In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Interesting Day off

Hello there...good to see u again in my blog...thanks for visiting my blog:)

Guess what...I have an interesting day today...
Something interesting happen..which keep me laughing and smile...thinking its really sooooo funny...and sooo coincidence..well..I should say its God's plan.

Today, I sms Frank to meet me for coffee...however Frank did not reply..and I was so tighted up searching for suitable fonts to use for Bill's CI.

And becuz I couldnt find the printed out copy of my e-application form which I need to submit today with my photocopy of my original cert and diploma..I had to go down to my office to get it printed..cuz i have no printer at home..
So I headed off to my office at clark quay...

Just when I stepped out of the clark quay mrt station...I saw a photo taking machine...which I need to submit my passport size photo too..thinking that i have to reach SIM to take it there as suggested by the admin staff..I thot why not I take it here...and soo...I went into that machine...and trying really hard to adjust the height of the chair so that my head can fit into the circle in the screen....then the phone rang..but I couldnt pick up...I was way to busy adjusting that silly chair..and smiling...(looking really silly at myself in that screen)..and took the pic...after choosing one out of the two pics I took I went out to wait for the passport photo to print out...And I checked my i was bending down to check out my phone..guess what...

Haha..i saw Frank...and Frank saw me...he was just passing by that machine and calling me on the way..but I din pick up..then he saw this lady in the familiar red dress which i wore twice when i was with him...HAHAHAHA...isnt it funny....

And so..we went to my office to get my forms printed and pic pasted..
Tell u something...Frank is really really sweet...
He told me that the MAGIC FLUTE is really really nice..he let me hear his i-pod..and then he showed me a broucher on it..saying its gonna perform in vivo..asked me to go and get a ticket to watch...and he actually sponsor me and my co-worker half of the tickets to make sure we go and he couldnt cuz he will be back in Perth by then...Isnt he sweet..I am soooo touched...

Frank sms me just now to remind me to go and watch..I told him i will and dun let down his kindness...

After that we went to starbucks for Coffeee..I wanna to treat Frank and so i went to buy the coffee...but Frank insisted that he want to pay me back for our coffee..which I tried to turn down..then he said something...which really made sense..but..(according to my character...I will never never take advantage of others)..He said..U have to take the money for the coffee ..I wanna treat...U r not earning much...I am probably earning very very much more than u...which is really the fact..(its logical...) and so...I accepted his kind offer to pay for this treat..
Frank read my blog..knowing my financial ability..But Frank....I invited u to read my blog becuz u are my friend..not becuz I want to take advantage of u...

Since young...I am trained to support my family in a way or another...thus i feel very uncomfortable whenever someone pays for me..even for my own studies...i used to work part time to support myself...having someone to pay for me makes me feel like I am a burden to them...I feel indebt to them..tho them its probably nothing...that's why I dun allow Bill to pay for me everytime..once a while ya..cuz I dun want to take advantage of others..or take them for granted...they are not responsible for me...Thus..I take each of this treats with sincere gratefulness...Thank U so much Frank, Bill and even bestfriend..

I am grateful..and I believe God will reward u in my Jesus saith...what u did to the little ones is taken as what u have done for me....I am the little ones here...and I believe all ur sincere kindness will be rewarded...

After coffee I rushed off in a cab to UNI SIM...hmm...cost $15.00 takes 30mins or so to reach there..that cab driver was kind and we chatted and he sent me to the entrance of where I am supposed to report for nice of him...
Oh before I forgot..before I left for UNI SIM...I brought Frank to my favourite bakery at the basement of CENTRAL...they sells wonderful cheese ball called DON..very chewy and not to cheesy ...feels light and a little sweet..yummy..but the DON was solded out and the new ones are still in the oven..
So funny so me and frank waited 8 mins like waiting for the train to arrive and we walked around and came back for the Don..and start counting down from 2 mins till the TINK!!! yummy...the Dons are finally out from the oven...
and I (no Frank) bought 4 ..two each..I cant wait to eat it...
Thanks again Frank for the yummy Don..

As i enters the limo cab..I start eating the Don..hee cant wait..the cab driver ask me what is that smells soooooooo nice..i told him and wanna offer him one cuz i got two but he say dun I kept for myself...hee....

I am sooo happy sooo many nice thing happening to me...Thank U God, Jesus....

As I headed home...I recieved an sms..saying that my bro changed his plan for my study loan..he is sponsoring half of it..and my parents 1/4 and me the other 1/4 which I have to set aside about $200 per month to pay myself..Wow..I am sooo touched...U know..I feel like crying..tho I have to start forking out money coming jan rather than after I change my job after I graduate to pay my brother back slowly..but I am touched..least i dun have to owe my brother so much and dunno when can i ever return this huge sum (to me its huge sum)..
But my pressure is heavier now...I am indebt to more people now..not just my brother but my parents..i feel so not filial to my parents having to get them to pay for part of my study..esp when they are old already..oh boy..what have i done..i felt so useless..burdening my family...
But...becuz of this...I WILL I PROMISE..I WILL WORK REALLY HARD TO DO MY BEST AND MAKE SURE I DO WELL IN MY that i will not let all these wonderful people done...

I am..I am..sooo sooo everyone..everyone..thank u everyone..all of u who are in my life..who sketches ur life with me..and with that pencil u hold..u helped me to sketch my life pic an even better one..THOUSAND OF THANKS..GOD BLESSES U ALL...

p.s. In life there are ups and downs...There will be time when I am down..and perhaps losing my focuz of all these wonderful drop me a note to encourage me & remind me..
p.s I never forget u wonderful sweet sister who has always been my advisor and my support in many ways too..and my image consultant..thanks dear..without u around..this home/family will never be that warm and lively...
Tho my family went thru lots of hardship but it helps to bring us closer...and stronger..thanks..

Stretching of muscle could be painful but it builds the muscle and body fight any battle...

again...Angel here..sharing my life sketches with u.

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.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.