In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
- Proverbs 16:9

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My new blog page

Hi..In case you guys who has been MIA for a while didn't notice..
I have started another page of sketches since my birthday on 9 May 2008.
Its call Dance with Sketches.
thus you might wanna go either direct to there by typing or you are always welcome to access thru clicking the link here.

Hope to see you real soon in my new page and continue our sketches of life there.


Friday, May 9, 2008

My New Blog

Hello dear...

As mentioned I am gonna start the new page of my blog on this special day, which is today, My Birthday.

A day of Joy and celebration...
A day to share my happiness with everyone I love so dearly...

Do join me in the new blog

I will keep this blog as it is..
but will write my new entries in the new blog page...

As the title of the new blog says... DANCE WITH SKETCHES...
after...sketching thru with me..all these Angel's sketchbook..
its time to dance with all the sketches in our life...
So join me in

Put on your dancing shoes..and let's dance ;)

"See u there!"

"Happy Birthday to Me!!!!"

Happy Birthday to me..Happy Birthday to me..Happy Birthday to me....Happy Birthday to me...


Finally my Sweet Birthday is here...

I just got disconnected 5 mins before my birthday..and was grumbling..oh I am gonna miss all my birthday wishes at 12 midnite...
Then my sister told me dun will have it..its God's present to you..
and as surely...

The internet managed to work again few mins before 12am..Phew..

Thank God for this wonderful present and the first who gave me the present I wanted and needed this moment..hahaha..

The first who wishes me on the dot (12am) is my new classmate sweet..thank u dear...

I am already filled with sweetness and blessings for this new beginning of my 34th birthday...hahaha..

Many asked me...Wah your birthday..seems like a Big Thing huh...
One of my classmate even ask if its my 21st birthday..hahaha...
I told Sandra the other day...yes to me my Birthday is a BIG THING. Its the celebration for another year of blessings ended and a new beginning of a brand new series..
I thank God for all His wonderful blessing throught this year...
Wonderful people..wonderful things...
Lessons to discover more about life and self-value..
The angels He gave me during this entire year..
The buddies I have...
My wonderful family....
My wonderful work........nowsadays......
all His providence that I have no lacking in any area.....

Thank You Father in Heaven :)
Thank you for loving me..that much...!!!

Pray that the Lord will continue to bless me in this entire year...

And most of all...thank God for having you guys here in my blog reading...encouraging...sharing your life with me...
Thanks for all your concern...
For all your concerns..makes me wants to live even better..........and happier...
cuz I know you care...

Thank U guys...

Loving you guys always,
Angeline (with sincere gratefulness).
May the Lord who blessed me...bless u and keep you thru-out your well..


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

John C Maxwell

As I am working on the 25% Promotion for John C. Maxwell, who is a very good author (just do a search on him and read about him), flipping thru books by him..and was captured by his many teachings...

Like to share a few here:

In the Book THINKING FOR A CHANGE -John C Maxwell
1. Everything begins with a thought. "Life consists of what a man is thinking about all day." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

2. What we think determines who we are. Who we are determines what we do. "The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts." - John Locke

3. Our thoughts determines our destiny. Our destiny determines our legacy. " You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you." James Allen

4. People who go to the top think differently than others. "Nothing limits achievements like small thinking; Nothing expands possibilities like unleashed thinking." - William Arthur Ward

5. We can change the way we think. " Whatever things are true..noble..just..pure..lovely...are of good reports, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praisworthy; think on these things." - Paul The Apostle.

"Nurture great thoughts, for you will never go higher than your thoughts." - Benjamin Disraeli.

What one thing do all successful people have in common? What one thing separates those who go to the top from those who never seem to get there? The answer: Good Thinking! Those who embrace good thinking as a lifestyle understand the relationship between their level of thinking and their level of progress. They also realise that to change their lives, they must change their thinking.

"One of the reasons people don't achieve their dreams is that they desire to change their result without changing their thinking."

"An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an invasion of ideas."- Victor Hugo

"Progress is often just a good idea away."

"A belief is not just an idea that you possess; it is an idea that possesses you."

Got inspired? Visit our store at PathseekersLtd - 17 New Bridge Road (opp clarke quay mrt). While stock lasted.

