In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Thursday, August 30, 2007

angie's congee

I cooked congee (porriage) with pork, century egg, salted egg and normal egg today.

its actually very easy just season the pork(mince meat) with light soya sauce (remember must buy the tiger brand yellow cap one taste better)..and pepper and "ma you" and corn flour..then boil the salted egg and egg till its completely cooked..
cut the century egg and salted egg and eggs into cubes...
use "new rice/young rice" to cook porrige..throw in the 3 diff eggs with the mince meat which you have seasoned together with one chicken cube and cook with high fire over slow cooker for 2 1/2 hrs or 2 hrs..add one teaspoon of sugar and light soya sauce after its almost done...

easy rite...
hows the taste...
not bad lah..
my shop tenor love it..he eat two large (big soup) bowls...and had his 3rd round at 5pm...he likes it..say its nice....and gave me ten dollars so that I can cook somemore for him whenever I least I dun have to keep forking out money for the ingredients...

sorry no pic...hee...


Yesterday(wednesday) was my off day, as I was having flu..I slept till about 1pm to have my brunch..then I sit around abit..and went off to my favourite cinema..the best cinema in Singapore...the cinema in Century square..hmm...u must be can a cinema in tampines town be better than any cinema in the city..
Well..I'm not sure about u..but the cinema in century square has the most comfortable seat for my size..
The seats are like huge cushion sofa that wraps around me..the leg space is good not too cramp like many other...and the back of the seats are kind of curve..thus u won't have aching body while watch the movie...and I kind of sink into the its really comfortable..there is the head rest too..I comfortable tuck my feet under each other onto the seats since I am having the entire row in the cinema myself..cuz its weekdays and afternoon 4pm..hahaha...

I bought a ticket to watch Hairspray..its a show basically about dance and persuing ur matter how others might look at the lead actress...she is fat but she knows she can dance very well..thus even tho everyone think its impossible for her to be on the dance tv show..she proved to them..that nothing is impossible and she did it...she even help to bring the black and the white together to dance in the tv show..
Its a very fun, touching and sincere show...Its so lively and real and it makes me wanna dance..I was siting laughing and dancing on my seat in the cinema..hahaha...

U guys must go and catch the show man! Its a fantastic show....


Monday, August 27, 2007

Did you get hit by a stone?

Hope u like the above clip I placed...Thanks to for all these meaningful clips and may the Lord bless him for all these wonderful work by him...I will try to place diff ones every now and then, sharing with u meaningful lessons by donghaeng's drawings...

Lesson learnt: Be thankful at all times..even when we got hit by what we do not expect..cuz its probably the smallest stone that hits us as God has blocked all the worst for us.

My little "precious moment"

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Missing those days in Australia

Today, I had lunch with my buddies & their children, i.e. my 2 godsons & my sweeeet god daughter...

We went to Singpost at Paya Lebar and had Long John Silver together..
Its the first time we had fast food together since they moved back from Brisbane in Australia..

I was telling Melissa it reminds me of us eating at Mcdonalds in Brisbane together....and how much I missed those happy time in Brisbane with with them for ten days...experience their local life with them...waking up at 7am in the morning..preparing breakfast and sending the kids to school and then to their foodstore in the city...those were the happy times...
Sandra and I went out each day together...exploring Brisbane..and Melissa even took us and the boys by train to Goldcoast for shopping and surfer paradise..Wow..missed those wonderful times together...
Back then my god sons' school was so a they brought me around their school campus...
I remember buying and sourcing for chinese grocery in beancurb which is so common in Singapore..cannot be easily found...only in Chinese store down in Chinatown in Brisbane...
And i cooked their favourite hot & Spicy soup for them..cuz they missed it..

I remember teaching and flying paper planes which I bought from Singapore in their backyard...and doing BBQ and frying beef steak with Butter for them to eat..and together with my mum's home-made chillie...yummy yum yum..

Oh those were the wondeful time...I so missed those time..
Yes like Frank...whenever I travel...I love to experience their local lifestyle..unlike others..going for shopping only...nope
I rather take my time to experience their everyday life than shopping..never like to be rush...experiencing their local life is more precious than anything else..

