poster with bible verse on them...she made a special request...

She said "Can I make a special request?"
Looking at her..I say "Sure! What can I do for you?"
She said with a serious look at her face.."Can you pray for me?"
With a smiling face I asked "What do you need me to pray for you?"
With a serious and sincere reply she said "I need Peace!"
At first I thot she wanted me to pray for her after she goes off..but she started to shut her eyes...
and there I go "Gracious Heavenly Father, I pray for XXXX that Lord you will grant her the peace and joy she need. You are the provider and You know all her needs..Be with her and provide her with all her needs. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen."

At this time a delivery man came in and she bid good-bye..
In my heart, even now...I pray that the Holy spirit will give her the peace and joy she needs.She will be fine I believe esp when prayer has been made. Just Pray and Believe.

This is a special priviledge of working in a christian bookstore.
You don't just sell Christian books and encourage them to grow in Christ and Spiritual life...You become a support to them when they needed one.
In Christ, we are all the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

I am really happy to be in this special Family of God!
No matter where we long as we are a christian..we are forever treated like a family with Christians.That's the special priviledge of Christians.

My first web design project..

I am so excited...cuz today I managed to close my first web designing project recommended by a friend of mine few months ago.

Tho there is no way to compare to what those Design House are getting for their web designing projects..but I am thankful to God, in everything..there is a beginning...
And this is a good start for me. I must do well for this project so that I can get more to come..And indeed the Lord that leads that Lord that provides.
Since God has opened the door to my further study...Knowing my financial ability..God provided ways for me to settle my share of my school fees...Indeed the Lord is my shepherd, He feeds all my needs. He not only provide me with a loving and supportive family but to ease my daily needs so that I can have no worries.
Indeed I am blessed once again!!!

Just as I was worried about the transaction which I made to purchase the domain name of my client using my credit card if its safe or not..The Lord answers my prayer and the transaction has been approved.

I couldn't wait to go thru most of the tuitorial provided by the host to see what is the best way to get things done..esp there is one chinese website involved..its a bilingual website I should say...sounds challenging for a freshman like me..hahaha..but I like challenge..
Just pray hard that I can do it well..

Only managed to run thru some of them but at least most of my doubts are clear...
will have to spend more time to look into it..and I only have less than two weeks at least to set up the chinese website and another newletter page.

Time to sleep...still haven't recover from my sickness..its coming to 2am now..left 5 hours to sleep before a new day starts...


p.s. I was very happy just end of last week..cuz the first time I got a compliment from my boss..when I showed him the website I created for the bookstore..thinking probably he won't be happy again..who the end..he surprised me by saying...."hmm..well-done!"...Wah!!! First time...
hopefully got more to come....hee...greedy huh...

Phew!!! Its like a huge stone suddenly dropped off from the heart...and sink into the deep sea...So thankful to God!!!

hee...nite nite :)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wait On The Lord

READ: Psalm 27

Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord! —Psalm 27:14

In Cantonese, a Chinese dialect, the word for wait sounds like the word for class. Making a pun on this word, some senior folks in Hong Kong identify themselves as “third-class citizens,” which also means “people of three waits.” They wait for their children to return home from work late at night. They wait for the morning sun to dispel their sleepless nights. And with a sigh of resignation, they wait for death.

In the Bible, the word wait is more an attitude than an activity. To “wait on the Lord” is to trust Him. Psalm 27 is David’s exuberant declaration of faith in God. He sees the Lord as his salvation (v.1). In times of danger, he knows for certain that God will hide him (v.5). He remembers that God has asked him to seek His face, so he asks God not to hide from him. For, like a child, he longs to see God’s approving face (vv.8-10). In his darkest moments, David declares: “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (v.13).

Though no one knows how life will unfold, we can decide to trust God and to focus our mind on Him. For to those who wait on the Lord, the promise is given: Our heart will be strengthened (v.14). — Albert Lee

I know not what the future holds—
What in one hour may be;
But I can wait while it unfolds,
And trust implicitly. —Elliott

Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. —Isaiah 40:31

Friday, March 7, 2008

Angels everywhere

As I was looking thru those pics I took in Melbourne to do some Poster Design in my office, I saw something which I did and wanted to send it out but never did have the chance. Its a regret to lost their address thus I can't send it out to them.