Road to freedom

Lights off, laptop power off... Lying in bed but couldn't sleep. Something's bothering me. But after asking myself why i felt so miserable keep blaming someone for what has happen. Finally got my answer. The heavy rock labelled PAST with has being tied to my feet weighs me down, holding me back each time i tried to move on. The only way to move on to my new Spring is to be willing to untie this rope which only i can do it. I need to let it go even tho i might feel something great and once secure is missing. That's the only way to pull myself out from that miserable why why why situation and be joyful again to approach the coming spring whenever that may be. From this moment on goodbye to those questions that binds me to that rope. I am letting myself loose to set both him and myself free. Goodbye to my past as i approach my new year of blessing. Thanks Lord for the past. And forgive for my sins. Everything happens for the good of those who love Him and He loves. Bible said christians are not excluded from suffering as we live in a sinful world. We must be careful not to suffer due to our sins but rather suffer for Christ's sake, then great is our reward in heaven. For Christ first suffered for us on that cross out of Love.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Way Back into Love

I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past
I just can't seem to move on

I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need them again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh

I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere

I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end

Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end

Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

Monday, May 5, 2008

Smell of the New Spring....

Just now as I was on my way back in the bus....Suddenly..I have this special feeling..that something good is gonna happen to me soon....
A smell of the coming Spring...

I was suddenly so looking forward and longing for the arrival of my new Spring.
The freshness brought in by the breeze of the Spring...

As I reached home, after my shower..Daddy came up to me asking if I have anyone special right now...I said nope...Still waiting for the right one to come.

He then proposed to tie a knot between me and someone I knew and admire since young.
Someone who is so near yet so far...
We knew each other since childhood...but never really get a chance to really talk..
probably becuz I am shy infront of this person I admire.

He is a very nice, caring and filiar guy for what I know. Good looking..Good heart..and best of all a christian.

I am excited..but din wanna make it too obvious..haha
just giggle..and told my dad, yes he is a nice guy...but dun make any of us embarrased...let nature take its course...There is nothing parents can do about it.
Ultimately..its us who make the choice.

You know...I used to tell my mum that I wish she could be like the korean mother's helping me to match make..Cuz Mothers have seen many things and know what is good and bad for their children and thus their recommendation is trustworthy.
People in the past married those people who they were match-made..and their marriage life last compared to present marriage.

Tho I may seems trendy..but..I am very marriage value..and believe that Woman's most precious 'thing' should reserve for her husband only.
Like what the bible teaches Marriage is Holy. The bed should be kept holy for marriage. Nowsadays people treat sex like sweets...and do not keep their boundaries.
No doubt there will be time of intimacy when we might be temptated to go overboard..
But let's keep our best for the wedding nite and make it a special one huh? much of 'sex-education' or dos and don't of the Bible...
but just remember..Bible only teaches for the goodwill of we human...who God loves dearly.

Nite everyone...

Not sure if the smell of Spring is for real...but who cares...this week is my birthday I am gonna stay pretty and happy.

cheers :)

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Ever eaten (Korean) Kim Chi Soup before?
Kim Chi soup is one of my favourite.

Today as I was pondering about something which bothers me...
I got a conclusion....
Hee..what has the conclusion got to do with Kim Chi Soup you must be wondering??? is my conclusion...

If I would to use something to describe me..esp in a relationship..
I would say...I am like Kim Chi Soup.
Kim Chi Soup has very bright and loud appearance...just like me...
It taste sweet, sour and spicy at the same time.
I remember one of my ex used to tell me...He love and hate me at the same time..hee..
That's where Kim Chim Soup comes into pic.
I personally love Kim Chi Soup alot..The bright red colours makes it look very appetitizing..(Red as I often mention: is a colour for Food (other than love & passion). It gives people the urge to eat. So is yellow. But Red has stronger power in that sense. Thus looking around can easily notice that all restaurant and foodcentres uses Red & Yellow if not orange. Just look at Mcdonalds, Burger Kings etc..Look at their logos and interior design and everything relating to it. Well..I study that during my Graphic design diploma. So dun use red in your kitchen if you dun wanna put on extra pounds. Hee..)

Okie back to where I was.
Becuz of the Sweet, Sour and Spicy taste...There are two groups of people..
One who loves it like me..Or One who hates it.
People who has weak stomach or gastric will tends to avoid it.
However, there are people like me..who has weak gastric..yet cannot resist the wonderful taste of it will still eats it wherever my gastric is doing fine on that day.

Some people who took the first sip fell in love with it. Some people after the first sip couldn't withstand the combination and give up eating it.

Noticed that Kim Chi Soup always goes with plain rice?
That's becuz the soup itself has very strong favour.
Only when it goes with plain rice, can one taste the excitement of that unique taste.