Time flies...5 years passed..they have moved back to Singapore and all thanks to them that I had such wonderful sketches in Brisbane...

p.s. Pic above is the pic taken with my god daughter during May's wedding last nov. I helped my god daughter to doll up like a little princess...all the youth was grabbing her to take pic...calling her Precious Moment...saying she looks like one...ya..she is a sweetie...Even Bill (when he visited our church months ago) can't help but to play with her (pretending to offer to shake her hand when she stretch out, he pulled his hand back again..he did it twice making my dear so shy...and I told Bill hey dun disturb her..and we had to assure her that Bill will definitely shake her hand this time then she finally pick up the courage to shake his hand..hee....)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Falling in Love

Recently, I fell in love....
I miss that
smells nice...
Don- Japanese Cheese Ball from PETIT PROVENCE in CENTRAL shopping mall in clark quay (mrt)opp my the basement...

I have been eating it almost everyday and never gets sick of eating it...
the taste just makes u wanna eat more and more and cant stop..
tho its cheese ball..japanese bakery..
but its not too cheesy...
it tastes a tinny winny sweetness...not too sweet..
with a little salty from the cheese...
and the best chewy bite one can get....yummy..
I can eat 4-5 at one go..and never feel its enough..
oh now I feels hungry again..
yummy yum yum...

U guys must go and try okie...will never never regret...
cost 80 cent each...
but rememeber to get at least one for me when u buy okie to thank me for recommending such yummy bakery to u..hee and send it over to my church bookstore across the road to me okie..hee...

just kidding :P
Its good to feel in love again..hahaha..tho its with food..
least I get that satisfaction...and happiness from yummy food....

Here is their blog

check it out!!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Meaningful article of Reminder

I read a very meaningful article of reminder forward from a friend and would like to share with u here...

This is one of the nicest e-mails I have seen and is so true:

I dreamt that I went to Heaven and an angel was showing me around. We walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filled with angels.

My angel guide stopped in front of the first section and said, "This Is the Receiving Section. Here, all petitions to God said in prayer are Received."

I looked around in this area, and it was terribly busy with so many angels sorting out petitions written on voluminous paper sheets and scraps from people all over the world.

Then we moved on down a long corridor until we reached the second section.

The angel then said to me, "This is the Packaging and Delivery Section. Here, the graces and blessings the people asked for are processed and delivered to the living persons who asked for them."

I noticed again how busy it was there. There were many angels working hard at that station, since so many blessings had been requested and were being packaged for delivery to Earth

Finally at the farthest end of the long corridor we stopped at the Door of a very small station To my great surprise, only one angel was Seated there, idly doing nothing. "This is the Aknowledgment Section," My angel friend quietly admitted to me. He seemed embarrassed "How Is it that there is no work going on here?" I asked.
"So sad," the angel sighed. "After people receive the blessings that they asked For, very few send back acknowledgments ."

"How does one acknowledge God's blessings?" I asked.

"Simple," the angel answered. Just say, "Thank you, Lord."

"What blessings should they acknowledge?" I asked.

"If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy ."

"And if you get this on your own computer, you are part of the 1% in the world who has that opportunity."
Also ......

" If you woke up this morning with more health than illness ... You are more blessed than the many who will not even survive this day ."

"If you have never experienced the fear in battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation .. You are ahead of 700 million people in the world."

"If you can attend a church without the fear of harassment, arrest, torture or death you are envied by, and more blessed than, three billion people
In the world ."

"If your parents are still alive and still married are very rare ."

"If you can hold your head up and smile, you are not the norm, you're unique to all those in doubt and despair."

Ok, what now? How can I start?

If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing in that someone was thinking of you as very special and you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world who cannot read at all.

Have a good day, count your blessings, and if you want, pass this along to remind everyone else how blessed we all are.

Acknowledge Dept.: "Thank you Lord, for giving me the ability to share this message and for giving me so many wonderful people to share it with."

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Interesting Day off

Hello there...good to see u again in my blog...thanks for visiting my blog:)

Guess what...I have an interesting day today...
Something interesting happen..which keep me laughing and smile...thinking its really sooooo funny...and sooo coincidence..well..I should say its God's plan.

Today, I sms Frank to meet me for coffee...however Frank did not reply..and I was so tighted up searching for suitable fonts to use for Bill's CI.