These are the two angels whom Joyce and I met at Melbourne city when we last visited Sandra & Peter years back. Rinma (the lady in red) was waiting for Claudia (in pink) at the tram station. And both happens to be best friends like me and Joyce.

After a simple conversations of where we come from and where they come from, they actually treated us to have Dim Sum with them. It was an unforgetable experience with these two angels esp when they share their life stories with us.

May the Lord bless and keep them healthy and happy thru-out their days!

-Joyce and me have a conclusion: Looking at them is as if looking at Joyce and me..when we age beautifully tens of years down the road..esp when one loves to dress up while encouraging the other to dress up..two amazing beautiful, gracefully and wonderful lady.

Oh...I missed these two wonderfully ladies...

Hey Joyce can you remember? Is one of them Greek the other Russian? My memory lapse..

Battery Flat...

Ever have the feeling of battery flat??? (I have that feeling each time when i am a battery half dead..and going dead anytime..)
I am feeling that right now...

I guess either the honey is not strong enough for me..should have tried the one that is UMF 15+ instead...but its too exp...or perhaps I din have enough rest.

I dragged myself to work just now..tho already not well..feeling feverish when I wake up...aching all over and headache..
I even doze off in the bus that the bus almost left for its 2nd round (As the 2nd round passenger started to board and the door started to shut) God woke me up and I quickly get off the bus...

I feel terrible..feel like crying...whenever I am sick..wanting hugs and lots of comfort & care, like a little girl hugging her teddy bear with tears in her eyes when she is sick..(everyone has a little child in them)
well..and that's me...

Now I am still working...can't take mc cuz my sup is off today left only the new staff..let's see how long I can pull thru today...

God bless,

Thanks Sandra..will probably go see doctor after work..

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Manuka Honey NPA 8+

I didn't get the Manuka Honey UMF 15+ cuz it cost about $59 per bottle ..really exp. However, my sister helped me to get (the pic above) Manuka Honey NPA 8+ instead cuz she couldn't find the Manuka Honey UMF 15+ last nite, but...there is a hokkien saying...Bo.. He.. Hae.. Ma.. Ho..(No fish Prawn also can) hahaha...
After taking a large soup spoon of the honey before I go off to work this morning...I felt much better..least my throat doesn't hurt anymore. However, still having cough every now and then...guess it will take another day or two to recover...but thankful that I am already showing improvement.

Manuka Honey NPA 8+ (internally: colds, sore throats… and could be used for killing H. Pylori) 500g

NPA means non - peroxide activity. This non-peroxide activity is found only in some Manuka Honey.

Manuka tree is found throughout New Zealand and often forms extensive areas of bush. The leaves are dotted with oil glands, and when bruised give off a gingery peppery smell. The flowers vary from brilliant white through to rose-pink. The Maori people used Manuka as a medicinal plant, from treating fevers and colds to sedatives. Early European settlers called it the "tea tree." Manuka honey contains a number of natural compounds with strong antibacterial properties. This is a strong flavoured honey, but with a fresh, clean bite.

Most honeys are in some way antibacterial but normally this antibacterial activity is almost exclusively derived from Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and is referred to as Peroxide Activity or PA. This is created from the activity of the enzyme Glucose Oxidase in honey. Like many enzymes, Glucose Oxidase is inactivated by light and heat. The stronger the light and/or heat, the faster it is inactivated. Active Manuka Honey has been found to have further antibacterial activity which, unlike other honeys, is derived from Non Peroxide Activity (NPA). This is more stable and is not affected by light and/or moderate heat.

Not all Manuka Honey has this special quality and those that do are referred to as 'UMF Honey'. UMF stands for 'Unique Manuka Factors' and the higher the number the higher the antibacterial activity.

I felt comforted and happy that there are so many people caring for me.
Sandra sms me again to ask if I got the honey and if I am feeling better..
Mum called up and ask me to take good care of myself esp when she is now staying with my brother cannot take care of me anymore...
Dad cooked porriage for me...but I cooked crab stick with Onion ommelete for him tonite to go with the porriage...hmm..taste good...
My sister is sick too...on two days mc...

I told her to eat the honey as well..its better than taking medicine..taste yummy too..hahaha..

Thanks Sandra for your good recommendation. :)

.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.