With the Kim Chi Soup Character, I can only match and goes well with a plain rice character, meaning one who is patient to discover and brings out the unique taste of the soup. One who will not fight against the taste of the soup.
Likewise, the Kim Chi Soup brings out the simple sweetness in the plain rice, making it more enjoyable to eat the plain rice.

Did you ever notice how Korean eats their Rice?
They will GULP it down..(HUGE MOUTHFUL)..Each time I watch them eat in the Korean series...They made me feel hungry..

- to eat or drink food or liquid quickly by swallowing it in large amounts, or to make a swallowing movement because of fear, surprise or excitement:

Do we chinese Gulp our rice? Seldom.

Both me and my ex have Kim Chim Character...thus we were either very loving and sticky to each other or we were fight with each other...loving and hating each other at the same time...hee...

This is just some interesting illustration which I used to relate ourselves to the details of our life. Life is interesting...
We learn lessons from everything and everywhere.
This is just a lesson I learned from Kim Chim Soup.

Now what food will you describe yourself as? Take a min and ponder about it..making your life more interesting...
Food is not just meant to be eaten...
Squeeze some of your creative juice and see what you get out of that.

Oh I missed the Kim Chi Soup in Melbourne Sandra...hahaha...

Now...I feel hungry again...hee...

Friday, May 2, 2008

2 Left Feet....

Ever find yourself in a 2 left feet situation?

The more you are afraid to step on your partner's feet in a dance, the more you tend to step on his/her feet.
The more we worry about the dance movement, the more we would 'ka lang ka bo'...
Its really scary feeling. Not only does it cause anxiety but frustration.

This feeling is like "I must dance properly and get it right this time.." however... the more awareness and pressure you put on yourself..the more likely your 2 left feet will show up!!!

I vented my frustration a 2 left feet situation...
Me being a known-to-be patient person..actually over-reacted.

This kind of frustration reminds me of how bad a driver I was many years back.
Often in the past, when I drove my car into the carpark near my place..I would find myself ended up going up the curb as I try to avoid hitting the other car coming from the other direction at the very narrow turning point.

My worst dream was driving up sharp narrow spirals to go up the carpark...
A little more to the left or right, your car will end up kissing the wall...
Phew....this really causes anxiety and frustration...

In a 2 left feet situation is like-wise.
I was frustrated becuz I really cannot understand why a 'sweet mango can turn sour'.
Mango suppose to be sour in the beginning and sweet when ripe.
How can things which taste so sweet in the beginning will end up being so sour.
This really makes me upset.
I believe communication is the Key. But communication needs time and its a two-way 'thingy'. It can't work when only one side is willing. It takes two hands to clap.

The only thing I can say is, like what Max Weber believe..Individual always interpret the meaning of their own behavior and act according to these interpretations.

(We often reacts to how we interprete certain things we see which most of the time isn't right.)

He believed that Sociology must adopt Verstehen-empathetic understanding the subjects. By putting yourself into another's shoes or situation, then can we gain understanding.

Now Angie here believe that True friendship is like pure gold..its can withstand the test of fire.My bestfriend and I thot we hardly have time for each other nowadays..but our friendship can withstand fire. We know each other so well that most of the time, we know what each other is thinking and how each other will react without even verbal communication.Tho there are times we had our 'angel & half-devil' fight but after that we reconcile, cuz we know and respect our difference. And we stand up for each other even when the whole world doubted us.
This is what Friends are for.

The key to it is TRUST.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Insomia Bug

Remember I wrote in my blog last nite that I am very tired and wanna go to sleep..
Thereafter I off the light..tuck myself in bed...telling myself...I am very tired and I wanna sleep...

However, there came Mr Insomia Bug which keeps me awake the entire nite again till I realised its morning again..
Ring.................goes my alarm.........(7.30am)
Ring...................goes my 2nd alarm............(7.45am)
Ring......................there goes my 3rd alarm..........(8am)
Boy oh Boy..there goes my sleep.............
told myself...okie...just take a little nap....before I pull myself off bed......
A little shut of my eyes............Mr Minute hand ran so fast...Its 8.25am.........Can't sleep anymore...or I will be late and get myself into trouble again....Yes its not easy esp to be under Woman superior...

I told my classmate just now that Woman superior in fact will treat guys better than today's topic is on Gender & Race...
The men disagree but my lady classmate agreed.
I said that from a woman's perspective.
I told the guys you guys might think that lady superior is hard and very difficult to work under....but seriously....lady superior overall still treat guys better than ladies in the same matter how bad you think she is treating you (man).