And becuz I couldnt find the printed out copy of my e-application form which I need to submit today with my photocopy of my original cert and diploma..I had to go down to my office to get it printed..cuz i have no printer at home..
So I headed off to my office at clark quay...

Just when I stepped out of the clark quay mrt station...I saw a photo taking machine...which I need to submit my passport size photo too..thinking that i have to reach SIM to take it there as suggested by the admin staff..I thot why not I take it here...and soo...I went into that machine...and trying really hard to adjust the height of the chair so that my head can fit into the circle in the screen....then the phone rang..but I couldnt pick up...I was way to busy adjusting that silly chair..and smiling...(looking really silly at myself in that screen)..and took the pic...after choosing one out of the two pics I took I went out to wait for the passport photo to print out...And I checked my i was bending down to check out my phone..guess what...

Haha..i saw Frank...and Frank saw me...he was just passing by that machine and calling me on the way..but I din pick up..then he saw this lady in the familiar red dress which i wore twice when i was with him...HAHAHAHA...isnt it funny....

And so..we went to my office to get my forms printed and pic pasted..
Tell u something...Frank is really really sweet...
He told me that the MAGIC FLUTE is really really nice..he let me hear his i-pod..and then he showed me a broucher on it..saying its gonna perform in vivo..asked me to go and get a ticket to watch...and he actually sponsor me and my co-worker half of the tickets to make sure we go and he couldnt cuz he will be back in Perth by then...Isnt he sweet..I am soooo touched...

Frank sms me just now to remind me to go and watch..I told him i will and dun let down his kindness...

After that we went to starbucks for Coffeee..I wanna to treat Frank and so i went to buy the coffee...but Frank insisted that he want to pay me back for our coffee..which I tried to turn down..then he said something...which really made sense..but..(according to my character...I will never never take advantage of others)..He said..U have to take the money for the coffee ..I wanna treat...U r not earning much...I am probably earning very very much more than u...which is really the fact..(its logical...) and so...I accepted his kind offer to pay for this treat..
Frank read my blog..knowing my financial ability..But Frank....I invited u to read my blog becuz u are my friend..not becuz I want to take advantage of u...

Since young...I am trained to support my family in a way or another...thus i feel very uncomfortable whenever someone pays for me..even for my own studies...i used to work part time to support myself...having someone to pay for me makes me feel like I am a burden to them...I feel indebt to them..tho them its probably nothing...that's why I dun allow Bill to pay for me everytime..once a while ya..cuz I dun want to take advantage of others..or take them for granted...they are not responsible for me...Thus..I take each of this treats with sincere gratefulness...Thank U so much Frank, Bill and even bestfriend..

I am grateful..and I believe God will reward u in my Jesus saith...what u did to the little ones is taken as what u have done for me....I am the little ones here...and I believe all ur sincere kindness will be rewarded...

After coffee I rushed off in a cab to UNI SIM...hmm...cost $15.00 takes 30mins or so to reach there..that cab driver was kind and we chatted and he sent me to the entrance of where I am supposed to report for nice of him...
Oh before I forgot..before I left for UNI SIM...I brought Frank to my favourite bakery at the basement of CENTRAL...they sells wonderful cheese ball called DON..very chewy and not to cheesy ...feels light and a little sweet..yummy..but the DON was solded out and the new ones are still in the oven..
So funny so me and frank waited 8 mins like waiting for the train to arrive and we walked around and came back for the Don..and start counting down from 2 mins till the TINK!!! yummy...the Dons are finally out from the oven...
and I (no Frank) bought 4 ..two each..I cant wait to eat it...
Thanks again Frank for the yummy Don..

As i enters the limo cab..I start eating the Don..hee cant wait..the cab driver ask me what is that smells soooooooo nice..i told him and wanna offer him one cuz i got two but he say dun I kept for myself...hee....

I am sooo happy sooo many nice thing happening to me...Thank U God, Jesus....