When lecturer many likes to work under a lady boss or superior...No one raise the hand...cuz everyone has bad experience....

I told my classmate...if I am gonna be a boss....I will not treat my staff that way...cuz I don't like to be treated that way. I am confident in that area...based on how I patiently share my knowledge with all those new staff in my present company and my ex-companies. I believe that if you becomes a people person....staff under you will be willing to work even harder for you and try to make things right for you as esp when they know you cares for them and want the best for them.

Even my printers who help me with my printing...know that I am a very nice person or working partner esp if they were to take printing jobs from me after I design certain products.....

I always tell them.....I have confidence in you guys...(giving them the trust and confidence).

& even if things didn't turn out as good as I want...(which I will feel dissapointed).....the most I will make it known to them and tell them the area which they can improve for the next round. Unless its really very bad..then they will have to do something...which they will always do something about it..cuz they won't want to get me into any trouble...

By doing so...people treat you as their friends and they are willing to make sure they will do a better job for you the next time round.

This is something which I learnt from the Bible. Love others as yourself. And do to others what you would want them do unto you. So if I expect others to treat me nice and teach me patiently....tell me patiently...knowing only if people teach me patiently and clearly can I learnt better and faster...likewise...I will do this to others.

I have bad experience (treatment) with my primary school teacher...
I was 'mistreat' by her...and very hurt......
Thus from that experience...I told myself......I will never be a teacher like her. If I were to be a teacher...I will be a patient, caring and loving teacher. Which is what I lived up to since I started teaching......since ten over years it in Church or Child care. Of cuz there are times I might lost a little control...but..never too much...thus..I am still well-like by all my students..hee.
Cuz they know I truly love them.

Even the 'naughtiest' boy in the school whom I used to give tuition to.......
The parents and school think he is hopeless...........
He actually changed and improved after I gave him tuition....
Tho he only managed to pass his subjects.....but what is more important is......
From a boy who was asked to see his parents everyday by the school....
one who cheat and even change his exam result in school..........
He became a gentle....understanding boy...
I remember..when I decided to stop giving him tuition..back then....he wrote me a note which even tho it was many years back.....I can remember roughly. It touches my heart sooo sooo much.

He wrote in that paper (I think I mentioned in my blog before)..
"Teacher Angie, I like you. You never scold me or beat me when I am naughty or bad. You only explain to me and ask me to pray to Jesus. Can you stay and teach me? Yes or No. Pls circle it."
He was Primary 4 back then.

You must have did I stay? Nope I didn't. Cuz I think he has already improved in his character which is the most important. Now he needs someone to help him to improve more in his grades.
His parents were very grateful to me...and brought him to my workplace to visit me every now and then.

Its not me who has changed him. Its Jesus our Lord who changed this boy who everyone think he is hopeless. With Jesus and the love of God, the 'hopeless' become hopeful. What I did was only to share the words and love of God to him.
Help him to figure out an easier way to understand and improve his English & Math...and other subjects too.

I told his parents(non christian)...only Jesus our God can change your son. Let me bring him to my church and teach his bible stories..and see how God will change your son.
And they let me do it..becuz they know that there is really nothing else they can do to this mischievous son.

Thus everything in this life happens for a reason. Esp things which seens to be bad at a certain time..and which we could not understand why.
Remember...everything is in the perfect will of God. He works in way we cannot see..for the good of those who love Him and He loves. your heart and take up your courage to experience the most out of this life. Do your sketches and discover the beauty of this life.

God bless.


.......................MORE ABOUT ME................................

Wanna know more abt me??? Let's see...
I'm mostly Rachel
You are a dreamer, have a really good heart and are a lot smarter than people think you are! Being one of the most attractive people in your social circle makes you very popular with the opposite sex and you have no problem getting dates. You may have been spoiled as a rich kid, but the real world has taught you independence and responsibility. Plus you have an amazing sense of style and you are cool and sexy; but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to appreciate what’s truly important in life-because you do.
I also have some Ross in me
You're the smartest person in your social circle, and have big goals in life. You may have a little trouble getting dates with attractive members of the opposite sex, but you are very passionate about your partner. You often feel insecure in a relationship and most of your relations end awkwardly. Some people may think you are a little dull and too practical, but you are just being a responsible and mature person. When you feel like it, you can certainly take the stick out of your butt and have a great time.