As I headed home...I recieved an sms..saying that my bro changed his plan for my study loan..he is sponsoring half of it..and my parents 1/4 and me the other 1/4 which I have to set aside about $200 per month to pay myself..Wow..I am sooo touched...U know..I feel like crying..tho I have to start forking out money coming jan rather than after I change my job after I graduate to pay my brother back slowly..but I am touched..least i dun have to owe my brother so much and dunno when can i ever return this huge sum (to me its huge sum)..
But my pressure is heavier now...I am indebt to more people now..not just my brother but my parents..i feel so not filial to my parents having to get them to pay for part of my study..esp when they are old already..oh boy..what have i done..i felt so useless..burdening my family...
But...becuz of this...I WILL I PROMISE..I WILL WORK REALLY HARD TO DO MY BEST AND MAKE SURE I DO WELL IN MY that i will not let all these wonderful people done...

I am..I am..sooo sooo everyone..everyone..thank u everyone..all of u who are in my life..who sketches ur life with me..and with that pencil u hold..u helped me to sketch my life pic an even better one..THOUSAND OF THANKS..GOD BLESSES U ALL...

p.s. In life there are ups and downs...There will be time when I am down..and perhaps losing my focuz of all these wonderful drop me a note to encourage me & remind me..
p.s I never forget u wonderful sweet sister who has always been my advisor and my support in many ways too..and my image consultant..thanks dear..without u around..this home/family will never be that warm and lively...
Tho my family went thru lots of hardship but it helps to bring us closer...and stronger..thanks..

Stretching of muscle could be painful but it builds the muscle and body fight any battle...

again...Angel here..sharing my life sketches with u.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Cheryl leaving for New York

cheryl whom u see all the folling video clips I attached...(taken last sunday 19/8/2007 for her so-called farewell party) is a very gifted and talented girl/sister in my church.

She is gifted in music so much so that there is no problem for any songs even if u throw it to her on the spot..yet Cheryl is very humble and sweet..always so sweet..never boast about her gift or talent at all...

Her music always touches our hearts...She has perfect pitch as well...Great voice that one will drop he/her jaws when u hear her capture ur heart too..

Cheryl is leaving for New York on scholar to study Music..Hope to send her off tonite but having Bill's dance class..hopefully can rush down to airport in time as her flight is at 11 plus...

Keep us update dear cheryl...Have a pleasant and wonderful trip..see u soon okie...
Will miss u..for a while...hee
Take care..

Remember to write ur blog and read my blog here too...


YF - Canon in D

Now hear Cheryl play Cannon in D with her nice that I was sooooo engross (at the background-blue tshirt with white shorts).

YF Gathering - Ju Hua Tai

Wanna hear how ju hua tai sound on cheryl...(Cheryl dear..we are gonna miss u and ur wonderful it piano or flute or even singing..while u are in New York! All the Best Girl! See u soon...!!! Ganbatte

YF - 我要称颂耶和华

Cheryl our gifted girl playing the flute..on her farewell party.. with May(mummy-to-be in 8 weeks) on piano and Moses on guitar.

YF - 佳节来临

on the spot combination of 3 diff instruments and singing of this unique christmas carols

Canon in D with Guan Huai Fang Shi

Check this out..Our gifted girl is mixing two songs to Go Man..

Monday, August 20, 2007

Thanks for Ur Encouragement!

Hi friends/pals, thanks alot for all ur positive encouragement I recieved today...will sure to put in more effort to ensure ur visit here each time will bring u joy and surprises as we make our sketches together...


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Con't from below.. Love me -Collin Raye

And since time is never in our hands...treasure what we always have, experience the most, express the most and most importantly know where u will be going after this journey ends...hope to see u in heaven with me after we have finished the wonderful pic on earth..time for a better and more beautiful one up there..How to know where u will be going or how to ensure u will be in that eternal place up there...ask me...I will point u the way...

Its thru Our one and only saviour who love us soooo much even when we are sinners...Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, accept Him to be your savior and believe that He is the one and only God..the only way to eternal happiness Heaven..Jesus saith "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one goes to the Father (in heaven) except thru Me." No other religion will ever tell u..believe in me and I will bring you to Heaven..except Jesus Himself said that.

Today our Pastor shared.. If u said..dun bother or doesnt matter if Jesus is really God or He really die on the cross and raisen on the 3rd day as he once mentioned..proving he is God..just believe will do...NO...ITS WRONG! BELIEVE ONLY WHAT IS TRUE..IF U ARE NOT SURE ITS TRUE AND JUST BELIEVE..U ARE BUT SUPERSTITOUS..





Saturday, August 18, 2007

A friend that seems lost yet found again..

Finally got to met up with Bill..after coming to a month..can't really remember exact how long..seems like years...

Bill has been really really busy that he hardly get in touch with it even replying sms or emails...

Seriously other than he is abroad in Bangkok or else where in the world..we have never had such a long pause...

However, its really good to see Bill again just now...The first moment was kind of "strange" as we havent met up for "that" long..but when he sat down and we start chatting...that precious "long-lost" friendship feeling came back to me again..and I started laugh and find back myself again...kind of this buddy of mine....sorry I talked as if we havent met for years...hahaha..But Bill was himself as usual...seems at ease and funny and very concern all the time...and never fail to give compliment and encourage...and never fail to make me laugh..thanks Bill..

Tho i had to wait for him ...hmmm....for nearly...???? but its okie..cuz since that day I know him...I understand his nature of
And thanks to u Bill that I finally pick up a newspaper to read...thot...mostly the ads..haha..and spotted good Hp deals..

Oh cant wait to start the dance class with Bill next week...
again..if u guys wanna join the class let me know...
its really worth it..
Put on ur dancing shoes, come experience it yourself...and u will know what I mean by a good teacher...U will never regret that U have ever taken his dance class me...


Hi here is the extract from Bill's Blog re: his dance class...all are welcome!

Bill wrote:

Hi Folks,

As promised, I will be conducting dance workshops (ongoing sessions) starting from the month of August. Details below:

Tuesday Workshops:
Commencement Date: Tuesday, August 21
Classes on - Aug 28, Sept 4, Sept 11, Sept 18, Sept 25

1.5 hours x 6 sessions
Time: 8.00 pm - 9.30 pm
Course Fee: S$270


Saturday Workshops:
Commencement Date: Saturday, August 25
Classes on - Sept 1, Sept 8, Sept 15, Sept 22

1.5 hours x 5 sessions
Time: 3.00 pm - 4.30 pm
Course Fee: S$225

Workshops' Venue :
8 Claymore Hill, Claymore Point, #01-03/04
Singapore 229572
Phone: 6737 4466

Course Fees
Total Course Fee for students under the category of GOLD Membership = S$270 or S$225 (depending on the total number of sessions)
Courses are at S$60 per session for non members.

Preferred Mode of Payment - Cheque (Crossed cheque to be made payable to Stage Door Pte Ltd) to be mailed to:

Stage Door Pte Ltd
141 Cecil Street, #06-02
Tung Ann Association Building
Singapore 069541

*Please write your full name and contact number (cell phone and e-mail address) at the back of the cheque. To also indicate your preferred day of attendance, i.e., Tuesdays or Saturdays.

In addition to the regular workshops, I am also offering classes in special dance styles such as Afro-Jazz, Performance Dance. Students under my membership scheme may opt to join these classes at a small fee of S$10 (minimum), in addition to the normal member class fee.

New Students
One of my key objectives in Singapore is to encourage people who appreciate dance but are new to the art to experience the fun in dancing. Therefore, if you are keen to experience my workshops, please feel free to join in at a single session rate of S$60 (you can pay the balance should you choose to continue).

Please feel free to drop me at email at should you require additional information.

See you on the dance floor!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Dont be shy...

Yo...dun be shy..leave a note/comment (positive advise/encouragement is appreciated)..whenever u read my blog here...
Share ur that we can sketch our lives together..making it a better one..

Another Part of Life

Finally..I took the 1st step into another part of life...
registering for BSc Marketing in UNISIM.

Phew...never know it will take me a total of 2 hours or so to finish filling up the form online...cuz I had always been blessed..never really had to write resume in my life...God always had jobs waiting for me...and I been loyal and devoted to all my employers..they always welcomes me back to work with them anytime anywhere...

Going thru my working experience and study history...really is a hard work and a test to my "system up there"..retrieving all those archieve files...

I had to my cat..and my family that I can concentrate in my registration proceedures..

Finally done...left only to submit the original copies..within 14 days...and wait for their well as attend their open-house on 1 sept..Oh and of course to go thru their interview if I am shortlisted...Hopefully I can...cuz my diploma is from Uk (Blackburn college).

If the Lord allows...I will start busy sketching another part of my life beginning next year..coping with studies and work and hopefully keeping myself healthy too...

If u r thinking of upgrading urself too...check out this website..

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Children's Cancer Foundation

Hi All....

The following is a little ad for my sister who work in Children's Cancer Foundation.

Dear everyone,

Just like to share that my Foundation (Children's Cancer Foundation) is organizing a forum on CHRONIC CHILDHOOD ILLNESS on 1 Sep 07 (Sat) 10am to 4pm at National Library Board.

Overseas and local speakers would be sharing on the following topics:
- Sustaining Hope Throughout Treatment
- Approaching Difficult Conversations with Children
- Boosting Your Child's Health
- Reintegration Back to School - A Dialogue Session

There'll be breakfast and lunch provided.
For further information, ps go to our official website at and click on the icon.

In addition, we're holding a training on HOLISTIC INTERVENTION TO ADDRESS END-OF-LIFE ISSUES on 31 Aug 07 afternoon (2pm-5pm) at National Council of Social Services Level 2, Ghim Moh Road.

The pre-conference training is only for Professionals in relevant fields ie, Medical , Health Care, Social Serivces and Education. For interested parties, ps email to for application forms.

Both forum & training is FREE. As seats are limited, pre-registration is
required. Closing date for registration is 20 Aug 07.

It will be an interesting and informative forum, please feel free to forward this information to your other colleagues,friends or patients/families who may be interested.

Thank you and hope to see you there.

What to do to bring the temperature down my godson is running fever, I shared my humble advise as a former childcare teacher & qualify first Aider... (I thought its good to share it here too.)

if the child is running fever always use luke warm water to cool him down with towel..not cold water..esp if he has high a great contrast in temperature (if u use cold water)will damage the brain.
place the luke warm towel on his fore-head as well as under his arm pit and the place below his those are the areas to bring down the temperature...continue to towel him till the water turns cold then change to luke warm water again..till the temperature is normal...
Never never run him under cold shower..and always bath with warm water little by little from his feet first..if not the contrast of the temperature might cuz him to go careful esp for little children..this is my past experience..
Hope this will help..

Ally McBeal

No wonder Bill and Me are close friends...
Cuz many times we think alike...
Suddenly I found something which I like and lost many years back from his blog today..
Yes, Ally McBeal...
I was once so crazy about her show...its a Never TO Miss Show!!! Die Die Must Watch one..haha..
so much so that even my mum who doesnt understand English named one of my dog Ally..cuz she is as skinny as Ally back then in that show..hahaha

Why do I love Ally McBeal...
Good question...
Cuz I feel that I am like her...always in my own world..and likes to imagine things like she does...and act the way she does...people might think I am a lunatic or what..and i am really happy in engrossing in my own world..
I guess I did that so often that all my friends in my high school/sec school..wrote in my autograph book saying "You are always in your own world...You seems so Happy all the time...Sometime I really feel like opening your brain and go inside to see what's inside there..what's going on in your world over there..."hee...

I feel so happy to see Ally McBeal in Bill's blog. Hee..Bill I did those crazy dance too..once in awhile like Ally McBeal with her dancing baby when no one is around..haha..Thanks for such a great encouragement.

You guys who have never taken Bill Calhoun's dance class will never know how great a dance teacher he is..cuz he makes dancing class fun and relax..never scold or shout or give u that stern look..."Hey u silly XXX, where's ur eyes, this is not the right way.." U will never get such things from his class...which I once suffered under a trainer..which i said Bye-bye to him after that terrible nitemare class..

I went back crying badly that nite after those insult...and Bill being my close friend..called me after his late meeting...seeing so many sms I sent him..he know he has to call me to make sure I am alright and comfort me...and he did..just as I was flooding my room...and blanket..haha..This is what I like about Bill...

I know...Joyce my best friend, dear u will say...cuz you din tell me and rather tell Bill than me..well..if I tell you I will cry even more..haha..Bill is the rite person for comfort and advise esp coming to dance..He assure me that I am not the one at fault and told me the instructor should be the one to make sure we enjoy the class..

That's what I truly believe..People can be good/great dancer..but he/she might not be a great teacher/instructor...Bill is talented in this area...
I am joining his new dance class next week..
If you are interested to join me and even if to experience one of his class..let me know or pop by his blog ...he has all the info there...

Sorry Bill..hope u dun mind that i share this video clip of Ally McBeal and the dancing Baby here ...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Embarassing Moments

This morning my gastric went on strike again..had to take 3 hours time off to rest before setting off to work...

After medication and rest I felt much better.. gastric has been really obedience recently..not sure what caused the upset..

As usual I took train to work..
During the transit at City Hall Mrt Station..
Just as the train arrived..I happily went into the train...
however..something terrible happened...
Guess what...

My bag, my precious golden bag was trapped by the door as it opens up..
I struggled to pull out my bag..but there is no way I could pull it out..
I thot okie will have to wait till the door closed..and release my i went into the train..getting ready to pull my bag in once the door close..

But i thot..hey..the train door normally closes earlier than the station door...There is no way I could retrieve my bag in time..
thus I went out of the train immediately and waited for the door to close and say goodbye to the train for work and Hi to my precious bag again...
Well..sad to see the train left without me..esp after waiting for so long...
now I had to wait again for the next train..oh boy!

However, still thankful that its not my hand which got trapped...

Lesson learnt: never stand too near to the station door while waiting for the train to arrive...

Monday, August 13, 2007

My New Blog

I seems to enjoy my new blog...probably becuz its its kind of exciting exploring what can I do to improve this blog making it more interesting for u guys to read.

Today, Sandra popped by my blog and said she likes my blog esp I place a recipe here..Thank U..will try to add in my secret recipe each time i experience a new dish that u guys who likes to cook can try it out too..this is part of sketching our life together...

I have always wanted to insert photos esp with music into my blog..but could never do that with my Yahoo private blog..I am glade that i finally did it..All thanks to Bill..I know the idea from exploring his blog and see what he did and how he did and modify from there...I love my blog now..Hope u guys will enjoy it too...

ooh...btw...I bought the remainder of my Ma You Chicken from last nite and brought it to share with my co-worker Miss Chua for Lunch..nowadays..all thanks to Mummy..i get to pack food to eating out at Clark Quay isnt cheap at all..I had been overdraft my salary each month..thus have to start packing food to eat..and guess what...i love it..taste better..and need not be trouble about what to eat.. I remember that Sandra was kind of surprise when she found out that I packed food to her..its a practice in Auz esp Melbourne she and Peter (her hubby) packs food to eat each day..she didnt realised that it happens in Singapore too...hee..

Sketch ur life with me

Sketches of Life

Sunday, August 12, 2007

A fight with Chicken!!

Today its my cooking day...I am experimenting a new dish known as soya sauce chicken... "Ma You Ji".

Mum told me what ingredient to use for seasoning the chicken and the steps to cooking it...

However...I was tricked into chopping up one whole chicken...

First time in my life...I hold a chopper in my hands..chopping up the entire chicken...Never know chopping a chicken could be that hard...

As I struggle with the chopper and the chicken..Phew finally...I got the chicken chopped..haha..but created lots of mess..which of cuz I clean up..

I had a habit of cleaning up as I cooked..not wanting to wash up only after everything...
I like a clean environment to cook..

Let's see...after chopping up the chicken and washing it..I season the chicken with sugar, dark and light soya sauce..oyster sauce, "ma you" and chinese wine..not forgetting to add some corn flour to give it a smooth taste (once taught by the cook in the childcare i used to work in)..

Then i set the chicken in the fridge for it to season..
Then i sliced the old ginger..fry it with oil....add the chicken and start frying them...add a little stronger the taste...
after that I transfer them (half cooked) into a pot..add in water..and let them continue to cook...about an hour...

Finally the chicken is done..
well..not bad for the first time tho..

The chicken is very tender...hmm....sauce is kind of thick tho..will do a better job the next time...
p.s. Sister said..taste not bad..esp for the first time..great encouragement..hee..Thanks

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Hi, Welcome 2
Angel's Sketches Of Life.

Most of my dearest wonder why is Angeline creating another blog space..

Now my darlings...Its becuz many of you have been losing the keys I gave you for my private blog at Yahoo..

Thus..after much consideration..

I decided to come up with another blog (public one) which anyone can just access to it.

But...I will keep my private blog too..

Those who wants to know more of my personal private visit my private blog if you still keep the keys I gave you.

Keep reading...I will keep this sketches of Life sketch out bits of my life..for you.

.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.